"Very large scale?"

Lin Qiong rubbed his head and said, "Let's talk about it in detail."

"The monsters on floors No. 20, 26, 27 and 28 are all gathered together——"

There was still a lingering fear in Liu Liang's voice, "The group of dark faction bosses definitely used more than one 'beast trainer'."

"I actually gathered four levels of monsters in one go. It was such a big game——"

Lin Qiong couldn't help but admire the dark faction's prowess, "Aren't those guys afraid of creating another skeleton monster?"

Alyse said: "As long as the dungeon is not greatly destroyed, then the skeleton monsters will not be generated - they have also learned their lesson."


Lin Qiong nodded, and continued to ask: "The super large-scale monster gift, and then? Although it sounds scary, but with the amulet, you should be able to rush out with the amulet, right? Why is Alyse Lose an arm?"

The dwarf Astai said helplessly: "If we were the only ones, of course we could run away! But there were other adventurers from the Familia at the scene at the time - we couldn't just stand by and watch them being swallowed up by the monsters."

Well, the situation is probably figured out.

Lin Qiong rubbed the bridge of his nose: "So, in order to protect others, you chose to stay and fight, and then fought until you were exhausted. In the end, Alyse was negligent for a moment, resulting in the monster biting off your arm?"

"Do not……"

Kaguya's voice was full of undisguised anger: "Alyse's severed arm was cut off by the dark faction - they first sent some companions to pretend to be adventurers from other families, lurking in the team, and then While Alyse is fighting with the two enhanced monsters controlled by them, let the lurker come to her side pretending to assist Alyse in the battle..."

In the end, Alysie was stabbed in the back by a companion she thought she could trust—two dark faction disguised as one of them pierced Alysie's abdomen, and the other cut off her arm, and threw the broken arm into the mouth of the enhanced species.

Of course, both of these minors - and the rest of the lurkers - were torn to pieces by the angry others, but Alyse's severed arm was never coming back.

Oh no, back.

"can only say……"

Lin Qiong rubbed Alyse's head, and said helplessly, "I hope that our red lady Masahwa will not lose her trust in other people because of this incident."

"Don't worry, brother!"

Alyse raised her right hand with a smile, and said, "I'm not that fragile—I've been like this ever since I followed in the footsteps of Goddess Asteria and embarked on the path of justice execution." mentally prepared!"

Hearing Alyse's words, the other girls also smiled.

"Although Alyse's head froze a bit, there was nothing wrong with her words."

"Kaguya-chan is so dishonest! Do you have to be mean in your compliments?"

"This is her specialty!"

"Hui Ye: You are unique!"

"Hey, can you still understand this sentence?"

"Ha ha ha ha--"

As the atmosphere eased, a burst of happy laughter suddenly erupted in the front hall.

"It's best if you don't have psychological pressure—"

Lin Qiong looked at Alishe, who had a smile on her face and no haze, and couldn't help but exhort her: "But you still have to be cautious! This time is a lesson, you know? You need to eat a little to gain wisdom - —”

"Yes Yes Yes--"

Alishe didn't feel annoyed listening to Lin Qiong's nagging. She just nodded with a smile and said, "Big brother is right! Big brother taught you a lesson! Big brother makes sense!"


A question mark popped up on Lin Qiong's head, and he asked angrily, "You girl, are you just perfunctory?"

"Haha, how come?"

Alysia waved her hands with a smile, and she said cheerfully, "It's just... um... how should I put it? I haven't experienced this feeling of being cared by elders before, so it's a little fresh!"


Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows, folded his hands on his chest, and said, "You're quite relaxed, aren't you? Little girl, do you want to experience the nagging power of Chinese-style parents?"

"Huh? Is that nagging scary?"

"It's not that scary—"

Lin Qiong sneered, and started to perform with his hands in two roles——

"Alyse, are you done with today's training?"

"No, no—"

"With your current strength, how dare you be lazy and skip training?"

"But Ota didn't do it either!"

"Otta Orario is ranked number one and is stronger than you, so of course she doesn't have to do training!"

"Ais didn't do it either!"

"It's because Ace is lazy and doesn't do training every day, so she is weaker than you!"

After the performance, Lin Qiong shrugged and looked at Alyse, and said, "How do you feel?"


Alisee was frowning her little face at this time, showing a tangled and painful expression - just like Lubo heard Sanji say to him, "Luffy, if Big Mom threatens you with your family, what will you do?" How to do it?”

Just when Lin Qiong thought that Alyse would say "it's too scary", he heard the little girl say, "But, big brother won't do that, right?"

Lin Qiong was silent for a few seconds, and then said with a subtle face: "Well, that's true! But——well... well, you are right."


Alyse made a letter V and said, "Alyse, big victory!"

"Yes, yes, big victory, big victory—"

Lin Qiong waved his hands helplessly, and said, "Continue to talk about the topic just now - what is the final result of this attack by the dark faction?"


The girls all looked at each other, and then they showed smiles and gestures of victory to Lin Qiong in unison, and said, "No one was injured or injured!"

Kaguya added: "...Except for a certain stupid red-haired girl."

Alyse glared at Kaguya, and said, "Hey! I'm also a casualty now, okay?"

"Heh, if it wasn't for Fei Shazi's help, you would be disabled now!"

"No road race! Am I okay?"

"Then why don't you thank Sister Fei Shazi?"

"I thank you!"

Hearing the girls started to quarrel again, Lin Qiong could only look at Astoria helplessly, then shrugged his shoulders.

"I was pulled by you again—"

Sitting in front of the eldest lady and Lin Qiong, Astoria said with a light smile, "I don't know how to repay this favor—hey, why do I feel that this favor is not only not repaid, but also owed more and more? gone?"

"Hahaha, there is no such thing."

Lin Qiong waved his hand and said, "Our side is also thanks to Astoria's care—whether it's providing accommodation, training ground, or training Erina every day, isn't it all repayment?"

"How can this be compared?"

Astoria shook her head

"For the first time, you saved me from the hands of the dark faction..."

Speaking of this, Lin Qiong felt ashamed—don't worry, sister, if we hadn't messed up, you wouldn't have suffered at all!

"The second time, you saved Alishe and the others from the disaster in the underground city——"

This is true, Lin Qiong involuntarily puffed up his chest.

"For the third time, you healed Alyse's broken arm—"

This is thanks to the secretary, she is the first one.

"The help these three times is an unresolved kindness! Really, thank you very much——"

Listening to Astoria's affectionate talk, the girls behind her also lowered their heads, bent towards Lin Qiong, and said in unison: "Thank you very much!"

Chapter 0218 I do not eat tail meat!

To be honest, seeing the 11 people in front of me bowing their heads and thanking him in unison, Lin Qiong felt bad all over.

"Don't, don't! Don't do this—"

Lin Qiong couldn't help but raised his hands, and said with a wry smile: "I'm most afraid of encountering this kind of situation! Let's stop doing this, okay?"

"Ha ha--"

Astoria straightened up, and said with a smile on her face, "I didn't expect you, you are not good at dealing with other people's thanks?"

"Of course it's okay to just thank you, but I can't stand this kind of group of people thanking me so much—"

Lin Qiong scratched his face with some heat, and muttered: "Anyway, I have received your thanks, is that okay? This topic ends here, okay!"


The girls gave Lin Qiong a lot of face, so they nodded happily.


Lin Qiong breathed a sigh of relief. He had just sat back in his chair when he heard Nicole's voice from the door.

"Master, Master—"

Nicole ran into the hall, and then yelled: "Young master, there are, so~~ many monsters outside! So~~~ Scary!"

Wait, why did you call "Young Master" instead of the tyrannical, cool and full of forceful "Supreme" in the world of Bone King?

Because of shame!

When they were in the Bone King World, probably because of the "original atmosphere" and the like, both Lin Qiong and the eldest lady felt that it was no big deal to be called "Supreme"!

But when everyone left the world of the Bone King and got rid of the baptism of the atmosphere of the original work, everyone suddenly woke up——

Hey, was I so brave back then?

How dare I?Please, it’s super shameful to have someone kneel on the ground and shout something like “Supreme” with a serious face, isn’t it? ?

It's the kind of shame that you feel cool and handsome during the day, but when you think about it at night, you can't help but curl up in a ball under the blanket, and finally dig your toes tightly.

Ever since, after waking up in the world, the eldest lady and Lin Qiong, who really couldn't stand this kind of "shame PIay", asked the guardians to change their title from "Supreme" to "Supreme". " became "Master".

"A lot of people?"

Lin Qiong was taken aback for a moment, and then asked, "Nicole, what's going on?"

"I can't nest!"

Nicole looked at Lin Qiong confidently, put her hands on her hips, and said, "I saw that there are many edges, so I will immediately sue Young Master Shu!"

It’s a human being, not a person, it’s a matter of telling, not a tree!You big tongue!

Forget it, this is one of the cute points, don’t play if you don’t like it.


Lin Qiong twitched the corner of his mouth, then stretched out his hand to touch Nicole's head, dumbfounded, and said, "Thank you Nicole for a trip."

"Hey hey, it's not hard, it's not hard!"

Nicole held her face with her hands happily, then patted the ground with her tail behind her, and said, "I was offended by the young master's praise! Nicole Tanosi!"


At this time, Zoe, who followed closely behind, flashed into the hall with a "swish" and then sat cross-legged in mid-air, saying angrily, "You are lying! Use your avatar to lie to me!"

"Hmph, Nicole didn't play tricks! This is called wisdom!"

While speaking, Nicole also pointed her finger on her temple with a proud face, and that proud and mocking look made Zoe jump in mid-air angrily.

"Hi! I'm so angry!"

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