The fledgling lady who loves to take care of me is (seemingly) in a big crisis (probably).



Castle in the Sky.


Lin Qiong was lying on the recliner, teasing King Feng who was sitting on his stomach with his fingers, rising and falling along with his breathing, and said, "Has anything happened in the Pokémon world recently?"

"Nothing happened, I'm so bored—" Feng Wang tried to sit still and peck Lin Qiong's finger—this was a challenge for her: "By the way, do you have anything interesting on hand?" world? Take me there for a stroll?"

"Pull it down, I don't have that kind of time lately—" Lin Qiong shook his head, he said with a whimper, "I'm going to go back to the earth to meet the world after I'm done with work these two days—I have to hurry up The cumulative time has been mixed for half a year, so that we can take away the god of that world, and then let her use divine power to heal the eldest lady."


Feng Wang sighed with some disappointment, and then complained: "So this Arceus is inferior! If he was more powerful, wouldn't he be able to cure your girlfriend's tongue? Then you don't have to be so busy Bar--"

Lin Qiong glanced at King Feng with a strange expression, and said, "Guess what, if you weren't sitting on me, would a sanction stone fall from the sky and hit you in the ass?"


Feng Wang raised his head proudly, and said, "Guess, why did I dare to say these things when I was sitting on top of you?"

hiss!As expected of you——

Lin Qiong gave Feng Wang a thumbs up, and then said with emotion: "You are really brave!"

"Just kidding! I'm super brave!"

"Finch! After all, I'm leaving in a few days! You dare to be so brave when you are not sure whether Arceus will settle the score later, then you are really brave—"


Feng Wang, who was a little frightened at first, suddenly seemed to be stuck in the throat by Arceus' sanctions stones, and after making a funny sound, he froze in place.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Lin Qiong looked at Feng Wang who was sitting up and down on his stomach, and teased, "Aren't you very brave?"

As he spoke, he lightly poked Phoenix King's beak with his finger, and the great God of Life immediately fell on his back on Lin Qiong's stomach, and raised his two chicken feet indistinctly.

"Hey, I saw Piyanzi—"

After Lin Qiong looked at the subtle "x"-shaped part on Fengwang's buttocks, he immediately showed a hot-eyed expression, and then he couldn't bear to look directly and looked away.

Whoa!Witnessing Pi Yanzi, the God of Life, if this is placed in the game world, it will give me a gold-level achievement, right?

"Arceus, sir—"

Suddenly, King Feng jumped up, then raised his right hand high, and said: "Gulardo is the proof, Lin Qiong instigated me to say those words just now! So if there are sanctions and gravels, just hit Lin Qiong! I am innocent!"


Lin Qiong pinched Feng Wang's bird head with his thumb and forefinger, then raised her in front of him and said with disbelief: "Feng Wang, I didn't remember that you were such a god!? You thick eyebrows? The god of life with eyes, you are actually blaming the blame here? Won’t your conscience hurt?”

Faced with Lin Qiong's condemnation, Feng Wang was silent for a few seconds, and then said: "Lin Qiong, do you still remember what you once told me, a sentence from your hometown?"


Lin Qiong froze for a moment, then said tentatively: "Feng Sang, the Sakura in my hometown is open again?"

"What are you talking about?" Feng Wang said with a black face: "You are saying that in your hometown, there is a saying that the conscience is eaten by dogs!"


Lin Qiong was taken aback for a moment, and then his expression changed—Zhuo, this sentence is so familiar, who have I said it to before! ?

Feng Wang continued: "If you think about it carefully, I also have a water dog, a fire dog and a thunder dog, so it's no problem for me to feed dogs with three times my conscience, right?"

Suicune: "?"

Emperor Yan: "?"

Lei Gong: "?"

Completely ignoring the shocked and condemning eyes of his three subordinates, Feng Wang nodded his head confidently and said, "Well, that's right! So it's right and pertinent for me to have no conscience!"


Lin Qiong felt that he had a toothache. Not only did he fall into deep doubts, he murmured: "Strange! For an excellent and decent person like me, I should have only taught Feng Wang about responsibilities and obligations. She is so strange. Who did you learn the strange things from?"

King Feng: "?"

At this moment, King Feng couldn't hold back any longer, and she was immediately annoyed.

"Lin Qiong, I'm not blaming you! I suggest you have some AC skills. You are one..."

Lin Qiong silently placed a portion of salt-baked peanuts fried by the eldest lady in front of Feng Wang.

"A great and righteous man! You taught me responsibility and obligation! I learned these strange things, no matter how I think, it's all Arceus' fault!"

Lin Qiong nodded in satisfaction, then put the plate on his chest, reached out to touch a peanut, sandwiched it between his middle finger and thumb, and flicked it vigorously.

"call out--"

The peanut flew towards the air like a bullet, while the phoenix sparrow flew over with a "swish", and then accurately intercepted it in mid-air.

"Oh wow-"

Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows, and then showed a trace of fighting intent at the corner of his mouth, and said, "I didn't expect that I was stopped by you—"

"Heh! I'm the absolute defense of the Pokémon world—Howang Gensanda!" Fengwang flapped his wings and said with a proud face: "I'm defending the goal, and there is absolutely no way I can miss any shot!"

Lin Qiong understands, this idiot is making up for the young football player recently, right?Wakabayashi Yuansan, right?good very good!

Lin Qiong sneered, he picked up another peanut, and said in a cold voice: "Let me show you the power of my tiger shot by Lin Qiong Kojiro!"


After seeing Lin Qiong got the idea, the Phoenix King Bird flapped its wings a little faster, and then "Jie Jie" laughed and said: "Come on! Let you see whether your shot is better or mine. The defense is stronger!”


The next moment, the big battle (heavy fog) started.




Antiline sat on a chair not far away, looked at Lin Qiong who was lying on the recliner with a rather strange expression, playing the "shooting game" with Feng Wang with peanuts, and couldn't help but said to the eldest lady: "Ms. , the master and the God of Life... do you usually play like this?"

"I don't want to be caught either, but she called me Shi Niang—"

There was a smile on the face of the eldest lady. She leaned on the armrest and propped her chin with her hand. Her posture like a noble lady in the capital made Antiline feel a little envious—if I am also such a girl , Has Lord Heathcliff been captured long ago?

"It's not the first time that Lin Qiong and Feng Wang have played like this—" The eldest lady shook her head dumbfounded, and said with emotion: "At the very beginning, Master Feng Wang still couldn't let it go, and it was Shui Jun and the others who accompanied Lin Qiong. Qiong played this game, but then..."

Later, Feng Wang found out that playing this game can eat a lot of chocolate beans, salt-baked peanuts, salt-baked broad beans and raisins, so he immediately let go of the so-called "can't let go" and joined the battle.

Forehead, foredrop, snacks are all foredrop!

Three dogs: (';ω;`)

Sangou: We want to eat it too, Mr. Feng Wang, did you miss a few grains——

Chapter 0212 Lolicon?That's all right--

Meet the world.

"This is the new world—"

Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips, and said to Antirin who had just been blessed by Alpaca Sauce engraved with "Monster Hunter": "The best thing about this world is that there are almost endless monsters that will gradually become stronger—— "

Antiline nodded and said, "So, it's a world that perfectly fits the ability of Monster Hunter, right?"

Lin Qiong nodded like a child, and said, "That's right! What awaits us next is a hellish daily life, are you ready?"


Antilin raised her right hand with a serious look on her face and said, "I will never let Master Master down!"

"very good--"

Lin Qiong nodded in satisfaction: "Then, let's go back and tell Astoria first, and then take Antiline to the dungeon while it's still early, so that she can have a basic understanding of the dungeon. understanding."

The eldest lady shook her head: "I have no objection—"

The secretary smiled and said, "I will go wherever the young master and miss go."

Yoyo shook her upper body lightly, and said softly, "I just want to be with Nissan and Neichan."

What are you waiting for?elbow!



After notifying Astoria first, Lin Qiong took Antiline to the guild to register.

Because it was brought over by a senior from the same family, Antiline's person in charge is also the pink-haired Miss Misha—even though she has no sense of existence, she can be regarded as the elite leader of the guild anyway.

"Next, it's the first dungeon tour——"

Lin Qiong put his hands on his waist, looked at Antiline who was wearing plain newcomer adventurer equipment, and couldn't help laughing: "Don't show that expression! Overused equipment, as long as it can be used."

"That's right—"

Antiline pursed her lips and said, "But this is too simple, can't there be some patterns?"

"Do you still want patterns on this level of equipment? Wash and sleep—"

Lin Qiong waved his hand and said, "Let's go! Today's plan is to try to reach the 25th or 37th floor, and meet Amphispina or Udaios for a while—"

Amphispina is the floor master of the 25th to 27th floors, and its body is a double-headed white dragon—the 25th to 27th floors of the dungeon are a special large hollow environment, which allows the floor master to move freely in it.

Udaios is the floor master of the 37th floor, and its body is a huge, black skeleton swordsman - in the rumored Sword Princess Sacred Tan, Aisi singled out Udaios to advance to Lv. 6.

Among them, the refresh time of Amphispina is about one month, and the refresh time of Udaios is about three months-Lin Qiong doesn't know if he can touch it, so he is going to make a trip to touch it. try your luck.

"Floor master? Is it something like a boss?"

"Well, almost."

Lin Qiong nodded and explained: "The floor master, also known as the Lone King of the Labyrinth, will be two levels higher than the mass-produced monsters of the same class. It is an existence that ordinary adventurers cannot face directly—"

The level of the monsters on the 25th to 27th floors is Lv.3, while the level of Anfespina is an exception Lv.5-everyone who has played online games should know that with the same level, the blood bar of the leader monster is often It is dozens of times that of ordinary monsters, and other attributes are also several times that of ordinary monsters.

"I see--"

Antiline nodded and said, "However, even if it is Udaios, it shouldn't be a big deal in front of the master, right?"

Lin Qiong helplessly shrugged his shoulders and said: "That's true! With our current strength, it is not difficult to challenge Balor in a single battle - it's just that the equipment has not been completed at this stage. Plus, Monster Hunter hasn’t grown up yet, so I haven’t gone too deep into the dungeon.”

Antilin nodded seriously and said, "It seems that I have to work hard to keep up with everyone's progress-"

The eldest lady said with a smile: "Don't worry, I will let you experience what it's like to kill monsters until you vomit."



Because the main member of this exercise is Antiline, from the first floor, Antiline alone is responsible for killing monsters—in the world of Bone King, Antiline’s weapon is a cross-shaped gun Sickle, but because that weapon couldn't be carried out, Antiline chose a long spear as her new weapon.

No, in her hand, the spear was brandished airtight, and the killer ant that was flying towards her was still in the air, and the point of the spear was precisely across the throat, or the tail of the spear smashed its head. .

"call out--"

Lin Qiong couldn't help but whistled, and said, "Antiline's martial arts are higher than I imagined—"

"Oh, I'm a little flattered to have reached Master Master's praise——"

An Dilin casually poked the head of a killer ant, and then said with a smile: "However, these are also thanks to the master's blessing - the world-penetrating gate is really a magical ability."

Because she passed through the world-transmitting gate, the "game-like settings" on Antiline's body have become instinctively integrated into her body, and this extraordinary weapon proficiency is one of them.

"Don't! This guy from Chuanjiemen is very strict -" Lin Qiong waved his hand and said helplessly: "What you get is just the experience you have accumulated."

Even Lin Qiong, the master of the world-transmitting gate, won't allow him to prostitute for nothing, let alone other people?

"That being said, I still have to thank Master——"

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