"Where and where, you have worked hard by yourself."

"No, no, thanks to the master——"

"No, no, you worked hard by yourself..."


The eldest lady interrupted the communication between the two with black lines all over her head. She said helplessly; "Forget about such polite words! We are going to go deep into the dungeon for more than 30 floors. Now this speed is too late to wait before dinner." Hurry back."


Antilin's eyes suddenly sharpened. She took a deep breath, then tightened her grip on the spear in her hand, and said in a deep voice: "Master! I'm going to speed up -"

"Oh! Don't worry about attacking boldly!"

Lin Qiong encouraged her without raising her head, then stretched out her hand to hold the eldest lady's hand, and said with a smile: "Erina's hands are white and tender, and they feel so comfortable to touch."

The corners of the eldest lady's mouth turned up involuntarily, and she said coquettishly: "Idiot——"

Secretary and Yoyo: "Hi—"



Although due to the loss of some strengthening skills and the inability to use the equipment left by the six great gods, Antirin's combat power has dropped a lot compared to the peak posture, but it is still not difficult to face monsters on the [-]th and [-]th floors. .


Standing outside the main refresh room on the 37th floor, Lin Qiong joked: "At this time, Antiline should make an invincible voice—"

Panting a little, Antiline tilted her head and said curiously, "What does the sound of the weapon in the master's mouth refer to?"

Lin Qiong put his left hand on his hips, spread the five fingers of his right hand in front of him, and then lowered his voice and said: "You dirty monster! Just because I have become weaker, does not mean you have become stronger kora!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Qiong turned around, gave everyone a thumbs up, and said, "How is it? Do you have that invincible feeling?"

The eldest lady, secretary and Yoyo shook their heads at the same time: "No."

Antiline was more tactful: "Perhaps I still can't understand the profoundness of the master's words..."

In fact, I still don't understand it.

Lin Qiong sighed and said: "You guys really don't know the value of Accelerator, who ranks first among the seven Level 5s in Academy City!"

The secretary decided to give Lin Qiong a face: "Uh, this one is called Fang Accelerator, is it very powerful?"

"It's not a matter of whether he's powerful or not. He's really that kind, that rare kind..." Lin Qiong looked into the distance, "He has red eyes and white hair. This kind of Chinese people have a special attack! The smile is very sweet, and it is very healing..."


The eldest lady couldn't help showing a question mark expression of Erina, she couldn't help but said: "That Lin Qiong, let me ask seriously, you mean 'he', right?"





The eldest lady rubbed the bridge of her nose and said, "Well, okay, you continue to talk—"

At the same time, she quickly turned around, took out her mobile phone, quickly opened the search engine, and entered a line of words - what should I do if my boyfriend bends over?

"Miss, calm down—"

The secretary hurriedly said: "There is no Internet in this world, you can't find it!"


The eldest lady let out a mournful cry, she turned her head to look at Lin Qiong, and asked, "Qiong! What kind of person is that Fang Accelerator you mentioned?"

"Fang Accelerator? He is not only the No.1 superpower in Academy City, but also the No.1 lolicon in Academy City!" Lin Qiong said with emotion: "He came from the underworld for the sake of Lolita. A macho man whose wings evolved into white wings!"

He is indeed a role model for my generation!

"Ah?" The eldest lady was taken aback for a moment, then she showed a reassuring expression, and said, "Lorizon? It's all right—"

Lin Qiong: "What do you mean?"


The eldest lady coughed lightly, then walked towards the palace of the main floor, and said: "It's getting late, let's see if Udaios has been refreshed—we have agreed in advance , if refreshed, it is my prey."

Lin Qiong leaned against the wall with a smile, and said, "Don't worry, no one will snatch it from you—"

The eldest lady didn't say anything more, but waved her right hand towards the four people behind her gracefully, and stepped straight into the palace of the floor master.

Chapter 0213 It feels so good




The crisp footsteps of the eldest lady echoed in the empty "Palace of the Lonely King", and when she penetrated a distance of nearly 50 meters, "her" fangs were exposed in the dungeon.


The sudden roar resounded in everyone's ears along with the vibration of the dungeon, and a huge stone broke through the ground and appeared in front of the eldest lady.


When the stone completely emerged from the ground, as if it had completed its mission, it shattered into pieces in front of everyone's eyes, revealing the "monster" conceived within it.

A black monster with only a skeleton above the waist.

"Good luck..."

The eldest lady held the scabbard with her left hand, touched the handle with her right hand, and murmured: "Did you show up? The floor master——"


The bright red light group appeared in the skull's eye sockets, it let out a roar, then raised its right fist high, and threw it at the eldest lady.

"Hey, hey, it's too rude to start fighting within three seconds of meeting each other, isn't it?"

The eldest lady helplessly raised her left hand, and used the scabbard to block Udaios' hammer forcefully—as her body sank slightly, most of the impact force was effectively transmitted to the ground under her feet , causing a spider web of cracks.


Immediately afterwards, with a sudden flash of cold light, Udaios' right wrist was severed by the lady's slash, and the falling fist fell to the ground and rolled aside.

"First cut off your palm, and then——"

The eldest lady waved the tachi in her hand a few times, then lowered her body and said, "I'm in a hurry to go home and cook, so..."



The eldest lady's lowered body was ejected like a bullet, and she quickly rushed towards Udaios who had already held the big sword in her left hand.

"If it's Qiong, I will definitely stand still at this time, waiting for Udaios to attack, and then counterattack—"

The eldest lady's amethyst-like eyes were locked on the magic stone on Udaios's chest, and she murmured in her heart: 'It's just that I don't have that kind of playful idea...'

Nakiri-style Iai!

The next moment, the figure of the eldest lady appeared behind Udaios.

She kept the posture of bending over and sprinting, and after holding two knives, she retracted the knives into the sheath with a "clang", and then slowly stood up straight, with a faint smile on her face, saying to herself He said to himself: "If it's Qiong, I should say something at this time - cut off the boring thing again - right?"

"Da da da--"

At this moment, accompanied by the sound of brisk footsteps, Lin Qiong's figure appeared beside the eldest lady, and then said with admiration: "As expected of Erina, it was really eye-catching just now!"

"is it?"

The eldest lady raised her right hand and put it behind her head, then flipped her hair handsomely and said with a smile: "Are you attracted to me?"

"I'm obsessed, I'm obsessed!" Lin Qiong smiled and raised his right hand to hit his chest, and said passionately: "Give your heart to Erina!"

Give me your heart!


The eldest lady hammered Lin Qiong's chest in reproach, and said fiercely, "What kind of weird words are these?"

"This is not a strange saying, but a line from Attack on Titan!" Lin Qiong said with excitement: "Compared to this, I think you should have said something cool after you killed Udaios just now -"

Lin Qiong's voice changed, and he said in a high-cold, three-point cold, three-point nonchalant way: "Cut off the boring thing again!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Qiong immediately winked at the eldest lady, and said, "How is it? Do you have special feelings?"

"Hehe, hehehe, hahahaha——"

After listening to Lin Qiong's words, the eldest lady first covered her mouth and chuckled, but soon she completely lost control. She covered her face with her hands and squatted in front of Lin Qiong, letting out a laugh like pearls falling on a jade plate.

"Eh? Eh!?"

Lin Qiong said with a sense of grievance in surprise: "Isn't it right? I think what I did just now was pretty good!? That kind of aloofness with a sense of insouciance is so careless!?"

"No, it's not for this reason..."

The eldest lady waved her right hand weakly, then looked at Lin Qiong with loving eyes in a smile, and said in a tired voice, "I just think, it's so good——"


The question mark on Lin Qiong's head was about to grow bone hyperplasia. He looked at the young lady puzzled like Asami from the third episode, and said, "What's the matter? Erina?"


The eldest lady stood up, with her hands behind her back, and she looked at Lin Qiong with a smile like a flower: "This is a girl's secret~ Don't ask too much~"

"……All right."

Lin Qiong rubbed his head helplessly, thinking: 'If you don't say it, don't say it!As long as it doesn't come in the middle of the night to say "After all, I alone carried everything" in the circle of friends. '

That's what really kills.

"Then next—"

The eldest lady turned around, looked in the direction of the entrance to the 38th floor, and said, "My friends over there, it's almost time to come out—the sound of your breathing has been exposed."

"There's no need to call him out, right?" Lin Qiong scratched his face. The eldest lady could find out that he had already discovered the movement over there through the waveguide—roughly estimated that there was a team of more than 20 people hiding beside the passage. place.

"You're such an idiot—"

The eldest lady squinted at Lin Qiong, and said angrily: "Think about it with your little head - that's the 38th floor, and now Olali, which member of the family can let the big troops go deep below the 38th floor?" ?”


Suddenly, Lin Qiong realized.

The current Olali family who have the confidence to do this is estimated to be only the Freya family and the Loki family!

Among them, Freya's family has always followed the route of elite soldiers. Whether her entire family members can gather twenty people together is a question mark - maybe there is, but it is not shown in the original work;

Then, if the Freya family is excluded...

Lin Qiong looked in the direction of the entrance on the 38th floor——

Sure enough, a short figure that had been seen several times in the animation appeared in Lin Qiong's sight.

"Sorry, we didn't mean to hide our whereabouts—"

A little Zhengtai with a height of less than 120cm (referring to 119cm) and short blond hair came out of the shadows, with a smile on his face that could make people feel good, and said in a soft voice: "We just saw this This lady is fighting with the floor owner, she didn't want to cause misunderstandings so she hid her whereabouts."

"This gesture—"

Lin Qiong and the eldest lady looked at each other "pretentiously", and then "knowledgefully asked" and said: "If I'm not wrong, you should be the head of the Loki family, Finn Tim, right?"

"Exactly—" Finn put his right hand on his chest, bowed slightly to Lin Qiong, and said, "Excuse me for being impolite and asking about your name?"

Finn was so polite - even deliberate - of course for a reason!

What was the monster that fell just now?It is the floor master with a level as high as Lv.6, Udaios!

Finn asked himself, if he and Udaios were singled out, would he win?

you can!

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