At this time, after experiencing the baptism of knowledge in another world, Yoyo has already understood what kind of race the Crimson Demons are, and at the same time, she also understands why she has always felt incompatible with the Crimson Demons—so, abnormal It's not me at all, but the Crimson Demons!

"Wow, I can't imagine what Qiong Nisang and the others looked like when they saw their father and mother..."

The overly nervous Yoyo seems to have completely forgotten that Lin Qiong and the others have read Suqing's work a long time ago, so they naturally know what is going on with the Crimson Demons and what Yoyo is worried about.

"Don't worry."

Lin Qiong patted Yoyo's head, and comforted him, "It's just a second-degree illness, I can handle it!"

The eldest lady also comforted: "Don't worry, since we have decided to visit your family, we are naturally mentally prepared."

"Yes, it is so..."

Yoyo couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, then lowered her head a little embarrassedly, and said, "I'm sorry, Nisan, Nathan, I'm too nervous."

"It's okay—" Lin Qiong touched Yoyo's head with a smile, and said, "You can be our most beloved sister, and you don't need to apologize."


Youyou nodded happily, she took two steps forward and grabbed the hands of Lin Qiong and the eldest lady, then turned her head to look at the secretary, and said happily: "Let's go! Qiongni-san, Erina-san, Fei Sand Nathan!"

Chapter 0196 Yoyo's Parents

Crimson Demons.

Patriarch's house.

"Ah! Ouch!"

After seeing Yoyo come back with his fellow adventurers, his father—the patriarch of the Crimson Demon Clan—showed a happy expression, and said, "Wow, my daughter could find such a wonderful teammate!"

How should I put it, there is fatherly love, but not much?

"Wait, wait! Father, what does 'that daughter of mine' mean?"

"Because you haven't even mastered advanced magic..."

"I have learned! I have mastered it!"

"Eh? Not bad! There is progress!"

Dad smiled and touched Yoyo's head, then quickly restrained his smile, and said to Lin Qiong: "Young man, thank you very much for taking care of Yoyo - this slightly abnormal daughter has made you bother." !"

'In the eyes of the Crimson Demon Clan, Yoyo who is not perfect at all is indeed abnormal——'

Lin Qiong thought so, with a smile on his face, and said: "Nothing! Mr. Babar, Yoyo is a very good boy."

Yes, Yoyo's father's name is Babar. When Lin Qiong heard this name for the first time, he almost blurted out that sentence - but one thing to say, how strong is the Babar star?Not to mention the destruction of the little lion's hometown, the hometown of Regulos, who was able to compete with the little golden bull, was also wiped out.

It belongs to the epic level enhancement.

(At this time, the Babar star in Uub pointed at himself in shock, and murmured: "So the Babar star can be so awesome?")

"Wooooow, Qiongnisang..."

After comparing Lin Qiong with her father, Yoyo showed a moved expression—she could swear that if Lin Qiong and her father fell into the water at the same time at this time, she would definitely stretch out her staff first to let Lin Qiong fall into the water. Qiong grabbed the staff to save him, and then used the staff to knock his father unconscious!

"Hahahaha, as long as you are satisfied—"

Mr. Babar laughed loudly, turned around, and shouted towards the house behind him: "Mother, there are guests coming, I will catch some prey later, you can make a big meal! "

"I see--"

Accompanied by a voice of Yu Jie that made people tremble all over, a black-haired woman with a slightly ordinary appearance, but a certain part was particularly powerful came out of the door with a smile, and said, "I heard your chatting just now— —”

"I finally understand, how did Yoyo's unreasonable growth come about—"

Lin Qiong twitched the corner of his mouth imperceptibly.

The eldest lady at the side subconsciously looked at her own chest, and then glanced at Yoyo's mother's chest. After a few seconds of careful comparison, she muttered: "I still have a chance, and I will develop further!"

No, no, you are already an adult... Oh, maybe I will rub you up?

Lin Qiong touched his chin and thought for a few seconds, then nodded, and said to himself: "It is my duty to promote Erina's secondary development!"

Just when Lin Qiong and the eldest lady were "deserting", the secretary had already stepped forward to communicate with Mr. Babar, and said, "Mr. Babar, leave today's dinner to us! My eldest lady still has some skills in cooking." Kind of confident."

Mr. Babar stared, and then said with a little displeasure: "Baa desu! How can you let the guests cook? Are you looking down on me, the strongest mage of the Crimson Demon who controls the black flames and golden thunder?"

So you can't be serious for 5 minutes, can you?

Before Lin Qiong could answer, Yoyo stood up first, and then said seriously: "Father, mother! Erina Nai-san's cooking skills are really very good, if you don't try it once, you will definitely regret it - Besides, didn't mother say several times that she wanted to learn from a good chef? Isn't now the best opportunity?"



Both of them focused their eyes on Yoyo, showing obvious expressions of surprise—obviously, the couple saw that their daughter, who had been submissive since she was a child, was able to stand up and express her gratitude. When I made an opinion, a complex emotion suddenly arose in my heart.

Should I be pleased with the growth of my daughter?Or should I lose my daughter's growth not because of my own education?

Maybe there are.

"Since Yoyo said so—"

It was rare for the daughter to stand up once, so the father naturally couldn't disappoint, so he put his hands on his hips and said, "I'll leave the cooking to you—but don't compete with us on the hunting, is it okay? "

"No problem." Lin Qiong nodded, then looked around, leaned into Babar's ear, and whispered: "Mr. Babar, to tell you the truth, I am a person who prefers to eat meat, so When collecting ingredients later, please catch a few more animals."

"Ha ha ha ha--"

After Babar heard Lin Qiong's words, he burst into laughter immediately, and then showed a domineering and majestic expression, and raised his left hand to cover his face, opened his fingers to reveal his scarlet right eye, and then He raised his right hand flat, spread his five fingers, and said in a chant-like voice: "Leave it to me! The strongest boiling rod of the Crimson Demons will strike at this moment today, bringing the supreme power of swelling monsters to my daughter's allies." Corpse..."

Lin Qiong rubbed his head, and then, relying on his memory from the second year of middle school, he reluctantly translated the meaning of his words, probably...

"I'll give you a whole pig with the best taste!"

That's about it.



Under the strong request of Mr. Babar, the four members of Lin Qiong's team could only stay at Yoyo's home peacefully—Lin Qiong planned to go hunting with Mr. Babar, and then showed his strength inadvertently. Let this old father rest assured to hand over his daughter to him.

Hiss, wait a minute, isn't this statement a bit strange?

Forget it, as long as everyone understands.

In the spacious living room, Lin Qiong lay sideways on the tatami, listening to the movement in the kitchen leisurely.

"Auntie, if you cut potatoes like this, it will be much easier, and it won't stick to the knife."

"Wow, really! Erina-chan, your knife skills are amazing! Much thinner than mine—"

"This is just the basic skill of a cook."

"No way! I have been cooking for more than ten years, and I can't reach your level!"

"Just practice more—by the way, auntie, let me teach you a secret sauce! Whether it's used as a dipping sauce or used to cook soup, it's a very good flavor."


"You'll know when you taste it later."

"Okay, then I must learn"

Hearing this, Lin Qiong couldn't help but chuckled, and then leaned over to Yoyo who was sitting on the tatami, looking at the surrounding room furnishings with nostalgic eyes, and said, "Yuyo, it seems that Auntie has been completely manipulated by Erina— —”

"Well, it seems so-"

Youyou secretly laughed, her eyes curled up cutely, and she said, "Qionisang, thank you!"

If Lin Qiong was from Zaun, then he would say "Thank you mother?" at this time, but he is a civilized and reliable adult male, so he just rubbed her head and said: " You don’t need to say thank you to me, between teammates, it should be.”


Yoyo lowered her hair and let out a happy laugh. She tugged at Lin Qiong's clothes, then pointed to the scratches on a nearby pillar, and said, "Nissan Nissan, look there—"

"Hey, according to the convention, this should be the one you used to measure your height when you were young, right?" Lin Qiong stood up, touched his chin and walked to the edge of the pillar, then squatted in front of the bottom scratch, and said, "This angle ...three years old?"

"It's four years old!"

With her mouth puffed out, she imitated Lin Qiong's posture and squatted in front of the pillar, and then said from bottom to top, "This one is four years old, this one is four and a half years old, then this one is five years old, this one is six years old—— After that, I will start to accumulate skill points, and I haven’t tested it much.”

"Huh? Have you started accumulating skill points at such a young age?"

"Hehehe, in fact, at that stage, you can't say that you are accumulating skill points, you are just learning the knowledge of magic." Youyou sat down, then hugged her knees with her hands, smiled a little embarrassedly, and said, "It's just that I feel that it's useful. If you describe it by accumulating skill points, it will be more handsome."


Lin Qiong showed a meaningful expression.

"Ah! Nissan, what does this expression mean?"

"Eh? No -"


"Oh, I just think that Yoyo can use more handsome expressions and so on. Do you want to start the tradition of the Crimson Demons in the future?"

"No, no!" Angrily, Youyou hit Lin Qiong's shoulders with a small fist a few times, and then "hummed" several times to express her anger, "Nissan is a villain!"

"Hey~ I just said thank you just now—"

"Humph, I won't thank you now!"

"Too much—"


After the two looked at each other, they laughed at the same time. Yoyo wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes while laughing, and said, "It's true Nissan, I just missed my childhood!"

"All right, all right, you continue to miss—"

Lin Qiong supported his ankles with both hands, and said curiously: "Speaking of which, what textbooks did you study when you were young? Show me."


When it came to this topic, Yoyo obviously showed a somewhat conflicted expression. She put her hands in front of her chest, fingers facing each other, fingers spread, then looked around guiltily, and said, "This, that, I, I seem to have messed up the textbooks. lost--"

"Red bean puree?"

Lin Qiong leaned in front of Yoyo, staring at her pair of red agate-like eyes, humming: "Really~ lost~~"


Under Lin Qiong's watchful eyes, Yoyo was defeated, she raised her hands in despair, and said, "I, I know! I'll go and get it now, just go and get it!"

After speaking, she stood up and ran to her room, but before leaving the living room, Yoyo turned her head around, stared at Lin Qiong seriously, and said, "But after reading it, Nissan absolutely, absolutely does not allow Smile! Otherwise Yoyo will be angry!"


The interest in Lin Qiong's heart is even greater.

Chapter 0197 The Special Textbook of Scarlet Devil Township

After a few minutes.


Lin Qiong looked at the notebook in his hand, which he didn't know whether it was a notebook for class or a homework for home, with a strange expression. Then he said to Yuyou who was covering his face next to him: "Well, Yuyou! How should I put it? After reading this , it seems a little difficult not to laugh."


Youyou let out a shameful cry, she looked at Lin Qiong weakly, and said, "Qionisang, can you call out the wind speed dog?"

"of course."

Lin Qiong casually took out the poke ball containing the wind speed dog, and then threw it lightly, throwing out the poke ball containing the wind speed dog.

"Wang Woo!"

In the next second, accompanied by a red light, a huge, fluffy tiger dog with tongue sticking out and tail wagging appeared in Yoyo's living room.

"Wooooow, Wind Speed ​​Dog——"

Youyou hurriedly opened her hands and rushed over, then screamed strangely, and buried her face in Fengsugou's arms.


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