Chapter 0203 conscience was eaten by ditch repair

After bidding farewell to Arceus who was gnawing on information books, the members of Lin Qiong's team returned to Suqing World again.

"To be honest, I feel a little bit sorry for alpaca sauce."

After Lin Qiong handed his coat to the chocolate who was holding his hands and looking forward to it, he said to the eldest lady: "A lot of old creators, and now they have to read information books like postgraduate entrance exams— —In a sense, I’m really good!”

(Choco, holding the clothes in her arms, walks towards the hanger with great vigor under the envious eyes of the other maids)

I can let Chuang Shi Shen gnaw the information book, can other traversers do it (tactical retreat).

The eldest lady couldn't help but handed the little vest she was wearing to Vanilla, who was a little disappointed because she didn't get the clothes, and then said to Lin Qiong: "If Arceus hears you commenting on him like this, he will definitely not mind giving it to you. One shot can deal with gravel."

(Vanilla held the little vest with a look of surprise, then quickly ran to the hanger)

"This is somewhat inappropriate—but can I use Phoenix King to block the gun?" Lin Qiong said with a smirk on his face: "Anyway, Phoenix King's special defense is as high as 154, and if he only takes one shot to sanction the gravel, it should, Maybe, maybe, maybe she won’t die? Plus she is the God of Life, so she can heal herself after being beaten, so it’s not a big problem.”

"Master, do you dare to say this in front of King Feng?" The secretary twitched at the corner of her mouth, then looked left and right, and handed a decorative chain on her skirt to the rabbit-eared lady next to her. Then he continued to complain: "Fengwang will cry, right? She will peck your hair while crying saying you have no heart."

(The animal-eared maid who finally got the "job" ran happily to the hanger, while the other maids who didn't get the "gift" focused their attention on the last person)

"Wow, that sounds really scary—" Lin Qiong couldn't help showing a frightened expression, then touched the top of his head, and muttered: "But having said that, you said that Fengwang's life energy can Can't grow hair?"

The eldest lady covered her forehead: "Why do you think of this?"

"The main reason is that if Phoenix King still has the ability to grow, maybe he can become a very great god by relying on faith."

"The god of hair growth?"

"It should be the god of thick hair!"


The secretary complained: "Master, please don't tell this idea to Feng Wang, otherwise she will make sure you don't have any good juice to eat!"

"Juice, where is the juice?"

Just when Lin Qiong was pretending to be stupid, a hamster girl maid moved her ears, and ran towards the kitchen with a "swish", shouting: "Supreme, I'm going to get you some juice—— —”


Lin Qiong hesitated for a few seconds, then looked at the eldest lady and secretary beside him with an innocent look, and said, "I really didn't mean it."

"It's not a big problem."

"I'm used to the enthusiasm of these maids."

Saying this, the three of them invariably set their sights on the last person—a certain Crimson Demon clan super magic user who was unwilling to reveal his life, who was surrounded by six or seven maids at this time.

"It feels like Yoyo appeared on the pier with a box of French fries in her hand, and was surrounded by a group of pigeons."

"Master, can't you use a better metaphor?"

"Okay! Then Yoyo at this time is like holding a plate of edamame in her hand, and then being surrounded by Fengwang and Sangou."

"No, does it make any difference?"

"Although there seems to be no difference, you have to admit that Feng Wang and Sangou are much cooler than pigeons."

"Well, you're right."

Listening to the unconscionable conversation between Lin Qiong and the secretary, the eldest lady couldn't help but said: "Can't you two have a little conscience?"

"Erina, our family has a wind speed dog."

"so what?"

"In my hometown, there is a saying - conscience is eaten by dogs."


"It means that dogs like to eat conscience, so people who raise dogs often have to reluctantly give their own conscience to their own dog to eat - naturally there will be no conscience."


As soon as the eldest lady showed a shocked expression, the secretary on the side hurriedly explained: "Miss! You must not believe what the young master said, that's not what he meant!"

Apologize to the whole world for raising dogs, hello!



After paying for the "pointed mage hat", "black mage robe", "little neck tie" and "belt", Yoyo finally got out of the situation surrounded by maids—no way, the group of maids stared blankly. The expression of looking at you and wishing you could tell them to do something is just too lethal.


When Lin Qiong walked into the living room, sitting on the carpet in the living room and leaning against the sofa, Kazuma, who was playing Battle Cube Theater with Megumin Instruments, waved to him and said, "You're back?"

On the sofa behind him, Akuya was leaning on the armrest on the left side of the sofa and eating snacks, while Eris sat neatly on the right side of the sofa—reasonably, Akuya occupied at least 80.00 % of the space, the bullying of the bully predecessors has been hammered every day.

"just came back--"

Lin Qiong sat on the sofa beside him with a smile, then looked at Hezhen and Huihui who were cheating on each other, and said, "Could it be that you have been playing after I left?"

"Hey, hasn't it been a long time since I touched the game console?" He Zhen smiled, and asked curiously: "Speaking of which, how is your chat with Arceus going?"

"Alpaca sauce is talking about Maotai." Lin Qiong gave his thumbs up and said, "The next step is to wait for the god above to fix his avatar before organizing the first Pokémon World Tour Group gone."

"oh oh!"

Hearing this news, Kazuma no longer cared about the game he was breaking through. He stuffed the handle into Eris's arms, and then quickly rushed towards Lin Qiong, and then a gorgeous tiger fell to the ground with a sliding shovel Straight to Lin Qiong's feet, he opened his hands and hugged Lin Qiong's thigh tightly, and shouted affectionately: "Master Lin Qiong, please take us to the Pokémon World together—"

"Kazuma, you..."

Seeing Kazuma actually making such a big sacrifice for the team members, Darkness, Megumin, Aqua and Eris all showed moved expressions - but Aqua showed a vigilant expression.

"Everyone, needless to say—" Hezhen stopped other people from speaking with a painful face, then raised his head to look at Lin Qiong, and said affectionately: "Of course, if it is too difficult to bring them all, just take me You can do it alone."

Hui Hui just threw a flying kick at that time: "Scumbag Kazuma, Nishine!"

Aqua then kicked Kazuma with her foot: "I just feel something is wrong! How could Kazuma be so kind!"

Eris looked flustered: "Don't fight anymore, don't fight anymore!"

Darkness was panting with a red face, and made a shasha sound: "For example, if I was the one who was beaten, hey, hey hey——"

This team is really Maji Yabai Kunei!

"Everyone, calm down first!" Lin Qiong quickly comforted everyone, and said, "First of all, it is true that he cannot be killed; secondly, even if he is killed, he can be resurrected; and then there are quite a lot of places to go to the Pokémon World , you can all go, and at the end Kazuma seems to be peeping up Eris' skirt—"

"Ah ah--"

Eris exclaimed, she quickly pressed her skirt with her hands and took two steps back, revealing Hezhen who was holding her head in her hands—this guy said with a regretful face: "It was almost—— Just now, I seem to have vaguely seen a touch of pure white..."

"Mr. Kazuma!!"

Eris yelled, blushing.

Huihui repeated again: "Scum and truth!"

Akuya said indifferently: "Destroy humanity."

"Squeeze the snail!"

He Zhen hurriedly got up from the ground, and then hurriedly said: "I can quibble!"

"Nisunai!" x3

Today's mansion is also extraordinarily peaceful and peaceful——

In the background music of Hezhen being beaten, Lin Qiong and the eldest lady naturally sat where Hezhen and Huihui were sitting before, then picked up the handles they had put down, and continued the game.



dinner time.


Lin Qiong took a bite of the pork chop, then looked at Eris curiously, and asked, "After Hezhen defeated the Demon King, what's the situation in the Demon King's City now?"

"Well, the devil also has a daughter, and now the devil's army is in charge of the devil's daughter." Eris took a sip of the mushroom soup, then squinted her eyes, and said with a happy face: "But for some reason, the devil's army The goal has changed from world conquest to revenge."

"Revenge? Why?"

"Because of some very complicated reasons—" Eris talked about this matter, and his expression suddenly became a little complicated, "The daughter of the demon king is named Yasaka. Before that, she was defeated by Princess Alice first, and then by Megumi. Megumi used the explosion magic to injure her, so..."

"So Yasaka is going to seek revenge on Princess Alice and Megumin?"

"No, it's not." Huihui shook her head, she glanced at Hezhen who was turning her head and whistling next to her, and said, "She has already looked for us, but during the battle, the scum and Hezhen were standing next to each other. Yasaka used theft..."

"That's right! Mr. Kazuma stole the panties of Ms. Yasaka who was fighting, causing Ms. Yasaka to lose again to Princess Alice and Megumin in a panic—" Eris said, covering her face with her hands, " So her revenge target is now Mr. Kazuma."


Lin Qiong couldn't help showing admiration towards Sato, the king of ghosts and beasts, the brave, the scum, and Kazuma, and said, "Hezhen-jun, I can only say that you really deserve to be you!"

"a ha ha ha--"

Kazuma put his hands on his hips and let out a big laugh.

"I am over-flattered!"

"He didn't praise you—"

Chapter 0204 good brother, I have not forgotten you!

I have to say that Kazuma is worthy of being a legendary brave (human) person (scum), and he is also a great (ghost) hero (animal) hero (king). His behavior is simply outrageous.

"Mr. Sugar, can I interview you?" Lin Qiong put a popsicle in front of Sato Kazuma as a microphone, and asked, "Excuse me, if you use the stealing function on women, you can steal underwear [-]% What kind of experience is it?"

"Ahem, this question, um, is very constructive—"

Kazuma coughed twice, and then said seriously: "I can only say that it is warm, soft, moist, and fragrant... Wait, put down what you are holding!"

The remote control in Megumin's hand, the orange in Eris' hand, and the magic sword in Aqua's hand...

"Wait! Magic sword? Are you planning to kill me!!"

"There is no way to race! There is no meaning for scumbags and really to live——Jie Jie, the devil king is dead, and you have no value to take advantage of... Awww! I am a goddess, how dare you do such a thing to a goddess? Forgive me—"


Lin Qiong looked at the tragic scene in front of him - Zhihe Zhen held one of Aqua's ankles with each hand, then stretched out his right foot and started a sinful stampede - couldn't help but look away and said: " I’m really blind!”

A bastard and a scumbag, and a retarded goddess, these two people joined together as a team. It was like meeting an air conditioner in the summer or a floor heater in the winter. The friction created unprecedented sparks.

Refers to the degree of fuss.

"Sorry for making you laugh."

Eris looked at Lin Qiong apologetically, and she said with a dry smile, "Well, if—I mean if—if I said that our team is not like this, would you believe it?"

Lin Qiong and the eldest lady looked at each other. They both looked at her with gentle eyes, then nodded gently and said, "Yes, we believe it."


Eris let out a groan, and she realized now that sometimes the gentle eyes can hurt the teeth.



After only staying in Suqing World for two days, the gods of the Greek God Realm have already selected suitable members of the first tour group.

There are a total of twelve gods, including two male gods and ten goddesses—these two places were fought hard by the male gods, otherwise the first batch of twelve places would probably have been filled by the goddesses.

"Why? Why are the eyes of these gods so stinging—"

Sato Kazuma had a stiff smile on his face. Now he felt like he had accidentally made his girlfriend pregnant, so he had to bite the bullet and bear the stern gaze of his girlfriend's family—mainly The eyes of his girlfriend's son and a senior in his club are too sharp.

"Probably because the gods only got twelve places, but your team got five?"

There was a malicious smile on the corner of Lin Qiong's mouth. He chuckled and said, "Maybe after you go back this time, you will be put on by the God Realm—for example, take back Eris or something."


Kazuma was shocked, he tried to bargain with God Realm: "Can you take back Akua and keep Eris?"


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