The eldest lady showed a somewhat disappointed expression. Seeing this scene, Lin Qiong couldn't help holding her hand, and said softly, "Erina, I'll find it."

The big deal is to take the eldest lady to the captive world of gourmet food!As long as you don't leave the safe area, there shouldn't be any danger... right?

The eldest lady held Lin Qiong's hand with her backhand, then leaned her head gently on his shoulder, and said softly, "Well, I believe you."


For some reason, all the gods present hiccupped involuntarily.

"Then, what—"

Kaios, who felt like he was being fed by dog ​​food, couldn't help but interrupt the peace between Lin Qiong and the eldest lady. He couldn't help but said: "Traveler, why don't you let your girlfriend show us your hand? In exchange, you can like We make a request that is not excessive—"

Lin Qiong glanced at the eldest lady beside him, and said with a smile: "You have to ask Erina about this! Although I am her boyfriend, I won't overly interfere with her decision."

Hearing this, Kaios looked at the eldest lady and asked: "Miss Nakiri, how are you? Do you have the courage to challenge me and see if you can make a dish that satisfies the gods like me?"

The eldest lady took a deep breath, then raised her hands, moved her wrists slowly, and murmured: "Can you make dishes that satisfy the gods? This is really an interesting challenge-"

I take up this challenge!

Chapter 0202 You gods are really having fun

"Tuk Tuk Tuk-"

"oh oh--"

"Swipe brush-"


"Zi la la-"

"Wow wow-"

Lin Qiong sat on the cushion, leaning on the wind speed dog behind him, looking at the gods in front of him with a dumbfounded expression, surrounding the "open kitchen" of the eldest lady and the secretary-why did he have a kind of country bumpkin watching the latest What does technology feel like?

When the young lady is cutting vegetables, or pouring vegetables into the pot, or even when the ingredients and the oil in the pot make a sound, these gods will all exclaim.

I have to say that as supporters, they are very conscientious.

"After all, he is also a god. How come..." When Lin Qiong said this, he couldn't help but think of a certain wise blue who didn't want to be named. He couldn't help being silent for a few seconds, and then said softly: "Forget it, all of a sudden... Relieved."


Eris showed a flustered and restless expression.

What are you relieved of! ?No, you have misunderstood us! ?

Aqua-senpai is special! !

Time passed by, and delicious dishes with full color, aroma, and taste were brought to the table by the loving waiter. Of course, because there were too many gods, everyone only got a small portion. of a plate.

A piece of shredded cabbage, a plate of fried meat, plus a piece of Kung Pao chicken, and finally a small bowl of bullet cauliflower... No, seaweed egg drop soup.

"It's beautiful! It's like a painting—"

"I'll take a picture first, Aphrodite, help me take a few pictures, I'll make up a nine-square grid and send it to the little red book -"

"Then Athena, help me take a picture too, remember to use a filter."

"I will handle it--"

Lin Qiong couldn't help sweating, profusely sweating, Waterfall Khan, Genghis Khan—should I say that you gods are down-to-earth, or are you just playing around?God damn Little Red Book is out.

It's a good thing you don't punch.

After the male gods finished eating each person's small portion of food in a few mouthfuls, the goddesses had just finished taking photos and then started editing the copy——

Jimei friends, I tasted the food of an amazing chef today. It was so delicious that I stomped on JIOJIO and breathed it in...

'It's almost done, the taste is really strong. '

Lin Qiong twitched the corner of his mouth, and then glanced at the male idols who had already left the table - well, as expected, all of them showed disgusted expressions.

It seems that after all, the goddesses carried everything.

"It's not easy for you either—"

Lin Qiong squatted in front of male gods such as Chaos and Zeus, and said with emotion, "By the way, do your gods also play Little Red Book?"


Chaos sighed, propped his chin, and said with a helpless face: "The guys from the Nordic God Realm didn't introduce it. Now the Nordic God Realm, the Greek God Realm, and the Indian God Realm are all starting to socialize. It's online."


Lin Qiong clicked his tongue, and then said: "By the way, did you accidentally reveal some extraordinary information just now? For example, there are other gods and the like?"

"Hey, didn't I say that before?" Chaos sat cross-legged on the cushion, with a creature that looked like a rabbit lying on his lap, and said, "There are many god realms in this world. There is a supreme divine realm——"

Lin Qiong muttered, "It feels so complicated——"

"Oh, you understand it as, um..." Khaos thought for a while, and said: "The Supreme God Realm is the head office, and the God Realm below is the branch office, and everyone's business is the same (referring to reincarnation is suitable) people to save the different world), and finally rank according to KPI, and the branches that rank before the test can get rewards——and so on!”

Lin Qiong covered his face, and said with emotion: "You are worthy of it! But you dare to let Akuya be in charge of reincarnation under the condition of KPI, how big is your heart?"


Chaos scratched his head and said, "Anyway, it has been at the bottom for 100 consecutive years, so it doesn't matter!"

Zeus stroked his beard and said, "That's it! It's a bad match!"

Poseidon crossed his arms and said, "Since I stopped pursuing rankings, my life has become much happier!"

Lin Qiong: "Σ( ° △ °|||)——"

After releasing Akuya for 100 years, she cured the spiritual involution of our God Realm?



Just when Lin Qiong was worried about the future of this divine world, Aphrodite's wild laughter suddenly came from the dining table: "Hahaha! Athena, did you see that? Freya's water chestnut What a sour reply!”

Athena's voice was also full of gloating, she said in a very yin and yang voice: "It's a pity, she can't eat~~"

Several goddesses looked at each other, and then laughed happily, making the male gods in front of Lin Qiong wipe the cold sweat off their foreheads.

"here we go again--"

"The tearing force of goddesses from different gods..."

"Women's war is terrible!"

Lin Qiong looked at the shivering male god and the goddess with a burning temperament, couldn't help touching his chin, and then showed an evil smile.

Who has the best money?

Women's money!

Which woman makes the best money?

A woman who loves comparisons!

Jie Jie!




After leaving the temple of the Greek gods, Lin Qiong brought the eldest lady, the secretary, and Yoyo to the world of Pokémon, and then winked at Arceus with a frightened face.

"Your voice and expression are disgusting." Arceus showed an undisguised expression of disgust, and he couldn't help asking the young lady: "Did he get hit in the head by the sword of the cliff when he went out? "


Lin Qiong froze for a moment, then glanced at the three young ladies behind them who were already holding back their laughter, put a question mark on Arceus backhand, and said, "No, I'll give you a chance to organize your words."

"You let me say it as many times as you want, your expression just now..."

"Oh, Suqing World, a low-level artifact produced by the Greek God Realm, the Flower of Life, with a small amount of life rules—"


"Tsk, the cutting dagger is in charge of a small amount of cutting rules—"


"And this one, the middle-level artifact, the magic mirror, comes with a middle-level fate rule—"


"By the way, Arceus-chan, what did you just say?"

"I said that your expression and look just now were so handsome that you burst your tires! Everyone loves flowers and see them bloom, and the beasts have a fever seeing them!"

"I still like your rebellious look just now!"

"You guys are so annoying - by the way, you didn't rob some treasure house in the God Realm, right? This is not an ordinary thing!"

To put it simply, the different world props that Lin Qiong took out before were at most Celeron G530 or G540 level; but at this time he took out at least an i7-2600K level!

Hey, this upgrade is not a star and a half!

"Hmph, I went to a very interesting place this time—"

Lin Qiong pushed the air glasses on the bridge of his nose with his fingers proudly, and said confidently: "Arzeus-chan, this is an incredible harvest—"

" so, so so..."

After a description, Arceus widened his alpaca eyes and said, "Are you kidding me? Are those goddesses really so crazy?"

"Don't underestimate the spending power of women who are caught in the heart of comparison—" Lin Qiong glared at Arceus, and said, "This is the most terrifying consumer group in the world!"

"Okay, that's amazing—" Arceus said with admiration, "As expected of you, you actually came up with such a wonderful method—"

Trade Pokémon directly?

No, no, that kind of ignores the Pokémon's elves!

Does the farmhouse know how to cut?

"Then, the first Pokémon World Tour will begin soon -" Lin Qiong and Arceus fist-checked and said, "I'll leave you with the reception!"

Arceus replied energetically, "Leave it on me!"

That's right, instead of directly trading Pokémon, these male gods and goddesses can send avatars with no power and only their own memories into the Pokémon world, and then become trainers from scratch to catch their favorite Pokémon with their own hands.

Wouldn't it be more interesting?

Please, who can resist becoming a trainer by yourself, then throwing a Pokéball, releasing your own Pokémon, and then beating up Gou Hao, leaving a sentence of "You want to catch dreams even with a piece of trash like you? Climb!" What about temptation?

No one, no one!



After negotiating the relevant matters of the "Trainer Experience Group", Lin Qiong squatted with Arceus, who had shrunk into a pure alpaca, and looked at a huge piece of parchment spread on the face.

"How about it, do you fully understand?"

"Hiss, this thing is interesting." Arceus' expression was a bit distressed, and he muttered: "However, it will be a little difficult to master for a while—"

"Ah, it's okay! It's not in such a hurry." Lin Qiong waved his hand and said with a smile: "It's not going to be used soon! Just take your time."

"Just don't rush to use it! Let me think about it, and it can be done in about a week." The alpaca looked at the magic circle on the parchment and said, "But this thing is quite amazing! By killing creatures that contain energy, plunder the opponent's A part of the energy is used to enhance one's own quality in an all-round way—”

Lin Qiong rubbed the tip of his nose proudly, and said: "This is the ability I carefully selected, and it is the most suitable for our team - with the world-penetrating gate, there is no shortage of high-quality monsters at all, so don't worry about being unable to continue to grow. Case."

Arceus nodded his head and said, "Indeed! This kind of ability that can grow with me is the most suitable for a guy like you-don't worry, I will learn it."

Lin Qiong smiled and hugged Arceus's neck, and said, "Oh! I feel relieved when you say that! Then I will be begging you for the future blessings of our team!"

Arceus raised his head like a branch, and said confidently, "Leave it on me!"

Only by contacting each other frequently can we cultivate feelings!When the time comes when this kid has something good, will he be able to forget me?

Beautiful drops!

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