"Sorry, I'm not doubting you, it's just..." Astraea sighed from the bottom of her heart, "It's just that this is so unbelievable! Even when Alishe and I were sparring, there was no I’ve ever felt so stressed!”



Alishe: "??"

Tie Q, don't cue!

Kaguya on the side covered his face with a smile, then leaned into the ear of the little human, Laila, and said, "Did you hear that? Our leader seems to be very good in the mouth of the goddess—combat unit Alysia?"


Lyra covered her mouth and let out a puff puff sound.


Alicia turned her head to look at her good teammate, and said dissatisfiedly: "What is a combat unit! I am the strongest in our family!"

"Ah yes yes yes—"

Kaguya and Laila nodded perfunctorily, causing Alyse to stomp her feet angrily.

Liu Liang on the side looked at his teammates playing so easily and freely, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.

Lin Qiong on the side looked at this scene and couldn't help but show a moved expression. He felt that he was watching the scene of Qing Baihe sticking to her.

'That's great! '

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that all members of the Astria family are girls!So if they are the protagonists to shoot a relaxed, daily-oriented extra, it must be a light lily post-it will definitely not be an isolated school island! !no way!



"You're too much, my skills are still far behind." The eldest lady shook her head with a wry smile, and said, "After competing with you, I realized how immature I am."

In fact, not only the eldest lady, but even Lin Qiong had such thoughts.

After experiencing the double exercise of Suqing World and Bone King World, the physical fitness has been greatly improved, so that the four of them have a phenomenon of "spirit and body" mismatch - they cannot 100% exert their physical strength. contained power.

To put it simply, there is more food abuse than death battles.

"It's okay, I will continue to practice with you until you are satisfied." Astoria showed a shallow smile and said, "Don't think it's a special benefit--I also want to fight against evenly matched opponents." Learn skills!"

This is a lie.

This is Astoria's repayment for Missy's life-saving grace—how can Missy He De bear the words of "evenly matched opponent" from Astoria, a goddess who has studied martial arts for hundreds of millions of years?

'This is not a battle of evenly matched rivals, but a battle of guidance between seniors and juniors! The eldest lady pursed her lips, then took a deep breath and said, "Asteria, I'm going to fuck you!"

"bring it on!"

Astoria raised her weapon with a smile and made a sound of challenge.




Lin Qiong approached Astoria who was resting in the corridor,


"Huh?" Astoria looked at Lin Qiong with dissatisfaction.

"Okay, okay, Astraea." Lin Qiong raised his hands helplessly and said, "Can I trouble you again and help me introduce some gods?"

Astoria showed a subtle expression: "I want to introduce again? It was Hephaestus last time, who is it this time?"

"Ahem, don't get me wrong! I just felt a little itchy after watching the match between you and Erina." Lin Qiong scratched his head, looked at Astoria expectantly, and said, "So, I hope you can help me introduce some gods who are good at boxing and kicking!"

"That's it! I understand what you mean." Astoria nodded, and she said with a little thought: "There are many gods who are good at boxing, but I suggest you go to Jian Yulei or Di Shi Heaven (Indra)—the other warrior gods are either good at weapons, or they haven’t entered the realm, or they have weird tempers and are difficult to deal with.”

Lin Qiong scratched his head, and then said with some distress: "Asteria, I have some difficulty in choosing. Which one do you think is better, Jian Yulei or Indra?"

Astoria thought for a while, and said, "Jian Yulei! He is famous for his good temper, and Di Shitian is a bit troublesome in character—he likes to see other people make embarrassments."

Lin Qiong showed a dazed expression, understood, Di Shitian is a fun person.

"In this case, let's go ask Shangshen Jian Yulei!" Lin Qiong showed an eager expression, and said, "Asteria, when do you have time?"

Astraea stood up with her hands on her knees and said cheerfully: "Let's go now! Let's go!"



Orario, one of the potato ball branches.

"Oh, isn't this Astraea?"

Looking at Astoria who led Lin Qiong over, Jian Yulei, who combed his horned hair, showed a bright smile and said, "Would you like some fried potato balls? I strongly recommend the classic flavor of red bean cream." If you like to pursue freshness, I recommend the latest chocolate sandwich flavor to satisfy your pursuit of chocolate!"

Good guy, Lin Qiong called him good guy!

What kind of top ten good employees is this!The first thing I did after seeing an acquaintance coming to me was to start selling my own products! ?Turtle! !

Lin Qiong recalled the taste of the fried potato balls he ate yesterday, and couldn't help but get closer and said: "Please give me a red bean cream flavor, another chocolate sandwich flavor, and this vanilla matcha flavor and taro and purple sweet potato flavor." Have one of the same!"

"Okay!" Jian Yulei nodded enthusiastically, and said happily, "I'll prepare it for you now——do you want to pack it or take it away?"

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

Jian Yulei was stunned for a moment, and he repeated again: "Do the guests want to pack or take away!"

Lin Qiong opened his mouth, then hesitated for a few seconds and said, "Well, isn't there an option to dine in?"

Hearing this, Jian Yulei froze for a moment, then let out a mournful "Ah—" and put his hands on his head, saying, "West Malaysia! It's messed up! No wonder the guests in the past two days looked at me Nothing is quite right..."


Lin Qiong didn't stop. Did you ask me this question these past two days?Unfortunately, I still think you are one of the top ten employees!As expected of Hestia's best friend, he's still acting like a loser!

Astoria on the side also showed an uncontrollable expression, and said, "A Jian, I didn't expect you to have such a side."

Jian Yulei put Lin Qiong's fried potato balls into a paper bag in pain, and said, "This is the dark history of my life—"

Astelia didn't save him face, but said quietly: "Then you have a lot of dark history."

Jian Yulei put the wooden stick into the paper bag with a black face, then handed the paper bag to Lin Qiong, and complained: "Asteria, can't you save me some face in front of the children?"

Lin Qiong was shocked when he saw it. This person was indeed one of the top ten employees!To be able to work accurately at such a time is really a sign of dedication!

He reached for the fries, and Astoria paid the bill.


Jian Yulei took the Farley handed over by Astoria with a shocked face, and then said with a funny face: "That Astoria actually paid for other men? Could it be that..."

Astoria glanced at Jian Yulei, and said calmly: "He is my savior, that's all!"

Jian Yulei's expression quickly became serious, he leaned forward and said, "Are you in danger?"

"I was almost sent back to the heavens." Astoria nodded, she didn't mind telling her friends about this kind of thing-if doing so could raise their vigilance against danger, it would be good for her It's a good thing to say, "Thanks to his help."

"Oh! Thank you so much!" Jian Yulei gave Lin Qiong a thumbs up, and said enthusiastically, "I'll give you a few more fried potato balls as a thank you gift!"

Astoria said softly: "A Jian, I brought him here this time to seek your help."

Jian Yulei, who was about to bag the potato balls, paused, then raised his head curiously, and said, "Looking for help? Astoria, I haven't even established my own family yet! Can I How can I help you?"

Astoria didn't speak, but set her eyes on Lin Qiong - at this point, you can do it yourself.

Lin Qiong nodded, he took a step forward, and said to Jian Yulei seriously: "Master Jian Yulei! I heard from Lord Astria that you are a martial god who is good at boxing and kicking, so I would like to invite you You taught me how to fight! Please—”

Chapter 0172 A good wife is sure, but a good mother is a little short of——

Facing Lin Qiong's request, Jian Yulei raised his hand and scratched his face, then folded his hands on his chest and muttered: "It's not impossible, but I still have to work part-time - if you don't mind, wait until I get off work Come find me again?"

Anyway, working part-time to earn living expenses is his top priority, so he can't let him stop working to teach Lin Qiong martial arts, right?

"Of course it's okay!" Lin Qiong nodded with surprise, looked at the stall in front of Jian Yulei, and asked, "By the way, my lord, what is your hourly salary for working here? "

Jian Yulei scratched his head and asked, "Huh? The hourly wage is four hundred farley. What's wrong?"

Lin Qiong vaguely remembers that he once read an analysis by a broken station UP. The ratio of Farley to Japanese Yen is about 1:4, which means that Jian Yulei’s hourly salary is converted into Japanese Yen, which is about [-] Yen. The hourly salary - in terms of the part-time job industry, it is already considered a pretty good level.

"Four hundred faries? Well, since I'm the one asking the male god to train me, I can't waste the male god's physical strength and energy in vain..." Lin Qiong lowered his head and thought for a few seconds, then said: "So During the time when the male god is training me, I will give you a thousand manalis per hour, what do you think?"

'One, a thousand farleys!It's actually two and a half times my hourly salary—” Jian Yulei showed a rather shaken expression—or rather, he even wanted to quit his job at the potato ball stand for a moment and concentrate on teaching Lin Qiong martial arts .

The hourly wage is one thousand francs!So delicious!

But, but...

"Just, no need..." Jian Yulei showed a difficult expression, and he said in pain: "You, you are Astoria's savior, so, so..."

Lin Qiong said quickly: "Don't, don't! Strictly speaking, the price I gave is already very low-this is the personal teaching of the Valkyrie. In my opinion, even if you give a million, ten million mana is not an exaggeration. "

This is the truth!

Don't look at Jian Yulei now working part-time at a potato ball stand, and the hourly salary is only [-] fares, living in a small hotel with low prices (now he can't even afford his own family resident), but that's because he To abide by the rules of Olalie's game!

Apart from these?Jian Yulei is still the God of War. He has studied martial arts for hundreds of millions of years, which is incomparable to Lin Qiong at this time sitting on a rocket and shooting a nuclear bomb!

Jian Yulei scratched the back of his head in embarrassment and said, "Oh, you praise me so much, I feel a little embarrassed, hahaha!"

Besides shaking M, who doesn't like to be praised?Oh no, Shaking M also likes to be praised - the queen stepped on her face and said: You are really my good dog - okay?

Lin Qiong said seriously: "So the hourly salary of [-] fares is really just a small thought of mine! Please don't refuse - this price does not turn our behavior into a transaction, but A kind of thanks and compensation to you!"

If the secretary was here, he would definitely be moved by Lin Qiong's speech—it's not easy, it's not easy!My young master has finally grown up!Check out this speech, it's so true!elder brother!

Jian Yulei thought for a while, then showed a smile to Lin Qiong and said: "Okay! Since you said so, it won't be good for me to refuse anymore - starting from tonight, I will give you more advice. !"




Because the matter was settled, when Lin Qiong followed Astoria home, his footsteps were a little more wandering than usual.

"You kind of surprised me."


Astoria's sudden words made Lin Qiong a little confused, he stopped, looked sideways at Astoria beside him, and said, "What's wrong?"

"I mean, you paid Jian Yulei."

"Hey, you have to give me some compensation for troubling others, right? Otherwise, why don't you have the nerve to look for him next time!"

"Are you ready for a next time?"

"Isn't that right?" Lin Qiong chuckled, and said with a proud look on his face: "For such a talkative God of War, if he doesn't pick up the wool a few more times, how could he be sorry for himself?"


Astraea showed a subtle expression and muttered: "If Jian Yulei knew that you were treating him like a sheep, his expression would be very wonderful."

Lin Qiong shrugged his shoulders and said, "I think he might be very happy."


"Because that means he can earn extra money again."

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Astoria laughed, she imagined Jian Yulei's character, then nodded, and said, "It's really possible—"


Lin Qiong swung his fist twice, and said wakuwaku, "I'm really looking forward to tonight's training! I'm sure I'll be beaten badly, right?"

Only by being beaten can we improve and know where our shortcomings are!

Shangshen Jian Yulei, train me well!



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