
Lin Qiong's right foot lightly touched the ground, and his body turned into a black shadow and rushed towards Heathcliff. About three meters away from him, Lin Qiong jumped up suddenly, and then threw out his right foot. leg.


Facing such an arrogant and contemptuous move by Lin Qiong, Heathcliff snorted coldly. He met Lin Qiong's right leg with the shield in his left hand, and then swept the long sword in his right hand across Lin Qiong's waist.


The corner of Lin Qiong's mouth twitched into a smile, and his right foot landed on Heathcliff's shield—the imaginary impact did not come!

'Is it a fake move? Such a thought flashed through Heathcliff's mind, and at the same time, Lin Qiong jumped behind Heathcliff with his strength, and kicked Heathcliff on the back of the head while doing somersaults superior.


Heathcliff staggered a step forward, he hurriedly tried to stabilize his balance and then turned to defend against Lin Qiong's next attack, but Lin Qiong's speed far exceeded his imagination.

A sharp kick kicked Heathcliff before he regained his balance, causing him to lose his balance and fall to the ground.

However, is it really just that?

When Heathcliff subconsciously raised his shield and was about to hit the ground, Lin Qiong, who was half squatting, stretched out his hands!

'What is he trying to do... Goo...'


Lin Qiong held Heathcliff's ankles with both hands, and started to spin crazily around himself. After feeling that the speed was almost up, he threw Heathcliff out like a shot put.


Heathcliff let out a moan, and he opened his eyes with difficulty, trying to restore his balance!However, before he regained control of his body, Lin Qiong had already come behind him faster than him, and clasped his arms with both hands...


A fierce over-the-shoulder throw threw Heathcliff heavily to the ground, and cracks like spider webs spread in all directions with him as the center.


Lin Qiong exhaled slowly, then looked at Heathcliff, who rolled his eyes and passed out, and said with emotion: "I said, Heath, you should be a researcher honestly."

Although Heathcliff said that he has done daily exercise, Lin Qiong can feel that this guy's skill has obviously regressed compared with the last time he competed - obviously, this is because Heathcliff put the focus of his life on caused by research.

"Human energy is limited, and researching this kind of mental activity that takes up a lot of time obviously cannot coexist with cultivation, unless..."

When Lin Qiong said this, the image of Heathcliff holding a ten-ton dumbbell while exercising and writing formulas on the blackboard with his other hand couldn't help but frightened him and shook his head hurriedly , throwing out his imagination.

"...No unless! You should concentrate on doing research! These days, technical talents are the most popular!"

Chapter 0207 This is very important


With the sound of air-conditioning sucking in, Heathcliff, who was lying on the bed, opened his eyes in a daze, and what he saw was the familiar ceiling and dim lights.

'I remember……'

Heathcliff sat up from the bed, then clutched his forehead, recalling what had happened before.

"I'm soloing with Lin Qiong, and then...tsk..."

Overwhelming disadvantage!

If Lin Qiong stepped on his shield for the relay at the beginning, he didn't even touch Lin Qiong in the solo time of less than 2 minutes.

'Ha, I really will put gold on my face, that can't be called a competition, it can only be called... um... abusive food. '

Shaking his head, Heathcliff stood up from the bed, and then moved his body a little bit—the imaginary pain did not come, it seems that after he was carried back, someone inflicted on himself Healing.

'Is that the little girl named Xinhu?Or other guardians? '

Heathcliff took off the armor on his body, put on the white coat that made him feel at ease, put his hands in his pockets, and walked towards the door.tormented


Accompanied by the sound of the electric door opening, Heathcliff stepped out of his bedroom—the moment he stepped out of the bedroom door, his footsteps paused slightly, and then he looked towards the door with slightly gentle eyes.

There, a little girl with long blond hair was squatting there with her arms around her knees, looking at herself with searching eyes.

"Lord Heathcliff—" May said in an ethereal and healing voice, "have you recovered?"


Heathcliff nodded reservedly, and asked softly, "Who helped me recover from my injury?"

"it's me--"

Mei stood up and asked softly: "Because Lord Lin Qiong is merciful, Lord Suo Heathcliff's injury is not serious, and the healing technique I have mastered can treat it."


Heathcliff twitched the corners of his mouth, this kid is a little too honest-in fact, you don't need to mention the word "merciful", you understand what I mean?

"Did I do something wrong?"

Seeing that Heathcliff did not speak, May could not help but tilt her head and asked.

"No, you're doing fine."

Heathcliff shook his head, he reached out his hand to touch May's head, and asked knowingly, "What time is it?"

Mei slightly squinted her eyes and rubbed his hand, then replied, "My lord, the current time is 42:[-] in the afternoon."

"very good."

Heathcliff withdrew his right hand, put it back into his pocket, and said, "Let's go and find that fellow Lin Qiong."



When Heathcliff entered the drawing room, a vein popped out of his forehead.

Lin Qiong is actually playing the King of Fighters 97 high-definition reset version on his carefully crafted supercomputer, and he is still using Mai Shiranui - do you want to play King of Fighters?I don’t even want to tell you what you’re thinking!


After winning a victory with great difficulty (referring to defeating the enemy at the last second), Lin Qiong wiped the sweat that did not exist on his forehead, and then said to Heathcliff who walked behind him: "You are awake!" How are you feeling? Have you had a cancer breakout?"


Heathcliff paused, and then asked blankly, "Why did you come out with the word cancer?"

"Mainly I was thinking, according to the routine of Korean dramas, a male character like you who suddenly falls into a coma will often be diagnosed with a terminal illness such as cancer after waking up."

"At first glance, what you said sounds reasonable, but first, we are not a Korean drama set, and second, isn't it you who caused me to faint?"

"It seems to make some sense?"

"It doesn't make sense, it makes sense, right?"

"There's really nothing you can do about it, it makes sense, right?"

"Why can you act like I'm making trouble unreasonably and you have to follow my wishes?"

"Don't think too much, I didn't mean that."


Heathcliff sneered and said: "I'm going to collect your data, and then make it into a DLC and update it in SAO. It's called [Gaiden Chapter: The End of the Mouth-mouthed King]. What do you think?"

"I don't think it's good enough." Lin Qiong politely refused, "My overall style doesn't match SAO! Why don't I change it to a female-oriented galgame, and I can reluctantly be the most popular male protagonist."

"You're thinking about farting."

"Tsk, that's rude."

"Thank you for the compliment, I learned from you."

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Just as the two were choking on each other, a burst of cheerful laughter came from the corner - hearing this familiar voice, Heathcliff turned his head.

Sure enough, Antiline, with half black and half white hair, was lying on the back of the sofa, waving her palm at him with a smile on her face, and said, "Ha, I thought you only had an expressionless face! Can you make other expressions—"


The corners of Heathcliff's mouth twitched slightly, and the smile on his face gradually faded, replaced by a faint helplessness.

"Here we go again, hey—"

Antiline sighed helplessly, and said, "Is that why I make you resist? It seems that I haven't done anything to displease you, right?"

"Hahaha——" Lin Qiong laughed from the side. He leaned on the back of the sofa, then supported his side face, and said, "Antiline, don't think too much! This guy is not so much against you, It’s more like someone who’s not very good at dealing with overzealousness—”

Rather, most of the more introverted otaku are not very good at dealing with overly enthusiastic guys—just like in the Galar area of ​​the Pokémon world, Lin Qiong is not very good at dealing with the overly enthusiastic President Loz adapt.

"Eh? Is that so?"

Antiline showed a surprised expression, she looked at Heathcliff at the side, and asked curiously: "Is it really like this?"


Heathcliff looked away calmly, and said, "Why? Don't listen to his nonsense.?"

I am a cool, cooler, coolest crazy scientist, how could I not be able to deal with over-enthusiastic people?

... Well, I really can't deal with it, but please don't say it for the sake of the audience, I also want to save face.

"Look, this guy has a guilty conscience—"

Lin Qiong looked at Heathcliff with a gloating look on his face and said, "You should be lucky that Antilin is an honest person, otherwise she would just push you on the bed. I'll see what you do."

Antiline's mother was forcibly taken over by her father - the former Elven King - and was rescued by the Slan Theocracy after she became pregnant, and finally gave birth to her, a miraculous child who inherited the blood of a god.

It was also for this reason that Antiline hated to do such things by force, otherwise Lin Qiong would definitely suggest that she do it directly to Heathcliff.

"Even if she wanted to, she couldn't."

Heathcliff sat calmly on the chair, then gracefully took a sip of the coffee brought by the maid, and said, "She is not my opponent."

Antiline propped her chin with a smile, and said, "Haha~ That's true! I'm no match for Lord Heathcliff—"

Of course, even if she was an opponent, she wouldn't do this.

"Hey, what a big deal! It's not like I don't have a way to improve your strength—"

Lin Qiong waved his hands indifferently, and said, "If the situation permits, about five to ten years of hard work will almost allow you to surpass Heathcliff, a lax guy."

Heathcliff snorted coldly, then took a sip of the coffee in front of him, and said to Antiline: "Although this guy's brain circuit is surprising, it is still reliable. Since he said so, it must have improved your strength." The method - you can try."

"Oh~" Antilin showed a surprised expression, and she asked curiously: "Aren't you worried that I will attack you after becoming stronger?"

Heathcliff was very calm. He glanced at Antiline and said, "According to my understanding, you are not that kind of person."


Jue Shi Jueming showed a sweet smile, this feeling of being trusted by the person he likes is really good~

Just when there was an inexplicable atmosphere flowing between the two, Lin Qiong suddenly looked at the coffee in Heathcliff's hand with a puzzled and probing look.

"What are you looking at?"

"I was just wondering what kind of coffee you're drinking."

"What do you mean?"

"Cappuccino? Caramel macchiato? Frappuccino?"


After taking a deep breath, Heathcliff said expressionlessly: "Although I am not against instant coffee, the coffee in my hand is not an IQ tax product marketed by ○Buck - it is anyway. Hand-dripped coffee brewed by the maids themselves.”

"Hand punch!"

"What are you thinking again!"

"Oh! It's nothing! I'm just curious—" Lin Qiong looked at Heathcliff with a smile, and said, "I remember that among the hand-ground coffee, the more high-end ones seem to be Blue Mountain coffee and cat poop coffee?"

Heathcliff was silent for a few seconds, then nodded, and said, "To be precise, it's civet coffee!"

Although civet coffee is just cat poop coffee, from the perspective of a coffee drinker, civet cat coffee is better than cat poop coffee, right?

Lin Qiong waved his hands indifferently: "Whether it's called a civet cat or a cat poop, it doesn't matter!"

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