Wind Speed ​​Dog obviously showed a startled expression, she arched Yoyo with her nose, trying to comfort her, but Yoyo shook her head whimperingly, and buried her face in her hair—— Thanks to the wind speed dog does not shed hair.

Seeing that he couldn't comfort Yoyo, Fengsugou quickly turned his head to Lin Qiong, and then made a "woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" sound: "Master, come and see her duck!"

"Yuyou, what's the matter?"

Lin Qiong asked strangely.

"No, it's nothing—" Yoyo's muffled voice came from Fengsugou's body, "Anyway, Qiongnisang can laugh now, huh!"


Lin Qiong opened his mouth a little bit, he understood what Yoyo was doing - good guy, do you act like an ostrich?You also specially asked me to call out the wind speed dog to use as sand for you to bury your head in, right?

I have to say, this is...too cute, right?

"Pfft haha-"

Faced with Yoyo's cute reaction, Lin Qiong couldn't help but raised his head, and let out a series of barbell-like laughter. When Yoyo heard the laughter, he secretly raised his head and glanced at it, and immediately showed an even more annoyed expression.

Stupid, stupid Nissan, you didn't even look at that notebook before you started laughing!

Idiot, idiot idiot idiot!

"Ha-hmm! Ahem!"

As if aware of Yoyo's gaze, Lin Qiong's laughter stopped abruptly, replaced by a feigned serious cough, and the elongated tone, saying in a tone like a history teacher in class: "Hey, let me see , What did you write in this notebook—”


Yoyo's scalp tightened immediately, she hurriedly buried her face in the arms of the dog-faced and innocent Fengsugou, then pricked up her ears, listening carefully to Lin Qiong's movements.

Accompanied by the sound of turning the pages gently, Lin Qiong saw the first page of the notebook, which was marked with——

High emotional intelligence: very immature;

Low emotional intelligence: scratched by a dog;

——Yuyo's name was written in the handwriting.

"Well, the handwriting is so cute!"

'Words, handwriting? '

Yoyo, who was eavesdropping, was taken aback for a moment, and then, the dead childhood memories suddenly revived and began to attack her shame—ahhh, I, I remembered! !

My self at that time was super, super, super ugly! !

If the Wind Speed ​​Dog were made transparent at this time, then everyone should be able to see that Yoyo's expression at this time is comparable to the expression of the literary girl who met Xiu Ze on the slope that year when she was embarrassed.

It's a pity that no one saw such an interesting scene, otherwise Yoyo might have another dark history.

When Lin Qiong turned over the page with his name on it and saw what was written in the notebook, he suddenly showed a strange expression, and said to himself: "It's no wonder Yoyo has such an expression ——If it were me, I wouldn't be able to stand it either."

On the first page of the notebook, line after line of text was written in the handwriting of "gong (imitation) gong (Buddha) whole (dog) whole (planing)", roughly as follows——

Deeper than the dark night, more scarlet than blood, brighter than the starry sky!This is the chant of the boundless earth, this is the gaze of the stardust in the sky, this is the trace of the earthly spirits!Cry it, cry it out, sing it, this is the wrath of the soul...

All the stars in the sky are in my eyes, and the storm of madness has swept the world!Roar, howl, howl!Hate oneself for being weak, cursing the cruelty of the world, praising the debut of heroes...

The soul of a demon, the blood of a succubus, the flesh and blood of a ghost, and the corpse of a monster!The nether hell will swallow up that high heaven one day!I will finally break the seal of this body, burn it, my Tamashi...

The eyes are almost full of such quotations about the explosion of the second breath, the whole text is about hell, heaven, soul, stardust, or something like everything, and I don't like to use "the", I prefer to use "of"...

This is not the point, the point is that under these sentences (written in red pen), there are—should be—comments from childhood (written in black pen), such as "the lines that appear on stage when saving people" , "The line that releases the magic that turns defeat into victory", "The line when defeating the enemy easily", "The line when fighting an evenly matched enemy".

Good guy!

Lin Qiong called it a good guy!

He has already understood that the contents of this notebook should be the class notes that Yoyo took during class, and those quotations from the second grade should be examples given by the teacher - basically the residents of the Red Devil Township will follow their own preferences. Make changes to these statements.

It can only be said that it is worthy of being the second grade of the whole people, and the second grade is regarded as a normal Scarlet Devil Township!Secondary two quotations are actually the introductory knowledge of magic subjects.

It's really like stabbing a chrysanthemum with a knife, which opens your eyes.

' By the way, what will be written later? '

With a curious mood, Lin Qiong continued to flip through the contents of this classroom notebook, but after he read more than a dozen pages, he fell into silence.

From the lines of the second grade, to the actions of the second grade, and the atmosphere of the second grade, all are concentrated in this notebook - he can be sure that if this notebook is taken to the world of a certain evil king, he will say Maybe they can be exchanged for the stockings worn by Rikka, Mori-sama, Sanae and Nanomiya who are still junior high school students.


"Stare at—"

"Keep stare—"

On the other side, Yoyo, who only heard the sound of turning the pages of the notebook but didn't hear Lin Qiong's laughter and comments, couldn't help but raised her head slightly, glanced at Lin Qiong out of the corner of her eye, then glanced again, and then glanced again. at a glance...

"Don't peek, sit here." Lin Qiong patted his side, and said with a smile: "The handwriting is good."


Youyou, who had just taken a step forward, felt as if she had been punched in the face by Lin Qiong. Her body was still moving forward, but her head had been tilted back, and she let out a lovely cry.

Soon, Yoyo, who regained her footing, rushed to Lin Qiong, then grabbed the notebook on the table into her arms in a panic, and used it like a cute little milk dog protecting food, but it was not threatening. He stared at Lin Qiong.

Lin Qiong asked with a smile on his face, "What are you looking at me for?"

Youyou wrinkled her nose and snorted, "Qionisang is a villain!"

Lin Qiong chuckled and said, "Then tell me, what's wrong with me?"


Youyou puffed up her mouth, and stared at Lin Qiong angrily.

"Hahaha, okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore." Lin Qiong couldn't help smiling, he waved his hand, and said with a chuckle, "Did your school teach these things before?"


Youyou nodded with her mouth puffed up, and said with a moaning voice: "It's kind of like a preschool class, and it's what I'm learning before entering school."

Lin Qiong couldn't help but sighed, "Hiss, I can only say that this course, um, is indeed the characteristic of the Crimson Demons—"

"What are the characteristics of the Crimson Demons?" The eldest lady who just came out of the kitchen with the prepared dishes heard the second part of Lin Qiong's words, and asked strangely, "What are you talking about?"

What are the characteristics of the Crimson Demons?Not a hedgehog cat.

"Well, you have to ask Yoyo—"

Lin Qiong looked at the dishes that the eldest lady brought to the table, then his eyes lit up, and he said, "Wow, braised pork! It looks delicious!"

From the looks of it, this should be the prey captured by Mr. Babar, Yoyo's father, right?The flesh looks really good - it looks like a ruby.

"The quality of wild meat that Mr. Babar hunted back is very good, today we are lucky—"

The eldest lady blinked at Lin Qiong with a smile, then walked into the kitchen to serve the next dishes, and the auntie who came out right after her was even more surprised - it seemed that the eldest lady's cooking skills Make her very satisfied.



Ten minutes later, when all the food was on the table and everyone had arrived, Mr. Babar stared at the sumptuous food on the table in amazement and couldn't help but said: "Damn it, is Miss Erina's cooking skills so good? ?”

When he sent the prey to the kitchen, Mr. Babar knew that the chef in the kitchen today was the eldest lady, not his wife, but at that time he did not realize how strong the eldest lady's cooking skills were.

"Miss Erina's cooking skills are really extraordinary!" Yoyo's mother sighed from the bottom of her heart, "Anada, as long as you taste it once, you will understand what I mean!"

"Huo? Interesting!" Mr. Babar suddenly showed a domineering smile. He waved his hands in front of him a few times as if he had ADHD, and then said in a deep voice: "Let the man who is known as the number one gourmet in Red Devil Township Let me, come and taste it carefully!!”

Under the watchful eyes of Lin Qiong, the eldest lady, the secretary, Yoyo, and Yoyo's mother, Mr. Babar picked up the braised pork in the middle of the table with his public chopsticks, put it on the plate in front of him, and then picked it up with his own chopsticks Pick it up and put it in your mouth.

The next moment, the number one gourmet in the Scarlet Devil Township died.

Chapter 0198 How about letting Youyou show up as a saint once?

After dinner.

The four members of Lin Qiong's team, the big dog Fengsugou, and Youyou's mother are sitting in the living room at this time, while Mr. Babar is sitting in the corridor outside the living room with a sad face, looking sadly at the courtyard. small pond.

"Mr. Gourmet—" Lin Qiong couldn't help shouting at him, "Don't be melancholy, don't be dazed, don't be EMO, come and play games!"

"The gourmand is dead!" Babar said with a tone of sadness flowing against the river: "You killed it!"

"My son's father! Isn't it just after eating Miss Erina's food, a fart...cough, can't even give a comment? As for this?" Yoyo's mother looked at her husband helplessly, and said: "Anyway, you are Reviews are nothing more than good taste and good taste, it doesn’t matter if you order or not.”


Lin Qiong suddenly looked at Mom Youyou with shocked eyes, you have already surpassed the scope of making up the knife, it can be regarded as "finishing move"!

Sure enough, after hearing what Yoyo's mother said, Mr. Babar immediately fell down in the corridor clutching his heart, and then let out a mournful cry of "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" It is recognized by the township!"

Yoyo's mother took a bite of the strawberry produced by Frost Milk Fairy and suddenly showed a happy expression. Her completely indifferent look made Mr. Babar even more angry.

"I said, motherfucker, give me some reaction!"

"How do I react?"

"I'm a recognized gourmet! Recognized!"

"That's just because everyone sees that you are the village head, so they are perfunctory?"


Accompanied by the same mourning as Yoyo, Mr. Babar fell down (crying).

"I'm curious."

Lin Qiong tugged at the corner of his mouth, and then said speechlessly: "Yuyou, Auntie's fighting power is so tough, why are you so soft?"


Youyou let out a lovely cry, she got into the arms of the eldest lady, and said coquettishly: "Erina-san, Qiongnis-san bullied me again!"

"Eh eh?"

Lin Qiong's eyes widened, and he couldn't help muttering: "This kid is not cute! He wasn't like this just now, how did he learn to complain?"

Damn it!Suing the old teacher is the worst, you can't afford it!You little chicken!


Yoyo, who raised her head from the eldest lady's arms, stuck out her tongue at Lin Qiong, Lin Qiong couldn't help laughing at that playful look.

Forget it, it's too cute, just sue it.

"Speaking of it—" the eldest lady said thoughtfully while stroking Youyou's hair, "When I served the dishes, I seemed to hear what Qiong said about the characteristics of the Scarlet Devil Township—you haven't answered me yet. , what are the characteristics?"


Yoyo shuddered all over, and then looked at Lin Qiong pitifully—if she hadn't been teased by Lin Qiong, she probably still had the courage to take out the notebook, but now?

Yoyo's heart: "Wow, the more I think about it, the more ashamed I become!"How dare I?Am I so brave? '

That begging expression made Lin Qiong feel unbearable—please, looking at such a cute Yoyo, are you willing to not disclose her dark history and let her utter a more lovely cry?

Of course I can’t bear it!

"Hmm! Actually, I watched Yoyo's before—"

"Wow ah ah-"

Seeing that Lin Qiong completely ignored his pleading and sold out his teammates without hesitation, Yoyo quickly interrupted Lin Qiong's speech by raising her hands, and then said nervously to the eldest lady: "Say, what you said is The application of some special advanced magic! Well, yes, that's right! That's it—"

Seeing Yoyo's performance, Lin Qiong couldn't help shaking his head slightly—idiot!Isn't your abnormal behavior more noticeable?

Will the usual Yoyo be "disrespectful" to the point of interrupting others' speeches?

"Oh wow-"

Sure enough, the eldest lady and the secretary looked at each other, and a familiar smile appeared on the corners of their mouths.

Wash, wash the motor!

Yoyo, the social student is in the process of booking——



About 10 minutes later, there was another sad person in the corridor.

"As expected of father and daughter—"

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