"You... soul..."

"... cheat me?"


Lin Qiong, who was sleeping, vaguely heard King Feng chirping in her ear. He opened his eyes in a daze and asked with a hint of nasal sound: "Huh? What's wrong?"

"You still have the nerve to say it!?" Feng Wang watched Lin Qiong wake up, and immediately jumped up and down in front of him angrily: "You are so weak, are you deliberately tricking me!? Do you still have a conscience?! "


Lin Qiong propped himself up and sat up from the sofa, then yawned and said, "What are you talking about?"

He stayed up with Feng Wang last night and saw 03:30, then lay down on the sofa and fell asleep in a daze. He was just woken up by Feng Wang, and now his mind is still a little confused.

"You still have the face to say something like 'what are you talking about?'!?" At this time, Feng Wang behaved like Bucky who saw Shanks in the top battle, and she held her head against the Lin Qiong raised his forehead, and said angrily: "Do you know how cruel I was when I watched Clannad last night!? I cried all three packs of tissues, three packs!! You slept like a dead pig, I Where to put a piece of paper to wipe away tears, woo woo woo—"

After hearing Feng Wang's words, Lin Qiong suddenly showed an extremely unscrupulous smile—that look was exactly the same as Juggler who smiled at the crying Oss Superman when Zeta was finished!

This conscience, bigbig's bad... no, his conscience is just like Batman's parents, it was gone at a young age!

"You still have the nerve to laugh!?"

"No, just wait!"

Lin Qiong raised a hand to stop Feng Wang from moving, and he said solemnly: "Isn't Clannad a happy ending, and everyone is happy?"

"Eh? Yes, that's right..."

"Did I lie to you?"

"No, no."

"Then why are you angry?"

Lin Qiong opened his hands with an innocent look and made a helpless gesture, saying, "I am a good citizen, Phoenix King Sansan!"

Feng Wang hesitated to speak, stopped to speak but wanted to - she swears with her colorful snot, Lin Qiong is absolutely, definitely not at ease, and deliberately tricked her into watching Clannad, a top-notch tear gas bomb, but she just couldn't find a way to vent it reason! ! !

Because it is indeed a happy ending, and everyone is happy. At most, the process is a little tortuous - but the problem is that Lin Qiong only promised her a happy ending, and did not say that the process will not be tortuous!

"I'm hungry, let's go eat -" Lin Qiong looked at Feng Wang who had nothing to say, couldn't help but stood up with a smirk on his face, then moved his body and walked towards the restaurant, saying: " Chocolate, vanilla, prepare lunch for me! After eating, I’m going to the training ground to do some exercise——”

"Meow! I know the master meow!"

Chocolate's figure appeared from the side. After she pretended to salute, she held Vanilla's hand and ran towards the kitchen cheerfully.


Feng Wang stared dumbfounded at Lin Qiong's back, which looked like a ruthless scumbag, and couldn't help but ran to the top of his head, cursing and saying, "Do you still have a conscience!? I cried all night, do you know?" Know? Believe it or not, I will teach you how to be a human being with a slam of the bird!"

"Oh, don't worry—"

Lin Qiong tidied up his wrinkled clothes from sleeping on the sofa, and said calmly, "After I finish eating and do some daily exercise, I'll take you to save Gongyuan Kaoru and the noodles, okay?"

"That's what you said!"

"Please, when did you cheat?" Lin Qiong hammered his chest with his fist, and said righteously: "You can rest assured!"

Cricket is a phoenix king, easy to handle!

Chapter 0159 Can you play a song for me?

Just as Lin Qiong said, after eating the lunch prepared for him with chocolate and vanilla, and doing some exercise after the meal, he left the Pokémon world with the impatient Feng Wang.

The two first came to the world of unheard flower names. They came directly to the time when Meiko Honma had an accident, rescued her from sliding down the cliff, and then quietly hid her figure until Bobo Found Meizi fainted on the side of the road, and brought her back to the secret base of Super Peaceful Busters.

"Is this okay?" Lin Qiong sat cross-legged on a nearby branch, and Phoenix King, who had shrunk into a rocket bird, sat on his head, looking at the super peaceful Busters in front of him with satisfied eyes, "You can definitely Disguise yourself as a wild bird and fly over to play with them, or appear in front of the unconscious Mianma and chat with her."

Feng Wang snorted twice and said, "I think you don't understand at all!"

Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows and said, "So you understand it well?"

Feng Wang straightened his chest and said, "Just kidding, I understand it very well!"

Lin Qiong laughed. He supported the side of his face with his hands and looked through the window of the hut at the children who apologized to Mianma after she woke up. He asked, "Then tell me. .”

Feng Wang was obviously looking at the same scene as Lin Qiong. She said softly: "This is enough! I came to save her just to fulfill my wish and change the tragedy. It was not to gain her gratitude. Or something else."

In the final analysis, in Feng Wang's view, her behavior was not "entrusted by others", but purely "self-satisfaction" - since it is self-satisfaction, what reward or gratitude is needed?

No need.

"You can think about it." Lin Qiong smiled. He groped a few times on his body, then took out a bag of raisins, threw a few grains to the Phoenix Queen above his head, and poured the rest into his mouth. Said: "Then go to the next stop?"

Feng Wang nodded, and said contentedly: "Let's go!"


Suddenly, Mianma in the hut turned her head and looked out the window, but all she saw was the lush canopy.

"What's the matter, Mianma?"

"I feel like I saw someone over there—"

"People? Where?"

"I didn't see it—"

"No, it can't be a ghost?"

"Really! Bobo is still so timid—"

"No Road Race!"


Today's Super Peaceful Busters are also Super Peaceful Busters as always!

'No, not a ghost—'

Mianma lay at the window, looking at the figure that disappeared in front of the door, recalling the figure he saw before drowning and unconscious, couldn't help showing a sweet smile.

'Thank you, my lord! '



"It feels like finally being found."

After bringing King Feng to the world of Si Lies, Lin Qiong rubbed his nose and said, "Anyway, I felt someone's eyes on me when I left."

Feng Wang thought for a while, and then said with a serious face: "It should be the creation god of that world who discovered you, and he may have chased after you, and is going to turn you into a fire-flying Pokémon!"


Lin Qiong complained in a black line: "Let's not talk about whether there is a Creator God in the unheard of Huaming World——take a step back and say, even if there is, why did the Creator God of the Unheard Huaming World want to turn me into a treasure? Kemeng!?"

The key is to limit the fire flying attribute!This damn meow is basically the dark thoughts in your heart! ?


"You stinky bird, I fed you up with feces and piss in vain, and you actually want to repay your kindness and turn me into a firefly!?"

"Bah! You grew up eating that stuff! And what happened to Huo Fei? Huo Fei is so handsome! Huo Fei is simply invincible!"

"But you are four times weaker."

"That's my weakness! One! I'm also four times more resistant to insects and weeds!"

"Who cares about you—"

Lin Qiong rolled his eyes, and after identifying the direction, he walked towards the hospital and said, "Geng Gui, I'll be counting on you later! Hypnotize the people around you and let us sneak into the operating room." .”


Geng Gui stretched out his right hand from the shadow, and then made a thumb gesture.

It's on me!Don't worry!

"Oh, Gengar is so reliable——"

Lin Qiong sighed from the bottom of his heart, and then calmly started cueing Feng Wang: "Hey, it would be great if Lugia was here, superpowers are really useful!"

Phoenix King: "???"

She blew up straight away!

"You fart!"

"I also have super powers!"

"I can meditate, I can have supernatural powers, I can also illuminate walls, reflect walls and mentally force!"

"I can also help you hypnotize other people and let you sneak into the operating room!"

"You don't need Geng Gui at all!"

"We don't need any Lugia!"


There are Pokémon who are in a hurry, but I don't say who it is, anyone who knows it will understand.

"Really?" Lin Qiong pretended to be surprised and opened his mouth wide, and said, "Is Feng Wang so powerful?"


King Feng's little head was almost raised to the sky. She said confidently: "Please, my attack surface is huge! Not to mention the fire, super, grass, ground, electric, ghost and I know all about steel, okay?"

"But you are quadruple weak, and Lugia doesn't have quadruple weakness."

"Bastard! But I only have two double weaknesses, and Lugia has five! Five!"

"Then you seem to be pretty good?"

"As if!? What is it? I have two quadruple resistances, but Lugia only has one!"

"Oh, then you are really powerful!"

Lin Qiong saw that the teasing was almost done, and he was about to start pampering Feng Wang who had blown his hair.

"As expected of the legendary god of life, Master Fengwang, it is just extraordinary!"

"Hmph, it's good to know!"

"Look at Rogia again, what kind of rotten fish and shrimp is that? He is obviously the god of the sea, but the attribute is super flying, and he doesn't even match his major!"

"That's it!"

"And the distribution of race values ​​is also very hip, 154 special defense real dish!"


"what happened?"

"I also have 154 special defense."

"Oh, I mean, his defense is 130, and his attack and special attack are only 90. He looks like he's ready to take a beating!"

"Yes! I have an attack of 130 and a special attack of 110. I am invincible!"

"Yes, the Phoenix King is invincible!"

Through a rainbow fart that filled the sky with stars, Lin Qiong successfully made the Phoenix King above him become trembling again, and the stupid hair on the top of his head (if you think that counts) also started to flutter in the wind.

Like a red scarf.



2 month 18 day.


operating room.

"Vital signs...decreasing..."

"There's nothing we can do anymore."

With the doctor's voice full of despair, the atmosphere in the operating room dropped to freezing point.

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