
After hearing the news, Lin Qiong's new hatred of "abandoning" him in this world and the old hatred of telling Antiline (Death and Death) about his tracks flashed through Heathcliff's mind.

"Mei, follow me!" After finishing speaking, he pushed open the door of the laboratory without hesitation, and then walked towards the hall——his footsteps became faster and faster, and he had already gone from walking in just a few seconds. It became a sprint, then a trot, and finally a gallop.

Mei opened her arms to the sides, and followed Heathcliff towards the hall with a "da da da" on her short legs.

The maid looked at Heathcliff who was running wildly with emotion, and said with a sob: "Master Heathcliff heard that the Supremes had returned, although he seemed indifferent on the surface, his actions have already revealed the excitement in his heart—— Is this the friendship of the Supremes? I am so touched!"



"Oh my, I didn't expect that in just over a month, Heathcliff would take care of this place in such an orderly manner -" Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips and walked in the outer hall with a smile on his face, looking around. The surrounding scenery.

The secretary on the side said delicately: "With all due respect, young master! I think Heathcliff's situation should, probably, maybe not be sorted out by him himself, so is there a possibility, yes Are the maids ready?"

"Eh? It's possible hahaha——" Lin Qiong laughed, and he laughed loudly: "After all, he is Heathcliff, quack——"

Just as Lin Qiong was giggling, a cold voice came from the depths of the laboratory: "You-are-saying-I-what-what-"

"Oh, this voice—"

Lin Qiong turned his head with a smile on his face, then looked at Heathcliff who was rushing towards him with a ferocious and murderous expression on his face, then waved and said, "Yo, long time no..."

Before he finished speaking, Heathcliff had already placed the sacred one-handed sword on Lin Qiong's neck and said: "Onole Lin Qiong!! You bastard gave me the address of my laboratory. The highway is for Antiline, right?”

"Antiline? Who?"

"Death to death!"

"Oh! You guy, do you even know her name? It seems that she is developing well——"

"Kisama!" Heathcliff showed an angry expression and gritted his teeth and said, "Is this the topic? Damn it!"

"Jiehaha!" Lin Qiong laughed three times and said, "However, you and him are developing too fast, right? We haven't been back for more than a month, you and Jueshi... Oh, it's Antirine Already have children? Still so old~"


Heathcliff followed Lin Qiong's eyes and saw the "Mei" he had just recreated. He suddenly said with black lines on his head: "What nonsense are you talking about? More than a month." How is it possible for a child to grow up so big?”

"Maybe this kid is gifted?"

"Would you like to see what you're talking about?"

"Just kidding, just kidding-"

Lin Qiong smiled and pushed away the dagger that Heathcliff was holding around his neck, then squatted in front of Mei, and said, "Little guy, what's your name?"

"Master Lin, it's the first time we meet. I am the trial-produced unit No. 002 created by Mr. Heathcliff, codenamed MEI-MHCP[-]." Mei bowed to Lin Qiong and said expressionlessly: "After I wake up , Lord Heathcliff gave me the action ID 'May' again."

"Plum sauce—" Lin Qiong blinked, looking at the blond loli who was only about 1.2 meters tall in front of him, and couldn't help but praise: "Hiss, although Heathcliff's character is open to question, but he His art skills are really awesome! Whether it's the city of the sky, these guardians, or this new loli, it all proves this—"

The City of the Sky is a work of art recognized by Athena in the Suqing world—although the gods in the Suqing world are a bit embarrassing, Athena's artistic cells still exist to some extent.

"What do you mean 'character is questionable'?" Heathcliff narrowed his eyes and said, "This should be my line, right? You are the guy whose character is questionable, right?"

"Just kidding! I'm a good man who claims to be a little white dragon with explosive character!"

"I remember that you once complained to me that you didn't even ship out the cards you played in mobile games, so you can get a big guarantee—"


"In terms of mobile game players, this should be regarded as a sign of bad character, right?"

"Honorie! You crazy scientist!"

"Is this supposed to be a compliment?"

"Tch! Then you bald man!"

"My hair is very thick."

"You fart! Good programmers are bald!"

"Apologize to hairy programmers all over the world!"

Watching Lin Qiong and Heathcliff's exchange of insults, the eldest lady couldn't help but shake her head - wasn't Heathcliff a quite calm person in the original work?Why are you so out of control in front of Qiong?

Could it be that this is the legendary...

The contagiousness of being funny?

Chapter 0206 you should concentrate on research

After bickering for a while, Lin Qiong and Heathcliff shook hands and made peace, and they became friends again.

"By the way, Mei's serial number is 002. Doesn't that mean she is Yui's successor?" Lin Qiong leaned on the armrest of the sofa, looking thoughtfully at Mei, who was sitting obediently beside Heathcliff. , said: "By the way, I remember that Yui's responsibility is not..."

When Lin Qiong said this, he raised his right index finger and circled around his temple a few times, and said, "That's what, monitoring the mental health of players?"


"Hiss, why did Mei continue Yui's number? Could it be..." Lin Qiong looked at Heathcliff worriedly, and said, "You suddenly traveled to a different world that you dreamed of, which made you mentally abnormal. You need the help of AI Come for counseling?"


The corners of Heathcliff's eyes twitched. Lin Qiong's words were not fatal. What was fatal was the movement of Mei looking at him - she seemed to be silently asking him if he really needed psychological counseling.

He had a dark face: "The reason why Mei continued Yui's number is because when I wrote Mei's AI logic core, I referred to Yui's AI algorithm, that's all!"

Lin Qiong said with some disappointment: "Cut, so it is like this!"

"I'm really sorry for disappointing you." Heathcliff raised his left hand and touched Mei's head, and continued: "In addition, May's body data is based on Violet's."


On the side, Youyou covered her mouth in surprise and said, "So, isn't Mei the sister of Yui and Violet?"

"Well -" Heathcliff pondered for a second and said, "You can say that! After all, Mei's birth was indeed thanks to Yui and Violet's data."

The eldest lady also said with a smile on her face: "It seems to be true - Violet, you have an extra sister."


An exclamation point appeared on Violet's head. She turned to look at Mei, and Mei also looked at Violet as if she had a feeling.

The two of them immediately maintained this posture without moving.

"No, no! Why is she my sister?" At this moment, Lin Qiong suddenly shook his head, and then said seriously: "Since it is Mei who was born from the union of Yui and Violet, then Mei should be the daughter of Yui and Violet. Erlit’s daughter is the right one!”


The eldest lady, who had just taken a sip of water, sprayed the water in the face of the secretary next to her, and then she covered her mouth and coughed awkwardly.


The secretary waved his hand and rejected the towel handed over by the maid, then gave the maid a thumbs up and said: "In our industry, this is a reward——"

'What a reward! ?Which industry! ? The eldest lady, who had not yet calmed down, coughed again.

"Female, daughter?"

Violet was also stunned. After a moment, she looked at Mei again, and then confirmed, "Daughter?"


Mei opened her mouth, then looked at Heathcliff as if asking for help, grabbed his clothes with her hands, and gently tugged: "Master Heathcliff, is Mei a daughter?"

"No, this..."

Heathcliff was caught in a tangle. He instinctively wanted to refute Lin Qiong's words, but from the perspective of the combination of the two techniques, there seemed to be nothing wrong with what Lin Qiong said.

Ah, how can it be repaired!

Just when he was so entangled that his CPU was about to burn out, the eldest lady, who had regained her composure, pinched Lin Qiong's thigh angrily, and then said: "Qiong, it's time to fix your brain!"

In the eyes of the eldest lady, Lin Qiong's usual imagination is at most that of Kendi sitting in a car-the level of brainstorming, but as far as the speech about Mei Yuyi and Violet's daughter just now, his imagination It has evolved to the level where Ba Mamei sees Charlotte - his brain hole directly swallowed his head.

"Hey, just kidding."

Lin Qiong chuckled, and then said to Heathcliff, May and Violet: "Don't worry about it!"


Seeing Lin Qiong's smile, Heathcliff stiffened, and it was the first time he stiffened like this—fist clenched.

I really want to hit him! !


Heathcliff stood up, then raised his fingers towards Lin Qiong and said calmly: "Lin Qiong, come to practice?"

"forget it."

"Are you afraid?"

"It's true! What if I accidentally beat you to tears?"


Heathcliff showed a sneer, and he moved his wrist: "Although my main energy this month has been on making Mei, I haven't forgotten the daily exercise—"

Heathcliff understands very well that without a good body, it is impossible to conduct research properly - to give a simple example, a researcher who is weak will not be able to endure staying up all night for several days, right?

"Oh, this guy is very confident—"

Lin Qiong scratched his face in distress, then stood up with a smirk on his face and said, "Okay! Then I will reluctantly accept your challenge - hehe, don't blame me if you make me cry. !”



Great Plains, Great Plains.

"Yuyou, please."

Lin Qiong looked at Youyou and nodded.

"Hmm! I see—"

Yoyo nodded lightly, she raised the keel staff in her hand, and then said to Lin Qiong and Heathcliff: "Next, I will deploy a barrier to strengthen the surrounding environment - just with my current The strength is not enough to build an enchantment for the two of you to use with all your strength, so I ask you to hold back a little bit when fighting."

"Don't worry."

Lin Qiong smiled at Youyou, and then said extremely arrogantly: "To deal with Cricket and Heathcliff, I don't need to use all my strength."

"How dare you say that——"

Heathcliff couldn't help but took a deep breath to calm himself down.

Holy cross shield!

Holy Cross One-Handed Sword!

Holy Cross Armor!

The silver-white armor all over his body, paired with the cape fluttering in the wind behind him, looks so... well...

"Then what—"

 Xie Linqiong thought for a while, and couldn't help but said, "Why don't we change our position? Your outfit is not suitable for standing in the leeward wind! Your cloak is floating out from your crotch, and your eyes are hot."


Heathcliff looked down at the tuft of cloak floating out of his crotch, then nodded expressionlessly, and said, "Change your position, I'm more suitable for facing the wind."

If you stand against the wind, the tuft of cloak protruding from the crotch will always give people the feeling of being blown by the wind, which is somewhat unsightly.

In the awkward atmosphere, Lin Qiong and Heathcliff changed positions, and then continued to confront each other coldly like a master.

"Are you ready?"

With his bare hands, Lin Qiong gently raised his chin and whispered to Heathcliff, "If I'm ready, I'm going to attack."

"bring it on--"

Heathcliff held the shield in his left hand, hid most of his body behind the shield, and then focused on Lin Qiong's movements—he swore that he would never miss any of Lin Qiong's movements!

Just let you admit defeat under my absolute defense!snort!


Lin Qiong put his hands forward and backward, one up and one down in a fighting posture - if you observe carefully, you will find that the angles of his limbs in his fighting posture at this time are somewhat different from the previous ones, which is exactly the same as Jian Yulei's practice. the result of.

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