Seeing the goddess who was alone and dead, Relie let out a scream.

"Come on!"

Astraea roared.


Gritting her teeth, Lei Li withdrew her dwarf gaze, then grabbed the hand of her companion, and ran forward desperately.

Absolutely must not let down the wishes of the Goddess, absolutely, absolutely must escape!

'That's right...'

Watching Reilly's retreating figure, Astraea focused her attention on the enemy in front of her again.

"Jie Jie Jie-"

Looking at the goddess who was left behind alone, member A of the dark faction let out a very villainous laugh.

"What a stupid woman, if you leave behind those dragging weights, maybe you can escape our pursuit by yourself."


Astoria let out a disdainful sarcasm. She looked at the members of the dark faction in front of her with cold eyes, and said, "Don't confuse me with you bastards! Sinners, die—"

Before the sound fell, the sword had arrived!

A bit of cold light streaked across the air, stabbing straight at the throat of the person in front of him, but his vigilance had already been raised, and the enemy who had been prepared for a long time quickly raised the dagger in his hand, and then...


The man who was protecting his throat with a dagger lowered his head blankly, looked at the sharp sword that pierced his heart, wriggled his lips, and murmured: "Isn't it...stabbing...the throat..."

'Idiot, won't I change my trick? '

A hint of sarcasm flashed in Astoria's eyes, the people of the dark sect really had a bad brain.

"Surround her! Don't let her get away!"

Seeing that another companion died, the people from the dark faction suddenly shouted excitedly—one less person to share the reward, great!It would be better if there was a difficult battle. After killing the goddess Astoria, all the companions were exhausted and died. In the end, only Lao Tzu was left alone.

"A group of young people..."

Astria looked left and right to prevent someone from launching a sneak attack from her blind spot, while moving towards the nearby tree trunks—she needed to use the trees to fight around, otherwise, now that she could not use her divine power, she wanted to fight with her own strength A dozen gangsters are really a little unwise.

"Jiejie, goddess Astraea, you don't think that we will fight with you obediently, do you?"

At this time, the little leader of the dark faction suddenly walked out of the team. He walked with exaggerated steps as if he was dancing. His feet stepped on the fallen leaves covering the ground, making a harsh "click-click" noise. .Suddenly, he stopped, then tilted his head and said with a playful expression: "Then you think too highly of us gutter rats—"

Astraea looked at the little boss and couldn't help but sneer and said: "It seems that you are very self-aware of your identity."

The little boss laughed and said: "What a pity, the great goddess of justice Astralia will be eaten up by us, the rats in the gutter, today!"

"That's not necessarily—"

Astria raised her vigilance while chattering - in her opinion, it is impossible for the gangsters of the dark faction to be bored chatting with her, so the other party must be trying to lower her vigilance so that she can finish some kind of conspiracy.

"Oh, right--"

Suddenly, the little leader hammered his palm, showed a stunned expression, and said: "Dear Goddess Astralia, don't you think that we are the only members of the faction who came to track your family members? Team?"

"what do you mean!?"

Astraea's eyes suddenly shrank, she subconsciously took a step forward and said sternly.

"Hahaha, don't you understand?"

The little boss smiled happily, and he said triumphantly: "If there is no accident, your group of cuties have been caught up by other teams—maybe they have been pinned down on the ground now." ~"

"you this……"

A flash of anger flashed in Astraea's eyes, but she quickly suppressed it.

'No, you must not lose your composure at a time like this...' She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down...Huh? ?

The next moment, a sense of fatigue came from her body. Astoria subconsciously supported the tree trunk beside her, then raised her head in horror, and asked, "Poison?"

"That's right~" The little boss looked at this scene, and suddenly showed a sinister and distorted smile, and screamed: "Why do you think I am talking so much nonsense with you? Hahahaha——"

Astria supported the tree beside her with her hands, while scanning the surrounding ground—soon, she saw several test tubes with the cork pulled out not far behind her: "It should be volatile. sex poison, but the problem is...'

When was the poison administered? ?

"Hey -" the little boss looked at the goddess in front of him proudly, and said, "Master Goddess, you can continue to procrastinate - this will only be more powerful for us!"

He was right. After only ten seconds passed, Astraea felt that the power in her body began to further drain away, and her vision also became slightly blurred. If she continued, I'm afraid it wouldn't be necessary. When these people took action, she fainted.

'Fortunately, I always have the usual antidotes on hand...'

Thinking about this, Astoria touched her waist with her left hand, and brought a test tube containing milky white medicine in front of her. Push it away with a snap.


Looking at Astoria who was about to drink the antidote, not only did the members of the dark faction not stop her, but they all showed weird smiles and watched her movements quietly.


Astoria quickly drank a tube of potion, she threw the empty test tube to the ground with her left hand, then raised the sword in her hand with sharp eyes, and said sharply: "After all, it's just a blind mouse, I... uh..."

The vision in front of her suddenly blurred, her legs softened, and she fell to her knees directly on the ground.

"What... what's going on..."

Astoria shook her head vigorously, then struggled to support the tree trunk beside her, panting heavily.

"Isn't the answer obvious enough?" The little boss proudly walked in front of Astoria, and said with a smile, "You might as well guess why we watched you drink the medicine like this and didn't stop you?"


Astoria gritted her teeth tightly, and she had already reacted—the antidote of the other party was obviously a targeted preparation of the antidote on the market. The antidote not only failed to detoxify, but also caused Toxicity is further enhanced.

"Okay, my lord goddess—"

The little boss tossed the dagger in his hand with a smile on his face, and said, "It's time to say goodbye to you—you can stay in the heavens honestly! Olali doesn't need you to meddle in my business!"

Astria is the goddess of justice, and after she came down to earth, she still abides by the duties of the goddess of justice—the entire Astria family is committed to maintaining the peace and rules of Orario.

To put it bluntly, it is the police.

What person does the criminal hate the most?Of course they are the police!Therefore, the members of the dark faction, including the little boss, always hate it when they talk about the Astralia family, as if they want to eat their flesh.

"Although there is no way to attack the goddess, none of the little bitches of the Astria family can run away!" The little leader licked the dagger with a ferocious expression, and then moved closer to Astria , said in a gloomy tone: "I will torture them bit by bit, so that they cannot survive or die!"


There was a trace of anger in Astoria's eyes, she held on to the last bit of strength and thrust out the one-handed sword in her hand, but the little boss seemed to have been prepared, and got up and avoided the moment she made the move attack.

After the last bit of strength was used up, Astoria immediately fell to the ground in embarrassment. She struggled to get up, but her body with no strength at all made her arch on the ground like a caterpillar.

"Hahaha, Goddess, you look so embarrassed and ugly——"

Seeing Astoria who tried to stand up several times, but fell down again because of her weakness, the little boss laughed like a villain: "Is this Olalie's Lady Justice? It's pretty funny--"

At this moment, a cold voice came from the air.

"A bunch of dirty idiots! I don't think you have the right to laugh at a goddess who is desperately struggling to protect her own child!"

"Jiangguang is like me, cutting all the clutter!"

The next moment, the dance of swords and swords enveloped the area.

Chapter 0165 Let's Have a Big Fight



These two lines are probably the last words left in this world by this group of dark factionists.


The eldest lady fell to the ground with a cold face, looked at these scum who had their throats sealed with a sword with eyes of extreme disgust, then swung the long knife in her hand, and after throwing the blood on the ground, put the knife back into the ground. sheath.


The huge steel-clad crow fluttered its wings and landed on the ground, blowing the fallen leaves around, exposing the cold and damp land below—one thing to say, this kind of place is indeed suitable for killing people and burying corpses.

Do you think so?The big brothers of the dark faction.

Oh, forgot, you are dead and speechless.

Lin Qiong turned over and jumped off the steel armored crow, then smiled and walked to the side of the eldest lady, and comforted: "Okay! The dark faction was originally a group composed of a group of rats in the stinky ditch with dark psychology. It's not worth getting angry about them."

"I will not be angry for these dead people!" The eldest lady snorted, and then looked at the goddess who had completely fallen into a coma with some strangeness, and said: "Qiong, I remember you I told my secretary that in the original work, the goddess Astraea is not dead, right?"

Lin Qiong was stunned for a moment, then looked at the unconscious goddess with the same strange expression, and murmured: "That's right! But if we hadn't taken action just now, wouldn't she have definitely died?"

Why is there such a deviation?

At this time, Secretary Zi and Yoyo landed on the ground, then jumped off Kuailong's juniors, and came to their sides.

'Forget it, don't want to. Lin Qiong withdrew his thoughts and said to the secretary: "Secretary, please relieve the goddess from her abnormal state."

The secretary nodded, superimposing the palms of her hands, pointing at Astoria who was lying on the ground, and said softly: "Changpan·Purification of abnormal status! Changpan·Physical recovery! Normal Pan·Energy recovery!"

After finishing three recovery skills in a row, Astoria, who was lying on the ground, moved her fingers slightly, then suddenly woke up, quickly got up from the ground, and looked around vigilantly——when she saw the corpses on the ground around her, After seeing the few people around her, she couldn't help showing a surprised expression.

'I remember being poisoned, but now...'

She tried clenching her fists and found that she didn't feel any looseness at all. This made her widen her eyes and murmured: "Is the poison in my body released?"

"Of course! The secretary is the proud priest in our team!" Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips and deliberately revealed the information to the goddess of justice in front of him, saying: "Isn't it easy to remove a toxin that makes people unconscious?"

'So, it was these few people who saved me? '

Astoria exhaled, then patted the fallen leaves on her body, then bowed to Lin Qiong and the others, and said, "Thank you very much for your help, otherwise I might be in trouble today."

"Hey, what's the big deal?" Lin Qiong waved his hand, and then said confidently: "No matter who it is, if they see such a beautiful girl surrounded by a group of guys who look like villains, they will lend a helping hand—— Right?"

The eldest lady on the side couldn't help but nodded and said: "Qiong is right, this is just a simple effort."


Be a good man, be a good man!

Astoria felt that her "good guy radar" was frantically reminding her that these people were definitely good guys!He is the kind of good person who can issue a good person card!

"For everyone, this is just a little effort, but for me, this is a life-saving grace." Astoria suppressed the good guy radar in her heart, and said with a little regret: "Unfortunately, the timing is not right now, otherwise I will definitely treat you well.”

She has to catch up with the escaped children now, so she doesn't have time to entertain Lin Qiong and the others—although Olali is in a state of chaos now, at least there are places to eat.

"The timing is wrong?" Lin Qiong asked pretending to be puzzled, "Could it be that this lady is still in a hurry?"

Astoria nodded and said, "My companion and I got separated, and now I'm going to look for them."

The secretary at the side said with a smile: "In that case, why not let us help - the steel armored crow has very sharp eyes!"


Steel Armored Crow waved her wings triumphantly, she is Hawkeye... oh, it's Crow's Eye!You can easily count how many armpit hairs you have at an altitude of thousands of meters!

"Steel Armored Crow..."

Astoria looked at the big scary bird monster with surprise, and said, "Is this the monster you tamed?"

"Almost so."

Lin Qiong nodded and said with a smile: "We will help you find a partner, and after you find a partner, you will act as our guide and introduce Olali to us, how about it?"

'Is he an outsider? '

After hearing some information from Lin Qiong's words, Astraea nodded slightly and said, "I'll trouble you all."

In her opinion, Lin Qiong and his group should have come to Olali from other places, and they were planning to save her because of a coincidence, and hoped that she, a local snake, would serve as a tour guide—at least because of the relationship of life-saving grace, She won't cheat them either.



Half an hour later, with the help of steel (green) armor (head) and crow (fly), Astoria successfully reunited with the little ones who escaped before in front of a cave.

Why don't you tell me quickly, thank you Brother Fly.

"Madam, thank you for lending a helping hand to our goddess—"

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