At the beginning, Jian Yulei thought that Lin Qiong's previous masters were only good at laying the foundation. Otherwise, why would Lin Qiong be left unskilled?But when he learned about Lin Qiong's "ambition", he understood what the master was thinking - if Lin Qiong was allowed to dabble too much in the essence of a certain martial arts, it would leave a gap for Lin Qiong, who was still a novice in martial arts. Makes an overly deep impression, thereby affecting his own style.

The best way is to be knowledgeable but not master first, and then wait until Lin Qiong has figured out his own style in battle, then study the martial arts of other schools in detail, and then adjust according to his own martial arts style.

"it is good!"

After resting for a while, Jian Yulei stood up with his hands on his knees and said, "I probably already understand your current situation, and the next training will become very difficult!"

Lin Qiong quickly got into position and said loudly: "Yes -"


Jian Yulei moved his muscles and bones while saying: "I will attack you in a targeted manner later. You have to fight while further integrating the various martial arts skills you have learned before."

Lin Qiong nodded to express his understanding, and then stared seriously at Jian Yulei in front of him, not wanting to be distracted by talking.


The smile on Jian Yulei's face quickly faded, he stared at Lin Qiong in front of him calmly, and said, "I'm on it!"

Let go!

For the first time, Jian Yulei with his hands outstretched took the initiative to rush towards Lin Qiong, but Lin Qiong did not choose to take the initiative to attack, but tensed up, ready to defend.


Unpretentious straight right punch!

Jian Yulei's movements are very standard, and even have a dynamic beauty - they can be photographed and used as examples to hang on the wall of the martial arts studio.

Facing such an unpretentious attack, Lin Qiong used the simplest way of raising his hand to block - instead of putting his arm in front of Jian Yulei's fist, he hit the inside of Jian Yulei's wrist with the back of his hand, and then In this way, Jian Yulei's attack was "blocked to the side".

Facing Lin Qiong's defense, Jian Yulei lightly stepped on the ground with his right foot, then retracted his arm at an incredible speed, and replaced it with a powerful whip leg, which directly hit Lin Qiong's side. , causing him to roll out.


Lin Qiong got up from the ground in disgrace, then looked at Jian Yulei who was still kicking sideways with a look of astonishment on his face, and said with a twitching corner of his mouth: "Isn't it right, Sir Jian, is this also a fake move?"

Obviously, Jianyu Lei's simple and graceful right straight punch just now was a fake move... No, it should be said that if Lin Qiong did not block the punch, but prepared to block the kick in advance, Jianyu Lei Lei definitely didn't mind turning fiction into reality and putting this punch on his eye socket.

Jian Yulei smiled, and said softly, "Well, why not? As the training progresses, I will use more and more feints, feints, or tricks—"


Lin Qiong rubbed his face and said, "Come again!"

'That's right! Jian Yulei showed a pleased smile, "The easiest and fastest way to practice martial arts..."

Just being beaten!

Chapter 0177 suddenly understand the bone king

After the two-hour training from seven to nine in the evening, Lin Qiong was not very tired. He still had enough energy to continue training alone in the center of the training ground against an imaginary enemy, but A certain Martial God was very tired.


Jian Yulei sat on the chair on the sidelines panting heavily. Astraea said in a dumbfounded voice: "Jian, are you trying too hard?"

"No, there is no way." Jian Yulei waved his hand, and said helplessly, "That guy's foundation is great, so he accidentally took it a little seriously."

Astralia shook her head and said, "I see, you are just happy to see the hunter."

Jian Yulei chuckled and said, "Don't just talk about me! I heard from the little girls that you also competed with that girl who is particularly good at cooking this morning - how did it feel?"

"Haha, she is an outstanding little girl." Astraea smiled and said, "In terms of skills, I don't think even the Sword Princess of the Loki Familia can compare to her."

"That swordswoman?" Jian Yulei raised his eyebrows and said, "I remember she is the current world record holder, right?"

Astelia nodded and said, "It took a year to upgrade to Lv.2, and then it took another year to upgrade to Lv.3. Now I am a Lv.4 adventurer—that Ais."

Jian Yulei crossed his arms and said with approval: "Hmm, although it sounds exaggerated, after seeing Lin Qiong's performance today, I actually believe what you said."

Astralia smiled, she sat next to Jian Yulei, and said: "You should hurry up and form your own family - the new ones now are more terrifying than the last! Maybe in the near future, There will be an ultimate monster that will be promoted to Level 2 in half a year!"

"Promote to Lv.2 in half a year? No, no, it's impossible." Jian Yulei waved his hands in a smacking tongue, and said, "Impossible, absolutely impossible! No matter how you say it, half a year is too exaggerated!"

Astoria smiled and said: "Since there can be a sword girl who can be promoted to Lv.2 in one year, why can't there be other people who can be promoted to Lv.2 in half a year?"

Jian Yulei complained: "Come on! Sword Lady's promotion to Level 2 in one year only tied the world record set by her predecessors - even she only tied but did not surpass it. This is not enough to explain this. Is it difficult to surpass this record?”

This statement is correct, but Astraea smiled mysteriously, and then said to Jian Yulei: "Ajian, how about we make a bet?"

Jian Yulei: "Huh?"

"I bet in the future, there will definitely be a newcomer who breaks the promotion speed of Lv.2! How about it?"

"I'm not an idiot! What if the future you're talking about is within 100 years, or within 1000 years?"

"Oh, how about we bet within ten years?"

"In ten years, can anyone break the level 2 promotion speed?"


"Hey, what are you betting on?"

Bet what?

Astralia thought for a moment and said, "If you lose, you have to live with cat ears for a month. How about that?"

Jian Yulei gasped, then gritted his teeth and said, "Okay! If you lose, you will also live with cat ears for a month!"

"it is good!"

"A word is settled!"



Looking at Jian Yulei's leaving figure, a mischievous smile appeared on Astraea's lips - the reason why she dared to make a bet with Jian Yulei was because of the guardians brought by Lin Qiong!

Although Lin Qiong and the others have disguised themselves as members of the Astralia Familia, those guardians are still free!As long as they become adventurers, they will be able to quickly improve their level.

'Just wait to wear cat ears, A Jian——'

Astraea gave a snicker.

Who said Lady Justice can't joke around with friends?




"Mr. Goddess——"

Just when Jian Yulei was about to leave the Astralia family, Lin Qiong and the eldest lady caught up with him who had already reached the door.

"what happened?"

Jian Yulei turned around and faced the two who were chasing up with a smile.

Lin Qiong pointed to the eldest lady beside him, and said with a smile on his face, "That's right! My lord, my girlfriend has a gift for you."


Jian Yulei showed a blank expression. He looked at the eldest lady and said softly: "If it is for me to teach Lin Qiong, you don't need to give me any gifts. He has already paid for it."

The eldest lady shook her head and said, "This gift is a little gift from us—it will definitely be very helpful to you!"

Jian Yulei looked at the eldest lady helplessly and said: "Since you said so, it is obviously something specially prepared for me? Then I will take a look first - but having said that before, I may not necessarily Take it!"


The eldest lady smiled and nodded. She took out the modified potato ball recipe from her pocket and handed it to Jian Yulei.

"This is, letter?"

Jian Yulei obviously misunderstood, he took the folded paper with a puzzled face, then opened it, and looked at it by the light at the door of the Astria Familia - a few seconds later, his expression suddenly She became shocked, just like Hestia when she saw Bell dating other girls.

"This, this, this... this is..."

Jian Yulei showed a shocked and excited expression, he raised his head tremblingly, and looked at the eldest lady with an expression as if looking at his own mother.

The eldest lady smiled slightly and said, "I heard from Lin Qiong that you work part-time at the potato ball stand, and you happen to have a little bit of cooking skills, so you slightly modified the recipe of the fried potato balls, and the taste should be better."

Sure enough, this is it!

This gift really hit Jian Yulei's... uh... heart right away!He simply couldn't find the reason or courage to refuse.

"Then, then I'll..."

Jian Yulei folded the paper with some embarrassment, then carefully put it into his arms and said, "I'm not polite!"

When the eldest lady saw Jian Yulei accepting the formula, she showed a smile and said, "It's okay! This is for you - with this formula, you can open a fried potato ball shop yourself, or Become a shareholder and cooperate with your original boss! Then you will no longer be an ordinary migrant worker."


Jian Yulei's eyes lit up, and he muttered to himself a little happily: "In other words, I can become CEO soon, form a new family, and reach the pinnacle of divine life? Hehe, I'm a little excited just thinking about it. Woolen cloth!"

Listening to Jian Yulei's "simple" ideal, the eldest lady couldn't help but smile and said: "Lord Shangshen, my Lin Qiong will have to pay more attention to you during this time."

"Good talk good talk!"

How else can I be soft on people?After accepting the gift from the eldest lady, Jian Yulei's tone softened a bit.

He patted his chest and said generously: "Don't worry! When I have some free time, I will use my time during the day to help him train, and I won't charge him any money!"

Lin Qiong came over and said with a smile: "Oh, just take the money! Just think of it as... um... as a senior like me, give some gifts to the future descendants of the Jianyu Lei Family, right? ?”

Jian Yulei was stunned for a moment. He crossed his arms and said, "Well, this..."

The eldest lady also persuaded: "Master Shangshen, to us, an hourly salary of one thousand is nothing, just accept it!"

"All right!"

Seeing that both of them said that, Jian Yulei nodded, then showed a warm smile, and said, "Then I will not be polite!"

"Don't be polite to us!" Lin Qiong smiled. He gave Jian Yulei a thumbs up and said, "My lord, please go back early. Tomorrow is another day full of [-] yuan!"

"Hahaha, good!"

Jian Yulei happily walked towards the hotel where he was staying. He was now full of expectations for a better tomorrow - now it seemed that he could not only buy a mansion with a yard, but also a private hot spring or a Bathhouse?

Huo, that's great!



After sending Jian Yulei away, Lin Qiong took the eldest lady's hand and returned to the house assigned to them by the Astralia family - it was a three-story small bungalow with about ten people. A room of about [-] square meters could barely fit Lin Qiong and others.


After stretching, Lin Qiong lay lazily on the sofa in the living room, and then said hummingly: "Then, what about that! Sivana, do you want to train with me?"

"Can I?"

Shivana looked at Lin Qiong flattered, and said excitedly: "I, I can train with Supreme!?"

It's like a crazy fan of a star suddenly learns that she has the opportunity to dine with her idol. Do you think she is excited?He must be so excited that he can't even speak...ah, he can't even speak!

"Of course you can—"

Lin Qiong nodded, he rested on the eldest lady's lap, and said lazily: "Actually, Jian Yulei, as a martial god, is not only proficient in boxing and kicking, but also very good at using weapons, so if necessary , Kyle, Luo, Leona, and Diana can all study with me."

"I don't think it's a good idea..."

Ari raised her hand worriedly, and said: "If you count the Supreme Lord and Shivana, it means that there are six people who will study under Jianyulei Lord - this will not only increase the burden on the other party, but also affect the To the supreme learning efficiency and learning time!"


Sivana immediately let out an exclamation. She hurriedly waved her hands and said, "Well, then I won't study together! The supreme affairs are more important!"

Hearing Shyvana's words, Lin Qiong couldn't help showing a dumbfounded expression. He tried to make them understand that "just teaching six people is nothing to Jian Yulei", but the guardians absolutely did not Be willing to let the interests of the Supreme be infringed upon for your own sake.

Facing Lin Qiong who looked helpless, the eldest lady held back her smile and consoled her: "Are you stupid? You can wait until you finish your studies and then let them learn! If not, wait until you finish your studies and you can be their tutor." It’s fine if you don’t—to be honest, I think they’d prefer it.”

Hearing Missy's words, Lin Qiong couldn't help but look at the guardians——

Shyvana: "Sir, the Supreme educated us with his own hands!?"

Kyle: "This, what an honor!"

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