After the secretary added a BUFF to Lin Qiong, he cheered him up: "Come on, young master! Don't bring the bad luck of drawing cards!"


Lin Qiong, who was about to rush in, staggered, turned his head and glared at the three laughing together, then walked towards the boss room cursing.

"Fuck, is it my fault for not shipping? Isn't the pool too poisonous?"

"300 draws without five stars is what I hope? That's what yls hopes!"

"Eating big guarantees every time is what I pursue? That's what Missan pursues!"

"Emerald Volume 12 can also fail, is it my fault?"

"Grass, the more you think about it, the angrier you get!"

Lin Qiong's expression gradually turned ferocious. He put his hands in front of his mouth in the shape of a trumpet, and then shouted: "Goliath, open the door! You have the ability to be the floor owner, open the door! Open the door, open the door, open the door! ! Goliath!!!"

I don't know if the secretary's buff took effect, or Lin Qiong's taunt took effect.

After his words fell, accompanied by a roar that shook the ground, a giant tens of meters high struggled out of the wall, and then quickly set his sights on Lin Qiong.

Looking at Goliath, who was exuding a heavy momentum, Lin Qiong couldn't help but show the same expression as Kizaru, and said: "Oh yo yo ~ The lonely king of the labyrinth ~ Kuowa Yiuchi ~"


I don’t know if the Kizaru-type taunt was too effective. As soon as Lin Qiong finished speaking, Goliath rushed towards him with heavy steps and raised his head high. his fist.

Chapter 0174 The Town on the 18th Floor

Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips, looked at Goliath's iron fist that quickly enlarged in his sight, couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth, and said, "Is this the floor master's serious punch? It's really..."

The next moment, Lin Qiong's expression changed, he opened his hands suddenly and stretched his posture, his muscles tensed, and traces of blue mist symbolizing the burning of magic power drifted out from the corners of his mouth.


When the waveguide power was activated, a blue halo covered Lin Qiong's eyes, and when the waveguide power spread, the surrounding environment, the trajectory of the fist, and Goliath's movements were all in his mind .


The next moment, Lin Qiong's right foot stomped hard on the ground, and the ground beneath his feet shattered instantly. As the sonic boom cloud exploded, his whole body faced Goliath's fist as if a cannon was fired from the barrel.


Accompanied by Lin Qiong's deafening roar, two disproportionate fists collided together, and a torrent of magic power visible to the naked eye gushed out from Lin Qiong's fist.


The next moment, the half of Goliath's right side was directly shattered into powder along with the shock wave, and the remaining half of his face that was rapidly dissipating was still mixed with a trace of bewilderment and bewilderment.

Didn't I just throw a punch?Why is it gone?


Lin Qiong rushed up in one stride, and then lightly caught Goliath's magic stone that fell from mid-air. Then he turned around and continued the second half of the sentence with a smile: "...It's so scary!"

At the same time, the blue halo representing the power of the waveguide slowly faded from Lin Qiong's eyes like an extinguished flame.

The secretary walked over with the corners of his mouth twitching, and said, "Master, are you planning to cosplay the yellow ape to the end? He's a scary mouthful, a supernova with a kick; you're a scary mouthful, a floor master with a punch?"


Lin Qiong threw the magic stone to Yoyo with glowing eyes, and said, "Oh, the main reason is that Goliath is really scary! That big guy, with such a big fist, smashed over I was so scared that my little heart was beating!"

The eldest lady couldn't help complaining: "Qiong, a normal person's heart doesn't jump, we all jump."

"Really? I don't believe it." Lin Qiong buried his face in the eldest lady's chest very naturally, and then said hummingly: "Let me hear it, is it a bang, a bang, a thump, or a thump?"

The corner of the eldest lady's mouth twitched. She glanced at the secretary and Yoyo who were covering their mouths and giggling beside her. She couldn't help feeling angry from her heart, and said through gritted teeth, "Want to hear it? I'll let you listen enough!"

After finishing speaking, she raised her hands, hugged the back of Lin Qiong's head tightly, and pressed his head firmly against her chest, and said in a moaning voice: "I Suffocate you!"

A good trick facial cleanser, the lethality to men is as high as 400%!too strong!

As time passed, Lin Qiong maintained the posture of being buried in his chest, and his hands were leisurely lingering on the beautiful legs wrapped in the pantyhose of the eldest lady, and he was so happy that he turned his head every three seconds.

The secretary at the side couldn't stand it anymore, and she couldn't help complaining: "Miss, if you want to make out with the young master, the suggestion here is to go home, and you can make out in bed as much as you want."

The eldest lady stared at the secretary with a flushed face, and stammered, "Fei, Fei Shazi! You, what are you talking about!"

The secretary sighed and said, "Miss, you stood here for 5 minutes, and let the young master touch your leg for 5 minutes."

The eldest lady argued: "I'm suffocating him!"

The secretary twitched her lips: "Miss, how long can you hold your breath now?"

The eldest lady thought for a while and said, "Half an hour? An hour? I haven't tested it, so I can't answer it."

The secretary spread his hands and said: "You can hold it in for at least half an hour. What about the young master who is stronger than you? Are you going to let him hold it in here for an hour?"

The eldest lady understood now, her little face blushed, then she quickly let go of her hand, pushed Lin Qiong away from her chest, and said, "Hmph, I won't bore you anymore!"

Lin Qiong glared at the secretary angrily, and said, "Secretary, why are you so ignorant? This is such a good benefit! While being bored and rubbing your legs, do you understand the life of a fairy?"

The secretary nodded calmly, and said, "I understand, but I also know that if we really stay here for more than an hour, we probably won't be able to catch up with the time to go back."

"Oh, yes, we still have to visit the 18th floor before going back." Lin Qiong shook his head regretfully and said, "Hey! Forget it, continue next time!"

"???" The eldest lady looked at Lin Qiong with a question mark on her face, and said, "Do you still want to have a next time?"

Lin Qiong nodded and asked, "Is it not possible?"

The eldest lady snorted and said, "I will suffocate you tonight! I will suffocate you all night!"

Lin Qiong was overjoyed: "Yes!"

Secretary: "?"


The two of them looked at each other and thought at the same time: "Aren't we redundant in this team?" '



Dungeon, No.18 Floor

Although it is also the number 18, it is neither the cruelty of the [-]th floor of hell, nor the thoughtfulness of Android No. [-], but the sense of security of the [-]th floor of the dungeon.

As a rare "safety layer" in the dungeon, monsters will not be refreshed on the No. 18 floor—that being said, there will occasionally be monsters from the No. 17 and [-] floors wandering in along the entrance, but they will basically be killed The adventurers stationed on the eighteenth floor were eliminated.

"Oh haha, it turns out that it has developed at this time -"

Standing at the entrance of the eighteenth floor, Lin Qiong looked at the city built by adventurers in the distance, and said in surprise: "That sentence is indeed true—what is it called? If there are 100 % interest or something."

 Facing Lin Qiong's cultural desert, the eldest lady added helplessly: "With 50.00% profit, it will take desperate risks; with [-]% profit, it will trample all laws; with [-]% profit, it will trample all laws; With a profit of three hundred, it dares to commit any crime."

"Oh, yes, this is it!" Lin Qiong quickly nodded his head, then pointed to the city ahead, and said, "Look, isn't this the best interpretation?"

The eldest lady recalled the scenes in the Gaiden animation Sword Princess Sacred Tale, and couldn't help but nodded with disgust and said: "Indeed, they are all a group of black-hearted guys——"

"Although I understand the danger of these guys doing this kind of business—" Lin Qiong shrugged and said, "But I still feel uncomfortable after being cheated."

First of all, we must consider the difficulty of breaking through from the first floor to the No. 18 floor while ensuring the safety of materials;

Secondly, monsters that occasionally wander from the No.17 and No.19 floors should be considered;

Finally, after the materials are used up, it is difficult to return to the first floor from the No.18 floor.

So just like Lin Qiong said, adventurers who know the city on the 18th floor understand the dangers of doing this business, but every time they are ruthlessly slaughtered by the opposite side, they will also feel annoyed.

Pinch it.

The secretary comforted: "It doesn't matter, we won't buy things here anyway, they can't kill us!"

"That's true." Lin Qiong smiled and said, "Elbow, let's go for a stroll and feel the atmosphere here, and then today's journey will end here."

The other three naturally had no objections, so the four walked leisurely towards the city.

Probably because of the early timeline, coupled with the recent activity of the dark faction, the population of the No. 18 floor is not as large as what everyone saw in the animation - counting the ordinary adventurers who are stranded here, it is full of money Not more than forty people.

Oh, 40 people!

To be reasonable, there were 61 students in Lin Qiong primary school!This city can't even get together a first grader!

"There are very few people." Lin Qiong looked around while eating the food he took out of his backpack, and said, "Speaking of which, is it my illusion? I always feel that these people look at me with unfriendly eyes -"

The eldest lady, the secretary, and Yoyo glanced at Lin Qiong, who was holding a drink in his left hand and eating rice balls in the lunch box, and then looked at the adventurers around, thinking: 'You also know that they don't look very friendly at you right? '

Young Master, can you have some secrets in your mind? ?

"Tsk tsk, it's so expensive——"

Lin Qiong passed by a store selling healing potions. After glancing at the price, he couldn't help but smacked his lips and said, "The price is at least twenty times higher than outside. This is such a huge profit. It made my heart move."

Compared to Lin Qiong, who was paying attention to the price, the secretary said thoughtfully: "Master, have you noticed? Although the merchants here are shady, they do not sell similar products."

After being reminded, Lin Qiong turned his head and glanced around, and found that it was exactly what the secretary said -

For example, the one that sells healing potions only sells healing potions and energy potions, while the other one only sells magic potions and stamina potions!Although it seems that there are many merchants, there is actually no conflict of interest, which effectively avoids involution and malicious bidding.

"Hiss, good guy—"

Lin Qiong touched his chin and said, "So, the market here has been divided up?"

The eldest lady said thoughtfully: "I don't think so—for example, the person who sells healing potions and energy potions can give up the benefits of energy potions to others! I even doubt that magic potion and physical strength He was the one who sold the potions from the beginning, and he just gave up the profits."

Hearing this, Lin Qiong couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, then shook his head speechlessly, and said, "Good guy, this is a small city with less than [-] traders. It vividly interprets society, business and people's hearts..."

These [-] floors are really a loss for you!

Chapter 0175 Have you eaten?

After visiting the 18th floor and experiencing the "customs and customs" of the No.[-]th floor, the four members of Lin Qiong's team packed up their things (referring to throwing the mouth-wiping paper into the trash can) and returned to the ground .


After walking out of the Tower of Babel, Lin Qiong lazily stretched his waist, and then muttered: "To be honest, this level of activity can't even be considered exercise."

With Lin Qiong's combat strength at this time, I am afraid that he will have to go deep into the [-]th or even [-]th floor of the dungeon before he can fight with all his strength.

The eldest lady patted his vest and said helplessly: "At least you have done some exercise. We are running around the whole city with you!"

The monsters along the way were basically torn to pieces by the excited Lin Qiong, so the other three really accompanied them for a run.

"Oh, this—" Lin Qiong scratched his head in embarrassment, and apologized with his palms together: "My fault! Next time the floor master will solve it for you, how about it?"

The secretary raised his hand and said, "I'll forget it! I'd better be a priest quietly, fighting and killing is not suitable for me!"

However, Yoyo, who had always been a bit weak, raised her hand bravely and said: "Qionnisan, Erina-san, next time Goliath is refreshed, I want to try -"

"oh oh!"

Lin Qiong patted Yoyo's shoulder excitedly, then looked at the eldest lady beside him, and said, "Erina, this seems to be the first time Yoyo has made a request, right?"


The eldest lady also nodded happily, and said, "Yes, yes! Yoyo has always been very quiet, and this is the first time she has made a request on her own initiative!"

Lin Qiong hugged the eldest lady's shoulders with emotion on his face, and said happily: "That's a good thing! This proves that Youyou has grown up, become stronger, and knows how to express her thoughts!"

The eldest lady nodded, and said with a little joy: "In order to celebrate Yoyo's growth, I will cook a big meal tonight! Let's cook red bean rice!"

Lin Qiong gave a thumbs up: "Good idea, as expected of Erina, so smart!"

The eldest lady said proudly: "Of course!"


Youyou showed a troubled expression, she looked at the secretary for help, and said, "Sister Feishazi, Nisan and Naisan are bullying me again!"

At this time, of course the secretary is going to make his debut!

"Eldest lady! And young master! It's too much!" The secretary put her hands on her hips, and the indignant look made Yoyo particularly moved: "Obviously I am also Yoyo's older sister, so of course I should be added to the celebration! How can I ignore it?" What's my opinion? My suggestion is to make another fruit cake, the oversized one, invite the Astria family and the god Jian Yulei, and have a grand party to celebrate!"

Youyou: "Hey!——?"

Sister Feishazi! ?Put, give back my emotion!


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