"Grandfather is back!"

Pushing open the door of the room, Lin Qiong saw the eldest lady wearing a short skirt and 30D black silk pantyhose lying on the bed reading shoujo manga.

So, he uttered a cry of "Wuhu", and then flew onto the bed with a "shua", hugged the young lady's legs in his arms, buried his face in the fleshy thighs, and rubbed back and forth After a few clicks, he raised his head and looked at the more mysterious bottom of the skirt.

"Meet you again, Peach Butter!"

Lin Qiong pinched the skirt of the eldest lady with his fingers, gently lifted it, and then revealed his round buttocks. He patted it gently with both hands. After feeling the ups and downs of the flesh, he said contentedly : "Today's peach jam is as plump as ever!"

The flushed eldest lady turned her head and said angrily: "You can touch it when you touch it, rub it when you rub it, and shoot it when you pat it. Can you not say it!?"

Lin Qiong said innocently: "Why? Haven't you never heard of it?"

The eldest lady covered her face with her left hand, then pointed to the lazy sofa near the bed with her right hand, and said, "Because Fei Shazi and Yoyo are also in the room."

Lin Qiong: 0v0

Secretary: ( )

Yoyo:/(/ /o/ω/o/ /)/

He couldn't help but turned over and sat up, then scratched his head "ah ha ha", and said, "Well, the young lady's beautiful legs and buttocks are amazing, you know? It's understandable that you can't hold back, right? "

Please, when you enter the door and find your girlfriend lying on the bed wearing black silk pantyhose, the curve of her beautiful legs and the curvature of her buttocks will be displayed in front of you, how many people can bear it! ?

The secretary nodded, and said seriously: "Master, you don't need to explain, I understand!"

Lin Qiong said with emotion: "As expected of a secretary, he won my heart!"

Yoyo: "Me, me, I didn't see anything just now!"

Lin Qiong said with satisfaction: "As expected of Yoyo, you are such a good boy!"

The eldest lady covered her face, and said weakly: "I always feel that our team's painting style has been completely distorted by you!"

"Hahaha, what a big deal!" Lin Qiong waved his hands with a smile, and said, "Hey, that's right! I'm asking Astoria to take me to find the God of War, Jian Yulei, and the negotiations have been completed!"

"Really?" The eldest lady showed a smile, and she asked curiously, "How did you negotiate?"

"It's like this——" Lin Qiong briefly talked about the process of negotiating with Jian Yulei, and then muttered: "But I'm also surprised, why doesn't he just open a martial arts gym? Skills, there should be many people who are willing to learn martial arts from him."

The secretary on the side complained: "Master, you are so stupid! How could he open a martial arts gym?"


The secretary shook his head helplessly, and said, "My young master! Families have a sense of competition. How could he help other clans develop their fighting power?"

Lin Qiong suddenly showed a stunned expression and muttered: "So that's what it means, then I understand."

Then why did you help Lin Qiong?To put it bluntly, Jian Yulei still looked at Astelia's face and was willing to teach him, "Asteria's savior" - if Lin Qiong did not go through Astelia, but traded on his own If you rush over rashly, Jian Yulei will definitely use various excuses to shirk it.

"So, by choosing to save Astelia, we have really helped ourselves in every sense -" Lin Qiong sat cross-legged on the bed and muttered: "If it weren't for Astelia, It’s really difficult to deal with Asia.”

The eldest lady also frowned, and said, "Qiong, I don't think this is good—it feels like we've been using Astoria's face!"

Lin Qiong propped his chin and said, "That's what I said, but it's really difficult to handle many things without her face!"

For example, without Astoria's face, it would not be easy for Lin Qiong to meet Hephaestus directly!

The eldest lady thought for a while, then leaned in front of Lin Qiong and said, "I'll give you a new recipe for fried potato balls later, and you can send it to Jian Yulei."

Lin Qiong was taken aback, and then quickly understood what Miss Xi meant—she was planning to use the recipe of fried potato balls as a reward to thank Jian Yulei, so as to erase Astelia's "face and favor" ".

Some people may ask, didn't Lin Qiong also give money?And it was [-] times the hourly salary of Jian Yulei! ?

First of all, finding a martial arts partner as your training partner is really not something you can just say "I'll give you an hourly salary" - the fried potato balls are just a waste of his time, but the training partner requires him to show his skills !

Secondly, giving advice to Lin Qiong is essentially just a short-term extra money, but the fried potato ball stand is Jian Yulei's long-term job-short-term teaching work cannot change his life, but the fried potato ball stall improved by the eldest lady But the recipe of potato balls allows him to set up a stall independently, from a worker to a boss.

Lin Qiong scratched his head helplessly, and said with a wry smile, "Why do I feel like a softie? I can't do anything well without Erina—"

The eldest lady gave Lin Qiong an angry sideways glance, and said, "Isn't mine yours? What's so hypocritical!"

Lin Qiong chuckled, put his arms around the young lady's waist, and muttered, "I'm just feeling it! Hey, our family, Erina, is really a good wife and loving mother!"

The secretary said quietly from the side: "Master, I can be sure of a good wife, but what is missing from a good mother—"

Lin Qiong: "..."

Missy: "Fei Shazi——"

Chapter 0173 You open the door, Goliath

Because of his relationship with the secretary and Yoyozai, Lin Qiong didn't do anything shameful with the eldest lady—he just sat on the bed with his arms around the eldest lady, and accompanied her to watch this movie called "Glass Dancing Shoes and "Glass Mask" shoujo manga, and just touch her leg.

Very moist, very soft, very elastic.

Beautiful drops.


After finishing reading this book, the eldest lady let out a sigh of relief, then put the comic book back into her backpack, and said with some emotion: "I didn't expect Mr. Xiuli to have such a past."

Xiuli is the male protagonist of this comic. He is an elegant, gentle and omnipotent prince in front of others, but when he was a child, he was forced by his parents to learn all kinds of knowledge. If you are swollen, you have to continue playing the piano.


Lin Qiong yawned boredly, then touched his moist thigh, and said, "Isn't this the usual method of girl comics? First create an omnipotent prince, and then arrange a Tragic childhood, use this contrast to set off his image."


The secretary swallowed the potato chips in his mouth, then raised his head and said, "As expected of the young master, you can see clearly!"

Lin Qiong said proudly, "Of course."

The secretary went on to say: "So when the young master was reading comics, he must have never been abused by the comic author with similar means?"


Lin Qiong was silent for a few seconds, then buried his face in the chest of the eldest lady who was holding back her laughter, and mournfully said, "Woooooo, I have been abused before!"

The secretary winked at the eldest lady, and then pretended to be surprised and said: "But the young master clearly knows that this is just the author's usual way of shaping the character! How could he still be abused?"

Lin Qiong rubbed the soft heart from left to right, and then said with a groan: "Secretary, you are not a good-hearted person, you are very bad!"

Seeing that Lin Qiong understood what he meant, the secretary smiled, then looked at the clock, and said, "Master, miss, it's 02:30 in the afternoon, shall we go to the dungeon to try?"

"oh oh!"

Lin Qiong quickly raised his head, and then said with bright eyes: "I want to go! This is a rare experience, how can I not go?"

The eldest lady also said with a little expectation: "Then let's go! Go experience the environment of the dungeon?"

Yoyo hurriedly nodded, and said softly, "I want to go too!"

"What are you waiting for?"

Lin Qiong jumped off the bed and said, "Let's go, let's go! It's good for Ola Lihua to make some money!"

You can't spend Astoria's money all the time, can you?That's too soft!



Basement, one floor.

"To be honest, we thought that the person in charge assigned to us would be Aegina." Lin Qiong moved his shoulders in disappointment, and said, "But Misha is not bad, at least she is a young lady."

The four people in charge of Lin Qiong are all Micha Flot, who is Aina Zur's best friend, the young lady with short pink hair.

The eldest lady straightened the scabbard around her waist, and said without raising her head, "It doesn't matter, all we need is a permit—if nothing happens, we shouldn't have anything to consult with the person in charge."

"That's true." Lin Qiong nodded, he jumped on the spot, and said, "I just inquired about the news, it seems that the floor master on the 17th floor has been refreshed in the past two days, should we go and have a look?"

The secretary blinked and said, "So today's goal is to break through to the 18th floor in one go and then come back?"

Youyou said weakly: "If it's only more than two hours, is it enough time?"

It was about 50:[-] now, and they had to go back to the Astria Familia around [-]:[-] no matter what—after all, dozens of mouths were waiting to be fed.

Lin Qiong smiled and said, "Two hours should be more than enough, right? Just go all the way through Wushuang!"

The eldest lady stretched her waist and said with a smile, "Then what are you waiting for? Let's go!"

"Go—" x4

The next moment, Lin Qiong and the eldest lady rushed forward, while the secretary and Yoyo floated up from the ground, and followed closely behind them in the air.

"Yuyou, don't spread out the elemental circle for now—" Lin Qiong sensed Yoyo's movement through the power of the waveguide, and said without looking back: "Let's kill a few low-level monsters and check the absorption status of Monster Hunter."


Youyou nodded, she quickly took the staff back into her arms, then lowered her head to avoid the stone pillar beside her, and said, "I understand."


The next moment, when everyone turned the corner, the little brother Brin, who had been waiting at the corner for a long time, suddenly screamed and rushed towards Lin Qiong, but he was greeted by a fist that was rapidly enlarged in front of his eyes.

Before dying, the goblin took a look at the owner of the fist, but sadly found that he didn't even look at himself.


The next moment, the goblin was beaten into black ashes by Lin Qiong, and the magic stone it dropped was caught in front of him by Master Yoyo. After looking at it curiously for a while, he said: "This is good! Little--"

The eldest lady smiled and said: "After all, it is only the magic stone dropped by the monsters on the first floor! When we go deeper, the dropped magic stone should be bigger."


Youyou nodded happily, she put this small magic stone into the backpack behind her, then hummed softly, and by the way, put the second brother who was punched by Lin Qiong to death. The magic stone dropped by Brin was collected.

"From this point of view, Xiao Youyou is a good supporter." Lin Qiong came out happily, and while running in the direction of the map, he joked: "There is no need to waste time picking up the dropped objects! Hmm, pick up automatically What a great feature!"

"Ha ha--"

The eldest lady also laughed, and she glanced at Yoyo who was screaming "Wow, wow" behind her, and said, "Be careful to make Yoyo angry, and then I will directly send you a sky fall!"

"How can you pinch? Yoyo is a good boy!" Lin Qiong said solemnly: "How could you attack your own people? Right!"


Realizing that she had been manipulated, Yoyo let out a groan, and said angrily, "Qionisang is a big villain!"

The secretary quickly nodded and said, "On this point, I agree with Yoyo very much."

"Huh? Why am I such a badass?"

Lin Qiong jumped down from the entrance on the second floor, and replied innocently: "I'm a good citizen, okay? I often insert coins after watching videos on the site, and on the website, I often reply that the good guy LZ is safe in life!"

The eldest lady blushed and said to Yoyo: "Yuyou, send him a dragon thunder! Let him talk nonsense again—"

Lin Qiong shouted injustice: "Where are you talking nonsense! I have always been an honest and reliable little man, and I never lie Lin Qiongqiong, okay?"

The secretary said with a little disgust at the side: "Young master, you are a 28-year-old man, it's disgusting to say repetitive words!"

Lin Qiong: "???"

Seeing his question mark expression, the three girls immediately let out a "hahahaha——" laugh.

Oh Noel!



Basement, No.17 floor.

The only trouble these seventeen floors brought to Lin Qiong's team was that there was no trouble.

Lin Qiong stood in front of the floor master's room, with his hands on his hips, and said with a relaxed expression, "To be honest, I think the dungeon can have a new function."

The eldest lady looked at her boyfriend and couldn't help but ask, "What function?"

Lin Qiong crossed his arms and said, "For example, if you can kill the floor master on the 30th floor within 17 seconds, you can choose to directly enter the entrance on the 18th floor. Wouldn't it be much more convenient? Next time we will You don’t need to run for more than half an hour when you come here, right?”

The eldest lady was silent for a few seconds, then looked at the secretary and said, "Fei Shazi, what should I do? I actually think what he said makes sense, am I broken?"

The secretary covered her face and said: "Miss, to be honest with you, I actually felt that what the young master said made sense. Maybe I am also broken."

Youyou: "Actually, I also..."

Lin Qiong turned around with black lines all over his head, and said, "Hey, hey! You're almost done! Hurry up, let the secretary give me a buff!"

"Luck boost——"

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