"This! Very! Heavy! Must!"

Heathcliff said word by word: "Because what I drink is civet coffee!"

Lin Qiong suddenly showed a dazed expression, and then said meaningfully: "So that's it~ this is really important—"

Chapter 0208 bird's nest count chewing wine?

To be honest, in Heathcliff's eyes, Lin Qiong's eyes at this time are very unbeatable, and it makes him feel uncomfortable——Grandma, what is this bastard trying to do?

After being stared at by Lin Qiong for a few seconds, Heathcliff couldn't help but said, "What on earth are you trying to do? Don't keep looking at me like that!"

"Oh, it's not really important, I'm just thinking about a serious question." Lin Qiong looked at Heathcliff, pretending to be mysterious and said: "It's just that this question may not be friendly to you, So I'm thinking about whether I should ask you."


The fingers of Heathcliff pinching the handle of the cup turned white from exertion, he looked at Lin Qiong expressionlessly, and said coldly: "Do you know? People who tantalize people will be hung on the beam , and was kicked to death by a million horses."

Seeing the success of the appetizing battle, Lin Qiong immediately accepted it, otherwise he would be the one who suffered in the end.

Don’t believe it, Lin Qiong has experienced this personally——

17 years old: Idlers, FF14 has big melons again!

Idle person: Nest, big melon!Say it quickly, the melon seeds are ready!

17 years old: Hey, want to know? V me 5 yuan, otherwise don't say it!

Idlers: I won’t listen to you anymore

17 years old: How about you still ask?I want to gossip!

Idlers: V me for 10 yuan, otherwise I won’t listen.

——In the end, of course, the 17-year-old V gave him 50 oceans in order to satisfy his desire to share gossip.

Don't ask why it is 50 yuan, I can only say that it was Thursday.



"Don't worry, don't worry, I'll just say—"

Lin Qiong coughed twice, and then said seriously: "Do you know about supplements like bird's nest?"

Heathcliff pushed the mirror flat and said, "It's such a meaningless question, who would know such a commonsense thing?"

The secretary also nodded his head and said, "Young master, you can speak quickly! Stop playing quiz games."

"Okay, okay! By the way, you are really not qualified to be a fan! Disappointing!" Lin Qiong propped his chin angrily, and said: "I just want to say——since there are cat girls and dog girls, does it mean that there are also Swift girls? Or the swiftlets? If they exist, is the bird's nest they make a special kind of chewing wine?"

Immediately afterwards, Lin Qiong added: "After all, bird's nest is something like swallow's saliva, right?"


At the moment when they heard Lin Qiong's question, Heathcliff, the eldest lady, and the secretary all fell into a stupor—if their brainstorm at this time were realized, it would be no less than the Big Bang .

After a while, the secretary stammered and said, "Shouldn't it be counted? No matter how you say it, chewing wine is still alcohol and needs to be fermented! Bird's nest can't be fermented, right?"

The eldest lady hurriedly nodded in agreement: "Yes, that's right! Bird's nest is not alcohol, so it cannot be counted as chewing wine!"

"Okay! Let's move on to the next topic—" Lin Qiong crossed his arms and said, "If..."


The eldest lady hurriedly covered Lin Qiong's mouth: "Well, Qiong! Speaking of which, we haven't had a good tour of this world yet! How about taking this opportunity to go out for a walk?"

"Oh hoo, is this a date?"

"Well, why doesn't it count?"


Lin Qiong stood up from the sofa, then took the hand of the eldest lady, and said with a smile: "Then let's go."

The eldest lady nodded lightly, then followed behind Lin Qiong, and walked towards the door.

The secretary and Yoyo looked at each other, then shrugged their shoulders and decided not to be a light bulb.

"According to the Chinese mythology, she should be the Buddha who suppressed Sun Monkey?" Heathcliff couldn't help exhaling, and said, "I'm afraid she is the only one who can stop Lin Qiong from going berserk." .”

After saying that, he picked up the coffee, smelled the mellow smell, and took another sip.

At this moment, Lin Qiong's head popped out from the door, and then said with a smile on his face: "Ah, speaking of it, there is one more thing I forgot to mention——Heath, you said that since there are civet cats that can make cat shit Coffee, can the civet cat girl also make cat poop coffee? How do you like this?"

Before he could finish his sentence, he was dragged away by the young lady with a black line on his face, leaving Heathcliff with his mouth open and a dazed expression.

'He, what is he going to say? '

'The civet girl's cat poop coffee? '

Heathcliff stared stiffly at the half cup of coffee left in the coffee cup in his hand, and then placed it on the table with trembling hands.

Lin Qiong, I will slap your ancestor! ! !



When Lin Qiong finished his date trip with the eldest lady and returned to the Heathcliff Underground Research Institute, what he saw was Heathcliff wearing a white coat, sitting elegantly on the single sofa, Holding a cup of steaming drink, looking at a magic scroll scene.

Oh yes, and Antiline who was staring at him with a nympho look on the side.


Lin Qiong leaned in front of Heathcliff with such evil intentions, and then glanced at his cup. After seeing what was in it, he couldn't help showing a gloating expression, and said, "Oh, don't drink coffee, Do you drink black tea instead?"


Heathcliff's fist was undoubtedly hardened, he took a deep breath, and then said word by word: "Who do you think caused this?"


Lin Qiong tapped his head without any guilt, then sat on the sofa, looked at Antiline, and said, "Speaking of which, during the one month or so we left, those countries are still Honest?"

"To be honest—"

There was a smile on the corner of Antiline's mouth, and she said in a brisk voice: "Because all the nobles with poor brains in the world have basically been cleaned up, during this period of time, the interior of each country is particularly full of people. And the laughter—"

In the past, the brain-dead nobles who oppressed the residents and had no conscience are basically dead, and the newly appointed nobles are all good nobles who have been voted out and really serve the people-although I don’t know how many descendants of these nobles will be left after a hundred years We can maintain our original aspirations, but at least in the next 30 to [-] years, there should be no problems in this world.

"I can rest assured that."

Lin Qiong leaned lazily on the armrest of the sofa, then propped his chin, looked at Antiline who was hugging her knees, and said, "Antiline, do you want to think about my previous proposal?"

Antiline blinked her eyes, and asked in a slightly expectant tone: "You mean, the proposal that can make me stronger?"


Lin Qiong snapped his fingers: "Of course it's a joke to press Xiz on the bed! But if your strength becomes stronger, you can indeed help Xi Zi better - at least you can protect him It's gone, isn't it?"


Antiline clapped her hands in front of her with a look of surprise, and said, "This is really an offer that I can't refuse—Master Heathcliff, do you think I should go for further training?"

"It's up to you to decide—"

Heathcliff crossed his legs, stared at the scroll in his hand, and said, "You don't need to regard me as the core of your life, revolve around me—you have your life."

'It's really Assassi--'

"It's really Asasi——"

Just when Lin Qiong was joking, Antiline jumped off the sofa with a smile on her face, walked quickly to Heathcliff, imitated Mei and squatted on the side of his sofa, saying: " But, people just want to do something for Lord Heathcliff, what should we do?"

Lin Qiong bumped Heathcliff's head with his elbow with a smile, and said, "This beautiful girl is so proactive, how about you just accept her?"


Heathcliff finished rolling the scroll in his hand with a blank expression, slowly stuffed it into his pocket, and then said slowly: "Antiline, are you sure you want to do something for me?"


Antiline showed a joyful expression, she nodded happily, and said, "Is there anything Mrs. Heathcliff wants me to do?"


Heathcliff stood up, he calmly patted the dust on his body, then put his hands in his pockets, looked at Antiline with a smile on his face, and said, "Antiline, I want you to work hard become stronger—"

Antiline: "Hmm——"

Heathcliff turned his head to look at Lin Qiong, his face suddenly changed into a Sima face, and said, "Then give Lin Qiong a good beating."

Antiline: "Uh...huh?"

Lin Qiong: "Ah! It's so strange! I should be your matchmaker, why do you want to cross the river and tear down the bridge?"

'Don't you know it yourself? '

Heathcliff sneered, and said, "I suddenly realized just now that if I want to rely on my own strength to beat you up, it should be impossible—"

In terms of interests, he prefers to delve into the combination of magic and technology rather than practicing martial arts, so he is destined to spend a lot of time on cultivation.

"So, you are going to find a replacement?"

"is it not OK?"

"Isn't it meaningful to be an enemy you defeated?"

"What I'm after is not 'Heathcliff defeated Lin Qiong', but 'Lin Qiong was beaten up' oh—"

'This guy is really a bad-hearted--'

Lin Qiong rolled his eyes angrily, and said, "If your pursuit is just like this, then congratulations—your pursuit has already been achieved, and I have been beaten by others almost every day during this time!"


Antiline on the side showed a shocked expression—as the most powerful of the natives (not counting the Dragon King), she knew exactly how terrifying Lin Qiong's strength was!However, the world's most powerful man actually said that he was being beaten every day? ?

Heathcliff was interested, he took a sip of black tea with great interest, and urged: "Tell me in detail—"

"You guy, you really don't hide your schadenfreude!"

"You have the nerve to say me? You just covered it up? Say—"


Lin Qiong smiled and began to tell: "Well, that is a world where gods and heroes dance together—"

Chapter 0209 Call Me Master

After listening to Lin Qiong's description of the earth encounter world, the expressions of Heathcliff and Andilin were a little strange.

"I personally feel……"

Heathcliff rubbed his head, trying to relieve the pain in his temple: "Shouldn't you tell this kind of important information right after you come back? Why do you have to talk a lot about it? , and then suddenly throw such an important thing in this kind of place?"

Lin Qiong touched his head, and said with a smile: "Isn't it because I am so happy to see you, so I forgot it for a while?"

"Oh, do you believe this sentence yourself?"

"Do not believe."

"You don't believe it yourself, you let me believe it?"

"Then can you pretend to be a letter?"


You are such a wonderful flower.

Heathcliff felt his head hurt even more, and he swore that if he hadn't been unable to beat Lin Qiong, he would definitely... Forget it, he couldn't beat him, he really couldn't beat him!This guy is not a normal person, and he became even more abnormal after learning skills from the Valkyrie.

At this moment, a pair of tender little hands were placed on Heathcliff's head, gently kneading it.


Heathcliff opened his eyes and asked softly: "May?"


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