Lin Qiong and the eldest lady looked at each other, they both nodded at the same time, and said, "Good idea!"

With a flushed face, Yoyo let out a mournful moan, and said, "Oh no, don't celebrate this kind of thing!!!"

As long as she thinks of dozens of people toasting and shouting "Warmly celebrate Miss Youyou's first initiative to make a request, grow up bravely", she will have a kind of super magic towards the ground, and then hide in it to be an ostrich impulse.

What a shame PIay! ?The degree of shame is even more embarrassing than having a celebration party when your own child finally does not wet the bed at the age of ten!It will definitely become a dark history that will last a lifetime! ! !


Lin Qiong, Missy and Yoyo suddenly showed disappointed expressions.

"Since Yoyo is unwilling, let it be."

"Hey, let's just find another excuse to have a party next time."


After watching the three of them give up the celebration plan that made her scalp tingle, Yoyo immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

She looked at the sky melancholy, feeling that her pure and well-behaved self was incompatible with this black-bellied team.



"Delicious! Delicious! Another bowl!"

Accompanied by the voice full of enthusiasm, Jian Yulei stretched out the bowl in his hand to the secretary beside him with excitement, and then she was moved to tears, and said: "Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooish it rice!"

In order to save money to buy a house, Jian Yulei really wanted to break a penny in half and spend all his three meals a day on staff meals (referring to fried potato balls) - if it weren't for his friends who usually gave him some vegetables. , it is estimated that he will become the first god in history to return to heaven due to nutritional imbalance.

By the way, Jian Yulei's willingness to appear in the Astria family is because when he was about to go home from work, he suddenly realized a serious problem-he had been living in the house in order to save money to buy a house. In the cheap small hotel, there is no suitable place to teach Lin Qiong martial arts around!

So, he ran to the residence of Astria's family in a hurry, and was going to ask Astria about Lin Qiong's whereabouts——as a result, he happened to be at the dinner time of Astria's family, so——

Jian Yulei (urgently): "Great, great! Lin Qiong, let me tell you..."

Lin Qiong (interrupted): "Oh, isn't this a male god? Have you eaten?"

Jian Yulei (at a loss): "Ah? No, no, that, what I want to say is..."

Lin Qiong (enthusiastically): "Didn't eat? Oh, how can you not eat on time? Come, come! Eat with us——Secretary, add a pair of bowls and chopsticks!"

Secretary (loudly): "Okay! Come right away—"

Jian Yulei (at a loss): "No, that, I..."

At this moment, with the tamales coming out of the oven, a scent that seems to be able to penetrate into the depths of people's minds, and then draw out people's souls, jumped into Jian Yulei's nose.

Then?Then, just as everyone saw, he let go of his stomach and had a good time.


After a full burp, Jian Yulei touched his stomach and said with emotion: "It's delicious! It's really delicious! I've never eaten such a delicious dish since the lower realms—to be honest, I think Naruto Miss Che can open a restaurant and make a lot of money!"

The eldest lady shook her head and said, "Forget it, I just want to cook for the people I know."

If the eldest lady is a native of the world, she may still consider Jian Yulei's proposal, but after Lin Qiong and others have almost improved their strength, they are ready to yo-yo. How can they buy property here?

Jian Yulei lowered his head in disappointment and said, "Okay."

Lin Qiong held up his chin and said, "Sir, are you thinking that if my Erina opens a restaurant, you can be the acting store manager?"


Jian Yulei blushed, and he said with some embarrassment: "My ideal is not that exaggerated, just the whole waiter, cashier and so on."

Lin Qiong said dumbfoundedly: "Your pursuit is a bit low!"

Jian Yulei smiled and said, "I will definitely form my own family in the future! Being an acting store manager is too busy, so I don't have time to spend with my children."

Geez, what a nice person.

Lin Qiong couldn't help but give him a thumbs up and said, "I have an idea! He is a good god."

Jian Yulei showed a happy expression. He raised his right hand and said, "Okay! Only when you are full can you have strength to do things! Let's start training later!"

At this time, Alexe on the other table heard the communication here, and couldn't help but lean over curiously, and asked, "Training? Could it be that Master Shangshen is going to train for Mr. Lin?"

Just this morning, Astoria trained Nakiri Erina!Now Jian Yulei is going to give Lin Qiong special training again?Good guy, this group of people is really wild, they are looking for gods to practice their hands.

Lin Qiong nodded, scratched his face in embarrassment, and said, "I think he will be beaten up badly by the male god, hahaha!"

Jian Yulei smiled and said, "Don't worry, if I can't use my divine power, my physical fitness is only for ordinary people, and the damage to you is very limited."

So you don't deny that you will beat me up badly?As expected of a martial god, he is really confident in martial arts!

Alyse came over enthusiastically, and asked, "Well, can we have a look around too?"

Lin Qiong looked at Alysée, then at the group of girls from the Astria Familia who had "curiosity" in their eyes behind her, and Lyu Leon who shook her head and sighed next to her, and couldn't help laughing. Said: "Okay! What's wrong with this? But as I said earlier, I'm a thin-skinned person, so don't laugh at me."

"No, no!" Alisee waved her hands quickly, and said seriously: "Mr. Lin! Not every adventurer has the courage to challenge the gods with pure skills! How could we laugh at this? What about you who behave like this?"

Laila nodded "Yeah, yeah, yeah" and said, "Yes, that's right! And that's not an ordinary god, but a god of war - so brave!"

Hui Ye endured it very hard, because she is not familiar with Lin Qiong now, and she is not good at speaking harshly, otherwise she would have to be eccentric and say something like "Whoever dares to challenge the martial arts is either a brave or a fool-you sure Not a hero" or something like that.

Although Lyu didn't seem to care, her gaze that kept scanning Lin Qiong and the others revealed her inner curiosity—as an adventurer, who wouldn't be curious about such things?

"Okay, then let's go together!"

Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips and said, "Anyway, being beaten in front of one person is the same as being beaten in front of ten people! Elbow! Everyone watch me get beaten together!"

The eldest lady covered her forehead and showed a helpless smile. She touched the recipe in her pocket and thought about it, but she didn't choose to take it out at this time, but planned to leave Jian Yulei after the training tonight. Give it to him when you go.

"Erina, let's go! Don't be in a daze—"

"I'm coming--"

The eldest lady came back to her senses, followed in the footsteps of the large army, and walked towards the training ground of the Astria family.

Look at Lin Qiong being beaten!

Chapter 0176 The easiest way is to be beaten

In the training ground of the Astralia Familia, Lin Qiong, wearing the same training uniform as the eldest lady in the morning, was standing in front of Jian Yulei in high spirits, and around the two of them, there were dense A crowd of onlookers of more than 50 people.

"This is too exaggerated—"

Lin Qiong couldn't help complaining.

"How much do you want to see me get beaten?"

The eldest lady, the secretary, and Yoyo; and fourteen guardians; plus 24 little carrot heads; and 11 members of Astria's family; finally, Astria herself.

Good guys, 53 people are watching me being beaten. You guys are here for outdoor classes, right?The content of the class is to watch me get beaten. Do I have to write a [-]-word essay to describe how badly I was beaten when I get home?

How can it be repaired!

"Hahaha, don't care, don't care—"

Sitting on the sidelines, Astoria said with a smile: "I'm just a little curious about your skills—your girlfriend's skills are the best I've ever seen, you shouldn't be far behind, right?"

Lin Qiong waved his hand and said, "No, no, I'm far behind!"

Astoria shook her head and said, "Excessive modesty is arrogance—A Jian, come on, squeeze out his true abilities!"

Jian Yulei raised his right hand, made a strong movement, and said with a smile: "Leave it to me! I will do my best!"

"What!? There is still this trick!?" Lin Qiong looked at Jian Yulei in shock, and said, "It's too much to go all out! Anyway, let's increase the difficulty step by step!"

Jian Yulei lifted his belt with a smile, then opened his hands, looked at Lin Qiong with great interest, and said, "Since it is a skill that can be praised by Astoria, it must be excellent, right?"

Lin Qiong twitched the corner of his mouth, then moved up and down, tandem and back, and said with a dry smile: "Where is it! I'm just an ordinary cabbage!"


Who knows that Jian Yulei ignored him at all, but looked at his movements with interest, and said: "This posture is a bit interesting. It has high requirements on the waist, abdomen and legs, but it has a strong adaptability. Dealing with all kinds of enemies—however, it’s still a little immature.”


Lin Qiong twitched the corner of his mouth.

This is the formation he determined under the guidance of Misaki Yueji Qiuyu, but in the eyes of Jian Yulei, it turned out to be "a bit interesting, but a little immature"-is he worthy of being a warrior?

Jian Yulei waved at him and said, "Come on! I'm more and more interested in your skills now!"


Lin Qiong exhaled and thought, "I'm going to go all out!" '

His eyes changed from a stinky salted fish to a sharp-eyed salted fish, and he said loudly, "Please advise!"

The next moment, Lin Qiong rushed towards Jian Yulei with a stride, and then punched him with an unpretentious straight right fist.

"Good start..."

Jian Yulei raised his left hand, blocked Lin Qiong's fist precisely and gracefully, then flipped his left hand over, grabbed Lin Qiong's wrist, and at the same time pulled towards his side, and then slipped into Lin Qiong's arms inside.

Lin Qiong's eyes narrowed, and he saw Jian Yulei's intention - he was going to use his shoulder to destroy the balance of his waist, and then give himself an over-the-shoulder throw!

So, Lin Qiong stepped on the ground with both feet, and followed Jian Yulei's power into the air, and then grabbed Jian Yulei's wrist with his backhand, driving his body with the strength of his arm, trying to attack Jianyu with a knee bump Ray's nose.

Jian Yulei had already understood Lin Qiong's plan the moment Lin Qiong soared into the air and grabbed his wrist. The corner of his mouth slightly raised, and then he did his trick. It hit Lin Qiong's waist.


Lin Qiong, who was punched in the side of his waist, couldn't help but gasped. He straightened his legs on the spot and jumped a few times, then rubbed his waist and said, "You can't hit your kidneys when you hit a man!"

"Hahahaha! I'm sorry, sorry, your actions are too straightforward, subconsciously—"

Jian Yulei smiled heartily, nodded his head with a little satisfaction, and said: "It can be seen that you have certain actual combat experience, and are proficient in many schools of martial arts, and the transition between moves and moves is relatively easy. Smooth, without that rigid feeling—"

"Hey, it's slightly involved—"

Lin Qiong smiled.

"Then go on."

Jian Yulei regained his posture and said, "You really gave me some surprises. I haven't encountered such an outstanding jade in a long time."


Lin Qiong took a breath, and then rushed towards Jian Yulei again, and with the lessons from the last time, he already understood very well how superb the martial arts of the person in front of him was - if he wanted to describe it, he had probably reached To the realm where there are no tricks to win and there are tricks, it is simply a Dugu Qiubai-level character in martial arts.

It can only be said that it is worthy of being a god with the title of "War God", it is really not covered!


It seems that with the intention of testing Lin Qiong's skills, Jian Yulei did not rush to fight back when facing Lin Qiong's attack this time, but focused on blocking and unloading, and asked Lin Qiong to try his best to fight back against Lin Qiong's attack. What I learned was put to good use.


15 minutes later.


Jian Yulei held his knees with both hands like an old man, and then panted and sweated profusely, saying: "Wait, wait a minute! Wait, wait until I can take a breath!"


Lin Qiong raised his hand and scratched his head, then looked innocently at Jian Yulei, whose face was blushing, and said with a sneer, "Well, a little excited, a little excited."

He is really addicted to fighting. He completely forgot that after Jian Yulei sealed his divine power, his physique was completely ordinary. After 15 minutes of continuous ultra-high-intensity sparring, he was so tired that he could hardly breathe. up.

"No, it's okay, I carried it myself." Jian Yulei sat down on the ground regardless of his image, then waved his hands and said, "I haven't done this kind of activity for a long time, hahaha."

At this time, the secretary came over with a glass of Momoo milk and said, "Master Jian Yulei, please drink some milk slowly."

Jian Yulei reached out to take it with a smile on his face, and said, "Thank you! Little girl!"

The secretary hurriedly waved his hands and said, "It's all right, I'd like to thank you for helping the young master cultivate."

"Haha——" Jian Yulei smiled, holding the cup, and said with emotion: "In terms of human standards, his foundation is very good, no, it can even be said to be too good."

Lin Qiong smiled, and said with some pride: "Hey, it's so-so."

"Oh, this milk is delicious!" Jian Yulei, who took a sip of the milk, praised it with a smile on his face, and then continued to comment: "Then it is about your skills-how should I put it, you seem to be familiar with many genres I have dabbled in all kinds of martial arts, but I don't seem to have studied them too much?"

"Yes." Lin Qiong nodded and said, "Because I'm not going to follow the path that other people have walked, but I'm going to follow my own habits and combine the advantages of each genre to blaze my own path."


Jian Yulei nodded, drained all the milk in the cup, and said, "If that's the way you think, your master did the right thing! You didn't dye your own martial arts style too much. "

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