And her girlish heart? !

After combining these two strange keywords, the eldest lady who was originally lying on the tatami sat up subconsciously, and then carefully observed Lin Qiong's expression - to be precise, she looked at the faint smile on the corner of Lin Qiong's mouth. After smiling, a warning bell rang in her heart, and she couldn't help but say: "Um, Qiong..."


"Humans and Pokémon are not allowed?"


Lin Qiong, who was still immersed in King Feng's howl, suddenly heard the "warning" from the eldest lady, and couldn't help being slightly taken aback, then subconsciously lowered his head and looked into her eyes.

Lin Qiong: "?"

The eldest lady: "!"

After a period of eye contact, Lin Qiong showed a black question mark expression, and he said with an incredulous look: "No, Erina, what on earth are you thinking about!? How could anyone attack the Flashing Toucan!? Shanai Doesn’t it smell delicious?”


The eldest lady subconsciously widened her eyes, then nervously grabbed Lin Qiong's clothes and said, "You are not really planning to attack Gardevoir!? No way!?"

What is Pokémon?animal?No, it shouldn't be an animal, it's...furry! ?Furui Control, right?Uncle is ecstatic!

However, at any rate, Lin Qiong chose Xanadu. If he said something like King Carp, Horned Goldfish, or Cherry Blossom Fish, then the eldest lady would appoint a cosplay nun sister.

"What are you thinking?" Lin Qiong knocked on the head of the eldest lady with his fingers angrily, and said, "Please, I already have such a beautiful girlfriend, why am I so hungry and thirsty to attack Pokémon?" Can Shanaido be as fragrant as Erinaka?"


The eldest lady let out a short exclamation, she covered her face shyly, and then buried her face in Lin Qiong's arms—wow, why did this guy suddenly say such embarrassing words? !

At the same time, the secretary standing at the door: "I should be under the car, not at the door—is there still room for my light bulb to survive?" '




Satisfied, Lin Qiong put the rice bowl in his hand on the table, then he walked behind happily, touched his belly, and said with emotion: "Sure enough, Erina's craftsmanship is better!"

"Why, haven't you eaten in the past two days?"

"It can't be said that I didn't eat well. After all, the minimum skills of the maids in Sky City are guaranteed -"

Lin Qiong waved his hand. The culinary skills of the maids in Sky City were all input by the eldest lady and the secretary. Basically, they all have the culinary skills of top ten students in school, but the problem is...

Lin Qiong shrugged his shoulders and said, "I really prefer Chinese food."

When setting up these NPCs, in order to fit the castle theme of the castle in the sky, they set their dishes as western food, so the dishes that Lin Qiong ate in the past two days were also Western-style—such as sandwiches and steaks , borscht, bread, etc., but Lin Qiong really didn't like this one.

Please, is steak as delicious as beef brisket stewed with tomatoes?Are the sandwiches with siomai and tofu skin delicious?Are meat buns with sauce delicious?

"That's right—"

The eldest lady took a look at the dishes on the table - scrambled eggs with tomatoes, pork trotters with soy sauce, spicy and sour potato shreds, sweet potato steamed pork, a bowl of stir-fried seasonal vegetables, and finally poured the pork elbow soup on top.

How can the word "fragrant" be so good?

The eldest lady couldn't help laughing when she thought of Lin Qiong's heroic appearance when she held the sea bowl and showed off the three bowls of rice just now, and said, "Indeed, it is difficult to associate you with Western food."

"Western food is too petty." Lin Qiong leaned back in his chair, picked something between his teeth with the Rainbow Feather Ver. They were all speechless."

Your steak, decorative greens, and sauce all together don't take up even one-third of the plate. Why do you have the nerve to use such a big plate?Are you worried that the space is not big enough for Parkinson’s patients to cut steaks?


Listening to Lin Qiong's complaints about Western food, the eldest lady let out a hearty laugh. She gave Lin Qiong a thumbs up and said, "That's true! Western food is really too petty—"

If it was the former eldest lady, after hearing Lin Qiong's remarks, she would definitely say angrily: "The reason why western food uses large plates is for the beauty of the plate and the overall harmony balabala—"

But the current eldest lady was indifferent to Lin Qiong's speech, and even lay on his lap, criticizing the "unreasonable" behavior of Western food with him——

Low EQ: working in collusion.

High EQ: Husband sings and wife follows.

After playing around for a while, the eldest lady sat up and looked at Lin Qiong, and asked, "Speaking of which, when are we going to go to another world?"

next world?

Lin Qiong thought for a while and said, "Theoretically, you can leave at any time, it depends on how long you want to rest here."

The eldest lady was silent for a few seconds, then showed a loveless expression, and said, "I don't want to stay in this world for a second!!"

Lin Qiong couldn't imagine the eldest lady's mood at this time - Tianchi Conscience, she slept well in bed last night, and suddenly she was woken up by someone. When she opened her eyes, she found Nakiri Managi sitting on her - and then She was dragged by her mother to watch a four-and-a-half-hour short movie, saying that she wanted to impart her knowledge in this area.

Just, I feel very complicated, and I understand everything.

"Is it such an exaggeration?"

"There is no element of hyperbole."

The eldest lady sighed, when she thought of her mother's sentence "continue tomorrow night", she felt a chilling feeling-in fact, just watch it, it's okay, but the key is that Nakiri Magi's taste is still good. Thieves, I like to watch those little movies where the heroines are all peasy eyebrows!

Neuropathy, it's convenient to substitute, right?

Lin Qiong hugged the eldest lady into his arms again, and said, "Okay, let's go tomorrow morning?"

The eldest lady nodded obediently, then looked around furtively. After making sure there was no one in the room, she leaned towards Lin Qiong's ear with a blushing face and whispered, "Shall we sleep together tonight?"

Lin Qiong nodded quickly without even hesitating for 0.1 second, and said, "I think it's okay!"



Thanks to the fact that she slept in the same room with Lin Qiong, the eldest lady finally escaped her mother's intercourse education class—of course, when Nagiri Nagi walked into the restaurant the next day and saw her, That smile made her subconsciously clenched her fists.

Why is there such an expression of "Oh, mother just taught you the day before yesterday, so you couldn't resist common sense yesterday"! !

Although it was done right...

But it was Qiong's initiative!

Although I'm looking forward to it...

Ah, nothing!

The young miss stared at Nagiri Nakiri with her neck straightened, and then urged Lin Qiong to say, "Qiong, open the door quickly, and send Mother to Chrysanthemum to go downstairs!"


Nakiri Magi puffed up his mouth, and said dissatisfiedly: "Why are you so heartless? I can walk, jump, eat and run now, so you are going to send me outside? What if I Too old to move, why don't you send me directly to a nursing home?"

"Ha ha--"

The eldest lady showed a smiley expression and said: "If you are so old that you can't speak or move your hands, then I will definitely hire ten or eight nurses to take care of you. Don't worry!"

At least at that time, you wouldn't pull me up to watch movies at night!

Nakiri Shinagi smiled and opened the folding fan to cover the lower half of her face, then looked at Lin Qiong with a smile and said: "Tsk, tsk, what a big boy, tell me about my Erina, isn't it too much -"

Lin Qiong raised his hand and pointed to himself with a blank expression: "Huh?"

"Hey what?" Nagiri Nakiri raised her eyebrows and said, "You are Erina's husband, and I am Erina's mother—so it's okay if you call me 'Mom'?"

"Uh——" Lin Qiong scratched his face with a wry smile, and said, "There is really no problem."

This is the mother-in-law, there is nothing wrong with being a half-mother.

"That's why~" Nakiri Magi showed a fox-like smile, and said, "My good son, help Mom out - Erina is bullying me~"

Before Lin Qiong could speak, the eldest lady stretched out her hand and pulled Lin Qiong behind her, then looked at her mother like a kitten with fur, and said, "Don't embarrass Qiong, you idiot mother!"

"If you call others stupid, you are the stupid!"

"Lue, you are an idiot!"

"You are!"


"Rebound is invalid!"

"Bounce is invalid!"

"Ignoring the rebound is invalid!"

Listening to these two elementary school students... no, the kindergarten-level quarrel, Lin Qiong couldn't help covering the lower half of his face with his hands—otherwise he might be like the secretary next to him, holding back his laughter until he pinched his own face with his hands. thigh up.

Chapter 0162 Arriving at the Earth Encounter World

Location: Earth Encounter (Earth Error) World.

Location: Outside.

Time: Before the start of the plot, a few days before the murder of the Astria family.

"A whole new world!"

The eldest lady, who was dressed as an adventurer, held the scabbard at her waist in a heroic manner, then looked around the current environment with great interest, and said, "Is this the world where heroes and gods dance together? It's really exciting. !"

"I advise you not to have too many expectations—" Lin Qiong moved his body, and said: "Our current physical fitness is placed in this world, and the starting point is Lv.8, no, we should have Lv.9 The above level already belongs to the group at the top of the pyramid.”

"I'm not talking about looking forward to the fighting power of the residents of this world -" the eldest lady glanced at Lin Qiong, and her charming appearance made Lin Qiong twitch. "What I'm looking forward to is what new ingredients will come out of this world." !”

Brand-new ingredients mean brand-new tastes and new cooking experiences. These are things that other chefs dream of-cooking dragon meat or something, can Alice do it?

"Haha, these are indeed what Erina said—"

Lin Qiong shook his head with a dumbfounded smile, and then said to the fourteen guardians behind him, "Act according to the plan, and I'll leave Olalie to you."

"Follow me—" x14

The next moment, the fourteen guardians quickly dispersed and rushed towards Orario, who was now in great chaos - their mission was to find and protect the safety of the Astraea Familia members inside Orario.

The secretary came over and said helplessly: "Although the original book described the Astria family, it didn't describe this period too much—we only know that among the eleven members of the Astria family, Ten of them died in the lower area of ​​the dungeon, but their whereabouts are unknown at this time."

Not only the traces of the eleven members, but even the traces of the goddess Astoria at this time-Lin Qiong can only vaguely know her position through the "initial lock" function of the world-transmitting gate. Outside of Olalie, it was impossible to pinpoint her location specifically.

In the original volume No. 14, it was described in detail how the eleven members of the Astraea family clashed with the Rudra family in the lower level of the dungeon. In the end, for some reason, everyone except Liuli Ang was completely defeated. After the story of the destruction of the world, Liuliang, who survived, recovered the relics of his companions and buried them on the No. 18 floor. After that, Liuliang fell into darkness and began to take revenge, and then Xier picked up Fengsheng. The mistress felt ashamed to face the story of the goddess Astraea.

"It's not a big problem, we have Violet's portable machinery factory—" Lin Qiong untied the backpack behind him, then took out a metal box with a side length of one meter from it, and said, "Just need to Just wait for the mechanical scouts to find the goddess Astoria, and that's it."

The eldest lady raised her head and looked at the scene where the mechanical scouts (this time it was flies) spread into the air like a black mist, and couldn't help but said: "Although I know that these things were released by myself, I still feel a little creepy— —How do you say it? Trypophobia?"

"Do you know?" Lin Qiong twitched the corners of his mouth, then covered his forehead, and said, "The last time I witnessed the scene of swarms of mosquitoes flying out in front of me in Sky City, I was tactful." Like Violet made a suggestion - can we not use mosquitoes?"

Hearing Lin Qiong's words, Yoyo looked at the last group of flies in the sky silently, and said, "So, Sister Violet changed the shape of the mechanical scout from a mosquito to a fly?"

Lin Qiong let out a long sigh, then nodded his head heavily and said, "I'm wondering whether to continue to report this issue to her, mainly because I'm a little worried that things will get worse."

"Theoretically not?" The secretary rubbed his eyebrows and said, "I can't think of any tiny flying creatures—maybe ladybugs? Well, at least I think ladybugs should be bigger than flying creatures." Flies and mosquitoes are much better."

Lin Qiong twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "It would be fine if it was a ladybug, but I'm worried that Violet will choose another flying insect."

"?" x3

Looking at the gazes of the three women, Lin Qiong smiled and said the name of a creature that most human beings would scream: "Cockroach."

"Hey!" x3

The eldest lady, the secretary, and Yoyo shuddered at the same time, and then rushed to Lin Qiong angrily, drew out their small fists and started an all-round attack.

Missy: "Stupid Qiong, don't say such scary things!"

The secretary: "Master idiot, my goosebumps have lost a pound!"

Yoyo: "Bad brother! I don't want cockroaches!"

"Hahaha, don't worry." Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips and laughed loudly: "I swear by Erina's legs that feel perfect, I will never let Violet destroy the cockroach-type reconnaissance robot... Even if it’s a spider!”

The eldest lady was shocked and said: "Spiders can't do it either!"

Secretary Yu quickly nodded and said, "Spiders, cockroaches, and centipedes are not allowed!"

Youyouguang just imitated the image of hundreds of spiders crawling in all directions in front of her, and she was too scared to speak, and could only helplessly nod her head: "Don't spiders, don't centipedes, don't Cockroaches, don't want bugs...'

Lin Qiong laughed and said: "Hahaha, don't worry, don't talk about you, I can't bear the scene of a large group of spiders and centipedes crawling around! Okay, let's not discuss this infiltrating topic— —What are you going to do next? Go around, or..."

The eldest lady hurriedly raised her hand and said, "Qiong, I want to go hunting with Yoyo to see how the quality of ingredients is in this world!"

Lin Qiong thought for a while and said, "Okay, then I'll stay and camp with the secretary."

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