Luo: "This is too cool, isn't it?"

Leona: "That's good! This plan is great!"

Diana: "I want to be educated by the Supreme—"


Lin Qiong covered his face. He now somewhat understood the shameful mood the Bone King felt when the guardians surrounded him and praised him - Damn it, I can't stand it either!

Chapter 0178 New Weapon

In the next few days, Lin Qiong's team's daily life became extremely regular.

In the morning, the eldest lady followed Astoria for training, and in the afternoon, the team members went underground to wipe out the autumn wind, and in the evening, Lin Qiong followed Jian Yulei for training.

Of course, Lin Qiong and others will also pay attention to the movements of the Astralia family members when they eat every day - for example, what missions were performed today, or what information was obtained, etc.

It's a pity that Lin Qiong hasn't heard any news about the Rudra family for the time being—it seems that there is still a period of time before the Astria family is wiped out by the "disaster event" caused by the Rudra family. time.

Just like that, in the blink of an eye, a week had passed since Lin Qiong came to Orario.



Family of Hephaestus.

God's office.

"Oh——" Lin Qiong looked at the dark gauntlet in front of him with bright eyes, and suddenly rubbed his hands with flies, and said, "As expected of Hephaestus, the craftsman god! Too strong!"

The eldest lady, the secretary and Yoyo also came to the table curiously, looking at the pair of arm armors placed on the shelf - the length and size were all tailored according to Lin Qiong's arms, the bottom The color is deep black with golden patterns on it.

"It's indeed the material that fell from the Dragon King of another world." Hephaestus moved his shoulders, with a sense of satisfaction on his face, and said, "Put it on and try it-this is one of my rare masterpieces. .”

Of course, the proud work here refers to the work forged by a "mortal" body - but this is exactly what Lin Qiong wants. After all, if Hephaestus unlocks the limitations of divine power and forges him a If he took the artifact, he might not be able to take it away through the world-transmitting gate.

World Passing Gate: You can use equipment, but you cannot rely on equipment!veto!

The eldest lady also urged: "Put it on quickly and see how it works."

The secretary also looked curious: "I also want to see the effect of the upper body."

Youyou nodded silently, looking at the gauntlets on the table with big eyes.

"it is good!"

Lin Qiong nodded, he reached out and picked up a gauntlet, looked it up and down, and put it on his arm.

"The inside of the gauntlet is made of dragon skin. The soft but extremely tough dragon skin can effectively prevent discomfort caused by friction between the external armor and skin."

"The joint part uses a multi-layer closed structure, which avoids embarrassing things that cause the joint to be stuck due to foreign objects,"

"In addition to the armor of the fist part, there is also a defensive layer of dragon scales on the upper and outer sides of the arms-this is based on your requirements, allowing you to use your arms to block the enemy's attack."

"And the protrusions around the fist peak and the fingertips are all processed with dragon claws."

"how do you feel?"

After Lin Qiong put another gauntlet on his arm, he clenched his fist vigorously. Hearing the "clang-clang--" sound made by the collision of the gauntlets, he couldn't help showing a happy expression, and said : "As expected of a goddess, the tactile feedback is great, and the dragon skin inside will fit automatically, without any discomfort."

"Of course." Hephaestus puffed up his chest with a little pride, and said, "Considering that the human body will change slightly, I engraved runes on the inside of the dragon skin and the gauntlet. , you can make subtle changes to match the shape of your hand—but this change is not a panacea, if you feel that the hand armor is not suitable for you one day, remember to come to me for modification immediately."

"no problem!"

Lin Qiong nodded, then swung two punches a little harder, and said with satisfaction: "Very good, the punches are also very smooth!"

Hephaestus smiled and said: "In addition, according to your request, the characteristic of this gauntlet is durability-it is very hard, very hard, and I also added the non-destructive attribute to it!"

However, in comparison, the maintenance cost of this set of gauntlets is also an astronomical figure - in the original work, the maintenance cost of Aisi's rapier in the Gu Bonniu family is 4000 million mana, and the maintenance cost of Lin Qiong's gauntlet is Several times of it.

"It's not a big problem." Lin Qiong doesn't care much about maintenance costs. After all, the earning power of adventurers in the Earth Encounter World is often directly proportional to their strength-new adventurers may work hard for a day and only earn thousands of fare, but The labyrinth coral and labyrinth pearls obtained by powerful adventurers on the 25th floor can be sold for more than 300 million Farley.

With Lin Qiong's strength, it is not difficult to make tens of millions or hundreds of millions of mana at a time by going to the fifty or sixty floors casually, taking back the rare materials dropped by monsters and selling them.

Seeing Lin Qiong's satisfied appearance, the corners of Hephaestus' mouth slightly curled up, and said, "It seems that you are satisfied with my work?"

Lin Qiong nodded and said, "Satisfied! Very satisfied, I couldn't be more satisfied!"

"Then go back quickly!" Hephaestus saw that the "both parties' praise" had been achieved, and began to drive people away mercilessly, "Next, I have to build other people's equipment! Don't waste my time Already!"

"Okay, okay, let's go now..." Lin Qiong wore gauntlets on both hands, like a child who got a new toy, and he was so happy that he didn't want to take it off, "Goddess, come on! Come on, come on! Come on! "

"Climb quickly—"




On the way back to the Astralia Familia, Lin Qiong was still fondly playing with the gauntlet in his hand - the last time he did this, he bought MSI's Super Dragon 3080ti at the first launch and happily touched it all afternoon before installing it.

The secretary leaned close to the eldest lady's ear, and couldn't help but said, "Miss, the young master is like a child who bought a new toy now."

The eldest lady also nodded with a smile on her face and said: "After all, it is a tailor-made weapon - boys should like this kind of thing, right?"

Lin Qiong, who heard the conversation between the two, came over, and said solemnly: "Isn't it? You don't know, do you? When boys were young—probably before the, fourth grade! If you picked up on the road A straight branch with no forks, and you're the prettiest kid among your friends!"

Youyou asked puzzledly: "Qionisang, why is this?"

Lin Qiong frowned at Yoyo, and said, "Of course it's because you got a magic sword—hey, think about it, it's a straight branch without forks, understand?"

The eldest lady, the secretary and Yoyo shook their heads at the same time—sorry, we really don't understand.

"Oh fine."

Lin Qiong shrugged his shoulders, and then said with some distress: "I suddenly discovered a shortcoming of this gauntlet."

"Huh?" x3

"Wearing it makes it impossible to hold the back of your head with both hands!" Lin Qiong saw the sharp fragments of dragon claws on his fingertips, couldn't help baring his teeth, and said, "I feel like I'm going to scratch my head."

The eldest lady patted Lin Qiong on the back angrily, and said, "Idiot Qiong, don't dry your teeth!"

Lin Qiong nodded honestly and said, "Oh——"



"Yo, are you back?"

Astralia looked at the gauntlet equipped on Lin Qiong's hand, raised her eyebrows and said, "Did you even choose the gauntlet as a weapon?"

"Of course!" Lin Qiong confidently punched twice, and then said confidently: "A real man is only when he punches to the flesh! Handsome, right?"

Astoria looked at the gauntlet on Lin Qiong's hand, then nodded, and said, "As expected of Hephaestus' skills, the appearance is indeed very handsome."


Lin Qiong hesitated for a few seconds. He looked at Astoria, feeling hesitant to speak—that is, is there a possibility that I asked whether I am handsome, not arms……

Forget it, when I didn't ask.

"Speaking of which, why didn't you see Alyse and the others?" Lin Qiong asked strangely with his left hand on his hip.

"Alysia and the others recently found a big fish, and they are grabbing each other's tail." Astoria had a happy expression on her face, and said, "If there is no accident, it should be Ola this time." One of the masterminds of Li's turmoil - if it can be completely wiped out, Ola Li should be able to settle down in the next period of time."


Hearing this news, Lin Qiong and others looked at each other, and then Lin Qiong said: "That's it! Then I wish you catch each other as soon as possible——ah, by the way, if you need help, please feel free to ask. "

Astoria smiled and said, "Don't worry, if there is a need..."

Although she said so, Lin Qiong knew very well that this person would never involve them, "unrelated persons", in the duty of "maintaining justice" - Astraea safeguarded justice because of her duty, Ah The Stelia family members uphold justice because they share the same goals, so they all feel that they have nothing to do with outsiders.



Astoria family.

Small bungalow.

living room.

"If nothing else happens..."

Lin Qiong held his gauntlet with both hands, sat on the sofa, and said seriously: "If nothing else happens, the 'big fish' that Astria is talking about should be the Rudra family."

Rudra itself is a "double-faced god" from Indian mythology. He not only harms people and animals with the loss of a thunderbolt, but also conducts an extremely tyrannical rule. He is also good at curing diseases and has thousands of herbs. A member of the dark faction who killed Astoria could come up with a poison against Orario's most popular antidote.

'He's not going to sleep with this thing in his arms, is he? The eldest lady glanced at Lin Qiong and asked, "In other words, a 'disaster' is about to happen?"

"It should be around this time." The secretary nodded and said, "However, the exact time is not sure. If it is soon, it may be a few days, if it is slow, it may take a month."

Lin Qiong looked at Violet and said, "Violet, I will trouble you to arrange mechanical scouts to follow them during this time. Once you find that Alyse and the others have entered the dungeon below the eighteenth floor, we will Contact us now!"

Violet nodded lightly and said, "Understood."

Chapter 0179 The Devil's Whisper

After learning about the friction between the Astria family and the Rudra family, Violet will send out mechanical scouts (in Lin Qiong) as long as Alyse and the others are not in the Astria family's residence. It was replaced by the ladybug version under the strong suggestion of ) to follow them.

However, according to the information fed back by the mechanical scouts, Alysia and the others are still in the "tracking" stage, and have not had a direct full-scale conflict with the Rudra family.

However, even if it was just like this, with the increase in the number of small-scale conflicts between the two sides, there was a feeling of storms in the whole of Olali, and Jian Yulei, who came here every day to teach Lin Qiong martial arts, complained to Lin Qiong more than once.

"Hey, the number of customers has decreased, and business is not easy to do." During the intermission of training, Jian Yulei sat on the sidelines, drinking iced drinks, and said with a depressed face: "Really, those dark faction Guys, it's starting to make trouble again."

"Ann, they won't be dancing for long." Lin Qiong waved his hands, he leaned back on the chair leisurely, and said, "Alyse and the others are very active after all—"

is not that right?

There is one thing to say, the same "police", Alyse and the others' work efficiency and work attitude, Batman couldn't help crying when he saw it, and then he thought that if there were such police in Gotham City, "alley police" would happen again. Six legs in and two legs out" tragedy?

That must be impossible!

"Indeed! Alas, Astoria's family is very reliable!" Jian Yulei nodded cheerfully and said, "Thanks to them, Olalie was able to restore order in such a short period of time."

It has not been more than two months since the dark faction caused more than [-] gods to be sent back to the heavens, and now there is only one Rudra family who is making troubles. It has not been more than two months since Lin Qiong came months)——The Astria Familia is indeed very active, amazing!

Lin Qiong rubbed the fairy Ibrahimovic lying on Rua's lap, and asked, "Speaking of which, brother Jian is the big boss now?"

Jian Yulei nodded with embarrassment but also complacency, and said, "I have cooperated with the owner of the fried potato ball stand. I joined the team based on the recipe and got 30% of the share."

"30%? It feels like a loss—"

Lin Qiong touched his chin and said: "The new potato balls improved with Erina's cooking skills will definitely monopolize Orario's potato ball industry. You can't take 50% too much."

Jian Yulei waved his hand and said, "Don't be too greedy, money is enough, it's enough—"

"That's true—"

Lin Qiong nodded, then put his hands on Ibrahimovic's head, let out a long breath, and said, "It's just that if you earn more money, you might be able to transform the bathroom in your new house into a large bathhouse. Every day enjoying the bath—"

Jian Yulei froze when he drank his drink.

Lin Qiong gracefully stretched out his right hand to take a sip of the drink, and then continued to sigh with emotion: "If there is more money, maybe the small courtyard will become a large courtyard. In addition to the bathhouse, you can also enjoy it in the backyard. A private open-air hot spring is much more comfortable than a bath—"

Jian Yulei slowly put down the hand holding the drink.

Lin Qiong put the drink back on the table calmly, pinched Ibrahimovic's ear lightly, and said, "If the money is a little more, maybe we can dig a big pond in the front yard and raise some expensive ones." Koi, when the time comes, while the wind is blowing, while listening to Lu Yinzi’s voice, throw a handful of bait—”

Jian Yulei's expression gradually became serious.

Lin Qiong adjusted his sitting posture, then happily buried his face in Ibrahimovic's stomach and took a breath, and said, "If there is more money, maybe we can buy a lot of precious things for the newcomers of the family when they go out on a daily basis." Potions and props, as well as high-grade equipment, improve their safety in the dungeon."

Jian Yulei's expression gradually became painful.

Lin Qiong scratched Ibrahimovic's chin, then looked at her cute appearance, couldn't help but smiled, and said: "If the money is more, maybe..."


Jian Yulei finally couldn't hold back any longer. He held his head with both hands and said, "If you don't listen, don't listen, you bastard chant the scriptures! Oh Norelin Qiong! You mess with my Dao heart!"

Lin Qiong showed the same innocent smile as Melody, and said, "You regret it!"


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