Tomorrow, it will start to be busy again!

Come on, Lin Qiongzi!

Chapter 0215 Amulet

That night.

training time.

Training Course.

When the sparring between Lin Qiong and Jian Yulei started, Antiline finally understood what this guy meant by "being beaten all day long".

Was it really beaten?


She squatted beside the eldest lady, and couldn't help but say, "Master! Who is that man?"

How to describe this feeling?

Probably the golden boy was randomly killed by the master's power leveling, and then he felt that the other party was cheating, and then saw the master's cub being killed by the king in a blink of an eye-you really look like a master.

"Shangshen·Jianyulei—" The eldest lady looked at Jianyulei who was dodging Lin Qiong's sweep with a smile, and said, "He has lived for hundreds of millions of years and has been improving his martial arts. He has the title of Martial God , a real god."


Antiline showed a shocked expression—is it not a master of killing kings, but a professional killing kings?

Wait, it seems that no matter whether it is a profession, a king or a master, I, a golden cub, can't comment?

That's fine.


After a straight punch knocked Lin Qiong back two steps, Jian Yulei waved his hands pantingly and said out of breath: "Oops, that's about it! Halftime break, substitutions."

Hearing this, Lin Qiong, whose forehead was densely covered with sweat, nodded, followed Jian Yulei to the sidelines, and then watched the eldest lady and Astoria step into the training ground.

Next is their round, and when Astoria's physical strength is exhausted, it will be Lin Qiong and Jian Yulei's turn to train again.

"Brother Jian, have you lost your temper recently?"

Lin Qiong handed Jian Yulei a cup of energy drink, and then joked, "Could it be that you stayed in Happy Street all night?"


Jian Yulei, who had just taken a sip of the drink, sprayed it out - the key is that this guy didn't know whether it was intentional or not, and turned his head specially, aiming at Lin Qiong to spray it.

If it wasn't for Lin Qiong's quick reaction and dodging aside, he would probably have had an intimate contact with Jian Yulei's saliva.

"Don't slander God!"

Jian Yulei picked up a towel and wiped the drink from his mouth and the sweat on his face, and said angrily, "I've been talking to suppliers about the supply of ingredients all day today!"


Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows, and said with a little exaggeration: "Good guy! All the suppliers have come out? Yes, brother Jian! It's so prosperous——"

"What about a hammer? Doesn't it also have your share?" Jian Yulei said with a dark face, "Your share is higher than mine!"

"Who told you that you can't come up with neither the money nor the formula?" Lin Qiong plucked his ears calmly and said, "Then you can only sell your physical strength—please, I didn't let you go Drinking with a rich woman to get resources is worthy of you!"


Jian Yulei let out a heartbroken voice. He held his chest and said, "I treat you as my best brother in vain. You actually want me to accompany the rich woman?"

"Jie Jie! If you don't want to drink with the rich woman, just talk about business honestly—"

Lin Qiong sat on the chair leisurely, and said, "Anyway, you are making money for yourself, it's not shabby."

"That's true."

Jian Yulei sighed with emotion, then stretched his waist, took another big sip of energy drink to supplement his physical strength, and said: "But to be honest, your progress during this period is very obvious-now the training lasts longer. It's getting shorter and shorter because you're putting me under more and more pressure."

Playing fighting games with a child is not at the same level of energy consumption as playing fighting training with an adult.

Lin Qiong smiled and said, "Hehe, it's really not easy to be praised by Brother Jian."

Jian Yulei smiled, he relaxed his body and leaned on the back of the chair, then looked at Astoria and the eldest lady who were exercising in the field, and said, "Qiong, what do you think martial arts are?"


Lin Qiong touched his head in a daze, and said, "Why are you asking this question suddenly?"

Seeing that Lin Qiong was a little puzzled, Jian Yulei didn't continue to ask, but gave the answer himself.

"The most basic thing is the mastery of force."

"The advanced part is an extension of the skills."

Lin Qiong waited for a few more seconds, and after realizing that Jian Yulei had already started eating beef jerky, he couldn't help asking, "That's it?"


Jian Yulei was stunned for a moment, and then said dumbfoundedly: "You don't think these two sentences are very simple, do you? Whether it's strength or skill, it's something you have to study for a lifetime."

Lin Qiong touched his head and said, "That's not what I meant—I thought you would make a long speech!"

"There are so many tirades—"

Jian Yulei smiled, and said with emotion: "For those who can understand, these two sentences are enough! For those who cannot understand, it is meaningless to say more."

"That's true—"

Lin Qiong nodded, and at the same time, he was even more grateful to the master of Miyue Temple in the world of disciples in his heart-it was the teaching of Qiu Yu from Miyue Temple that made Lin Qiong understand the gold content of the words "strength" and "skill".


After resting for about half an hour, Jian Yulei looked at Astoria who was almost exhausted, raised his hand and patted Lin Qiong's thigh, and said, "Elbow, it's our turn!"

Training ground, substitutions!



This morning, when Lin Qiong walked back from the training ground, he found that the members of the Astria family were all gathered in the front hall, as if they were discussing something.

"Hehe, are they all there?"

Lin Qiong skillfully waved at the girls and said, "What happened?"

"Brother Qiong, are you done exercising?"

Alicia looked at Lin Qiong who was passing by the door, waved her hands enthusiastically, and said, "We are discussing the matter of the dark faction that has started to move again recently—"

Lin Qiong twitched the corner of his mouth, then walked into the front hall, and complained: "By the way, is it really okay to just tell me such important information?"

"Hehe——" Lila let out a playful laugh, "Of course it wouldn't work if it was someone else, but Brother Qiong is another matter—right?"

"That's right!"

Beast ear girl Nitz nodded with approval, and said, "Brother Qiong is our savior, how could we deliberately hide it from you?"

"Nitz is right!"

"Brother Qiong has anything you want to ask, just ask!"


Thanks to the last heroic rescue operation, Lin Qiong has successfully become the "confidant brother" of this group of little girls-let's say that if this is a different set, I'm afraid it won't be the harem +11.

"You are all so enthusiastic. I feel that if I don't ask a few words, will I be a little sorry for you?" Lin Qiong wiped his sweat with the towel around his neck, and said, "I remember that the dark faction is not in Rudra. After all the family members died, Rudra, the god, returned to the heaven under Astria's interference, did he calm down?"

"Hey, Brother Qiong, you are still as naive as ever, sweeter than honey—"

The poisonous tongue Kaguya couldn't help but let out a sneer, she opened the folding fan with a "snap", then narrowed her eyes slightly, and said in a voice full of contempt, disgust and coldness: "If those scumbags can really live in peace Even now, Olalie's environment will not become what it is today."

"Well, that would be—"

Lin Qiong nodded, and said with a smile: "Then what news did you get? What kind of demons are those scumbags planning to be?"

"Unfortunately, we don't know yet—"

Lyu Li Ang explained in a cold tone with an ascetic voice, "The only information that is currently known is the witness report that the dark faction has started to act again——"

Even the cold-blooded Liu was willing to speak up for Lin Qiong, which shows that his image as a big brother does have something to it.

"Hey, you guys really worked hard—"

Lin Qiong couldn't help but smacked his lips, and said, "Just because of a specious piece of information, I have to treat what is about to happen so carefully—"

"Hehe, there is nothing we can do about it -" Alisee showed a proud smile. She glanced at her companions behind her and said, "Because it is our duty to maintain Orario's environment and justice. Well!"

"That's right—"

"It is for this reason that we are gathered together!"

"For justice and glory!"

The little girls immediately lit up, and the gleaming gold quality gave Lin Qiong, a dead house, a feeling of "ah, the rag sucks" - so dazzling, really dazzling.


He couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, and said, "If I don't show something like you, I'll always feel sorry for the title 'Big Brother'—"

What is big brother?

He is not the kind of "big brother" who sits back and yells arrogantly, and then asks the younger brother to lift the tank when something goes wrong; he is the "big brother" who can protect the younger brothers and sisters from wind and rain, and hold up the sky.

Only characters like Yanzhu, Kamina, and Brand can be called "big brother".

Although Lin Qiong didn't think he was qualified to be the so-called "big brother", since these little girls called him "big brother", he also responded jokingly - although it would not be possible to say that he really wanted to burn Tamashi The plot, but there should still be a bit of a logo.

"This thing, take it—"

Lin Qiong thought for a while, took out some exquisite amulets from his backpack, and said: "This amulet can withstand the full attack of Lv. A shield in seconds! The shield can store one side every ten hours, and the maximum storage limit is two sides."

This amulet is almost useless for the current Lin Qiong team, but for this group of little girls, it can be said to be a well-deserved "life-saving artifact".

Chapter 0216 This grudge, I wrote it down


When they saw the amulet that Lin Qiong took out, the girls didn't react too much, but when Lin Qiong told the effect of the amulet, they suddenly became restless.

"No, no, brother, this is too precious!"

"Alyse is right, this amulet is almost equivalent to a second life!"

"Defense the Lv.7 adventurer's full attack shield for about 20 seconds, no matter how you think about it, it's too precious——"

"That's right, we can't accept—"

Looking at the girls in front of him who were "not rewarded for nothing", Lin Qiong couldn't help scratching his hair and said, "Let me ask, what do you call me?"

"Uh, brother."

"Isn't that enough?"

Lin Qiong threw the amulet on the table casually, and said: "The elder brother has nothing to help you, I can only give you some worthless gadgets—besides, it was pure luck that I was able to save you last time Well, in case something similar happens again next time, who can guarantee that I will be able to rush over? I don't want to see eleven of you go out and come back alone one day. "


"But, it's too precious—"


Lin Qiong made an extremely disdainful voice. He tilted his head and said with contempt on his face: "This is a precious hammer, if you can hold it, you can hold it - if you don't take it, don't call me big brother in the future!"


Having said all this, what else can the girls do?

So, after a few seconds of silence, Liu Li'ang picked up the amulet on the table first, and then said coldly: "Take it! If you don't want Brother Lin Qiong to worry all the time."

"Oh, that's right!"

Lin Qiong laughed, and he nodded in satisfaction seeing Liu Li'ang's actions, and said, "So Li Ang is the most obedient--it's a pity, I'm not a pure-hearted person, otherwise I would have to rub Li'ang more or less." Ong's head as a token of affection."

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