'Hiss, what's going on with your brain-filling ability? Lin Qiong took a breath of air, then squatted down in shock with a hint of curiosity, and said to the waiter: "Tell me where you saw?"

"In Bandit King, the protagonist Kurosaki Naruto has just lifted the first of the nine seals in his body and awakened the first spirit beast—"

"In Kazekage Samurai, the protagonist Monkey A. Conan has just obtained the inheritance of the Samurai Blade and has become a new Kazekage Samurai, killing all directions—"

"As for the retreating dwarves, the protagonist Lu Fei Hiccup has awakened the blood of the dwarves in his body, and he can punch ten dragons and ten elephants with one punch—"


Lin Qiong twitched the corners of his mouth, then rubbed his head—how should I put it?I always feel that he seems to have a sense of déjà vu in every plot he talks about, and I can only say that the industry wants to play!


"How about it, do you have any impression?"

"Sorry, not at all."

"How, how could it be possible? Could it be that the comics I like are already the tears of the times?"

At this time, Eris, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly said, "Well, Mr. Kazuma, have you thought about something?"

"hold head high?"

"Mr. Lin should have been reincarnated about half a year before your reincarnation, right?"


"In other words, Mr. Lin's reincarnation time should be earlier than yours—"

"and then?"

Looking at Kazuma who had not yet reacted, Eris covered his forehead helplessly and said, "Mr. Lin was reincarnated first, so why would he know information that you don't even know?"


Kazuma reacted. He lowered his head and looked at the bag of potato chips in his hand, and said, "It seems that the production date is also wrong?"

Kazuma Sato seems to remember that it was about 13 years ago when he time traveled?Even if nearly two years have passed, it is at most 15 years, right?Why is the time on this packaging bag 19? ?

Not right, very wrong!

"So, can you explain to us what's going on?"

Eris looked at Lin Qiong with a serious expression, and said, "Senior Akuya, you should have noticed something wrong, right?"

"Huh? Huh? Eh? Oh... oh!"

Akuya froze for a moment, then jumped in front of Lin Qiong with a "swish", and said loudly: "No, that's right! I've already found out what's wrong, so hurry up and place an order for me to buy the most expensive one." Red wine! Ask for the most expensive!"

'So you didn't understand anything at all? 'by everyone


Eris covered her face, feeling that I was too naive for Aqua-senpai to be able to find out something was wrong.

"I don't have red wine, but I have Red Bull." Lin Qiong shrugged and said, "I'm not going to hide it from you, after all, I also have some things I want to discuss with Goddess Eris."


Before Eris spoke, Aqua felt unhappy.

She walked over with her sleeves rolled up and said angrily: "Why Eris! Do you look down on me, a perfect goddess? I am Eris's senior, senior! Besides, Eris's Oppai is the underpinning …Woooooooo!”

Kazuma covered Akua's mouth with embarrassment, and said, "Well, go ahead and leave her alone!"


Lin Qiong couldn't help laughing. He took out the Poké Ball amid Kazuma's gradually outrageous expression, then released the steel armored crow, and said, "Anyway, let's go to Scarlet Devil Township first? If you have any questions, We can communicate on the road, okay?"

Chapter 0195 xmsl

The Lin Qiong team formed by Lin Qiong, the eldest lady, the secretary and Yoyo.

The Kazuma team formed by Kazuma, Aqua, Eris, Megumin, and Darkness.

A total of nine people, all sitting in rattan baskets made of plants controlled by Youyou, were obediently carried up into the sky by the Steel Armored Crow.

"By the way, can you explain it now?"

Kazuma came up to Lin Qiong and looked at him seriously. He pointed at the steel-armored crow who was holding the rattan basket with his claws and said: "This, no matter how you think about it, it's a Pokémon, right? You just took it out It must be a Poké Ball, right? Also, I just realized now that the one in her hand is a Flower Healing Ring?"

"Stop, stop, calm down—"

Lin Qiong pressed Hezhen's shoulders, pushed him to sit down, and said, "I didn't say no, why are you so excited?"

"Because because, this is a Pokémon!! Where did you get it? Is there a charizard? Or Gabrias? Where's the golden monster? Where's the fast dragon?"

"Uh, there is only Kuailong in the team, and it's in the hands of my girlfriend."

"Eh? Didn't the others get caught?"

"No, but I have a good relationship with King Feng—"

"real or fake?!"

"Look, this is a toothpick made of rainbow feathers, this is a bookmark made of rainbow feathers, this is an amulet made of rainbow feathers, this is a quill made of rainbow feathers, this is a rainbow feather Shuttlecock made of feathers..."

"Wait, wait! Wait for me!"

"hold head high?"

"Iridescent Feather is that one, right? The Phoenix King's one—"

"The feathers that the Phoenix King admits can only be obtained by trainers, that's probably how it is said."

"But, but, why do you have so many iridescent feathers? And, besides, these things..."

Even Kazuma Sato can only understand the existence of amulets, okay?Toothpicks, bookmarks, quills, shuttlecocks, what are these! ?

Believers of Fengwang will definitely replace the salt in your dinner with sugar if they hear it?Absolutely!

"I've said it all, Feng Wang and I have a good relationship, we are in a relationship of pulling each other's hair—"

"Mu, what is the relationship between plucking each other's hairs!?"

It belongs to Sato and Zhenzheng.

"You can simply understand it as a bad friend." The eldest lady on the side added with a smile, "Phoenix King likes to shrink his size very much, and then squat on Lin Qiong's head."

"Okay, I'm so envious..."

Kazuma deeply felt the difference in what we call the world-why he can only be ridden on the face by the goddess of throwing sticks, but this person can have such a good relationship with Pokémon?

"Mr. Kazuma, the topic has gone to a strange place again——"

Eris reminded in a low voice: "Shouldn't we ask Mr. Lin about his background?"

"That's right!" He Zhen hammered his palm, and then turned his head hastily: "What is your origin! Why can you take out potato chips and NS? It's hard, could it be that you are the trainer who subdued Palkia! ?”

Palkia, the first-level god on the cover of Pokémon Pearl, has the title of the god of space, also known as the big thorn dragon king and the small gill ichthyosaur.

So Sato Kazuma really knows how to make up brains.

"No, no, I'm not familiar with that guy." Lin Qiong waved his hand and said, "The only legendary Pokémon I'm familiar with are Phoenix King, Suicune, Yandi, Raigong, and Machado."

As for the non-flying, baiting and mega green caterpillars, although Lin Qiong had seen them with Arceus, he hadn't had much communication, at most they belonged to the nodding class.

He Zhen breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Lin Qiong say this, and thought in his heart: "Okay, it doesn't sound like an exaggeration?" '

After all, it sounds like they are all from the Fengwang family?Whether it is Sangouzi or Mashaduo, they are under Feng Wang's subordinates, so it can be understood...

"Ah, maybe you have a good relationship with Arceus?"

"Understood ass! Isn't Arceus the most powerful Pokémon!?" Kazuma, who had just loosened up just a second ago, suddenly tightened up again, and he complained with a broken face; "By the way, you and Arceus Got it, doesn't that mean that the entire Pokémon world can be walked sideways by you?"

"Eh? You can't say that -" Lin Qiong scratched his head in distress and said, "Walking sideways will affect others, right?"

"You guy, did you do it on purpose?"


"Hey what is it!"

Desperate, desperate for this uneven world!

"When these two get together, I feel that the topic can't be grasped at all..." Eris pressed his forehead, and after talking for a few words, the topic moved to other places.

No, you have to ask clearly.


She cleared her throat gently, then moved to Hezhen's side, and said softly: "Mr. Lin, you haven't answered Mr. Hezhen's question—why can you take out those things and Pokémon? "

"I can take out snacks and NS, of course, because I put them in my backpack after I bought them—" Lin Qiong replied naturally, "I can take out Pokémon because I am in Pokémon The world took them and brought them into this world."


Hearing Lin Qiong's words, Eris felt his head swell for a while—the information revealed in the other party's seemingly random words was too exaggerated.

"Pokémon World?" x2

Hezhen and Huihui squeezed together in front of Lin Qiong, and then looked at him with big pulsing eyes.

Kazuma: "The Pokémon world with Nazi, Kona, Kameizlei, Bamboo Orchid, Karuna, Lillie, and Lusamine?"

Huihui: "Aren't there many handsome creatures in the Pokémon world!"

Hearing the questions of these two people, the corners of the mouths of Lin Qiong and the eldest lady twitched involuntarily.

Let's not talk about Huihui's problem first, let's talk about Hezhen first——no, your idea of ​​LSP is completely exposed, right?Which of the names that come out of your mouth is not a beautiful woman?

"I can answer you responsibly—" Lin Qiong elongated his voice, then nodded, and said, "Yes! Just as you think."

"Ahhh, damn it! I'm so envious——"

If it wasn't for the wrong location, then Kazuma would roll on the ground in regret to vent his inner emotions, "I really want to go to the Pokémon World too! Damn—"

"Me too!" Hui Hui also raised her right hand and said seriously, "I also want to capture a handsome familiar!"

"Uh, it's not impossible—"

Lin Qiong scratched his face, then looked at Eris, and said, "However, maybe you need to apply first?"


Eris twitched the corner of her mouth, then looked at the sky in a daze.

What, what should I do?Things seem to be going awry--



Scarlet Devil Township, a forbidden place on this continent!

It is said that even the army of demons can't do anything to the secondary school here... Excuse me, it's the red demons here!

Today, this taboo land welcomes a new guest!

"Then, let's go to Huihui's house first."

Carrying his luggage, Hezhen said to Lin Qiong with a dazed expression: "I will visit you later, goodbye."

"Okay, be careful on the road."

Lin Qiong waved to Kazuma in a friendly manner, and then watched the backs of Akuya who turned her head one step at a time, Huihui who turned her head twice at a step, and Eris who turned her back three times at a step.

The eldest lady stood beside him and said with a light smile, "It seems that your news has had a great impact on them."

Lin Qiong recalled He Zhenzai's expression after he learned of the existence of the World Transmitting Gate, and couldn't help laughing, saying, "That's true, he may not be able to sleep tonight."

After all, before this, Sato Kazuma always thought that Lin Qiong, like him, was a hero who died after saving the beauty (fog), but he didn't expect Lin Qiong to have a showdown, he is a billionaire! ?

Why is the gap between humans and humans bigger than humans and dogs?

The secretary reminded from the side: "Okay, you two! Don't stay here like Wangfushi! Aren't we going to visit Youyou's parents?"


Lin Qiong reacted, put his hands on his hips, and said loudly: "Okay! Let's go now!"


Youyou made a nervous voice, holding her staff in her little hands, and whispered: "Qiong Ni-san, Erina-san, Fei Sha Ne-san, when you see my family later, please be kind to me. Don’t be surprised!!”

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