The story of the goddess Astria leaving Olalie with the adventurers whose family has been destroyed has spread throughout the family, and now they are all a little surprised to see her return.

Of course, some bedbugs living in dark corners were unavoidable. They were looking at Astoria who was standing at the gate communicating with the guards with cold eyes, then they looked at each other and left the city gate one after another.

We must pass this news back!

After communicating with the guards for a while, Astoria took Lei Li and Lin Qiong to the residence of her family, and said as she walked: "Although the people from the dark faction caused as many as The return of the twenty gods, but that is based on the situation where everyone relaxes their vigilance."

After all, under the activeness of the Astoria family, the dark faction once hid in the shadow of Olalie. No one thought that this group of guys would suddenly explode nearly two years later and attack Twenty family members were killed (although they were all small family members with less than ten members), resulting in the return of a large number of gods.

After such a bad thing happened, all the family members of Olali were panic-stricken, and many familiar gods spontaneously united and moved the family members' residences together, for fear of being stolen again.

"Okay, here we are!"

In Astoria's description, the four of Lin Qiong and the little carrot heads came to a camp surrounded by a wooden fence, and after she opened the wooden fence, a girl with a bright red ponytail Just ran out.

"Goddess, welcome back!"

She looked at Astoria standing at the door and showed a heroic smile.

"Well, I'm back, Alyse."

Astoria also looked at her, showing a faint smile.

Immediately afterwards, one after another, the girls ran out and surrounded Astoria one after another, expressing their miss and welcome to Astoria.

Soon, Alexe, who was the group leader, saw Lin Qiong and the others standing with the little radishheads, and she asked curiously, "Mr. Goddess, who are these..."

"I almost forgot to introduce it, it's really rude." Astoria reacted, she walked in front of Lin Qiong and others with a trace of guilt, and said, "Sorry, because I am so excited to reunite with the children I accidentally ignored everyone..."

"It's okay, it's okay." Lin Qiong waved his hands carelessly, and then said with a smile: "Don't I also often enter the two-person world mode with Erina? Understand, understand!"

"Wow, who entered the two-person world mode with you!"

"Eh? Who else, you!"

"No no!"

"There is one!"


The eldest lady pressed her forehead against Lin Qiong's chest angrily, and then angrily poked his abdominal muscles with her fingers—unfortunately, the defensive power of the abdominal muscles is a bit high, and her attack did not break the defense.


The girls from the Astralia family next to them all raised their hands to cover their mouths with blushing faces, and then looked at Lin Qiong and the eldest lady with fluttering eyes.

Yes, it's a couple!And what a lovelove couple!Wow!


At this moment, the secretary's missionary radar suddenly sensed something, and she turned her head to look at the girls of the Astria family, with stars shining in her eyes.

These children might be able to fool you into becoming followers of the EMT God Sect!

When the secretary was brainstorming, Astoria said with a smile: "Alyse, these are my saviors - I was poisoned by the dark faction in the forest before, if they hadn't spread it If you give a helping hand, I am afraid it has been returned to the heavens."

Astoria didn't say that the reason why she was discovered was because the eldest lady killed a small group of dark faction people - because in her opinion, the incident was not at all due to the eldest lady body!

Can't you just say "Won't you let the dark faction kill you? That way my position won't be exposed!", right?How stupid to say that.

After hearing Astraea's words, Alishe immediately walked up to Lin Qiong and others, then bent down and said, "Thank you very much for your help!"

"it's okay no problem--"

Lin Qiong and the eldest lady helped her up embarrassingly - they knew that if they hadn't chosen this time, Astoria would have escaped safely.

As if she saw the dilemma between Lin Qiong and the eldest lady, Astraea walked over with a smile and said: "Let me introduce the two parties to you -"

"She is Alisee Raphael, the leader of our family—"

This is a heroic girl in a combat uniform with a long red ponytail.

"She is Gojoye Kaguya, the deputy head of our family—"

This is a girl in a red kimono with Hime-style long hair and looks lovely.

"She's Lyra, one of the elders of our family—"

This is a little human girl with short pink hair who looks lively and playful.

"She is Lyu Lion, the rising star of our family—"

Wearing a green cloak, a slender elf girl with long golden hair.

Next, Lin Qiong and the others got to know the orc girl named Nitz, the dwarf girl named Astay, and the two magic casters Leyana and Celti, as well as the remaining Noin, Iska and Maru are the three members.

These people are the eleven members of Astria's family, the goddess of justice, and they are also the poor girls who were killed by the "Labyrinth Calamity" in the future.



Chapter 0169 Hephaestus

Thanks to the shiny SSR-level achievement of "Lord God's Lifesaver" by Lin Qiong and the eldest lady, the members of their team easily gained the friendship of Astria's family and successfully obtained the status of living in Astoria. The rights within the Tria family—well, with the fourteen guardians.

When he first came to this world, Lin Qiong had arranged for fourteen guardians to come to Olalie to support the members of the Astria family, but he did not expect that the pressure from Alysie and others at this time was not as strong as that of Lin Qiong. It was so big as imagined, so Kyle and others didn't find a chance to get in touch with Alyse and others through "The Heroine Saves the Beauty".

After learning about the situation through Yoyo's "reading words", Lin Qiong simply found Astoria and said to her: "Mr. Can they live here together? Don't worry, we will pay rent!"

Regarding Lin Qiong's request, Astoria said: "Live! You can live here! What kind of deposit do you need, do you look down on me?"

Ever since, the 18 members of Lin Qiong's team officially joined together. It's really gratifying, gratifying and congratulating!



"I feel like I have become the principal of a kindergarten -" Lin Qiong sat on a chair, listening to the sound of more than 20 carrot heads playing with Zoe, Nicole and others outside the window, rubbing his head helplessly and saying: " But I wasn’t an admiral before.”

A question mark popped up on the secretary's head, and she said: "Miss! The young master is saying something that everyone can't understand again!"

The young lady who was doing yoga on the floor said without looking back: "Leave him alone, he will go crazy for a while."


Lin Qiong turned around, looked at his girlfriend and his little follower, and couldn't help but said, "Why did I go crazy? Don't you know that? Navy Admiral Huang Yuan's real name is Takakura Bunta, and his nephew Meng Qi After D Luffy married Im, he retired and returned to his hometown, Kasukabe City, and opened a Futaba Kindergarten!"

The eldest lady: "?"

Secretary: "Master, there are Crayon Shin-chan in our world."

"Oh." Lin Qiong withdrew his gaze and said, "That's all right."

Damn it, the fooling failed.

The eldest lady glanced at Lin Qiong who was lazily lying on the sofa eating potato chips, and reminded: "Qiong, aren't you planning to go to Astoria and ask her to take us to visit Hephaestus? Is it time to go?"


Lin Qiong suddenly jumped up from the sofa, and said impatiently: "I almost forgot! Our equipment hasn't been built yet!"

The eldest lady added: "Mine too."

'My Dragon Tail Sword and Dragon Tooth Kitchen Knife. '

The secretary also said, "And mine."

'My dragonclaw dagger and dragonbone wand. '

Yoyo also repeated: "And mine."

'My dragon bone staff and dragon hide robe. '

'I'm looking forward to it——'x4



After arriving at Lady Goddess' lounge, Lin Qiong said straight to the point: "My Lady, do you know Hephaestus?"

Hearing this, Astoria, who was checking the information, raised her head, nodded, and said, "I know, what's wrong?"

Lin Qiong's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile: "Then can you take us to meet her? We want to entrust her to tailor some sets of equipment for us—"


Hearing Lin Qiong's words, Astoria couldn't help but widen her eyes, and couldn't help asking: "Where did you get your confidence?? I don't have such a big face!"

Let Hephaestus tailor the equipment for you! ?And there are still several sets! ?Good guy, I'm afraid Zeus was resurrected, and then ran to Hephaestus to dance the hula, wouldn't it be shameful?

"Well, it involves a trivial little secret of mine—" Lin Qiong stretched out the thumb and index finger of his right hand, made a gesture that would lose the cold country market, and said: "If the goddess wants to know, You can listen to it with Lord Hephaestus for a while."

"Forget it, I don't have the habit of prying into other people's secrets." Astraea waved her hand, stood up from her chair, and said, "As promised in advance, I am only responsible for taking you to Hephaestus. In front of Si, how to convince her is your business."

"No problem!" Lin Qiong nodded resolutely, and then thought in his heart: "Goddess Astoria, it's not that I don't tell you, it's that you don't listen—"

Can't blame me ha!



It has to be said that, as Olali's law enforcement officer, Astoria still has a lot of face-under her leadership, the four members of Lin Qiong's team easily met the red-haired Goddess with red eyes.

To be honest, after seeing Hephaestus, Lin Qiong said from the bottom of his heart that Hephaestus is a very sassy beauty in short-haired men's clothing, even wearing blindfolds can't hide her charm at all ——To put it simply, if Hephaestus is put on the earth, then under her social account, it is estimated that a large group of stinky brothers and stinky sisters will go crazy there every day, shouting "sister step on me".

But the problem is, such a sassy beauty, in the setting of this world, is actually an ultimate widowed king who has no manliness at all, and the culprit is her "extremely ugly appearance under the blindfold" - can there be how uglyAfter taking off the blindfold, the eye sockets are mouthparts with fangs, with whiskers and strange eyeballs spreading inside, right?

Come on, even if that's the case, won't K-sexuals be crazy about it?

Just when Lin Qiong was slandering madly in his heart, Hephaestus, who watched Astoria walk in, leaned on the desk behind him with a smile, and joked: "You are so busy that you are not busy with law enforcement, but It’s rare to come to me—”

"It's not that I'm looking for you today—" Astoria smiled lightly and shook her head, she stepped aside to reveal Lin Qiong and the others behind her, and said, "It's my savior who wants me to bring him here Looking for you."

Lin Qiong glanced at Astoria, and couldn't help being moved—although before coming, Astoria kept saying, "I'm only responsible for bringing you to Hephaestus, how can I convince her that it's you?" ', but now she deliberately mentions that Lin Qiong is her savior, in order to save her "face".

Really, she is so gentle, I just cried to death.


Hephaestus raised his eyebrows, and then said with a serious expression: "Did those guys attack you?"

"Well! I was already poisoned at the time. Without their help, I'm afraid I would have been sent back to heaven." After a brief explanation, Astoria looked at Lin Qiong and said, "I promise you I have already done it, as for how to convince Hephaestus in the future, that is up to you."

Lin Qiong made an OK gesture, and then said confidently: "Goddess, please be at ease!"

Such an "arrogant" speech made Hephaestus set his sights on him - she is not a fool!Lin Qiong specially asked Astoria to bring him in front of her. Needless to say the purpose?

It can't be a marriage proposal, right?



After Astoria left Hephaestus' office, Hephaestus kept sitting on the edge of the table, looked at the four people carrying backpacks in front of him, and asked curiously : "I'm curious, where did you get the confidence to make you say that to Astoria—"

Put a hundred hearts on it?In other words, are you convinced of me?interesting--

"Ahem, isn't this to reassure Lord Astoria—" Lin Qiong scratched his face, then untied the backpack on his back, reached in and groped for it, and said, "As for me Confidence here... look at this first?"

Lin Qiong took the scales of the Platinum Dragon King out of his backpack and handed them to Hephaestus.

"This is……"

A strange color flashed through Hephaestus' exposed left eye. She did not take the scales immediately, but took off the gloves first, and then stretched out her hand to take the scales.

"The hardness is very high, and at the same time it has excellent toughness." Hephaestus caressed the surface of the scales carefully, and murmured: "I have seen similar materials, but they are definitely not scales—"

She raised her head and asked with a trace of fanaticism: "Could it be the drop material of a monster I haven't seen before?"

'As expected of a blacksmith, he would have such a reaction when he saw materials he had never seen before. Lin Qiong thought to himself, and then said: "This is the material dropped by a giant dragon named Platinum Dragon King."

"Platinum Dragon King? I have never heard of the name, is it really an unknown monster?" Hephaestus's voice was full of excitement, and she continued to ask: "Is there any more material?"

"Yes! Platinum Dragon King's dragon teeth, dragon claws, dragon skin, dragon bones and dragon scales, we have all dealt with—" Lin Qiong blinked and continued to throw bombs outward, "Besides, there are We also have materials for the Dragon King of the Decaying Coffin, the Dragon King of Ever Darkness, the Dragon King of Seven Colors, the Dragon King of Shengtian, and the Dragon King of Thousand Blades.”

"You still have so many materials that I haven't seen before?!" Hephaestus' eyes widened, and she said in disbelief: "And monsters that can drop materials of this quality, why should I Unheard of?"

A monster of this level, even in a place far away from Orario, should have information coming from it—don't underestimate the teeth of the intelligence network of the gods!

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