'Lion, Alysée, Kaguya, Laila...'

'Are you guys OK? '

Chapter 0167


Hearing the footsteps coming from behind, the heroic Astoria turned her head, looked at Lin Qiong and the eldest lady who were walking together behind her, and couldn't help showing a smile, saying: "Morning, Erina, are you still here?" There is a vault."

The eldest lady smiled slightly and said, "Good morning, Astoria."

Lin Qiong also raised his right hand and said, "Morning~"

Astoria put the long sword back on her waist, then walked towards the eldest lady, and asked, "Is Erina also in charge of today's breakfast?"

The eldest lady raised her head proudly and said, "Of course! As a cook, I don't allow my territory (kitchen) to be invaded (used) by others!"

Astoria bent her eyes and said, "Then we have a lucky day again today, that's great."

"Just look forward to it to your heart's content!" The eldest lady put her hands on her hips and said with a smile on her face, "By the way, today's breakfast is red oil siu mai, noodles with fried sauce, and eggnog."

Lin Qiong's eyes lit up when he heard the young lady's description, he hurriedly pushed the young lady's back and walked towards the "kitchen" area, and said, "Stop chatting, do it quickly! I can't wait to have breakfast!"

The eldest lady looked up helplessly, and said, "Okay, okay... Oh, don't push me, I'll leave by myself! Idiot!"


Seeing this scene, Astoria couldn't help but shook her head with a smile, and said with emotion: "What a loving couple."

"Hey, thank you, Lady Goddess, for your compliment." Lin Qiong rubbed his nose and walked back, then sat down on a stone beside him with a smile, and asked, "What's on your mind, Lady Goddess?"

Astoria was taken aback for a moment, and then asked back, "Why do you say that?"

Lin Qiong raised his hand and scratched his head, and said, "Eh? Who would ask that when they saw that scene? Well, how do you describe it? Just looking at the back of the goddess just now, I will feel 'ah, This person seems to have something on his mind!"

Hearing Lin Qiong's words, Astoria couldn't help but let out a "hehehe" chuckle, she shook her head helplessly, and said, "So I was so obvious?"

"That's right - super obvious!"

At this time, Lei Li, who heard the movement, leaned over, poked her head out from behind Lin Qiong, and said, "Master Astria must be thinking about Master Alyse and the others, right?"


"Yeah! Master Alyse is the head of Astria's family! He is a second-level adventurer with the title of 'Red Masamune'!" Lei Li held her chest in both hands and gave Lin Qiong admiringly. She introduced the group leader she was talking about, but when she turned her head, she lowered her head in frustration and said, "It's just that she is now trapped inside Olalie together with other seniors of the family..."


Astoria frowned, and she said a little seriously: "Don't say any more!"

"No, what's going on here?" Lin Qiong looked back and forth between Astoria and Reilly a few times knowingly asked, and then put his gaze on Reilly, and said, "Trapped inside Olalie? Why was it trapped? Was it because of the accomplices of the attackers?"

Lei Li glanced at Astoria who had a serious expression, and silently lowered her head.

Lin Qiong rubbed his hair helplessly, and then set his sights on Astoria. He understood that if the goddess did not let go, he would not be able to ask anything from other people— —Although he knew what happened, he had to have a "reasonable excuse".

He looked at Astoria and asked, "Master Goddess, why don't you want to tell me?"

Astoria looked into his black eyes and said, "You've already saved me once, so I can't trouble you anymore."

Lin Qiong asked back: "The ones who are clearly in danger are your companions?"

Astoria took a deep breath and said, "This is our family's business, and we can't trouble other people."

Boring responsibility, and boring self-esteem.

This is the god, this is the god who has lived for hundreds of millions of years but remains unchanged!

That's why the gods are envious of human beings, envious of human beings who will undergo earth-shaking changes in a short period of time and achieve full growth.

Lin Qiong rubbed the bridge of his nose helplessly, and said, "You're trying to force me to use my trump card—"


"It's decided! From now on, our team will completely rely on you!" Lin Qiong pointed at Astoria confidently and said, "If you go to Olalie, we will go to Olalie, you guys If you go to the dungeon, we will go to the dungeon, if you stay in the forest, we will stay in the forest!"

"Wha... blah..." Facing the rogue-like words, Astoria opened her mouth cutely.

"Hmph! If that's the case, you can't do anything, right?" Lin Qiong withdrew his right hand, folded his hands on his chest, and said proudly, "Unless you have the heart to watch your companions stay in Olalie and suffer, as long as you If you decide to go to Orario to support them, we will definitely be involved!"

"oh oh--"

Lei Li on the side clenched her hands into fists and looked at Lin Qiong with gleaming eyes. Her adoring eyes made Lin Qiong particularly helpful - when she heard Lin Qiong's rogue's sure-fire way to win, she almost couldn't hold back her cheers. come out.

Mr. Lin Qiong, it's so cool to play tricks at a time like this!I am obsessed with you!

"Mr. Lin Qiong, this method is too foolish."

"I know, but you can't stop us."

Facing Lin Qiong who looked like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water, Astria opened her mouth, then covered her forehead with a headache, and let out a sigh.

"In any case, the life of your companion should be the first element, right?" Lin Qiong looked at the goddess in front of him, and said angrily: "You see the hope of saving your companion, shouldn't you be asking him to help you? Why? Would you like us not to get involved?"

"Because I don't want innocent people to be involved in the struggle between our family and the dark forces." Astoria looked at Lin Qiong seriously, and said, "The Astoria family is Olalie's enforcer , so our duty is to fight against the dark forces, but you are not!"

Seeing Astoria's appearance, Lin Qiong opened his mouth. He seemed to understand what Astoria was thinking at this time—just like the police don't want to involve ordinary people in danger.

"Very pure quality, I admire you very much! Few people can make such a rational and immoral choice of kidnapping under such circumstances—" Lin Qiong sighed from the bottom of his heart, but then he said He held his head high and said: "But I refuse, one of my favorite things to do in Qiongqiong is to say No to the guy who thinks he has the chance to win!"


Facing the man who said these words even though he knew his reasons, understood his thoughts, and praised his own qualities, Astoria couldn't help showing a dumb expression.

"Aren't you willing to say it?" Lin Qiong scratched his head in distress, and said, "That's how it is-you just think that I hope to gain the reputation of being a hero by defeating the bugs of the dark forces, how about this? The argument of utilitarianism should make sense, right?"

Looking at the helpless eyes of the man and the pleading eyes of the younger generation of the family behind her, Astoria sighed and said, "Okay, then treat it as a message sent by our Astoria family." Entrusted—”


After the words fell, Lei Li immediately let out a cheer. She jumped up from the ground, then turned around and ran towards the rest area behind her, shouting: "Rebecca, Xiliu, Erica! Listen to me... "

Astoria shook her head, and said with a hint of doting: "Really, reckless."



after an hour.

In a big bamboo basket.

"I didn't expect that there is such a method of movement..."

Goddess Astoria raised her head, looked at the steel armored crow flying above the bamboo basket with its claws, and murmured.

"If there is no accident, you can fly to Olalie in half a day—" The secretary looked at the map provided by Astria and said, "But, is Olalie really so chaotic today? "

When Orario first lost the Zeus family and the Hera family, she fell into a dark period. Adventurers were injured and died almost every day, and the cries of children resounded in Orario all the time!And at this moment, Astoria stepped forward with her family members, and spontaneously became Olalie's enforcer—this family of only 11 people fought against evil, supported the weak, and once Back on track.

But, that's just an illusion.

That group of evil dark factions just went dormant for a while, and a week ago, the dark faction who felt that they had accumulated enough power once again set off a terrorist attack that shocked the entire Olalie, and more than [-] people Killed all the main members of the family and returned their gods to the upper realm. In order to protect these newcomers who lost their gods, Astria had to take them away from Olalie.

Astoria smiled wryly, and said, "If it weren't for your strength, I'm afraid I would tell you——you came to the worst Olalie at the worst time."

Olalie at this time is even worse than when she just lost the "Xeon" two years ago and the darkness was everywhere. The group of dark faction bugs hid deeper, more cunning, and more insidious than two years ago. It's also crueler, more obscene, and more disgusting.

Listening to the harsh scene described by Astoria, the four of Lin Qiong looked at each other, and then smiled in unison.

"The so-called hero, isn't it the most handsome to appear on the stage at this moment!?" x4

After finishing speaking, the four of them raised their hands together and gave a high five.

"Yeah, that's awesome!" x4

Looking at the four people who were in high spirits at this time, Astoria seemed to see the girls of her own family. She couldn't help showing a nostalgic expression, and then looked at Olalie who was not far away.

Wait for me, I will bring someone to rescue you right away.

Chapter 0168 So we are the culprit?

"Speaking of it—" Lin Qiong, who was sitting cross-legged in the basket, suddenly asked curiously: "Why did the goddess decide to go to Olali with us? Normally, in order to protect the safety of these little guys , it should be the four of us going there, just take them and continue to hide, okay?"

indeed!Astoria's move to bring these little guys back to Olalie undoubtedly made these 24 little radishheads who had the highest level of Lv.2 and couldn't update their status jump into the In the pan.

"Because it's not safe outside." Without waiting for Astelia to answer, Lei Li hurriedly explained, as if she was afraid that Lin Qiong and others would misunderstand Astelia, "Brother Qiong! You don't know Right? The teams of the dark faction will be in regular contact with each other!"

"Huh?" Lin Qiong and the secretary looked at each other, and asked, "Details——"

"The people of the dark faction only know that I hid with these children, but they don't know where I am hiding, so they can only use the most stupid carpet search method to find our whereabouts." Astor Leah said, "They sent a lot of teams of six to eight people to spread the search outside of Orario, and then regularly sent messages with carrier pigeons—if there was no contact from a certain team, they would focus on searching that area. area."


Hearing Astoria's words, the eldest lady and Yoyo couldn't help but look at each other guiltily, and then looked at Lin Qiong and the secretary for help.


Lin Qiong and the secretary also realized something, they looked at each other, and then tugged at the corners of their mouths.

'I seem to understand now why Astoria, who didn't have an accident in the original book, was discovered on this world line, and then poisoned, and her life was hanging by a thread. '

'It turns out that we are the culprit! ? '

If Lin Qiong and the others hadn't come to this world, the eldest lady and Yoyo wouldn't have gone hunting carelessly, and the people from the dark faction would have found their traces and carried out counter-killing;

If there were no anti-killing actions by the eldest lady and Yoyo, then when the people of the dark faction contacted each other, they would not intensify their search efforts because of the lack of a team;

If the people from the dark faction hadn't suddenly increased their search efforts, then Astria and the others who had been conducting counter-reconnaissance would not have been discovered and thus would have been hunted down.

Case solved!

The culprit was myself! ?

The eldest lady smiled wryly, then, under Astoria's puzzled eyes, she lowered her head towards her and said, "My lord goddess, I'm sorry."

"Why do you suddenly apologize?"

Seeing the eldest lady apologize, Lin Qiong understood what she meant and said proactively: "If nothing else happens, you were attacked... probably because of us."

The eldest lady nodded, and said with guilt on her face: "Actually, before you were attacked, Yoyo and I went to that forest to catch prey, and then people from the dark faction discovered and attacked us."

Lin Qiong scratched his face, and said with some embarrassment: "So, if there is no accident, it should be the relationship between Erina who killed the group of mice, which caused them to find that there were fewer people when they contacted regularly, so they increased the search. The strength of the situation caused you to expose your whereabouts..."

The two of them said together: "So, I'm sorry!"

Astoria looked at the two people who bowed their heads towards her in astonishment. After a few seconds of silence, she couldn't help laughing: "Hahaha, your reactions are too honest, right? Ordinary people encounter Shouldn't this situation be concealed?"

The eldest lady scratched her face, and then said seriously: "If I choose to hide it, I won't be able to make it through myself."

She is Nakiri Erina, the heroine who is extremely proud because of God's Tongue!Without being arrogant, you let her deliberately conceal her mistakes, her self-esteem will not allow this to happen.

Looking at the serious young lady, Astoria couldn't help showing a gentle smile, and said, "What a good answer! I like you—"

"Hey hey!—"

Everyone's eyes widened immediately, and Lin Qiong hugged the eldest lady nervously, staring at Astoria with a wolf-proof gaze.

"Hahaha, don't get me wrong, it's not that kind of liking—" Astoria laughed out loud, with a gentle smile on her face, and said, "When I say liking, I mean your character .”


Everyone couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. Lin Qiong even patted his chest and said, "Wow, I almost died!"

I thought I would have an extra goddess in love.



Half a day later, outside of Orario.


When they saw Astria appearing at the gate of Orario's city, several adventurers who were in charge of guarding ran over in surprise.

"Goddess Astoria-sama!"

"Why are you back?"

"Is something wrong?"

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