The Astraea Familia is probably still being hunted by the Dark Familia and hiding everywhere. It must be difficult for the mechanical scouts to find them. Let's take a break and fish for a while.



An hour later, Yoyo and the eldest lady with blood on her body returned to the camp.

Seeing the blood on the eldest lady's body, Lin Qiong, who was leaning on the recliner to let Fairy Ibrahimovic stroke her hair, hurriedly sat up and asked, "What's going on?"

Looking at Lin Qiong's nervous appearance, Yoyo hurriedly said: "Just as Qiong Nisang guessed, we encountered an attack in the forest—the other party directly attacked us! But the strength seems to be not very strong. killed."

The eldest lady nodded aside, then dragged the prey at hand - which was a huge wild boar - in front of her, and said: "They are just a group of clowns who cannot stand up to the stage. Most of them can't even move on their own. Even the defensive magic failed to break through."

It was a six-member dark faction squad. When they launched an attack, four of them were immediately killed on the spot by Yoyo's automatic defense magic and elements, and the remaining two only had time to rush to the eldest lady. In front of her, she was restrained in mid-air by her superpower——Later, when the eldest lady was about to interrogate the origins of these people, one of them suddenly turned red all over and fell into a runaway state, and the eldest lady broke free just now. The superpower that started to develop was then beheaded by the eldest lady who reacted with a knife DD for an instant.

"...It's that simple."

The eldest lady said this, looking at the blood on her body with some disgust, and muttered: "I quite like the style of this suit, but it turned out to be dirty after only one day of wearing it. It's so annoying."

"It's okay, it's okay! When we have the opportunity, we will visit the Hephaestus Familia and use the materials collected from the Bone King World to make a set of armor for each of us!" Lin Qiong comforted the unhappy eldest lady and said: " Then I’ll make three sets for you and wear them interchangeably!”

"Okay!" The eldest lady nodded happily. She patted the big wild boar beside her and said, "Then I will go with the secretary to deal with this big guy first - such a big wild boar is rare. This time What a blessing!"

"Then I'm looking forward to Erina's craftsmanship!" Lin Qiong licked his lips and said, "Can I have a whole curry pork chop?"

"As long as you want to eat, it's okay!"


The secretary on the side shook his head helplessly, Miss, just pamper the young master!




Lin Qiong touched his belly with a satisfied look on his face, let out a happy sigh, and said, "Let me tell you, Erina's cooking skills are great! There may be countless people on the earth, but there is only one Erina, great!"

Lin Qiong once again felt lucky that the teammate he recruited first was a top cook - Turtle, if he hadn't recruited a cook, I'm afraid the food for the alien team would now be barbecue, barbecue and barbecue, right?

Oh, and maybe make a vegetable soup?

To be honest, it's not that Lin Qiong can't accept daily meals such as barbecue and broth. After all, he is someone who can really have a bowl of noodle soup in the morning and eat steamed buns with the noodle soup in the evening. After all, barbecue and vegetable soup still have one point. A good balance of meat and vegetables, right?

But the problem is, some things are afraid of comparing goods. After experiencing such a wonderful daily food feeding by the eldest lady, Lin Qiong (stomach) has completely changed into the shape of the eldest lady, and he can never do without her ( craftsmanship).

So that sentence - if you want to grasp a person's heart, you must first grasp his stomach - I am not deceiving.

Yoyo on the side nodded in agreement - she even felt that the most attractive thing about Lin Qiong's "Alien Team" was not actually being able to visit different worlds, but Sister Erina's cooking skills!

Facing Lin Qiong and Youyou's compliments, the eldest lady folded her arms and raised her head, showing a proud little expression. Lin Qiong couldn't help but twitch her index finger with that cute look.

Cute, I want to eat Erina.

Chapter 0163 Hestia is not good at cooking

After finishing lunch, the four of them lay lazily on the lounge chairs. The eldest lady, Krach, lay on the windward side, enjoying the slightest coolness brought by the wind blowing through her fur, and then took a sip of the wine in her hand. Sour plum soup - this life is really more comfortable than being a god.

Are you right?Astraea, the goddess of justice, is being hunted by the dark faction and has to hide everywhere, not even daring to light a fire at night.

"By the way, Qiong -" Suddenly, the eldest lady squinted her eyes and asked, "If I remember correctly, at this time, the goddess Hestia has not descended to earth yet, has she?"

When Lin Qiong heard this, he replied in a daze: "Huh? No, probably..."

"Probably not. I remember that in the original book, after Hestia came down to earth, she was kicked out after only staying in the Hephaestus family for three months—" the secretary beside him analyzed, "So she went down to earth. It’s about a year before the plot starts.”

"Hey——" the eldest lady sighed in disappointment, she helplessly stroked Pikachu lying on her stomach, and said, "It seems that this time I won't be able to get in touch with the goddess Hestia."

Lin Qiong shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently: "Originally, my target was not Hestia Familia - there is a saying, unless you are interested in Hestia, who would choose Hestia? Familia."

The eldest lady rolled her eyes and said angrily: "What I mean is - isn't the goddess Hestia the Kitchen God? She should be very good at cooking, right? I also said that I would take my secretary with me to learn how to cook."

"This one……"

Lin Qiong scratched his head and said, "This really touches on my blind spot of knowledge - is she good at cooking?"

"Miss, regarding this, you may have misunderstood the goddess Hestia -" the secretary beside him sat up and said with a chuckle: "In my opinion, the goddess Hestia is not good at cooking. The talent is right."

"Eh?" Yoyo asked in confusion, "Obviously the Kitchen God?"

The secretary put up a finger with a serious face, and said: "Think about it carefully, before finding the male protagonist Bell Cranney to become a member of her family, the goddess Hestia was working at a potato ball stand on the street. Earn living expenses? If she is really good at cooking, why not just open a restaurant? Surely it will be more popular than the rich hostess?"


After hearing the secretary's analysis, Lin Qiong, the eldest lady and Youyou couldn't help but look at each other.

"It seems to make sense?"

"Really!? The goddess doesn't want to open a restaurant, but stays here as a stall owner?"

"Sister Feishazi, could it be because Hestia is a goddess and cannot compete with mortals for business... or something?"

Facing Yoyo's question, the secretary shook his head, and retorted: "I didn't see such a rule in the original book, it might as well say that 'performing their own duties' is the rule of gods' survival? For example, making equipment Aren’t the Gubernius family, the Hephaestus family, the Mihe family who sell medicines, and the Demeter family who sell agricultural products all doing what they are good at?”

By the way, there is also the Ishtar family who run the Happy Street.

Lin Qiong nodded in agreement and said: "The secretary's analysis makes sense. From this point of view, if the goddess Hestia is really good at cooking, she should open a restaurant instead of It’s better to sell fried potato balls from a roadside vendor.”

As for the excuses like "The Kitchen God only knows how to use the stove, but not the new igniter" - does it require extra technical skills to build a stove that uses ordinary flames specifically for Hestia to use as a kitchen? Something?

"So that's how-"

The eldest lady showed a surprised expression, then lay back on the recliner with a disappointed look on her face, and said with some disappointment: "Hey, I thought I could learn cooking from the goddess."

Lin Qiong smiled and joked, "Why, can't Master Abei's craftsmanship no longer satisfy you? You little greedy ghost!"

If the current eldest lady travels to the timeline of the original book, she might be able to kill all the cooks in the original book.

"No! I can't even compare to Master Abe's cooking skills!" The eldest lady waved her hands hurriedly, fearing that Lin Qiong would misunderstand that she had swelled, "It's just, well, how should I put it - when Qiong was in the disciple world? , didn’t you tell Master Misakoshiji that you want to absorb fighting techniques from all worlds and then develop my own style of fighting skills?”

"Um, what's wrong?"

"So, I was just thinking—" The eldest lady put her hands around her thighs, and then put her heels on the chair, her two little feet were up and down playfully, "I can also absorb the cooking skills of chefs from all over the world." Cooking style, and then gather the strengths of hundreds of schools to become the top cook-what!"

"Oh oh oh——" x3

Lin Qiong, Secretary Zi and Youyou applauded in unison, cheering for the eldest lady's ambition.

"Oh My God--"

The eldest lady shyly picked up Pikachu in her arms, covered her face with her body, even her ten round toes curled up slightly, and then said in a coquettish tone: "No, just This topic is teasing me, otherwise I will make fried pork with celery for Qiong tomorrow!"

"Wow, am I the only one who suffers?"

"Humph, who made you the captain? Of course you will be punished if the team members disobey!"

The eldest lady put down the innocent Pikachu in her hand, then wrinkled her nose at Lin Qiong and gave a cute "hum" twice.

Mega is cute, Z is cute, super gigantic is cute, super crystal is cute!

"Okay, okay! We promise not to make fun of you, okay?" Lin Qiong gave a French military salute and said with a chuckle: "Instead, we will support you! After all, who would think that the food in the team is too good? Yes. Bar?"

Yuyou nodded hurriedly on the side, as if she was worried that if she nodded slowly, the eldest lady would misunderstand her: "Yuyou hopes that sister Erina's cooking skills will become better and better!"

"Hmph, don't worry!" The eldest lady said confidently, "I will definitely make more delicious dishes!"

"Oh oh oh——" x3

Another round of applause.

Lin Qiong said enthusiastically: "Since the atmosphere is so good now, let's discuss what to eat tonight?"

The eldest lady covered her forehead and said, "You really think about what to eat for lunch after breakfast, think about what to eat for dinner after eating lunch, and think about what to eat in the morning after dinner, right?"


Lin Qiong chuckled, and said confidently: "There is an old saying in our celestial dynasty, which tells the people to depend on food, okay? Eating is very important!"

"Food is the paramount necessity of the people..."

The eldest lady and the secretary looked at each other, they chewed on this sentence, and then showed a shallow smile at the same time.

Yes, people depend on food!

At this moment, accompanied by a "buzzing" sound, a blowfly the size of a little finger flapped its wings and hovered in front of Lin Qiong.


Lin Qiong tugged at his face, then sighed helplessly, and stretched out his right hand finger under the eyes of the eldest lady, the secretary, and Youyou.

The fly slowly landed on Lin Qiong's finger, then pointed his eyes at the ground in front of him and played a video file——

In a dark forest, three teams of six were tracking a family of about eight people. The leader suddenly turned around and threw a glass bottle at the pursuers behind him.

With a "bang" sound, the glass bottle exploded in mid-air. The broken glass and the liquid inside splashed onto the four fastest running pursuers, causing them to scream in agony.

——The video gets technical at this point.

Lin Qiong quickly stood up from the chair and said, "It seems that we have found it! Erina, Secretary, Yoyo, we are ready to go."

"Yes!" x3

The three of them got up quickly, put the recliner into the portable backpack together with Lin Qiong, then quickly jumped behind the steel armored crow and Kuailong, just vacated, and rushed towards the direction indicated by the mechanical scout.

"As for the forest in this direction..." The eldest lady behind the steel-armored crow looked at the direction of the flight, her eyes widened and said, "It seems to be the place where Youyou and I were hunting - no wonder we met that group of pursuers. Oh, is the goddess Astraea hiding over there?"

Lin Qiong hugged the eldest lady's waist and couldn't help but clicked his tongue and said: "Good guys, you just missed the correct answer -"

Yoyo, who was sitting on Kuailong, let out a mournful cry and said, "I'm sorry, Yoyo couldn't find them."

The secretary who was holding her behind Yoyo hurriedly comforted her: "It's okay, Yoyo! In order to avoid being tracked by the dark sect, the Astria family will definitely be very careful about their whereabouts. It's only natural that you didn't find out!"

The eldest lady also comforted: "Fei Shasha is right! Besides, I went hunting with you! You didn't notice it, and I didn't notice it either? Then wouldn't I also be responsible? So for this matter Neither of us is responsible, okay?"

Youyou blinked her eyes, then nodded obediently, and said, "I see."

"Three ladies, let me remind—" Lin Qiong took the time to glance at the navigation projected in the blowfly's eyes, "We are not far from our destination, we are ready to attack at any time, so we can concentrate a little bit, OK?"

"I think it's okay." The eldest lady nodded, then reached out and patted Lin Qiong's right hand that was stroking her thigh under her skirt, and said, "Some people, please concentrate on driving and don't be distracted."

"I'm not distracted! Touching the passenger's black hair is part of driving. If you don't feel comfortable, don't drive." Lin Qiong put his hand back persistently and said, "This is exactly what the designer originally designed for the passenger car. intention!"

The eldest lady and secretary said: "Apologise to the car designer!"

Chapter 0164 The sword light is like me——


In the dark and gloomy jungle, a small team of female adventurers was running quickly. The leader had beautiful walnut-colored long hair. She was the god and goddess served by the Astraea family. Astralia.

"This is not the way to go -"

Astoria split the branch in front of her with a sword, then glanced at the pursuers behind her, and said to the "children" beside her, "Go first, I'll stay and cut off the rear."

An adventurer with short black hair widened his eyes and said hurriedly: "Goddess, what are you talking about!?"

The adventurer with long blond hair on the side also hurriedly said: "How can we let the goddess break off the queen? Even if the queen is broken, it must be done after we break it off!"

"Stop talking stupid!"

Astraea raised her eyebrows and said, "What can you do if you stay? Hurry up and escape!"

All the eleven members of Astria's family are now fighting in Olarie, and she is leading the orphans of these other families away from the center of disputes, Olarie, but unexpectedly, the people of the dark faction directly Send people to carry out the action of eradicating the roots.


"Don't do it!"

Astraea suddenly stretched out her hand and grabbed a branch in front of her. Using her strength, she turned around and stepped on the branch. Then she kicked off her feet and jumped towards the astonished pursuers behind her.


The sharp long sword pierced the throat of the enemy closest to her in an instant, and Astria immediately kicked his face in the face and rushed towards another enemy.


The man subconsciously covered his throat with his hands, but in the end he could only twitch and fall to the ground, and soon lost his life.

"My Lady Goddess..."

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