
Hermes was so frightened that his hair exploded as if he saw the class teacher's noisy students.

He hurriedly covered Lin Qiong's mouth, and then looked around with lingering fear. After finding that no one noticed, he immediately put his arms around Lin Qiong's neck, and whispered: "Little brother, this 'rumour! !' Where and from whom did you hear that??"

"Eh? Is it a rumor?"

"That's right, it's a rumor!"

"Maybe I got it wrong—"

Lin Qiong touched the back of his head seemingly honestly, and said with a smile: "I don't remember too well, but maybe I misunderstood—"

'Misunderstanding a hammer--'

A drop of cold sweat dripped down Hermes' forehead, and he looked at Lin Qiong with troublesome eyes—this guy seems to be a very troublesome guy!

Damn it, I thought that those who mixed up with Jian Yulei and Mihe should be easy-to-handle little idiots.

Especially when he saw Lin Qiong's smile that looked like Aniya's, he felt his heart explode - he could bet with his flowing hair that this pushover was absolutely sure of what he said. ! !

Big West!

The God of Fun, Hermes, encountered the biggest crisis in history (probably)——no, he didn’t even have time to collect Lin Qiong’s handles, so why did he let the other party handle it?

This is really confusing.


Lin Qiong looked at Hermes with a pure smile and said, "Speaking of which, what does God Hermes want from me?"

Hermes showed an awkward yet polite smile, and said, "Well, if I say that I have nothing to do with you, can we pretend that we have never seen each other?"

Lin Qiong propped his chin with both hands, and said with a smile, "What do you think?"

"Ah ha ha--"

Hermes laughed dryly and said, "It seems impossible."

If it were him, if he took advantage of others, he would have to do it ruthlessly!After all, how can you not enjoy something so interesting?

But, but...

If it's you who's being pinched, then it's no fun! !


Seeing Hermes' performance at this time, Jian Yulei and Mihe couldn't help but look at each other.

Jian Yulei: "Although I don't know what Brother Qiong said to Hermes..."

Mihe: "But it seems that Brother Qiong has taken advantage of Hermes this time?"

Jian Yulei: "That Hermes?"

Mihe: "That Hermes!"

The next moment, the two looked at Lin Qiong at the same time, and said from the bottom of their hearts: "Brother Qiong, Hermes is no longer a child, so don't let him go!!"

Lin Qiong laughed directly: "Okay, I will!"

Hermes, oh Hermes, look at the shitty things you usually do, are you being thrown into trouble now?

and so……

Jie Jie!Hermes, you don't want the guild to know about the fact that your family members hide their ranks, do you?

Troublesome guy

Hermes was silent for a few seconds, then rubbed the bridge of his nose, and said, "Oh, it seems that I accidentally provoked a very troublesome guy!"

Jian Yulei bent his right hand with excitement, and said wildly: "Hmph, Hermes, our Brother Qiong is very powerful!"

Mihe nodded at the side, and said with admiration: "Brother Qiong is amazing, he is the kind who can sigh without changing his face after eating an extremely sour orange, 'This orange is so sweet, if you don't believe me, try it ’, and after we ate it until our faces were deformed by acid in our mouths, we would follow the ruthless man who spit out the oranges in his mouth!”


Lin Qiong looked at Mihe hesitantly. For a moment, he was not sure whether Mihe was praising him or slandering him--no, Mihe, you little chicken, did you show your black feet just now?

Jian Yulei said with a proud face: "How about it, are you afraid?"


Lin Qiong silently covered his face.

The expressions of the two of you really show the power of the words "fox fake tiger prestige" to the fullest!No, you two are gods, and I'm a mortal, isn't there something wrong with your superhuman prestige? ?

Could it be that I am a fake Kamui? ?

Just when Lin Qiong was speechless, Hermes twitched the corner of his mouth, and said with a hint of admiration, "He's a ruthless man!"


Lin Qiong sighed and said, "What about that, handsome guy, Brother Jian, please stop talking for now - at least don't damage my image!"

"How have I ruined your image?"

Jian Yulei said dissatisfied: "I'm helping you establish your image, okay?"

Lin Qiong said with a dark face: "Is the image you're talking about eating sour oranges and not changing your face to cheat others like killing 1000 and hurting 1500?"

Jian Yulei's eyes widened: "Isn't that amazing!? If I ate such a sour orange, I'd cover my mouth and roll on the ground!"

Mihe nodded: "Chuck."

Lin Qiong said expressionlessly: "Do you believe that next time I will throw a handful of nails on the ground when you eat sour oranges?"


Jian Yulei silently made a zipper motion on his mouth, and then showed Lin Qiong an awkward but polite smile—Brother Qiong, ah no, Brother Qiong, you say, you say!

'It's really interesting...'

Seeing the interaction between Lin Qiong, Jian Yulei and Mihe, Hermes couldn't help showing a happy expression again—he could see that the communication between Lin Qiong and the two male gods was an equal communication in the true sense .

This is so rare!

"Mr. Hermes—"

Lin Qiong looked at Le Zishen helplessly, and asked, "I don't know why you want to talk to us at the expense of exposing yourself?"

Hermes propped his chin up, then looked at the amulets on the table with a smile, and said, "I have the habit of collecting all kinds of magic props—"

This is true.

The patriarch of the Hermes family, a well-deserved general under Hermes, and the most trusted adventurer of the God of Lezi——Asfi El Andromeda is a master of props, and her In addition to some of the props made by myself, the other sources are provided by Hermes.

"In other words, is the target the amulet I provided?"

"That's right——" Hermes nodded, and said, "After all, this is an amulet that can defend against the full attack of Lv.7 adventurers—if I miss it, I will regret it and hold my chest on the ground rolling~"

"This guy is showing off his intelligence network invisible—"

Lin Qiong can be sure that when he communicated with Brother Jian and the handsome guy just now, he never mentioned what the effect of the amulet is, but it was revealed by Hermes...

"Since the god Hermes heard our conversation just now, then—"

Lin Qiong narrowed his eyes, and said with a smile: "The handsome guy is willing to accept my secretary as a disciple, and brother Jian is willing to provide martial arts guidance for a long time. The bargaining chip for the god Hermes is..."

"Oh, I don't have such special skills as them, what a headache..."

Hermes showed a somewhat helpless and distressed expression, and said, "I wonder if you are willing to accept the barter?"


Lin Qiong thought for a while and said, "It depends on what the god Hermes took out!"

"What do you think of this?"

Hermes thought for a while, took out two notebooks from his pocket, and said, "If you write in one of the notebooks, the temperature of the other notebook will rise, and the writing will appear at the same time - the writing can stay for 15 seconds."

Jian Yulei widened his eyes and said, "Telecommunication item!? Hermes, when did you find this item?"

"I've been wandering outside for so long, after all, I've gained some small gains—" Hermes pressed his hat calmly, then looked at Lin Qiong, and said, "How? If you have this prop , you can make long-distance contact with the person on the other side—”


Lin Qiong folded his hands on his chest, showing a pensive expression——

Although the members of Lin Qiong's team have all mastered communication magic, the notebook can still be used as a special case if encountering a forbidden area such as magic that is blocked, or if the magic power is exhausted after a battle.

Taking a step back, even if it is not useful, this kind of thing that can remotely display text can also be used in the daily world to fool people (big boo).

Thinking of this, Lin Qiong couldn't help but nodded slightly, and said, "This thing is a bit interesting-but, you should have more than one set in hand, right?"

It was Lin Qiong, but he was definitely not willing to take out the out-of-print props to exchange for things—to be reasonable, when he played DNF, he collected all the equipment, prison rock equipment, and even lord fans sent by the main mission. As a result, even if his warehouse is upgraded to the top level, it is not enough.

"Oh, this..."

Hermes chuckled and said, "Of course this is an out-of-print ultra-rare item!"

How could it be possible to actively expose the rarity of the item?Whether or not it's actually out of print, it's "out of print."

"Is that so-"

Lin Qiong nodded thoughtfully, and then said seriously: "Since it's an 'out-of-print ultra-rare item', then I won't win people's love! Such a precious 'out-of-print ultra-rare item' is still the God of God. Keep it for yourself, my lord! After all, it is an 'out-of-print ultra-rare item'!"

'This guy is so troublesome...'

Hermes twitched the corners of his mouth, and from the time Lin Qiong repeatedly mentioned the ultra-rare props in an emphatic tone, he knew that Lin Qiong definitely guessed that he still had a surplus in his hand. , Deliberately running on him.

"There's really no way..."

Hermes shook his head helplessly, then stretched out his hand and took out two more "Communication Notebooks" from his pocket, and said, "Oh, it's reasonable for me to have three copies of such a precious prop, right?"

three copies?

Lin Qiong couldn't help complaining: "One for daily use, one for collection, and one for missionary use?"


Hermes' eyes lit up, and he stroked his chin thoughtfully: "This statement is a bit interesting—very good, it's mine now!"

Hey, when I go back, I will collect Asfi's fat times, one for daily use, one for collection, and one...well, two are enough!

"This guy……"

Jian Yulei twitched the corner of his mouth, he and Mihe looked at each other, and at the same time there was a consensus in their hearts——

Brother Qiong and Hermes, why do they have the feeling that they have similar tastes and brain circuits?

Lin Qiong took a notebook, then threw an amulet into Hermes' hand, and said, "Are there any other good ones?"

"Yeah, my inventory is only so much, and it has been emptied by you—"

Hermes pressed the hat on his head with an innocent face, he shook the amulet in his hand with a smile, and said, "I can only afford one thing like this—"

After saying that, he stood up, waved frivolously towards Lin Qiong, and said, "Well, little brother Lin Qiong, let's see you next time~"

Lin Qiong, Jian Yulei and Mihe all looked serious as they watched the other party disappear at the entrance of the tavern.

Jian Yulei said softly: "Brother Qiong, Hermes..."

Lin Qiong nodded and said, "It seems that he didn't pay the bill, that is to say, this guy came into the store to eavesdrop on our conversation and didn't even order a single dish. He really brought evil people."

Mihe: "Is this what you're paying attention to?"

Isn't this person's brain circuit too strange?

"Feel sorry--"

Jian Yulei didn't care about Lin Qiong's strange words, but lowered his head with guilt, and said, "It's because of me that Hermes noticed you!"

Mihe followed suit and said, "It's also about me."

"It's okay—"

Lin Qiong waved his hands indifferently, and said, "As long as I continue to keep in touch with you, sooner or later I will enter Hermes' vision. I have already been mentally prepared."

Jian Yulei sighed, and said, "I just didn't expect to be discovered by him so early—ah, when I think about the days to come, I feel dizzy."

'It feels like being targeted by the paparazzi after becoming an Aishulu—'

Lin Qiong laughed secretly.

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