"Doctor, is there really no hope?"

A voice sounded in the operating room.

"Unless there is a life-reversing miracle, otherwise..."

"I see."

The voice said softly.

"Then, maybe you happen to encounter this life-changing miracle?"

It was obvious that the person speaking could not be seen, and it was obvious that the other party was saying something strange, but neither the doctor standing by the operating table with his head bowed nor the nurses around showed strange or panicked expressions, but Continue to look unwillingly at Kaoru Miyazono whose breathing is gradually weakening.

"If there really is a miracle..." He was clearly a doctor, but at this moment he prayed from the bottom of his heart: "Please let it happen."

Hearing the murmur of the doctor beside him, Feng Wang, who was above Lin Qiong's head, lowered his head and said softly, "He's a good boy."

Although Feng Wang is not very smart, given her age, she can indeed call any ordinary human being a "child" - even the oldest old man is probably a child in her eyes.

"I will use the power of the waveguide to set up an enchantment and lock her soul—" Lin Qiong opened his hands, and the blue energy visibly spread to the entire operating room, and the dense breath reverberated in the operating room, making it It became like a fairyland.


A few seconds later, the electrocardiogram symbolizing the heartbeat of Miyazono Kaoru completely returned to a straight line, but the strange thing is that the surrounding doctors and nurses still kept their heads down, as if they didn't realize that Miyazono Kaoru It's the same as losing the vital signs.

"I am..."

A few minutes later, with a blank voice, a slightly transparent Miyazono Kaoru slowly floated out of her body, she looked down at "myself" who was still lying on the operating table, and her slightly Some transparent bodies understood the situation at this time: "So I'm already dead?"

"Speaking of this world, do souls really exist?" Miyazono Kaoru smiled wryly, then showed a somewhat lonely expression, looked towards the direction of Arima's competition, and murmured: "I have, I can't help it." Performing on the same stage with you again—you must have won the championship, right? But I can't congratulate you, I'm really... not reconciled."

While Miyazono Kaoru was talking to himself, the surrounding environment quietly changed, as if it had become an endless pure white land. The empty and lonely environment immediately made Miyazono Kaoru nervous, and then began to looking around.

"Don't panic."

At this time, an elegant and solemn female voice came from behind her, Kaoru Miyazono hurriedly turned around, and found that it was the man in front of him who was speaking... er... the bird on the head?

ha?Birds overhead?

If this is Conan's studio, then Miyazono Kaoru's expression at this time will definitely become the classic peasy eyes. She blinked her eyes, then stared blankly at the Phoenix King on Lin Qiong's head, and murmured: "I can talk." The... bird? Are you, Lord God?"

"Who knows? Maybe it's a demon that competes with the gods for the shining soul—" Lin Qiong walked up to Miyazono Kaoru with a chuckle, looked into her big eyes full of curiosity, and asked: "Miss Miyazono, can you play a song for me?"

Chapter 0160 A Miracle Happened

Miyazono Kaoru looked at Lin Qiong in surprise, and stammered, "Play...play? Yes, but now there is no small mention...ah!"

Lin Qiong in front of her smiled and raised a violin case in his hand, and said to her, "For the violin, here it is."

"Well, that's not..."

Just as Miyazono Kaoru was about to say, "Isn't that my piano case?", he thought that the "mysterious being" in front of him was able to communicate with her in the soul state. How could he take out his piano case out of thin air? Nothing strange anymore.

Lin Qiong looked at her gently, and asked again: "Is it okay?"

"I see."

Miyazono Kaoru reached out and took the piano box from Lin Qiong's hand, and gently and solemnly placed it on the ground, whispering softly, "I'm afraid this is the last time I touch you..."

She took the violin out of the case, then skillfully placed it on her shoulders, pressed her cheek against the chin rest, placed the bow on the strings, and slowly closed her eyes.

3, 2, 1...

Silently beating time to herself in her heart, Miyazono Kaoru started to move, and the touching music came out from the violin in her hand, making the Feng Wang above Lin Qiong's head quiet—although it is hard to imagine that this word would be used on her — and closed his eyes.

Even Lin Qiong, who has no artistic talent and would go out of tune when singing "Look at the Girl on the Opposite Side", felt that his soul was being washed at this moment. He closed his eyes in a dignified manner, and then listened quietly to this This is the last song played by a young girl in this world-at least in her own opinion, that's right.


A few minutes later, Miyazono Kaoru, who was panting slightly, put down the violin in her hand, her face was slightly flushed with excitement - her playing skills had just broken through to a new level.

'But it seems like I can't play anymore? '

After realizing this fact, the excitement on Miyazono Kaoru's face faded away. She bit her lip silently, carefully placed the violin in her hand back into the case, then fastened the case, and carried the He stood up and held it in front of Lin Qiong.

"Although I don't know whether you are a god or a demon who robbed the soul with the god..." Miyazono Kaoru followed Lin Qiong's self-introduction just pretending to be mysterious, "Thank you very much for letting me in the last Finally, a chance to play it."

"No, I should be the one thanking you." Lin Qiong looked at the girl in front of her who was as bright as a cherry blossom and as strong as a plum blossom, and said with a light smile, "It allows me to enjoy such wonderful music."

"My level is still far behind." Miyazono Kaoru lowered his head in embarrassment at first, but then raised his head proudly and said, "However, this song is indeed my peak!"

"Is this the peak?" The Phoenix King above Lin Qiong flapped his wings and landed in front of Kaoru Miyazono. She subconsciously stretched out her hands as a platform for this "magical bird" to land on, "You have already Are you satisfied with your current level?"

"This..." Miyazono Kaoru showed a somewhat bitter expression, and she said helplessly: "It doesn't matter anymore, right? Because, I can no longer play the violin."

"That's not necessarily true." Lin Qiong started talking nonsense as soon as his brain twitched, and he said, "Why do you think I want to compete with that old God for my soul? Isn't it because I am about to go to the 100-year music conference between Heaven and Hell?" Is it? Last time the old thing sent Igor, let us lose in hell, so I will start to prepare now, sooner or later..."


Just when Miyazono Kaoru's expression gradually became horrified, Feng Wang hit Lin Qiong's abdomen with a slamming bird, and directly knocked him out, and then fell to the ground with a "boom", motionless like a corpse. moveable.

Miyazono Kaoru exclaimed: "He, he, he, is he alright?"

"It's okay, leave him alone." Feng Wang returned to Miyazono Kaoru's palm with a black look on his face, and said angrily: "Don't listen to his nonsense, there is no music conference at all-"

"Say, you're right..."

Lin Qiong got up from the ground, rubbed his lower abdomen, grinned and said, "Don't put yourself under psychological pressure..."

'So there really are! ? '

"Ah!" Feng Wang turned into light again and rushed towards Lin Qiong, scolding: "Can't you get sick again later! This child is almost limped by you, you know!"

"I'll take—"

Lin Qiong, who was ready, easily took the slam of the Phoenix King's bird, and then received, melted, and fired one by one. After removing the impact force, he smiled and said: "I just see that the atmosphere is a bit serious, so I can't help but open it!" It's just a joke, don't care, don't care—"

Miyazono Kaoru is indeed sweating a little now and can't hold back any longer - so what exactly is going on?

"You've completely confused people, how can you go on like this?"

"Oh, just say it."

Lin Qiong approached Miyazono Kaoru with a smile, and said to her, "Miss Miyazono, I have good news and bad news to tell you, which one do you want to hear first?"


Miyazono Kaoru hesitated for a moment, and said, "Sure enough, let's hear the bad news first!"

If you hear the bad news first, your bad mood will be cheered up by the good news, but if you hear the good news first, your good mood will be ruined by the bad news!

"The bad news is that you are indeed dead." Lin Qiong pointed to his side and saw the operating table and Miyazono Kaoru's "corpse" emerging in this pure white space - but the strange thing was , the marks on her body that were supposed to be incised by the scalpel disappeared without a trace.

Hearing the news, Miyazono Kaoru showed a wry smile, and said, "Ahaha, it really is bad news—then, what is the good news?"

"Good news——" Lin Qiong and Feng Wang looked at each other, and then said to Miyazon Kaoru with a smile: "The good news is——because your music moved us, we decided to give you a second life. "

"A second life...eh? A second life!?"

Miyazono Kaoru, who was still immersed in the "death announcement", repeated it subconsciously at first, but when he realized what Lin Qiong was talking about, she widened her eyes and looked up at Lin Qiong and Lin Qiong. Feng Wang.

"This is a little secret between you and me—" Lin Qiong closed one eye, then put his index finger in front of his mouth, and said to Miyazono Kaoru: "Don't tell anyone—— "

'Even if you say it, others won't believe it, right? '

Miyazono Kaoru twitched the corners of her mouth, she felt as if she was living in a dream, wait, in a dream?

So, in the "?" expressions of Lin Qiong and Feng Wang, Miyazono Kaoru pinched his face hard and pulled it outward, then lowered his head in frustration and said: "It doesn't hurt, it's really just a dream -"


Lin Qiong said with a complicated expression: "Well, Miss Gongyuan, let's just say, is there a possibility, just my guess, that the soul can't feel pain?"


Realizing that she had made a big oolong, Miyazono Kaoru blushed. She scratched the back of her head in embarrassment, and said, "This, this, the main reason is that it's too incredible, resurrection or something..."

"Because you are the lucky one being watched by the gods—" Feng Wang looked at the girl in front of him and said in a gentle voice, "This is a miracle that belongs to you alone in this world."


Miyazono Kaoru murmured.


Lin Qiong put his hands above Miyazono Kaoru's body, and said with a light smile, "Miss Miyazono Kaoru, if we are lucky enough to meet again, can you pull your sweetheart and play a song for us together?"


Just as Miyazono Kaoru was about to say something, she felt a dazzling white light blooming from Lin Qiong's body, and she subconsciously stretched out her hands to block the light.

Five or six seconds later, when the light dissipated, Miyazono Kaoru put down her hands and found herself in a dark tunnel. She subconsciously ran towards the bright light with her legs open.

getting closer, getting closer...




Rhythmic humming sounded in the quiet operating room. The doctor, who was immersed in self-blame and unwillingness, raised his head in surprise and looked at the ECG monitor on the side—on the display screen, it symbolized Kaoru Miyazono. The beating lines of the heart are running with full of vitality.

"A miracle... happened..."

The doctor looked at Miyazono Kaoru on the hospital bed, and found that she had opened her eyes at this time, looking around with a hint of bewilderment and shock, as if she couldn't believe the situation at this time.

"I, I am..."

She struggled to sit up, and the doctor watching her action widened his eyes in surprise, and said, "Miss Gong Yuan, your body..."

"my body……"

Miyazono Kaoru looked down at her hand, then shook it lightly, then shook it lightly, then shook it hard, and then clenched her fist with all her strength.

"...It seems that it has recovered."

Next, what awaits Miyazono Kaoru will probably be a whole set of detailed inspections and a report dubbed a "miracle".




Lin Qiong was walking in the commercial street of Si Lie World, and after buying a piece of fried chicken nuggets, he said to the Phoenix King above his head.

"Satisfied! A book is satisfied!"

Feng Wang let out a sigh of satisfaction, and said happily: "I feel that the darkness in my heart is gone all of a sudden—Wuhu! Mianma survived, and Xun also survived. Is there anything happier than this? ?”

"Hello, yes." Lin Qiong raised the fried chicken in his hand and said seriously: "For example, when you pass by a fried chicken shop, you can buy a fried chicken with honey mustard and special spicy. piece."

Feng Wang looked at it expressionlessly and lowered his head and said, "Did you do it on purpose? You don't buy chow mein, you don't buy croquettes, you don't buy sausages, you don't buy takoyaki, but you buy fried chicken?"

"Fried chicken can bring happiness to people, don't you understand?" Lin Qiong stuffed a piece of fried chicken drenched in sauce into his mouth, then narrowed his eyes happily, and said, "Phew, this kind of It feels really overwhelming.”

"Bah, what happiness, I think you did it on purpose!"

"You are very smart!"

"Stop rambling, give me a piece!"

Oh, cricket phoenix king!

Chapter 0161 People and Pokémon are not allowed

Food Halberd World.

"How did it take so long?"

Lying on the tatami mat, shaking her slender legs wrapped in black pantyhose, the eldest lady who was leisurely reading the girl's manga saw Lin Qiong walking in, couldn't help propping up her upper body, and asked curiously : "Have you encountered any troublesome things?"

Lin Qiong left early yesterday morning, but came back this evening - equivalent to being away for a day and a half. For the two people who have been inseparable for more than four years, it was indeed a long time since they were gone.

"I didn't encounter anything, I just went to a few places with the willful Miss Feng Wang." Lin Qiong smiled, and he sat beside the eldest lady, reaching out and stroking her round and plump thighs, Said with a satisfied face: "Erina doesn't know yet, does she? Miss Feng Wang is very girlish—"


Wayward Miss Fengwang! ?

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