
Liu Liang seemed a little shy and took a half step back, then looked at Lin Qiong vigilantly, and said, "That's right, even if it's Brother Qiong, that kind of thing is not allowed!"

Being touched on the head or something doesn't fit my personality at all!I'm the handsome Liulian!

"Hiss, if you don't resist, I don't have any ideas, but your resistance..." Lin Qiong's mouth showed a malicious smile, he put his hands on his chest, and laughed loudly: "Jie Jie! Ah! Lise, Kaguya, Laila, listen to the order!"


The three women looked at each other, and then all showed the same smirk as Lin Qiong.

They stood up from the chairs at the same time, and then said with a charming smile: "At——"

"I order you to take Liu Liang down, and then punish him by patting his head!"

"Decree!" x3

The three little girls stood up from their chairs holding back their smiles.

"Don't come here!"

Liu Liang raised his hands vigilantly, and said, "I will fight back, I really will!"

"Little Leon, just obey us obediently—"

Hui Ye's voice was full of jokes, she tied her sleeves under her armpits while moving her wrists, and said: "Brother Qiong has spoken today, if I don't touch your head, I won't be reconciled. "

"That's right!"

Alyse also said playfully, "Lian, just accept your fate!"

"do not want!"

Liu Liang subconsciously prepared to run away towards the door, but before she could make a move, she found Lin Qiong standing at the door with a smile and waving to her.

"Don't try to escape—"

Lin Qiong showed a kind smile towards Liulian, but it left cold sweat on Liulian's forehead—it's over!If Brother Lin Qiong was guarding the door, he would definitely not be able to escape!

This is simply Pai Daxing's butt - iron buttocks.

The other little radish heads looked at each other, and then happily participated in the activities of "encircling and suppressing" Liu Liang - so Lin Qiong could only move around in the (relatively) small front hall while Lin Qiong gloated at his misfortune. Moreover, Liu Liang, who was still unable to kill the killer in the face of his friends, was finally pushed down on the seat by ten little girls, and then he was rubbed on the head for a long time, messing up the soft blond hair.


Seeing the slightly embarrassed Lyu Leon, Alysée immediately let out a happy laugh, and her laughter spread to other people, causing everyone to laugh out loud.

Except Lyu Leon himself.

'Remember it! '

Liu Liang thought viciously, 'Sooner or later, I will rub your heads one by one! '



According to Murphy's Law, the more you worry about something bad, the more likely it will happen.

Lin Qiong gave them the amulets precisely because he was worried that Alyse and the others would encounter danger in the dungeon, but what he did not expect was that on the third day after he gave the amulets, the girls had an accident. up.

"Da da da--"

Accompanied by the sound of hurried footsteps, Lin Qiong and the eldest lady appeared at the gate of the living room, looked at the gathered girls, and asked, "Is Alyse all right?"

"Why is Brother Lin Qiong coming back?"

Alexe, who was leaning on the armrest of the sofa, struggled to stand up. She scratched her head with her right hand in embarrassment, and said, "I'm fine!"


Lin Qiong's voice was raised a few degrees, and he walked quickly in front of Alicia, looked down at her empty left arm, and asked again: "You call this all right?"


Alyse smiled. She shook her left hand, which had only the upper half of her arm, and explained, "Well, it's an emergency! That's why I didn't notice that the shield's charge has been used up..."

"One shield can protect for 20 seconds, and two layers of charging is 40 seconds—" Lin Qiong looked down at Alyse: "That is to say, you are in a high-pressure environment for 40 seconds, which makes you ignore The shield time."

"This one……"

Alyse smiled wryly and scratched her face, then obediently lowered her head, ready to be criticized.

"Brother Qiong, Alyse doesn't want to become like this—" Lila on the side pulled Lin Qiong's clothes with a complicated expression, and explained: "The situation at that time was really urgent."

"If she becomes like this on purpose, then I will definitely break her leg and fulfill her wish—"

Lin Qiong rolled his eyes, then put his right hand on his waist, patted Alysie on the head angrily, and said, "Don't show this expression, your hand still has room to save."

"No way."

On the side, Liu Liang said in frustration: "After Alyse's hand was bitten off, I tried to take it back from the monster's mouth, but...there are too many monsters."

"Ahaha, Brother Qiong, don't be discouraged!" At this time, Alysie tried to comfort Lin Qiong in turn, and she said: "Anyway, I broke my left hand, so it won't affect my fighting—besides, it's a big deal to make a prosthetic limb Connect it, maybe even more flexible than the original arm, haha—"

This is a lie.

This is the studio of Earth Encounter, and not the studio of Demon High School next door. How could there be a thing that the prosthetic arm is stronger than the original arm?—Referring to a certain Asaxie whose arm will not only deform but also have a drill after replacing his arm with a prosthetic you.

"I still have this kind of common sense—"

Lin Qiong rolled his eyes, and he said angrily: "I said that if I can save it, I can save it. Do you not believe your elder brother?"

"This... Believe me!"

What else could Alice say?She could only nod her head helplessly, and at the same time thought to herself: "Why do I feel that brother Lin Qiong is like a child who can't accept the reality and is making trouble at this time?"It means that it is me who needs to be comforted—”

Just when she misunderstood, there was another flurry of footsteps at the door.


The eldest lady walked in with a helpless face, and said, "I told you to wait a while, and you still run so fast—how is Alyse's situation?"

"A hand was broken—" Lin Qiong snorted coldly, and said, "I don't know what I'm trying to do! I can't even protect myself, so why talk about protecting others, really!"

"Okay, okay, calm down, calm down—"

The eldest lady comforted Lin Qiong with a smile, and then said to the secretary who walked in behind her, "Fei Shazi, I'll leave it to you."

"give it to me!"

The secretary nodded, and she walked straight to Alexe who hadn't figured out the situation, then raised her hands and said softly, "Praise of Viridian Heaven!"

A bright but not dazzling golden light full of sacred aura rose in the room (probably) making the dark creatures feel uncomfortable.

The next moment, these rays of light began to gather around Alyse's broken arm, and a fiery feeling came from Alyse's arm, and then under the dumbfounded gaze of everyone, her arm "grew" little by little. "Get up.

"This this……"

Alyse raised her left hand dumbfounded, first shook it lightly, then shook it hard, and finally punched hard.

"Sense, how do you feel?"

Astoria asked with hope in her voice.

"There is no raw feeling at all." Alishe had an expression of joy on her face. She breathed rapidly and said, "Okay, my arm is healed!"

Who wants to be disabled if they can?

"Oh oh oh!"

Nitz couldn't help but raised his hands high and cheered, "Long live Brother Lin Qiong!"

Nitz's cheers seemed to remind the others, the little girls cheered one after another, and even Kaguya, who was usually venomous, couldn't help showing a joyful expression at this time.

No one wants to see "battle damage" on their partners.

"Hey, you thanked the wrong person this time—" Lin Qiong didn't accept the girls' cheers, but shook his fingers with a smile, then pointed to the secretary beside him, and said, "You really should Thank you, isn't it the secretary who released the healing technique?"


"What are you still doing?" Lin Qiong said with a smirk on his face: "Shouldn't we throw her into the air at a time like this, and then shout long live the secretary?"


"Wait, wait—"

The secretary's expression changed, and she said loudly: "Don't listen to the young master... I've said it all, don't listen to it..."

Master! !

This vendetta, my secretary... Bah, I, Fei Shazi, wrote it down! !

Chapter 0217 The Truth About the Attack

After being thrown a dozen times, the secretary was finally let down amidst the laughter of the girls.


The secretary staggered back to the eldest lady's side, then patted his chest, and said, "I remember! Young master, don't fall into my hands!"

Otherwise, I will definitely return double!

The eldest lady at the side looked at her secretary dumbfounded, and said, "Fei Shazi, don't you know how to fly? How could you be frightened by such a thing?"

Back in the day, when she and Lin Qiong were riding the roller coaster in the playground of Shiji World, not only did the two of them have no inner fluctuations, they even turned a flower rope on the roller coaster to celebrate.

Why did you stretch your hips when you came to the secretary?

"Miss, this situation cannot be generalized!"

The secretary hurriedly explained, "Although I can fly, I have the initiative of flying in my own hands! But when I am picked up by them, the initiative is not in my hands!"

"That makes sense..."

The eldest lady nodded thoughtfully, and said, "But with your current reach, even if they didn't catch you, you can still support the ground with one hand and land safely, right?"

If it is an ordinary person who falls like this, there is a possibility of fracture, but with the secretary's current physique, if he falls... um...

Secretary: I seem to be fine?

Mr. Ground: I'm cracked!

"...It seems like this?"

The secretary also reacted, she scratched her head in embarrassment, and said, "It seems that there was a joke - if it happens again, I will definitely not panic!"

"it is good!"

Lin Qiong on the side clapped and said to the girls who had just calmed down: "Hey, little girls! What are you still doing? Didn't hear her say, do you want to do it again?"

"Eh!? Eh!!"

The secretary only had time to make two hasty and panicked voices before being thrown up again by the giggling girls.

Master! !

This hatred, I, Fei Shazi, write it down! ! !



After a long commotion, order was restored in the hall.

"Okay, ok, girls! It's time to make trouble, now let's talk about business!"

Lin Qiong clapped his hands lightly: "As soon as we came out of the dungeon, we heard the news of your accident from Miss Mi Xia, so we hurried back."

"Brother, to trouble you—"

Alice said with some embarrassment.

Lin Qiong waved his hand: "Compared to this, I want to know what happened to you."

"Let me explain."

Laila smiled helplessly: "Brother, do you still remember what we talked about the day you gave us the amulet?"

Lin Qiong nodded: "Remember! You said that you got the news that the dark faction started activities again."

Nitz on the side said angrily: "So we went to track down each other's traces. I didn't expect that group of guys to carry out a super-large-scale 'monster gift'!"

The so-called monster gift is an act of leading the monsters chasing and killing you to other adventurers, so that you can escape yourself in danger—do you remember?In the tenth episode of the first season of the animation, Bell and others encountered the monster gift from the Jian Yulei family.

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