The adventurer named Reilly bowed to the eldest lady seriously, and said in a grateful voice: "Without your help, the goddess Astria would have already..."

No, it's not that I'm afraid, but that I will definitely be sent back to the heavens!When that time comes, how will these rookies who are no more than Lv. 2 survive in today's Olalie?

Just by imagining that scene, Lei Li felt cold all over, her hands and feet were numb, and she couldn't help thanking again from the bottom of her heart: "Really, thank you very much!"

The eldest lady stretched out her hand to help Lei Li up, and said: "We have also asked for a corresponding reward - in the next time, we will still need you as a guide to introduce us to Olalie's customs and customs."

Lin Qiong nodded at the side, and said with a smile: "However, I didn't expect that Astoria was actually a goddess. I thought it was just an ordinary female adventurer—hiss, but that said, Ou Is Lali's folk style so tough? To besiege and kill the goddess openly?"


Reilly twitched the corners of her mouth, then showed an awkward yet polite smile, and said, "Sir, you probably have some misunderstanding about Olalie, in fact, Olalie, uh, Olalie, um ..."

Originally, Reilly was going to explain for O'Leary, but when she thought of O'Leary's extremely chaotic environment, she couldn't help rubbing her head.

It feels like zero dollar purchases are happening in the supermarket downstairs, the bank across the street is being robbed, and the police are driving to stop the robbers on the street, and then you have to tell the big brothers on the opposite side: "We Gotham citizens Simple, harmonious and friendly!"

The big brother on the other side really believes it, he is either a Saitama or a Thanos.

"Olalie was not like this—" Astoria walked over with a complicated face, and said, "Since you came to Olalie because of the name, you should also know what Olalie is like." city?"

The secretary nodded and said, "Of course, it is a city where gods and humans coexist, right? The gods give gifts to the brave, and the family members serve their own gods."

Astoria nodded, she squeezed out a smile, and said: "There are naturally strong and weak families, and in the past Olali, the two strongest families were [Zeus Family] and [Hera Familia]."

"In the past?" The eldest lady deliberately showed a puzzled expression, and she asked, "Does it mean that it is not now?"

Astoria shook her head lightly: "About two years ago, the Zeus family and the Hera family jointly defeated the one-eyed black dragon and failed, and the two families were wiped out! And some villains in Orari After losing the deterrence of these two family members, they began to be active..."

Lin Qiong "suddenly realized" and said: "So that's the case. No wonder you are a goddess but you are surrounded and killed by a group of young people. In this way, it seems that we did not come at the right time."

"Master! You are wrong about this—I am afraid we are here at the right time!" The secretary on the side approached with a smile and said, "Master, have you forgotten the hero stories we usually read? Now Oulari is in a period of chaos, and with the strength of the young master and young lady, she will surely become famous—maybe this experience will be written into a hero story for future generations to look up to!"

Lin Qiong's eyes widened (he really didn't think about what the secretary said), and he turned his head to look at Astoria, the "local snake", and asked in surprise: "Mr. Goddess, Secretary Is it true?"

"There is no doubt that it is true! Olalie's gods are especially fond of creatures like heroes—" Astoria nodded her head vigorously, and said seriously: "It's better to say that many gods I came down to earth just to witness the story of Hero Tan happen in front of my own eyes."

The eldest lady at the side said thoughtfully: "That is to say, if we can become heroes, will we be able to speak in front of the gods?"

"It's more than just talkable? If you can really make a name for yourself in this Olalie without joining the family..." Astoria paused for a few seconds, as if she was thinking about her words. "It is estimated that all the gods of Orario will line up to find you, and come up with various conditions to hope that you will join your family."

Of course, some guys with unclean hands and feet will probably use some shady methods - when that time comes, she will definitely teach those stinky things a lesson in return for this life-saving grace.

"Oh, this sounds really interesting!" After hearing Astoria's affirmation, Lin Qiong immediately geared up and said eagerly: "Erina, secretary, Yoyo, let's have a big fight!" !"

Seems like a good idea to play a game of heroes, right?

After all, what man doesn't have a heroic dream?

Chapter 0166 is indeed a bit supportive

Why did Lei Li choose to encounter the world as the goal of this trip?

The reasons are as follows -

First of all, there is the endless monster-spawning mechanism in the Dungeon of the Earth Encounter World!

The growth of the talent skill [Monster Hunter] of Lin Qiong and others just needs to hunt a large number of monsters - Lin Qiong also tried to gain growth by brushing monsters in the game in the Bone King World, but this talent could not be activated.

This is because the growth of the monster hunter needs to absorb the energy in the monster body, and the monsters in the game obviously do not have these energies.

Secondly, it is the divine power of the Lord God himself of the earth encounter world!

Don’t get me wrong, Lin Qiong is not preparing for an exciting God-killing battle in the Earth World, but he hopes to use the power of the gods in the Earth World to cure (or repair) the loopholes in the Eldest Lady’s God’s Tongue. .

After all, Arceus is a "veterinary doctor", so his specialty is not suitable, so it will be no problem for him to find a "human doctor", right?

Finally, it is hoped to reach a certain cooperative relationship with some gods in the earth encounter world.

For example, buy a panacea that claims to be able to cure all injuries at the Dean Kite family;

For example, use materials obtained in other worlds to entrust Hephaestus to tailor-made equipment;

For example, learn fighting skills with gods with outstanding martial arts skills such as Astoria, Artemis, and Jian Yulei.

Lin Qiong's biggest hole card is that he can provide these gods with the fun called "different world" - judging from the performance in the animation, the different world is so boring to this group of gods that he can't wait to become a ewe and be raped by a ram day (referring to Zeus). (Dense Fog)) For the gods, it is almost a lore-level killer.



That evening, dinner time.


With the entrance of the broth, Lei Li's eyes lit up immediately, and she exclaimed exaggeratedly: "It's just a very ordinary broth, how can it be so delicious!"

I can't blame Lei Li for making such an exclamation, after all, she has witnessed the whole process of the young lady's cooking, and the ingredients used by the young lady are all common materials in the forest, but the dishes they make are so delicious

It feels like the boss and you are both building houses in MC. The boss’s is an exquisite five-story luxury villa, which is so exquisite that it can be screenshotted and used as an advertisement, while yours is a prison room made of mud.

The same people, why is the gap so big.jpg

Even the goddess Astoria couldn't help affirming the eldest lady's cooking skills: "Indeed, it's the first time I've eaten such delicious food since I went down to the realm."

"Since the lower realm——" After chewing on these words, the eldest lady couldn't help but raised her head to look at Astoria, and couldn't help but ask: "Mr. Goddess, I remember that you are the Goddess of Justice, right?"

"Yes, my priesthood is the Goddess of Justice and the Goddess of the Stars." Astoria nodded first, and then said with a slight smile: "Besides, you don't need to call me Lady Goddess, just call me Astoria Tria will do."

Astoria didn't care about these insignificant names, let alone Lin Qiong and others were her saviors, so there was no need to care about these details.

"Okay~ Then I'll call you Astoria from now on~" The eldest lady smiled at Astoria, and continued to ask: "So, in the God Realm, are there many other people in charge? the god of duty?"

Astoria said: "Yes! Like the God of War, the God of Vulcan, the God of Thor, the God of Fertility, the God of Medicine, the God of Medicine, etc."

The eldest lady nodded to show her understanding, and then asked curiously, "Is there any god of cooking? The god of cooking, the god of cooking, the god of cooking skills, etc."

Hearing this question, Astraea showed a clear smile and said: "You actually wanted to ask this question from the beginning, right? Yes! There are several such gods in the God Realm - it's just a pity , they are all focused on studying cooking skills and have no ambitions."

"Ah...that's it..."

The eldest lady became visibly disappointed, and looking at her appearance, Astraea couldn't help but laugh and said, "It seems that Erina likes cooking very much, right?"

"Yes, that's right." The eldest lady nodded without hesitation, and then said with a somewhat proud tone: "In fact, I always feel that I am a cook, not a warrior. "

Lin Qiong popped up from the side and said, "It should be the cook and my girlfriend."

"Go! Go! Go--"

The eldest lady blushed, but the corners of her mouth couldn't stop pushing Lin Qiong's shoulder, and said, "Didn't you see that Astoria and I were chatting?"

Lin Qiong innocently raised his hands and said, "I'll just take a look, I won't speak."

Only then did the eldest lady put down her hands, then wrinkled her nose towards Lin Qiong, and said fiercely, "Don't talk nonsense!"

Lin Qiong patted his chest and said, "I promise to be honest! I will only enjoy Erina's beauty——"

The eldest lady's eyes became sharper: "Huh?——"

Lin Qiong swallowed the word "leg" abruptly, and then showed an awkward yet polite smile, and said, "Uh, beauty!"


The eldest lady glared at Lin Qiong, who was always lustful, and then turned her gaze back on Astoria, and said with some embarrassment: "I made you laugh, let's continue chatting."

Astoria shook her head with a smile, and said, "No! On the contrary, I am very happy!"

'! '

At that time, the secretary had an urge to rush out and give Astoria the CP pair of "Lin Qiong x Erina"—if Astoria could be lulled into the EMT religion, wouldn't it be the same place? Wuhu, take off on the spot? ?

"Stop teasing me!" The eldest lady hurriedly waved her hands, then secretly stepped on Lin Qiong under the table, and then glared at him angrily.

'It's all your nonsense!Made me laugh at people!bad--'

Lin Qiong looked at the young lady innocently.

'Don't care about the Qiongqiong—'

The eldest lady suddenly widened her eyes.

'You are eight years older than me, don't be so childish! '

Lin Qiong raised his head confidently.

'A man is a teenager until he dies! '

The eldest lady rolled her eyes.

'Is this sentence used in this kind of place? '

Lin Qiong blinked.

"I don't know if it's used here, but Astoria seems to be looking at you—"


The eldest lady reacted, she turned her head hastily, and what caught her eyes was Astoria's teasing expression and the curious gazes of the girls behind her.

"Wow, is this the love period in a romance novel?"

"They are really expressing their emotions with their eyes!"

"The affectionate stare—ah!"

"Waku Waku!"


The next moment, the eldest lady took a deep breath, then pushed Lin Qiong's shoulder with her hands in a panic, and said, "You, you, you, go to practice! Eat so much for dinner, don't exercise, be careful of gaining weight! "

Who knew that not only did Lin Qiong not move, but he hugged the young lady's shoulders with a hearty laugh, making the young lady who was still flustered a second ago suddenly lose her ability to resist.

Then she heard Lin Qiong say in a flustered tone: "That's right! It's love!"

Suddenly, I heard a "wow" sound.

"Lin Qiong——" the eldest lady lowered her voice, then glared at her boyfriend with a flushed face, and said, "What are you doing!!"

Lin Qiong said righteously: "I am satisfying the curiosity of young girls about love - right?"



Looking at Lin Qiong's teasing target, Missy still doesn't know what her crazy boyfriend is thinking - what satisfies curiosity, you just want to bully me!


Yoyo behind the two couldn't help hiccupping softly.

'I just finished dinner, and I immediately added a dog food...'

'I'm so full. '

The secretary was touched and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes with a handkerchief, and then began to take out the prepared missionary materials from the backpack—it seems that these missionary materials are useful!My great EMT religion is about to develop new members!

Even Astoria smiled and propped her chin with her hands, looking at the couple in front of her with a smile like an aunt—she is not Artemis, and she will not prohibit the little ones from her family in love.

However, it does feel a bit stuck, hiccup.



The eldest lady originally planned to ask Astoria carefully at night, asking her to describe how good the food made by the God of Cookery in the God Realm is, but under Lin Qiong's jokes, she has completely turned into a dog. food scene.

Later, let alone asking Astraea about the cooking skills of the God of Cookery in the Heaven, she and Lin Qiong were surrounded by the newcomers from the Astralia family, talking to each other. gossip about the love story of two people.

Of course, considering the shame of the eldest lady, she is of course ashamed to show off in front of others, but she can't stand the unshakable secretary, the unswerving deputy leader of the EMT religion, who is dedicated to preaching!

No, in just one night, the group of little guys' attitude towards the eldest lady and Lin Qiong changed from "the benefactor who saved their own god" to "the CP I'm addicted to"—that's a passion!

"Good morning, Brother Qiong!"

"Morning, sister Erina!"


"Ah hello!"

Lin Qiong and the eldest lady dealt with this group of "little fans" with a smile, and then approached Astoria, who was leaning on a long sword with both hands near the camp, looking at Olalie from a distance.

Although she was very calm last night, she was actually worried all the time, worried about the safety of the children who were still staying in Olalie.

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