Then, like Missy, can he kill Udaios in an instant with a thunderous blow with an absolute advantage?


He was promoted to Level 6 for some reasons during the dark period two years ago. So what is the level of the eldest lady?

Lv.7?Or Lv.8, which is even better?

"Which god's family is there to have an adventurer of this level..." Under Finn's calm appearance, there is an uneasy heart, "The key is...unheard of! '

This is what makes Finn feel most nervous. Before today, he had never heard of the reputation of Lin Qiong and his group. This is undoubtedly a very abnormal situation - how could such a strong man not have a good reputation? ?

'There are only two cases—'

'Situation one, they are deliberately hiding their identities, and they are not exposed because they kill everyone who sees them -'

'Situation two, they were practicing in other places before, but recently came to Orario to become adventurers——'

To be honest, if it weren't for the fact that the "Danger Prediction" ability of the right thumb hadn't been activated, Finn would never have come out of his hiding place—at worst, he would continue to go deep into the dungeon, make a detour with the opponent, and then leave.

"My name is Lin Qiong, and this is my girlfriend, named Nakiri Erina—" Lin Qiong stretched out his right hand towards Finn, and said with a smile on his face: "It's only natural that you haven't heard our name , because we have only come to Olalie recently."

"I see--"

Finn's heart hanging on his chest fell back into his chest with a "boom". After he breathed a sigh of relief, he smiled and stretched out his hand to hold Lin Qiong's extended hand, and said, "I just said it's strange, as powerful as your Excellency Adventurer, how come I have never heard of your name?"

"Haha, it's too much to praise—" Lin Qiong waved his hands with a smile, and said, "Our strength is only average."

"No, no, your strength has already amazed me—" Finn tentatively said with a smile on his face, "Speaking of which, I still don't know which family you are from?"

Although the other party claimed to have just arrived in Olalie, this answer is not without the possibility of lying, so it is better to be cautious.

"Hey, look at my memory—" Lin Qiong patted his forehead, and he took out a golden emblem with a shield and wings from his pocket, and said, "We have just joined the Astria Familia recently. .”

In order to increase their persuasiveness, the eldest lady on the side and the secretary who came over also took out the badges given to them by the goddess Astria - in the dungeon, this kind of badge with the pattern of the family , is the best proof besides "the face of a famous adventurer".

"Ah—so it's an adventurer from the Astria family!"

The moment he saw the emblem, Finn felt his heart that had fallen into his chest fall directly into his stomach—this is the sense of security brought by the reputation of the Astria family.

Astoria (wearing sunglasses + tactical recline): Can other Familia do it?

Chapter 0214 This is the hero

I have to say that the title of Astoria, the goddess of justice, is really easy to use.

After Lin Qiong and others took out their identity documents, although Finn did not immediately become a good brother who took care of his heart and soul, at least he lowered his basic guard, and other members of the Loki Familia also followed suit. Came out from hiding.

Lin Qiong took a glance and found that the core main force of the Loki family in the original book is basically here——

Brave, Finn Timna;

Nine Magic Girls, Artoria (crossed out) Riveria Rios Alf;

Chong Jie, Grace Landrock;

Amazon Sisters, Asagi [VictimGirl] 19 heroines (crossed out) Diona Silut and Dione Silut;

Dire wolf, one-way (strike out) Bert Rocca;

as well as……

Lin Qiong put his eyes on the small figure standing in the crowd, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and said, "This is the sword girl who has become famous in Olalie recently, right?"

Swordswoman, Aisi Yingli Wallenstein.

'Speaking of which, if I remember correctly, the voice actor of Ash Tan seems to be Onishi? Lin Qiong pinched his chin, then looked at Secretary Zi thoughtfully, and thought: "It seems that Secretary Zi's voice actor is also Daxi?"It's just that the voice is different——'

It's a pity, if the voice lines are the same, you can play with seiyuu stalks and the like.

He has already thought about it, if there is a chance in the future, let a certain white rabbit record some audio, so that he can bring it to the world of Sword Art Online for use, for example——

"Silica, please marry Bina to me, I will treat her well!"

"Liz, I want to touch your... forging hammer!"

"Shi Nao, my uncle's breasts are bigger than yours in women's clothing!"

"Asuna, I want to open a harem——"

Lin Qiong could even think of Tongren's horrified expression when he took out these recordings, and he couldn't help but sneered "Jie Jie"—Mr. Tongren, you don't want these recordings to appear in those On the girl's desk, right?The matter of women's clothing is up to you!

Thinking of Kirito having to change into the same costume Asuna wore in the Blood Knights, and then standing shyly in front of him, Lin Qiong had the urge to turn himself into the city, and then drill his temple with his index finger.

This is too Nima hi!



"That's right, she is the rising star of our family—"

Finn looked at Ai Si, who was only 11 years old, with a smile on his face, and said, "Sword Princess, Ai Si Wallenstein."

"I've heard of her name a long time ago——"

The eldest lady gave the customary compliment, and then said with a smile: "Looking at your whereabouts, you should be preparing to return to the ground, right? We just happen to be preparing to return, so how about we go together?"

"That would be great—"

With a warm smile on Finn's face, he glanced at his companions and said, "We just came back from the deep layer, and we just feel a little tired! It's really a feeling to have a powerful adventurer like your team as your companion." Peace of mind."

Do you understand what emotional intelligence is?

Do you know what is the art of speaking?

Do you understand the value of being the leader of the Loki Familia?

"Oh? If that's the case, let us clean up the monsters along the way—" Lin Qiong smiled at Finn, and said, "To tell you the truth, our purpose of going deep into the dungeon this time is It’s just for the rookies who just joined the team to exercise a little.”

Saying this, Lin Qiong also raised his right hand and pointed with his thumb at Andy, who was standing next to the eldest lady obediently, exuding the aura of "Everyone here is a big boss, but I am the hot chick." Lin.

"It turns out that's the case, so I'll thank you all—"

Finn didn't know if Lin Qiong said this to comfort them, or if it was the truth, but this did not prevent him from expressing his gratitude to Lin Qiong—in any case, the members of the Astria family took on the defense, didn't they ?

"Then let's go—"

Tiona, who has the liveliest personality, raised her right hand and cheered, "Let's go! I can't wait to have a big meal at the rich mistress!"



'This level of strength, in their mouths, is it just a [newcomer]? '

When Lin Qiong called Antiline "newcomer", Finn thought that Antiline should be a pure newcomer like Ais who joined the Loki family.

As for why he took the newbie deep into the 37th floor, couldn't it be that the boss came out to help the newbie to level up, and also took the newbie to defeat a boss so that he could gain experience?

Very reasonable!

However, when everyone encountered the first batch of monsters on the 37th floor, he was immediately frightened by what happened next—the imaginary Zhen Mengxin jumped out first, and then brandished a spear, moving Skilled and aggressive, they easily killed these groups of earth-born people.

Even because the victory was so easy, Finn couldn't even tell what level Antilin's strength was at the moment - it was definitely not an adventurer like Lv. 2 or Lv. 3 anyway.

Finn twitched the corner of his mouth and thought, "Could it be that he is another adventurer who practiced outside and joined Orario recently?" '

Although it is said that Olalie is the well-deserved "center of the world", it does not mean that all the powerful people in this world are in Olalie-for example, the Poseidon family active in the ocean also has the first level adventurer.

"It's just that there shouldn't be too many powerful adventurers active outside Orario like this—" Finn bit his finger in thought, "Where did Goddess Astria come from?" Where did they recruit such strong men one after another? '

If it's just one or two people, Finn can still be regarded as Astoria's luck explosion, winning double gold in ten consecutive rounds, but what's the situation now?Isn't it a bit exaggerated to say that a round of ten pieces of hardware is more or less exaggerated?

Thanks to the fact that the guardians acted separately from Lin Qiong, otherwise Finn would have reported Astoria's ten consecutive shots of more than 20 gold.

As Fenn observed, the team returned to the No. 18th floor without any hindrance. After taking a short rest in the town, they set off again and reached the ground with overwhelming momentum.

"It's too easy!"

Tiona couldn't help but stretched her waist, stretched her breasts that didn't have much curvature even if she tried her best, and said, "Antiline is too strong! The monsters along the way-" Boom—swish—they were killed!"

"Nothing, compared to the master, my strength is really not worth mentioning—"

Antirin had a humble expression on her face, but she knew very well how terrifying the gap in strength between her and Lin Qiong was - Lin Qiong was much stronger than her when he was in the world of the Bone King, let alone now?


Tiona came over curiously and asked, "Is Mr. Lin Antiline's master?"

Lin Qiong nodded: "Yes."

Although it's right to be a master in love.

"Oh! You can actually become Antilin's master..." Tiona showed a shocked expression, "Mr. Lin must be very powerful, right?"

"Well... it's just average." Lin Qiong said modestly: "At least I've been getting beaten every day recently."

Average level: refers to being able to hit from the east side of Orario all the way to the west side without breathing with one hand;

Being beaten every day: refers to suppressing physical fitness to the level of ordinary people, and then competing with the god of war who has been honed for hundreds of millions of years.

No problem.

Finn said with a smile: "Your Excellency, excessive modesty is arrogance."

"Hahaha, alright, alright." Lin Qiong waved his hands helplessly: "I'm very strong—is that okay?"

"Hahaha, that's right—"

Uncle Dwarf Grace let out a bold laugh. He carried his ax and said, "If you are strong, you have to admit it! Otherwise, we adventurers who are weaker than you, how can we have the face to call ourselves heroes?"

"Grace is right—"

Riveria nodded, with a smile on her face that made people couldn't help but call "Mom", and said softly: "Behind the strong, there will be countless weak ones following his back - so, please raise your head." Open up your chest and admit your own strength with pride."


Lin Qiong raised his hands in confusion and said, "Okay, okay, I am the strongest! Okay?"


Suddenly, the air was filled with joy.



After separating from the Loki Familia, Lin Qiong held the back of his head with his hands and repeated Riveria's words, saying: "Behind the strong, there will be countless weak ones following his back - is this the meaning of a hero? "

Antiline nodded slightly, and said, "That's right, master, this is a hero!"

Youyou couldn't help but nodded, and said, "Qionisang, that big sister is right—heroes can be role models for many people."

Unlike the three urbanites Lin Qiong, Miss and Secretary, Antirin and Yoyo of Fantasy People understand the weight of the word "hero" very well.

Why are brave men always heroes in many RPG games?

That's because the meaning of a brave man's existence is to defeat the Great Demon King who brought darkness to the world, and on his journey of defeating him, he will become the hope and banner of many people - isn't this what a hero is?

Lin Qiong waved his hands helplessly, and said, "Then I can't be called a hero, and I don't think I have the qualifications to be a role model for everyone!"

What role model?Is it a role model for foot control, leg control and stocking control?

No matter how you think of this kind of hero, it's wrong!

Yoyo hurriedly comforted: "No! In Yoyo's heart, Qiong Nisang is already the hero who saved Yoyo!"

Antilin also smiled and said: "Actually, the deeds Master Master has done in my world can already be called heroes——"

The eldest lady couldn't help laughing and said, "Qiong, who is trying to find a way to solve the problem of God's Tongue, is also a little hero in my heart!"

The secretary also said with a pious look: "That's right! Master, you who founded the EMT cult are a hero!"

Lin Qiong: "?"

The eldest lady: "?"

How come this topic, which was so good, was suddenly taken to a strange place by the secretary?

"Then I really want to thank you..."

Lin Qiong, who felt a little hot after being blown by Yoyo, Antiline and the eldest lady, quickly calmed down, and he said dumbfoundedly: "Okay, okay! Let's go home! After dinner, we can continue training. Then continue to go to the dungeon tomorrow to gain experience!"

"Got it—"x4

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