Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips and looked at the very famous restaurant in the original book - the rich hostess.

'By the way, I remember that Seele, the rich hostess, is essentially Freya? '

Lin Qiong walked into the restaurant, and glanced at Xi'er, who was smiling and entertaining the guests sweetly, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart that women are born to be dramatists.

Terrible pinch~

"Oh, Brother Qiong, here--"

At this moment, Jian Yulei's voice came from the corner of the restaurant - I saw this handsome man who looked poor and lived a poor life, but actually had a lot of savings. Waving towards him.

And beside him, sitting is the so-called "noble young master"...

"Brother Jian, handsome guy, what's wrong?"


Mihe screamed, then covered his face with his hands and begged: "Don't call me my nickname in a place like this, please!!"

Under the broken window effect, Mihe has actually accepted the nickname "handsome guy", but this does not mean that he wants to be called out in public! !

He could even feel the dazzling gazes from the adventurers around him.

Wuwuwu, stay for a while, stay for a while!


Lin Qiong pulled out the chair and sat down, then waved to the waiter on the side, and said to the two gods: "So what happened to you, why did you have to call me out - you are at home for dinner or something?" Is it okay if you can’t eat it? Isn’t my Erina’s craftsmanship the best in the world?”

"Ahem, Xiao Nakiri's craftsmanship is really great, but..."

Jian Yulei showed an embarrassing expression. He couldn't help rubbing his hands with a fly, and then said with a smile: "But the cannibal has a short mouth! If I eat at your house, I feel that I can't say my request." .”


Lin Qiong took the menu handed over by the clerk, ordered a cream cheese risotto, a fried chicken nugget, a pork chop and a bowl of thick soup, and said to Jian Yulei again: "Could it be that you and The handsome guy is going to debut in women's clothing as a show, so you want me to be your manager?"


Mihe showed a pained expression. He covered his face with his hands and wailed: "I don't know how to dress up as a woman! Don't even think about such a thing!"


"Since it's not women's clothing, then what on earth is it-"

Lin Qiong braced his chin, glanced at the rich hostess, and found that the familiar maids in the original book didn't seem to appear...

Oh yes, in the original book, Lyu is the hostess of Fengruo who joined after the family group was destroyed and completed revenge, while the others are Fengruo's hostesses who joined after Lyu joined...

"Unfortunately, I can't see the cat girl in the original book—"

Lin Qiong showed a regretful expression.

You know, when Lin Qiong was watching Hua Monogatari No.14 (Tsubaki and Cat No. [-]), he was actually killed by Yukawa Tsubasa in catgirl form a hundred times, a hundred times. all over! !

It's a pity that when the eldest lady and the others set up the cat-eared girls of the maid group, they only set "meow" at the end of the sentence for them, and that's all--this really makes people feel uncomfortable. Lin Qiong is a little disappointed, okay?He had already prepared the tongue-twisters prepared by Mr. Allah Garbage for Yu Miaoyi!

How can it be repaired!

"Boss Miya, you have to stand up and recruit that cat girl, Aniya, as soon as possible!" !I remember, Anya is also a master of Meow Meow—"

Lin Qiong glanced at an adventurer who was laughing and patting the shoulder behind the counter, and then forcefully recommended a seafood fried noodle with super luxurious ingredients and a super expensive price.

Okay, it's very elegant.

"Brother Qiong, brother Qiong——"

Just when Lin Qiong propped his chin in a daze, Jian Yulei stretched out his hand in front of him with a question mark on his face, and then followed his line of sight, his expression changed.

"It's broken! Mihe, take a quick look, Brother Qiong, isn't he staring at Ms. Miya in a daze?"

"Okay, does that seem to be the case?"

"Hiss! This is really bad, he won't take a fancy to him, will he?"

"No, it can't be..."


Lin Qiong, who came back to his senses, heard the conversation between the two, and couldn't help tilting his head and giving a question mark.

"Believe it or not, you two, I will use force to shave your legs later, and then put knee socks on you?"

"I was wrong--" x2

The two male gods lowered their heads without a godlike image or dignity.

Mihe glanced at Jian Yulei: "Please hold up your hand! If it doesn't work, you can just scrape Brother Jian's!"

Jian Yulei looked at his friend in shock: "Mihe kisama! You betrayed me!"

Mihe turned his head away: "You obviously brought up the topic just now! You should bear the main responsibility!"

Jian Yulei lay down on the table heartbroken, and said, "Although what you said is correct...although it is true...but...but..."

Goo!You shark me!

Lin Qiong couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, then clapped his hands lightly, and said with emotion from the bottom of his heart: "Why don't you put on women's clothes together, and make your debut with the gimmick of 'Oulali's first women's manga group'" Right? Surely it will be popular."

"Excuse me for refusing—" x2

The two male gods once again lowered their noble heads without hesitation.

I can't stand it!

Lin Qiong chuckled, then supported his chin, and said, "So what do you guys want from me? Don't get your appetite—"

"Actually, I've already said it once..."

Brother Jian stared at Lin Qiong sadly, sadly, and hesitantly: "It's just that you were in a daze at that time and didn't hear what I said at all."

Lin Qiong coughed dryly, and then said solemnly: "Then what, it's not a big problem! Say it again, and I promise to listen carefully to you!"

"Ahem, it's like this—"

When Jian Yulei said this, he was very, very embarrassed: "That's right, ahem, um, do you still have the amulet you gave to Alishe and the others?"


Lin Qiong was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly reacted: "You heard what Alyse said?"


Mihe nodded sheepishly, and said softly: "If I had the amulet, Naza would not be in danger."

Lin Qiong nodded to express his understanding, then squinted at Jian Yulei, and said, "I can understand that the handsome guy wants this thing, but Brother Jian, there is no sign of your family, what do you want to do here?"

Jian Yulei was in a hurry: "Don't say that, Brother Qiong! I have made an agreement with those boys and girls, and I will definitely prepare the garrison of the family, waiting for them to come to me, and it will be useful when the time comes. gone?"

Lin Qiong waved his hand and said helplessly: "Can't I give it to you then? It's useless for you to hold it now, and you might still be remembered by others——"

Be careful when you come home in the middle of the night, someone will slap you with a sap, then cover your vagina with honey, put ants on it, and force you to hand over the place where the amulet is hidden...

Hey, it's scary to think about it!

Chapter 0220 Deal

Hearing Lin Qiong's "instructions" of "concern", he immediately looked at his good brother with black lines all over his face: "Brother Qiong, no matter how I say it, I am a martial god, how could I be beaten with a sap?"

Lin Qiong didn't take it seriously: "Don't go, Brother Jian! If someone sends a muscular man to show off his muscles in front of you, won't your heart beat faster and you will be hooked?"


Mihe covered his mouth and turned away his gaze, and then tremblingly said with a voice of laughter: "No, I didn't expect... Puff... Brother Jian... Puff cough... Yes... There is this a hobby..."


Jian Yulei became anxious immediately, which affected his sexual orientation: "I don't like muscular men, let alone lose muscular men with red faces, red ears, red ears, and heart beating faster!"

Don't spread such rumors!He doesn't want to see muscular men winking at him on the street, does he?

Lin Qiong nodded perfunctorily: "Yeah, yeah, I believe it."

Mihe also suppressed a smile and nodded: "Yes, I believe it too."

These two are dogs, right?

Jian Yulei covered his face with his hands, and mournfully said: "Brother Qiong is not a good person, but why did he fail to learn from Mihe? Change that innocent Mihe back—"


There was a question mark on Lin Qiong's head at that time. He took out an amulet and shook it in front of Jian Yulei, then smiled and said, "Brother Jian, I will give you a chance to organize your words."

Jian Yulei's eyes moved with the amulet in Lin Qiong's hand, and he said quickly: "I mean, my younger brother Qiong's face is like a jade crown, with a jade tree facing the wind, and he is graceful, graceful, and tall. Fei is a rare good man in the world!"

Lin Qiong: Σ( ° △ °|||)

Meeher:! ! !

It has to be said that even Lin Qiong didn't expect that Jian Yulei could speak so well-quietly, the series of idioms solitaire, ordinary people may not be able to say it casually...


"Did you really say it casually?"

Lin Qiong showed a suspicious expression, and he stared at Jian Yulei with a strange expression on his face: "If I'm not wrong, brother Jian just said that out of instinct, so you shouldn't be the one every day You can brag like that at home, so you can engrave it deep into your DNA, right?"

Mich: Σ( ° △ °|||)

He looked at Jian Yulei beside him in shock, and said tremblingly; "No, I didn't expect you to be such Jian Yulei..."


Jian Yulei looked at the two with question marks on his face: "No! Am I that kind of person? I'm also educated, okay? Don't think I'm a reckless man, a warrior!"

Lin Qiong and Mihe glanced at each other, then nodded perfunctorily, and said, "Okay, okay, brother Jian, whatever you say, is it alright?"

Mihe also nodded, with a warm smile on his face: "Brother Qiong is right! Brother Jian, don't worry, we won't look at you with colored eyes."

"I'm not, I'm not, don't talk nonsense..."

Jian Yulei leaned back in his chair with a look of lovelessness on his face. He could only be thankful that regardless of whether Lin Qiong was a "wo Liheng" type, even if he deceived people, exposed his faults, and recorded black history, he was still in a small circle. Inside, I won't spread the word everywhere...

'If someone like Hermes hears it, my divine life will be ruined...'

What Jian Yulei didn't see at this time was that on the seat behind him, a blond man wearing a cowboy hat was showing a weird smile.



After the food ordered by Lin Qiong was served, Lin Qiong took a pair of chopsticks from the chopstick holder, then picked up a chicken nugget, dipped it in some sauce, put it in his mouth, and started eating.

"Chew, chew—"


"The taste is not bad, but it's not as good as the ones in our store—"

Lin Qiong licked the sauce on his lips, then glanced at Jian Yulei who was still in EMO, and said, "Brother Jian, with our relationship, of course I can give you a talisman—but just like I said just now As you said, you don't even have a shadow of your family now, and it's useless to give you an amulet."

"That's what it says—"

Jian Yulei touched the tip of his nose with some embarrassment and said: "Ahem, mainly because I think that after Sakura and Ming come to Orario, if I can give them the amulet as a gift, I will definitely Very face-saving, right?"

Imagine that when you were young, the big brother next door said to you: "Xiao Ming, I will go to Xibaijing to start a business right now, and help me when you grow up!"

So you studied hard and finally got into Baijing University in Baijing. When you went to find the big brother next door, the big brother gave you a car in the school district.

Good guy, how awesome and majestic is this?


Lin Qiong suddenly showed a teasing smile, then pointed at Jian Yulei with his finger, and said, "I didn't expect that! Brother Jian, you have thick eyebrows and big eyes, and you actually want to pretend to be 13 in front of others?"


Jian Yulei coughed a few times in embarrassment, then scratched his face in embarrassment, and said coyly, "This, this, it's inevitable! Ehehe."

"Tsk tsk, okay!"

Lin Qiong was not stingy either. He took out ten amulets from his pocket and put them on the table, and said, "Handsome and Jian have five amulets each. If you don't have enough, ask me for more. Is it okay?"

"No problem no problem!"

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