"I just regret it!"


"There is one!"

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow Woo-"

What a miserable man.

But Lin Qiong didn't care, he just wanted to continue having fun.

"Hey, maybe we can also decorate some precious potted plants?" Lin Qiong shook his head and said: "Oh, by the way, I heard that there are maze corals and maze pearls on the 25th floor of the dungeon. Although they are very expensive, they can be used to decorate the pond. If so, it will definitely be beautiful, right?"

"Uh oh oh-"

Jian Yulei covered his chest and rolled on the chair in pain, then fell off the chair without noticing, and then lay on the ground with regret like a defeated dog.

"Don't, don't say it, my heart hurts—"

When he thought about losing his big yard, hot springs, ponds, and corals due to his carelessness, he had a distressed urge to roll on the ground.

"My lord, don't be like this, don't be like this..."

Lin Qiong pulled Jian Yulei up from the ground, dumbfounded, and said, "Isn't it just to make money! Hey, how simple is this?"

"Huh?" Jian Yulei raised his head and looked at Lin Qiong with a look of "sit up in shock in a dying illness", and said excitedly, "Do you have other ways to make money?"


Lin Qiong showed a proud expression, he raised a finger, and said with a smile on his face, "How many kinds of snacks do you think Olali has?"

"Uh..." Jian Yulei lowered his head subconsciously, counted with his fingers, and murmured: "Crepe, croquette, fried chicken, cotton candy... Wait, do you mean..."

Looking at Jian Yulei's expression, Lin Qiong couldn't help but winked at him, and said, "Hmm--guess, my Erina can improve the recipe of fried potato balls, can he improve the recipes of other snacks? "


Jian Yulei swallowed a mouthful of saliva, but then he reacted, and then closed his eyes and started talking to himself: "Jian Yulei, Jian Yulei, you are a god, have you forgotten that money is something outside of you? ? Don't act like this, be calm, be calm, be..."

At this moment, Lin Qiong's faint voice rang in his ears, and it was a fucking surround sound: "Big yard, big mansion, front pond, raising koi, putting coral, embellishing pearls, rear rockery, repairing potted plants , the whole hot spring is beautiful..."

Jian Yulei's voice stopped.

"you do this delibrately."


"Actually admitted!"


Jianyu Leisheng sat on the chair without love, and murmured: "I shouldn't be like this, me, how can I be so money-obsessed..."

Seeing Jian Yulei's reaction at this time, Lin Qiong couldn't help being happy—Jian Yulei shouldn't be so greedy for money, but Lin Qiong's every word perfectly hit the weakness in his heart!

Just like a special photography enthusiast——

If you tell him: "If you make a lot of money, you can buy a car, a house, an airplane, the top-notch computer, play with the wildest women, drink the most expensive wine, and eat the most expensive dinner!"

He would roll his eyes to show that I don't care.

If you tell him: "If you make a lot of money, you can buy all the accessories of Kamen Rider and Ultraman, and you can also customize the top leather case!"

He would show a shaken expression, and then start thinking.

If you tell him: "You can even buy two houses opposite, 101 is dedicated to Kamen Rider's surroundings, and 102 is dedicated to Ultraman's surroundings!"

He will be powerless to resist, and then obediently shed tears of humiliation.

At this time, Jian Yulei was hit by Lin Qiong's weakness——

He would like to raise a pond of koi, and then decorate the pond with magnificent coral and pearls!

He would like to soak in the open-air hot spring, and then drink delicious wine while looking at the endless starry sky!

He would like to repair expensive potted plants, and then listen to the knocking sound of Lu Yinzi in his ears!

"Ah, damn it! You did it on purpose, absolutely on purpose!" Jian Yulei held his head in his hands and said with tears streaming down his face: "You are whispering from the devil!"

"Hahaha, who made you show your buttocks?" Lin Qiong let out a nasty laugh. He leaned over and put his arm around Jian Yulei's shoulders, and said with a smile, "What should I say? Are you feeling excited?"


Jian Yulei made a humiliating sound, and he nodded with difficulty.

There was no way, the things Lin Qiong mentioned were so fragrant that he couldn't find them anymore.

"Don't worry! We will definitely bring you to make money together!" Lin Qiong patted Jian Yulei's shoulder with a smile, and said, "We are good brothers, right Brother Jian?"

Now that he has accepted his weakness, Jian Yulei is invincible at this time!

He nodded vigorously, then hugged Lin Qiong's shoulders and said enthusiastically: "You are my good brother!"

The young lady outside the court couldn't help but twitched the corner of her mouth.

Are all the gods in this world like this?You have been lied to!



After getting rid of Jian Yulei, Lin Qiong started his own training again, and everyone else in Ola Li was also going about their own lives——

Hephaestus was in his workshop at this time, sweating profusely, knocking on the dragon teeth and claws on the iron felt, preparing to forge the lady's sword;

Alysia and the others are on the No.18 floor of the dungeon, inquiring about the traces of the Rudra Familia from other adventurers;

Astoria is wandering around in Olalie, to see if there is anyone who needs help;

Members of the Loki family are practicing in the dungeon, trying to improve their level.

This extremely calm daily life is like the last calm before the storm.

Chapter 0180 The Birth of Disaster


Accompanied by a burst of dazzling thunder, followed by thunder that resounded through the sky and made the air tremble.

The bean-sized raindrops hit the windows mercilessly, making one wonder whether the torrential rain wanted to use this to wash away the sins of the labyrinth city Orario.

Listening to the sound of rain outside the window, Lin Qiong yawned lazily, and said, "I don't know why, but I always feel sleepy when it rains."

Lying on the lazy sofa, the eldest lady who was watching the story of the world's heroes raised her head, glanced out the window of lightning and thunder, and praised: "Under this environment, you can actually feel sleepy?"

The secretary nodded, and said with a smack of tongue: "If this movement is placed in our world, it will definitely be to the extent that all the cars go off after a thunderstorm."

Yoyo also nodded weakly, and said in a low voice, "B, it's bigger than the thunderstorm I created last time."

Hearing Yoyo's words, Lin Qiong and the eldest lady immediately turned to her like - the thunderstorm she created last time?Isn't that the time when Lin Qiong didn't get cold?


After noticing the gaze of the two, Yoyo looked away with some guilt, then touched the wind speed dog beside him, pretending to be "only pawing the wind speed dog, but not listening to Lin Qiong's stare".

Lin Qiong shook his head helplessly, then withdrew his gaze, looked at the rainy day outside the window again, and said: "I just said that the sound of rain makes me sleepy, how can I fall asleep with such loud thunder ? I’m afraid I was frightened when I first felt drowsy—tsk, who is Thor? Did you pinch mom, did you deliberately find trouble?”

The secretary pondered for a few seconds and said, "Master, as far as I know, Zeus seems to have the status of the God of Thunder and Lightning."

Lin Qiong was shocked, and said, "Grass, could it be Zeus, that old and unrefined man who was eating goats in the mountain village, and then got excited and caused the weather to change dramatically?"

(Zeus: He is slandering me, he is slandering me! My divine power is sealed, so I can’t affect the weather at all, okay?)

The eldest lady said with a dark face, "Even Zeus wouldn't do such a thing, would he?"

"Miss, if it's Zeus, maybe it's really possible..." The secretary twitched the corner of his mouth and said with a complicated face: "After all, it's that Zeus!"

Missy: Σ( ° △ °|||)

Just when the eldest lady was so shocked that she couldn't be more shocked, there was a knock on the door of the room with the sound of "da da da" footsteps.

"Supreme, Violet is here to report."

"?" x4

Lin Qiong and the others looked at each other, and then said, "Come in! What's the matter?"

Violet opened the door and walked in, and then said quickly: "According to the news from the mechanical scouts, Alishe and the others have found traces of the Rudra family and are tracking them deep into the underground city. Now it has penetrated twenty floors."


Hearing this news, Lin Qiong stood up quickly, and said without hesitation: "Call all the guardians, let's catch up!"

Lin Qiong didn't dare to bet that today was a tentative pursuit of Rudra's family, but the day when the "disaster event" really happened.


Violet nodded, she quickly raised her right hand to touch her temple, and then used the magic "reading words" developed by Yoyo based on the message function in the game to contact other guardians.




lower level.

After a burst of deafening explosions that shook all the nearby floors, the interior of the dungeon seemed to have fallen into a landslide, with broken stones and dust everywhere.


The next moment, accompanied by the sound of spitting, Alishe pushed the stone away from her body with her hands, then stood up while rubbing her hit abdomen, and shouted to the surroundings: "Is everyone okay?"


On the other side, Kaguya clambered up from the ruins while flapping his hands, and said, "Although I'm not as strong as your orangutan gorilla, a trap of this level can't help me."

"I feel the same—"

"Hahaha, Miss Huiye's mouth is still so poisonous—"

"The guys from the Rudra family are too exaggerated——"

Accompanied by the complaints of the companions, one girl after another climbed up from the ruins - there were eleven figures in total, and not one of them was missing.

"But... Damn!"

At this time, accompanied by a curse, a young man with a gloomy face was looking angrily at Alyse and the others who had reunited, and said, "It's okay to be alone! You stinky bitches..."

In order to wipe out all the members of Astria's family, he and his companions buried a large number of flame stones nearby, and detonated them as soon as they stepped into the encirclement, but unexpectedly, the experienced adventurers The reaction speed was too fast, and the shield was opened in an instant to defend and evacuate, so no one was lost.


Alyse raised the long knife in her hand, pointed the tip at the man in front of her, and said disdainfully, "Ja Luo, is that all you want to talk about? Call your companion out."


Jialuo snorted coldly with unfriendly eyes, he untied a long whip from his waist, and said through gritted teeth: "Oh, the Nolie Astoria family!! Today is your death day koraaaaa——"

His name is Jala Harma, his race is human, his identity is one of the cadres of the Rudra clan, and his profession is a beast tamer - a profession that can tame the monsters in the dungeon into his helpers. , in the original work, the monster festival held every year by the Ganesha Familia is arranged for adventurers with the beast tamer profession to capture it!

"Ah lah——" Kaguya covered his mouth with a slightly dusty sleeve, and then said in an unabashedly mocking tone: "It's really a good tongue, it fits your identity as a little gangster! -"

"You bitch..."

Jia Luo looked at the members of the Astria family in front of him with red eyes, and then said with a ferocious expression: "Don't think that this is the end of the matter, I..."

Before he could finish his words, an unprecedented coldness surged into his heart - this was a reminder from the adventurer's foreknowledge of danger, and his instinct was frantically reporting something to him.

Something very scary is coming.


Not only Jia Luo, but Alyse and the others in front of him also felt trembling all over. They subconsciously formed a circular formation, guarding their surroundings back to back.

"what happened?"

Nitz's tone of the orc clan was extremely impatient, her tail wagged restlessly, and she said a little irritably, "Is the guy from the Rudra family playing some tricks again?!"

"Calm down, Nitz!" Laila said in a low voice, holding her weapon in both hands, "Look at Jalo, he didn't make this now—"

So who did it? ?

It seemed that this feeling was too penetrating, so that the members of the Rudra family who had been hiding did not care to continue to hide themselves, and ran out from their hiding places one after another, holding weapons in their hands, and staring at the surroundings in a panic.

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