Zoe disappeared in place with a "whoosh", leaving only a little bit of starlight that dissipated like the afterglow of a firefly, and her figure appeared behind Nicole in the next second, but...


Zoe, who was about to attack Nicole from behind, slammed on the brakes, then looked at Lin Qiong, whose back was facing her, and said, "I almost hurt the young master!"


Lin Qiong turned around, showed a mischievous smile to Zoe, then quickly stretched out his hands and rubbed her soft face a few times, and then said "Yahoo—" like Tom cat. Cheered, then spread her legs and ran towards the door, shouting: "Zoe is a big bastard!"

Lin Qiong on the side covered his face - Nicole's words were not wrong, I was sitting next to me and watching the show!As long as you turn your head, you won't be fooled by Nicole's illusion.


Zoe clutched her face in a daze, and after a few seconds, she reacted like a thunder and stomped her feet impotently and furiously in mid-air, shouting, "Nicole——"

After the words fell, Zoe didn't even care about teleporting, and rushed out the door with her head buried, shouting: "Zoe is going to tear your tail off! Tail!!"


Nicole's exclamation came from outside the door, and she shouted, "No, no! Nicole's tail is for the young master to eat!"


Lin Qiong, who was shot inexplicably, pointed at his face in astonishment, and he hurriedly explained: "No! I don't have that kind of hobbies! It was Nicole who said she would make me tail meat!!"

Neeko and Zoe shouldn't be allowed to watch cartoons!Now it's all right, let's learn from Maid Dragon!

It's all fucking Thor's fault!

It's okay to be the tail meat of the hammer!

"Ahem, it's okay, it's okay—"

Astoria coughed dryly twice, and said, "Well, I think it has something to do with the child's race being a lizard, and it's normal to have a broken tail...um..."

Dock it!

Just like eggs!


"Asteria, stop talking—"

Lin Qiong covered his face and said, "The more you paint, the darker it gets! I'm really not interested in her tail meat!!"

"Okay, okay, I see—"

Astoria nodded, she stood up, and said, "Let's go to the door first, and see what's going on—"




Astoria family.

Outside the family residence.

Indeed, as Nicole said, there were many people—roughly estimated, there were four to five groups of family members gathered at the gate of the Astria family at this time.

When they saw Astoria, Alysée and others approaching the door, there was a sudden discussion at the door.

"Come out, come out!"

"It's coming out!"

"What's the matter?" Astoria opened the door and walked out, then asked with a strange expression, "Everyone, what's the matter?"

"Asteria, don't get me wrong—"

It was a blond-haired goddess who spoke. She walked up to Astoria with a smile on her face, took her hand kindly, and said, "We are here to thank you!"

"Ah? Ah!"

Astoria was stunned for a moment, and then quickly came to her senses.

She smiled at the goddess, and said, "Then you are wrong to thank—the person you should thank is not me, but Alyse."

"Thank you, thank you!"

The goddess said with a smile on her face: "I really thank you children, otherwise our Phyllis would never come back—"

The male god who thought he was handsome also came over, but he was self-aware. Instead of holding Astria's hand like that goddess, he put his hand on his chest and bowed slightly: "What did she say?" Wrong! If your children hadn’t reached out to help, my children... might never come back! Thanks—"

"Thank you so much—"

"Thank you--"

"Many thanks--"

Seeing the group of people in front of you thanking each other with words, Astoria smiled wryly and looked at Alyse and the others.

Mamma Mia!

Now I understand why Lin Qiong couldn't stand it just now!

Because I can't stand it anymore!



After half an hour.

When Astoria returned to the hall, she saw Lin Qiong who was looking at her teasingly with a smile in his eyes.

"Do you understand how I felt just now?"

"I understand deeply."

Astoria sighed with emotion, then sat down on the chair and said, "It can be regarded as coping."

"Aren't you the Lady Justice?"

Lin Qiong propped up his chin, and said with a strange expression: "Could it be that no one thanked you when justice was done before?"

"How come no one thanked me?" Astoria waved her hand, and said helplessly, "But the thanks of three or five people, and the thanks of three or 50 people are not of the same order at all!"

To give a simple example, let you have sex with three goddesses, you will be so excited that you will scream, and then the holy sword will charge and charge!But what about having sex with fifty goddesses?

Within three days, you have to crawl out and shout "I want to become a monk".

almost the same meaning.

"Hey, I thought you should be the kind of character who is not surprised when Mount Tai collapses before you. I didn't expect that you would be scared one day." Lin Qiong looked at Astoria with a smile, and said: "Has everything been taken care of outside?"

"They all went back."

Astoria nodded, and then said helplessly, "I'm not as calm as you imagined—at least in the world where I knew you were from another world, I was also taken aback."

"It's hard to imagine the picture of Astoria being frightened, and then hiding under the covers, sobbing and saying that she would eat potato balls before she would come out—"

Lin Qiong said with emotion.


The corners of Astoria's eyes twitched a few times, and she said, "There's no need to be so similar! That kind of thing is impossible!"


"Bidin is really real."

"But such a picture must be very subversive, you can try it!"

"no need!"


Lin Qiong stood up, then stretched his shoulders, and said, "Alyse's arm has been repaired, so let's continue to go to the dungeon for exercise—let's talk about it when we come back tonight."

"it is good."

Astoria nodded, and after watching Lin Qiong leave the front hall, she leaned on the back of the chair, tapped the armrest lightly with her fingers, and murmured: "What do they need now?" Woolen cloth……"

I have to find a way to repay my kindness...

Chapter 0219 Jian Yulei's Invitation

Astoria left Orari.

This is the news that Lin Qiong's team got from Alysia when they returned to the Astoria family's residence in the evening.

"Why did she leave Orari so suddenly?"

The eldest lady asked a little puzzled, "Is there something urgent? Is there anything we can do to help?"

"This is..."

Alysie scratched her face, and said helplessly: "Master Shangshen didn't explain what was going on—we only know that after sitting there for more than ten minutes, she suddenly showed a happy expression, and then left "I'll leave for a while, tell Lin Qiong and the others for me," and then left Olali in a hurry."


Lin Qiong and the eldest lady looked at each other, then shook their heads subtly, and said, "Could it be that the gas in the house outside O'Leary was left to be turned off? Hey, why don't you smoke a cigarette to calm your nerves?"

"Fuck you, no serious-"

The eldest lady patted Lin Qiong, and then muttered: "Alyse said that Astoria had a happy expression before she left, so it shouldn't be a big deal."

"Sparrow food—"

Lin Qiong nodded and said, "Then let's leave her alone! If she is in a hurry, she should find a way to contact Olalie, and we will make a move at that time."


The eldest lady nodded reservedly, and then urged: "Okay, didn't you make an appointment to have dinner with Jian Yulei and Mihe? Hurry up and take a bath, it's getting late—"


Lin Qiong elongated his voice, and then said with some dissatisfaction: "What the hell is Brother Jian doing! It made me unable to eat Erina's love dinner, damn it."

"It's not love dinner!"


Lin Qiong glanced at the eldest lady, and then at the secretary: "Do you believe it?"

The secretary shook his head: "I don't believe it."

Lin Qiong looked at Yoyo again: "Do you believe it?"

Youyou shook her head: "I don't believe it."

Lin Qiong looked at Alyse again: "Do you believe it?"

Alyse couldn't help but shook her head: "I definitely don't believe it!"

Lin Qiong spread his hands, then looked at the eldest lady innocently, and said, "Look, everyone doesn't believe it!"

"No road race no road race no road race!"

At that time, the eldest lady was a first-stage Tsundere Sanlian, and then she stomped her feet and said, "Anyway, dinner without love is dinner without love, hmph!"

"I don't believe it! Anyway, I tasted Erina's love for me from cooking——"


The eldest lady stretched out her hands and pushed Lin Qiong's back with her face flushed, and said, "Go, go, go! Hurry up and socialize! Stay at home—"

"To be fair, this is the first time I've seen a girlfriend urging her boyfriend to go out to socialize—" Lin Qiong looked at the eldest lady with an innocent face, and said, "Don't you usually want him to come back soon?"

"Then, then you should come back soon—"

"Hey, Erina is so cute!"

"No Road Race!!"



After teasing the eldest lady for a while, and watching her flushed face with satisfaction, Lin Qiong happily walked towards the place agreed with Jian Yulei.


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