Lin Qiong brought Feng Wang in front of her with some guilt, poked her chest with his fingers, and said, "Okay, I misunderstood you—"

To be honest, after hearing Feng Wang's words, Lin Qiong did feel a little guilty, but he didn't wait for how long his guilt lasted...

"It's not a big problem."

Feng Wang flapped his wings, and said confidently: "Then tell Erina for me, can I have another serving of mashed potatoes for the French fries tonight?"


"Of course, if you are willing to give me your share, I can give you another rainbow-colored feather, how about it?"

"Why don't you just call Sangouzi and Machado over, so you can get four more servings of mashed potatoes."

"Why do you think I didn't yell?"


Lin Qiong was a little numb. He took a deep breath and asked, "Feng Wang, who did you learn from? How did the dignified God of Life become such a dog boy?"

Heathcliff thought to himself: "Who did he learn from? Are you confused?" '

King Feng rolled his eyes: "Who did I learn from? Don't you have any idea?"



Lunch Time.

Laputa, garden.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Lin Qiong looked at the eldest lady who sat back on the chair, and said softly, "I never thought that there would be so many people here today."

I won’t talk about the alpaca himself, he can rub as much as he can now, who would dare not give it?

Feng Wang didn't even want to lose his face, he dragged his family over to eat, and even wanted to eat the food in his little brother's bowl;

 The three idiots of Wu Fengyuan came to Feng Wang to play mahjong, and happened to bump into today's party, so they had a meal as a matter of course.

"It's just the amount, it's easy."

The eldest lady smiled and raised her right hand, made a strong posture, and said, "Don't think of me as the old lady who had no power to restrain a chicken! My current physical strength, even if I can do it all at once. Cooking for 1000 people is not difficult—it’s just a matter of time.”

'Well, you weren't quite so weak--'

Lin Qiong muttered something in his heart, then smiled and held the eldest lady's hand, and said softly: "The main thing is that I feel sorry for seeing you tired."


Feng Wang at the side shivered, then glared at Lin Qiong with a look of disdain, then grabbed Antiline's mashed potatoes and flew to the table next to him.


Lin Qiong was so angry that he almost rolled up his sleeves and rushed over to snatch Feng Wang's mashed potatoes to show off - I can't beat you, can I still beat you?You have a beak like a cricket, what can you compare with me?


The eldest lady propped her chin up, looking at the movement on Feng Wang's side with a strange expression——

The God of Life was lying in the middle of the table with an excited face at this time, and a total of seven servings of mashed potatoes were surrounding her.

Those who didn't know thought she was in the COS Rocket Sparrow version of Dragon Ball Shenlong.

"what happened?"

"Your contagion is really powerful! I still remember when I first heard the story of Phoenix King, she was still a... um... a very majestic god."

"so what?"

"But why did Feng Wang become like this after staying with you for a long time?"

There is one thing to say, if the priesthood is redistributed, besides the God of Life, Feng Wang will be the highest among all the gods of comparison.

"Hey, what you said is so easy for people to misunderstand!"

"To be fair, what does this have to do with me?"

"Obviously it's Feng Wang who awakened the teasing in his heart!"

"It must be so!"

Listening to Lin Qiong's explanation, the eldest lady shook her head in confusion and said, "But the problem is, it seems that the Jianyu Thunder God only let himself go after being with you for a long time, right?"

"Misunderstandings are all misunderstandings!"

"How long has Jian Yulei lived? At least hundreds of millions of years?"

"How can a god who has lived for hundreds of millions of years be influenced by me in less than a month with me, an ordinary person?"

"This must have nothing to do with me!"

"It's just that Jian Yulei awakened the teaser in his heart!"

"It must be so!"

Listening to Lin Qiong's plausible sophistry, the eldest lady couldn't help laughing: "If I hadn't read the original book, I would have been fooled by you!"

What is the god most famous for?It is "immutable".

Blue Ribbon has lived for hundreds of millions of years, but has she improved?

No!Even in the Lower Realm because of boredom, didn't she just stay at Hephaestus' house and wait to die?

However, such an "immutable" god suddenly grew up in a real sense less than a month after meeting Bell, becoming responsible and responsible.

From this it can be seen that...

Jian Yulei has become so funny, no matter how you think about it, it's all the fault of you, the source of pollution!

"Where did I fool you! Isn't Astoria still serious?"

"Yes yes yes~"

The eldest lady is not going to entangle this topic with Lin Qiong. She looked at Lin Qiong with a smile and said, "You are an upright and good young man, okay?"

Lin Qiong showed a strange expression. Why did he feel that the eldest lady was praising him on the surface, but was actually hurting him?



After lunch, under the influence of Suicune's priesthood, a dark cloud fell over Sky Castle, and then the cool wind blew the courtyard, making everyone feel a little cool.

"When are you going to leave?"

Lin Qiong looked at Heathcliff who was holding a picture book and was concentrating on checking the Pokémon information, and said, "Any other newbie Pokémon you want?"

"A rookie Pokémon?"

Heathcliff pushed his plain eyes, and said, "I don't have any special requirements, but considering my own particularity, it is best to be a Pokémon that is good at caring for people."

"Huh? I thought you'd want a Casey or a Slowpoke..."

"These two Pokémon are to be cultivated as my assistants, so it's better for me to screen them myself."

Heathcliff is not going to be a Pokémon master, so what he needs is not the aptitude for combat, but the aptitude for scientific research—it's a pity that in the Pokémon world where trainers are prevalent, the alliance's breeding houses What is more important is the qualifications in combat.

"I see!"

Lin Qiong nodded, and said, "Is it about taking care of people? It's nothing more than Fat Keding, Pi Kexi, Almost Doll, Happy Egg, or a caretaker!"

"Personally, I'm more inclined to love to serve—"

Heathcliff calmly opened the Pokédex, called up the page of Ai Guan Servant, and said: "Ai Guan Servant with super power attributes has advantages that other Pokémon do not have—especially in terms of support."

"no problem--"

Lin Qiong snapped his fingers and said, "Then let me contact Galar for you, and I will give you a caring servant who is not interested in battle!"

Heathcliff nodded lightly and said, "Thank you very much!"

As for owed favors?

Come on!How much favor does he owe Lin Qiong?Don't worry about having too many lice!

Big deal... um...

At worst, how many robot wives can be customized for him in the future?

Miss: Do you want to die?

Chapter 0211 The Great War Is Coming

Although it seems that Lin Qiong is a scumbag, but in order to reduce the burden of making dinner for the eldest lady, Lin Qiong got a caring waiter who was carefully selected by President Luoz at three o'clock in the afternoon. One girl, and then solemnly placed the elf ball containing her in Heathcliff's hand, and said to him.

"do you know?"

"When you were born, the Evergreen Forest whispered your name: Heathcliff."

"I am proud to watch you grow step by step and become the embodiment of research."

"You have to remember..."

Facing Lin Qiong's affectionate speech, Hitzkripsev stretched out his hand expressionlessly to stop it.

"First of all, in order to perfect the setting of Aincrad, I also played Warcraft, learned about the background of Azeroth, and knew the story of Arthas."

"Secondly, based on what I know about you, when you say these words to me, you are actually telling me in a subtle way that you are my father."

"Finally, do you want to try Frostmourne?"


Lin Qiong coughed a few times in embarrassment, and then said: "Brave young man... Middle-aged, go and create a miracle! Because Casey and Dumbmon are common Pokémon in the Kanto area, so I will wait a while Let Palkia send you to Zhenxin Town."

"it is good."

Heathcliff nodded lightly, and said, "Then, I will take my leave first."



Really new town, outside.

"Come out, lovey-dovey—"

Following Heathcliff's movement, a high-level ball composed of black, gold and white was thrown away.


With a flash of red light, a female patriarch with a smile on her face, a mostly white body, and drooping horns on her head appeared in front of Heathcliff.

She still remembers that when she was selected, the human said to her: "You are so lucky! Your new master has appointed a Pokémon who doesn't like fighting, but is good at taking care of others, so you were selected."

'me?Can I, who doesn't like fighting, be selected? '

Ai Guanshi, who had been in the reserve base for a long time, widened his eyes, and then narrowed his eyes happily, "Great, I can also have my own trainer!" '

It's just that you don't like fighting, but are you good at taking care of others?

The pure lover started fantasizing, "My new master must be a young master or young lady with an elegant temperament but maybe a little sick?" '

'Well, let me take good care of her! '

Ai Guanshi who thought this way, at the moment of being released, flashed through his mind the "experience talk" left by the seniors when they came back to visit the younger generation.

"The first impression with the trainer is very important! So when you are released, you must smile and say hello with a cute voice!"

So, Ai Guanshi tried his best to show a sweet smile, and then said in a soft and cute voice: "Yeah...Sa!?"

Sorry, she failed.

In the imagination, the young lady wearing a white dress, standing barefoot on the grass, her face slightly pale, but with a friendly smile did not appear.

Instead, there was a man who seemed to be over 25 years old, with a neat silver back, wearing a white coat, and was looking at himself through the glasses with indifferent eyes...

Crazy scientist?

Teeth white!

I'm not going to be strapped to the dissecting table, am I? ?

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