"Thank you so much!"

Both Mihe and Jian Yulei expressed their gratitude, but they did not reach out to take the amulet away, but looked at Lin Qiong politely.

Lin Qiong looked at the two of them blankly, and asked, "What are you looking at me for?"

"Brother Qiong, you underestimate me too—"

Brother Jian put his hands on his chest and snorted, "It's okay to go whoring for nothing, but I can't do it like a precious magic item like an amulet—I'm not that kind of god!"

God Mihe also nodded his head: "Brother Jian is right! This magic item is too precious. We are very grateful for your willingness to provide it to us. We can't take it for nothing."


Lin Qiong swallowed the risotto in his mouth, and then said with a question mark on his face: "You guys are thinking about farts, when did I say that I would let you go whoring for nothing? Hey, are you using such words as a pretext? Cover up, try to impress me, and then tell you guys, 'You are all brothers, don't say that, just take it—', so you can go whoring for nothing, right?"

Brother Jian was anxious at the time: "Brother Qiong, how can you say that? You look down on our gods?"

Mihe nodded at the side: "Brother Jian is right."

Brother Jian continued: "The character of the handsome guy and I are obvious to all in the God Realm. It is absolutely impossible to do such a thing!"

Mihe nodded at the side: "Brother Jian is right!"

Brother Jian sighed, and said: "Take a step back and say, it's fine if you doubt Mihe, he's dishonest, but I'm a very good citizen!"

Mihe nodded at the side: "Brother Jian is right... you fart!"

Lin Qiong couldn't help covering his face——

Brother Jian, you are indeed a neon god, this wave of good people is so good, if my grandpa heard this, he would probably use a kitchen knife to ask me where I hid the devil!

And Mihe, do rabbits bite people when they are in a hurry?I thought that a man like you wouldn't be able to swear, but I didn't expect that the phrase "you fart" is actually very formal and powerful.


It's not just Lin Qiong who is enduring benefits, Le Zishen behind Jian Yulei even accidentally sprayed out the wine from his mouth, and now he is wiping the water stains on the table in embarrassment.



"Ahem, let's get down to business—"

Lin Qiong coughed dryly twice, then looked at the two male gods solemnly, and said, "Of course I believe that you will not go whoring for nothing, so I will hand over the things to you first, and then discuss the reward - this is right. Your trust."

"Brother Qiong..."

Brother Jian was so moved that he patted his chest and said, "Just say what you want, even if you want Mihe to wear women's clothing, I will do my best to help you suppress him!"

Mihe looked at Brother Jian: "Hello!"

"What do I want Mihe's women's clothing for?" Lin Qiong waved his hands with some disgust, and said, "I'm greedy for Mihe's craftsmanship now—it's also a panacea, and the medicine he made is more effective than ours. It came out much better."

Talking about his professional topic, Mihe suddenly expressed a lot of confidence: "This is the difference in skills! The same material, but different techniques, the final result is also different - for example, when dispensing potions, shaking The strength and angle of the test tube are different, which will also affect the quality of the liquid medicine, and..."

Looking at Mihe who was in a frenzy, Lin Qiong and Jian Yulei looked at each other, and they both shrugged their shoulders in unison.

"Stop it, friend, stop it—"

Jian Yulei interrupted Mihe's narration, and he said dumbfoundedly: "Mihe, we know that your medicine is very good, but we really don't understand what you said."

Mihe woke up, then scratched his head embarrassingly, and said, "Sorry, sorry! When it comes to the topic of pharmaceuticals, I can't help it..."


Lin Qiong waved his hand, and then said with a smile on his face: "However, seeing Mihe's performance just now, I suddenly know what reward I need."

Mihe cheered up: "Please say—"

Lin Qiong raised a finger with a smile, and said, "Mihe, I hope you can become the secretary's master in pharmaceuticals—"

Mihe was taken aback: "Huh?"

Lin Qiong looked at him and said: "As a reward, I will not only provide enough amulets, but also exempt the debts of the Mihe family - I can even take out a part of the shares of the chain snack bar that cooperates with Jian Yulei ,how do you feel?"


Mihe showed an emotional expression at that time - as Jian Yulei's friend, he knew very well that Jian Yulei, who was originally poor, became rich because of the dividends from the snack bar, and now he almost saved enough to buy Luxurious other homes for the money.

In contrast, Mihe's family, which is not only heavily in debt, but also has a low income, is still struggling on the line of food and clothing. If Mihe can pay off the debt with work, he may have to build a small house with Nazha under the overpass. Got caught.

Lin Qiong looked at the beating Mihe, and continued to add more chips: "And I can guarantee that the potion made by the secretary will never appear in the hands of other people in this world, let alone compete with Mihe's family for business. how?"

Hearing Lin Qiong's weight, Mihe gritted his teeth: "Deal!"

Since he doesn't have to worry about snatching business, why should he hesitate?

That's it, Ollie!

Chapter 0221

Seeing that Lin Qiong and Mihe reached a dirty PY deal in front of him, Jian Yulei was not calm at that time.

"What about me?"

Brother Jian pointed to his face, and looked at Lin Qiong impatiently: "Brother Qiong, you must not forget you, Brother Jian!"

Lin Qiong waved his hand and said, "How can I forget our brother Jian? Who are we with whom!"

Jian Yulei happily patted his belly: "I knew Brother Qiong was a good guy! We are good brothers, how could you forget me?"

"That's right! I forget that no one will forget our Brother Jian!"

Lin Qiong stretched out his hand and patted Jian Yulei, then said solemnly: "But having said that, Brother Jian, you are different from the handsome guy. It seems that you have nothing to sell."


Jian Geer felt as if someone had scratched his neck, and he fell into a daze at that time——

Brother Qiong, it seems, looks like, probably, maybe, seems...

Are you right?

Mihe smiled honestly, and then calmly made up his sword at the side: "Brother Jian seems to be able to get out only a whole body of kung fu, but it seems that you have already sold yourself to Brother Qiong for other things, huh?"


Jian Yulei let out a mournful cry, as if he had spent all the stones from his hamster and failed to ship them, so he wasted money and krypton gold, only to find out that he had drawn the wrong kind of card from the wrong card pool after finally shipping.

The word "miserable" was written all over his body.

Lin Qiong couldn't help laughing...ah no, it was a moment of silence.


Seeing brother Jian's miserable appearance, Lin Qiong coughed lightly twice, and said, "Actually, it's not impossible—"

At this time, Brother Jian looked like he was passing by a sports betting shop and found that he had a bet in his pocket, so he immediately showed his eyes grasping at straws.

He resolutely stated: "Brother Qiong, tell me! As long as brother Jian can do it, you can talk about anything - even if you ask me to hold you down..."

Mihe decisively interrupted the chanting: "Women's clothes shut up!"

Brother Jian closed his mouth aggrieved: "Oh——"

Lin Qiong twitched the corners of his mouth, then suppressed the smile, and said, "I have been learning martial arts from brother Jian all the time, but in fact there are a few people on my side—Jian Do you understand, brother?"


Jian Yulei showed a dazed expression, he patted his chest, and said carelessly: "Brother Qiong, I understand everything you said! No problem, how many people do you have, how many people do you have, and how many people do you have? Now that you're strong, I'll leave it all to you!"

Lin Qiong smiled and said, "Don't worry, Brother Jian! I won't arrange too many people here to disturb you!"

"It's all right!"

Jian Yulei waved his hand and said, "Brother Qiong, I actually understand in my heart - at your current level, even if you go out to become a master yourself, there is no problem, and you don't have to find me."

It's like you are playing minesweeper, whether you use a 3090ti, a 12900K core display, or a GT520 flash card, does it make a difference?

No, okay! ?

"Eh, no, no, no—"

Lin Qiong waved his hand and said, "I know my level in my heart, and it is far behind Brother Jian! If Brother Jian is a better choice, then I will definitely choose Brother Jian!"

"Good good-"

Jian Yulei smiled: "Anyway, don't be polite with your brother Jian! If anyone needs to be taught, just push me!"

"OK, no problem--"

Lin Qiong was also refreshed. He waved his hand and said, "Handsome guy, brother Jian, don't worry! When I get more advanced amulets or other useful things in the future, I will definitely prepare a copy for you—— How about it, is it interesting enough?"



Just as the two male gods were enjoying themselves, a frivolous voice sounded from behind Jian Yulei.

"Yeah, you guys seem to be talking about a very interesting topic—"

Hermes smiled and put his chin on Jian Yulei's shoulder, and said, "I wonder if you can take me with you?"


Jian Yulei was startled, and when he saw clearly who knew who was speaking, he suddenly said with some dissatisfaction: "Hermes, why is it you!? Wait, you were eavesdropping on us just now?"

"What is eavesdropping, don't speak so harshly—"

Hermes turned around and sat on the chair next to Jian Yulei, then propped his chin with a smile, and said: "I sat behind you and heard it openly - if you want to blame it, you can only blame it. It’s not good for you to talk about important things in public, right?”

"You guy..."

Jian Yulei gritted his teeth and looked at Hermes.

"Oh, don't look at me like that."

Hermes waved at Jian Yulei like a gossiping aunt, then looked at Lin Qiong, and said, "It's really rare, there are people who are not relatives, and the relationship between God and God is so good. -"

In Olalie, it’s not like there is no good relationship between people and gods—didn’t Loki call Riveria “Riveria’s mother”?

However, these people and gods who have a good relationship are basically the "clan" relationship of the same family!

When facing people/gods outside their clan, they will keep a certain distance.

But now...

"I'm curious!"

Hermes approached Lin Qiong with a smile on his face, as if he was eating egg tarts, his eyes were shining brightly: "This human being, what magic power do you have that can make Ah Jian and Mihe and Are you so~so intimate?"

"This one……"

Lin Qiong thought for a while, and just as he was about to speak, Mihe and Jian Yulei reminded each other——

"Brother Qiong, ignore him! This guy is a well-known god of fun!"

"That's right! He's notoriously bad in the God Realm, the worst kind!"

"Don't follow his way!"

"Be vigilant and fully alert!"

Hearing the evaluation of the two gods, Hermes couldn't help showing a distressed expression, and said, "Wow, you misunderstood me too much, right? Am I that kind of person? Obviously not—"

"Obviously—" x2

Facing the two companions who spoke in unison, Hermes could only helplessly shake his head and sigh, and said sadly: "Oh, misunderstanding, it's all misunderstanding!"

It's a pity that Jian Yulei doesn't believe in Hermes' people because of his bad deeds in the God Realm and the past of being oppressed by Hermes... Oh, it's a god!

This god has a big conscience!

"It's okay—"

Lin Qiong comforted Mihe and Jian Geer, and then said with a smile: "Actually, I have been fascinated by the god Hermes for a long time—"


Hermes laughed: "Really?"

"Is that still fake?"

Lin Qiong nodded, then leaned close to Hermes' ear, and said in a low voice: "Actually, I heard that the entire Hermes family members are lying about their ranks to deceive the public..."

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