Lin Qiong chuckled and said, "It's not surprising that Lord Hephaestus doesn't know. After all, these dragon kings are creatures from another world!"

"Abnormal..." Hephaestus was stunned for a moment, and then said with a strange expression: "Little guy, it's not okay to use such words to deceive the gods, right?"

"Gengar, come out and show the goddess—"


"This dagger can release a flaming blade that can be recharged up to three times, and each recharge takes four hours—"


"And this, it's called a laptop, there shouldn't be one in this world, right?"


Shocked Hephaestus for [-] million years.

Chapter 0170 Deal

At this time, Hephaestus no longer had the flexibility to fold his arms and lean on the table behind him - she was sitting on the chair in a formal manner, and then acted like a veteran cadre using a computer for the first time. Same.

"Yes, first move the mouse to a square randomly, and then click the left button."

"Are there any numbers? The number one means that there is one bomb in the adjacent square, and the number two means that there are two. What we have to do is to mark the positions of these bombs!"

"Start from the easiest place to find. For example, this corner is surrounded by numbers one. First, right-click to mark it, then move to the side, and press the left and right buttons together, yes!"

"Look, this eliminates a few non-mine blocks!"

"oh oh……"

Hephaestus, who was trying the game Minesweeper for the first time, showed a look of surprise. She moved her mouse carefully. After stumbling and spending 4 minutes in the game, she finally succeeded. Passed the beginner level (9*9).


After taking a long breath, Hephaestus wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and said with a serious expression: "It's really an exciting game!"

Lin Qiong: "!"

Is this exciting?Then let you play a beachhead battle, you can't be so excited to shoot a gun on the spot and then rush into the dungeon, biabiabia, biabiabia, shoot indiscriminately?

"There are landmines all around, and you need to use observation and wisdom to mark them out to ensure your own safety." Hephaestus analyzed with a serious face: "If you are not careful, you will dig a real bomb, and then let Your own bones are unharmed—isn’t this the same as adventurers’ adventures in dungeons? Whether it’s a monster feast or a mutant species, they are all ‘bombs’ that require special attention!”

Originally, was she actually thinking about such a serious matter?My thinking is too shallow!

"So, one more game—"


Under Lin Qiong's gaze, Hephaestus played another game, and this time she seemed unwilling to try the easy difficulty again, but chose the medium difficulty (16*16) - for the next 10 minutes , Hephaestus and the computer program battled wits and courage, and staged an amazing battle of wits.

Just listen carefully.

"Phew, it's really an exciting game."

Hephaestus wiped the cold sweat off his forehead again, and then said with a serious face: "Any small mistake will cause incalculable consequences, just like when adventurers take risks in dungeons, a small Mistakes can lead to total annihilation."

"So, one more time..."

Before she could finish her words, Lin Qiong, who had a black look on his face, pressed his right hand that was holding the mouse.

Careless, I didn't expect that video games could have such a lethal effect on this group of idle moldy gods. Even a reliable adult goddess like Hephaestus could not escape the law of true fragrance.

"My Lady, the probation period is here!" Lin Qiong looked at Hephaestus expressionlessly and said, "We just agreed to just play a game, right?"

As a result, you have already played two games, and you still want to play tricks and play another game!

Damn, I didn't expect Hephaestus to play tricks!


A big exclamation mark appeared on Hephaestus's head, she smacked her lips regrettably, then sat upright seriously, and said, "The evidence you presented is very effective in proving the existence of the other world. exist."

If those materials can be explained by "mutated monsters that suddenly appeared in some places", the purple fat man who emerged from Lin Qiong's shadow is really unheard of, and the charged weapon brought out by the other party is also unheard of. It opened Hephaestus' eyes—in this world, the only weapon that can release magic is a consumable called "Magic Sword", and there is no possibility of charging the magic sword.

The most important thing is the item called "laptop" brought out by the other party, which is definitely not a product of this world!Hephaestus can swear by his priesthood!

"Since the goddess is willing to admit this reality, it will be easy to handle." Lin Qiong breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile on his face: "I hope to reach a cooperative relationship with the goddess."

After all, she was a goddess who had lived for hundreds of millions of years. After getting rid of the influence of video games, Hephaestus quickly regained his composure.

She leaned back on the chair, then intertwined her hands and fingers on the table, and analyzed: "I can guess from the way you took out the materials that what you need is my forging skills - then, you What conditions can you offer to impress me?"

Lin Qiong put his hands on Hephaestus's desk and said seriously: "How about all kinds of equipment, materials, and knowledge from other worlds that are useful to you?"

"Hmm..." Hephaestus showed a hesitant expression, and glanced reluctantly at the laptop on the table——Looking at this scene, Lin Qiong suddenly showed a clear expression.

"Master Hephaestus, if you choose to cooperate now, there will also be an opening ceremony!" Lin Qiong decisively raised his finger and said: "Not only a laptop, but also a gift package of 500 small games , including Minesweeper, FreeCell, Spider Solitaire, [-]D Pinball, Raiden, Contra, Super Mario, Snowman Brothers, Salamander and other classic games, and I will give you two extra game controllers at a loss!"

"!" Hearing this, Hephaestus nodded without hesitation, and said, "Deal!"

She is not a greedy god, and the terms of exchange offered by Lin Qiong are already very attractive to her—especially the 500 game gift package, which is strong just by listening to it!

This is 500 games! !

Lin Qiong stretched out his right hand: "So, are you happy to cooperate?"

Hephaestus held his hand: "Happy cooperation!"

Behind the two of them, the eldest lady, secretary and Youyou all showed quite twisted expressions.

Yoyo: "Qionisang, what made you a capitalist..."

Secretary: "Is it the experience of being an emperor in the bone king world?" '

Missy: "Let you understand how to make the horse run with the least amount of grass?" ? '



Astoria looked at Lin Qiong with a strange face, and said, "How did you convince Hephaestus?"

God knows how surprised she was when she found out that Lin Qiong actually persuaded Hephaestus to tailor the equipment for his squad members - damn it, she swallowed the potato balls Do you know?One breath!

Don't think it's just a small thing!Just a little bit, really just a little bit (stroke thumb and index finger), she will be the first goddess in Olalie's history to return herself to heaven because of eating potato balls raw-he Mom is going to be nailed to the pillar of shame for the rest of her life! !

Can't stand it, really can't stand it.

"Isn't this related to my secret?" Lin Qiong also held a red bean cream flavored fried potato ball in his hand, and then replied while eating: "Let the goddess and Hephaisto Listen to it with Si, and you say you are not interested."

Astoria shook her head with a chuckle, and said, "I'm really not interested in exploring other people's secrets. I just asked casually just now."


What else can Lin Qiong say?He could only innocently swallow the fried potato balls, and then said: "Okay, let's ask when the goddess becomes interested."

"Hmm..." Astoria frowned slightly, and said, "I just realized now that you seem to be calling me 'Goddess' all the time, right?"

"What's wrong?"

"I should have told you that you can just call me Astraea, right?"

"Oh, I said it before! But I think the title 'Goddess' is more suitable for you!"

"However, I'm not used to being called that. Can you change my name?"

"Hey, change your name..."


"Then... my lord god?"


A road that was never imagined appeared.

Astoria stared at Lin Qiong dumbfounded, she never expected that such a title would come out of Lin Qiong's mouth——

God! ?God damn male god! ?


The eldest lady on the side covered Lin Qiong's mouth with black lines all over her face, and then said with a smile: "Asteria! Don't worry, this guy Qiong didn't have a brain when he went out today, ahhahaha——"

Astoria looked blankly at the young lady dragging Lin Qiong away, then lowered her head, and said to herself, "Are there any races with detachable brains in this world?"



"I'm really afraid that Astoria will chop you up."

After entering the bedroom, the eldest lady said to Lin Qiong behind her while hanging her clothes on the hook at the door.

He laughed and said, "It's just a joke, Astraea is not that stingy."

If it was facing Loki, Lin Qiong would never dare to make such a joke--Loki was already very concerned about his barren body that seemed to have no chest bones to model, if Lin Qiong still dared to say that she If it was a male god, she would definitely jump up and kick Lin Qiong's knee angrily.

But Astraea is different!This goddess of justice is actually a very gentle person - of course, provided you are not a cunning villain, otherwise she will let you see what cruelty is.

The secretary also nodded in agreement, and said, "Miss, don't worry! Astoria won't care about jokes of this level."

The eldest lady turned her head and said angrily, "Well, forget about meddling in my own business."

"Where! Who thinks you are meddling?" Lin Qiong immediately put his arms around the young lady's waist, buried his face in her hair, took a breath, and whispered, "Isn't this Does it seem that Erina in our family cares about people?"

The corners of the eldest lady's mouth couldn't help but turn up, but she felt that she couldn't be dealt with so easily, so she worked hard to lower the corners of her mouth, snorted, and said, "Do you think in your heart that I am particularly easy to deal with?"

Lin Qiong blinked, then touched the eldest lady's smooth waist with his hand, and said, "No! I just felt in my heart that Erina's waist is good to touch."

Who told you this!And hands, hands!

The eldest lady blushed and pulled Lin Qiong's claws, which were gradually yearning for exploration, out of her clothes, then glared at him, and said, "Yoyo is still there!"


Lin Qiong understood, he turned his head, and cast a sharp look at Yoyo—little guy, give you a look, you know what I mean?


Youyou understood, she gave a salute, then pressed the hat on her head, and jumped out of the window - this is the fastest way to get wet, I'm very experienced!

"Not anymore-"

"Hey... um!"

Congrats, congratulations.

Chapter 0171 Martial God·Jian Yulei

The next day, early in the morning.

"Ding ding ding..."

The sound of the collision of knives and swords sounded in the backyard of the Astria family, and two figures, one black and one white, were colliding fiercely——

The black figure is the eldest lady wearing black exercise clothes and black old Baijing cloth shoes;

The white figure is the goddess Astraea wearing white slim trousers and clothes.


Alyse, who was sitting on the sidelines, propped her chin, and said to Gojo Ye Kaguya beside her, "Kaguya-chan, if it's you, is there a way to fight like this with the goddess?"


Kaguya tugged at the corner of his mouth, then covered the lower half of his face with his sleeve, and said with a smile: "Alyse, could it be that you accidentally closed the door quickly when you were going out, and put your head in your hands? ?”

Which god has not lived for hundreds of millions of years?They have all exercised the memory they are good at to the extreme - to give a simple example, if the goddess Ishtar sits on an ordinary man's body, he only needs to twist his waist three times to make the other person tremble, and then enter the time of the sage. !

Similarly, as the goddess of justice, Astoria's sword skills are naturally at the pinnacle!But what restricts her now is that she is limited by the inability to use divine power in the lower realm, resulting in only Lv.2 (or Lv.3) adventurer-level physical fitness.


In less than 5 minutes of fighting, the eldest lady and Astoria both began to breathe. Such a fierce confrontation naturally consumed a lot of physical strength of the two.

"It's amazing." Astoria wiped the sweat from the corners of her eyes, then looked at the eldest lady with admiration, and said, "Erina, have you really never received the favor of the gods?"

"Didn't I let you see my back?" The eldest lady said helplessly, holding a high-grade vanity weapon brought out from the world of the Bone King, "I am indeed a vanity now."

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