"Okay, okay, things have already happened, and it's useless to entangle too much."

Lin Qiong pointed to the amulet on the table, and said, "Take the things, handsome guy, I'll ask the secretary to report to you tomorrow, is that okay?"

"Very welcome-"

Mihe smiled slightly and said, "Come over anyway!"

Jian Yulei also came over and said, "As for our side, if you have a suitable candidate, you can bring them here today-hmph, I am not only good at boxing skills? If you want to learn swordsmanship , marksmanship, etc., just arrange it!"

Now Jian Yulei is full of motivation for work!

Lin Qiong smiled and said, "Then it's settled, see you tonight."

"See you tonight!"

"See you tomorrow--"

After saying goodbye to the two gods, Lin Qiong got up and left the restaurant - bought the order by the way.

Chapter 0223 I knocked, also full

After Lin Qiong returned to the Asteria family, he told the eldest lady and the secretary what happened in the restaurant today.

"Hmph, that Hermes must want to crack the secret of the amulet—"

The secretary crossed his arms and said with a sneer, "That's why only one was replaced."

Hermes' family fortune is very rich, who knows how many valuable and rare gadgets he has collected from Olalie who often runs around outside!If he really wanted to trade, he could have taken out some more precious props and exchanged them for more amulets from Lin Qiong.

But he didn't.

He just took out a notebook that seemed precious, but was more of a "rare" thing - it seemed that it was a great thing to be able to communicate remotely, but many families had their own communication methods. Not a "must have".

"If it can be cracked, just crack it."

Lin Qiong shook his head and said with a smile on his face: "I'm looking forward to what kind of expression Hermes will show after he finds out that he can't crack the secret of the amulet—"

The eldest lady showed a more evil expression and said: "I am more looking forward to what kind of expression he will show when he takes apart the amulet and finds that there is no way to break it or restore it."


Lin Qiong's eyes lit up, then he hit the eldest lady's waist with his elbow and said with a wicked smile, "Really, you little rascal~"


The eldest lady put her hands on her hips, then raised her head, and said proudly instead of ashamed: "I learned it all from you!"

"Hey! Are you cornering the corner and calling me a big bad?"

"you caught me?"

"Hmph, flower girl, you fell into my hands, Missy Missy!"

The eldest lady tugged at the corners of her eyes, and said, "Lin Qiong, what you said just now... how should I put it... Your taste is too offensive."

Lin Qiong turned pale with shock: "I see, you even know this trick? What have you done recently?"

The eldest lady turned her head and said, "I didn't do anything!"

This reaction left Lin Qiong speechless, and he complained: "My dear Erina! Let's not say that in this day and age, Tsundere has long since retired from the environment, just the relationship between the two of us now, you don't need to be arrogant at all, right? ? Say it now!"


The eldest lady buried her face in the quilt with some embarrassment, then arched her head inside, and said hummingly: "Don't tell me, don't tell me--"


Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows. He got behind the eldest lady and stretched out his hand to scratch the soles of her feet.


The eldest lady let out a cry of surprise, then quickly tucked her feet into the bed, gritted her teeth and said, "Qiong! What are you doing!"

"Hmph, this is called extorting a confession by torture!"



Lin Qiong hugged the eldest lady and the quilt that wrapped her in his arms, and then locked the "missy package" with his legs, and said with a proud face: "If you don't say anything, then you You will be severely punished!"

As if to increase the persuasiveness of his words, Lin Qiong specially emphasized the word "serious" in a solemn and passionate tone.

"Don't say it, don't say it, don't say it—"

The eldest lady will never admit defeat and will never be a slave!

"You forced me to do this!"

Lin Qiong's hands drew a mysterious trajectory in the air, and then he gave a low drink and said, "I Liu·True·Profound Meaning·Sunflower Acupuncture 64 hands!"


While Lin Qiong was dubbing his attacks, he poked his fingers irregularly on the bed covering the eldest lady, causing the eldest lady to exclaim "Yeah, yeah, yeah".

"Jie Jie Jie - say it or not - say it or not -"

"Don't talk, don't talk—" The eldest lady struggled under the blanket with a red face, and said firmly: "Just don't talk! Slightly slightly—"


After poking it, I found that I was powerless. I could only angrily lift the quilt wrapping the eldest lady, and then look at the eldest lady who was curled up inside and looking at me with a proud expression.

The eldest lady took a few breaths, then straightened up, tidied her messy hair with her hands, and said proudly: "Hey, are you done?"

"Hmph, who said that?"

Lin Qiong snorted, and he suddenly stretched out his hands to pull the eldest lady in front of him, and then kissed her on the lips as fast as lightning.

"Speak or not?"


After the second blow: “Are you going to tell me?”

"I said, I said it!"

Why did this person suddenly use such a foul method!Damn it!

"It, in fact..."

The eldest lady lay sideways in Lin Qiong's arms, covered her face with her hands in embarrassment, and said, "In order to know more about China, I have been studying Chinese by myself and read a lot of Chinese. TV series and books, as well as forums and so on..."

Lin Qiong was silent for a few seconds, and then said: "Why do Chinese people think May 5th and May 20st are important?"

The eldest lady replied without thinking: "Because in Chinese homophones, 520 and 521 both mean I love you."

"My mother asked Xiao Ming to sweep the floor, and Xiao Ming replied 'I will, I will not'; my mother asked Xiao Ming to take out the trash, and Xiao Ming replied 'I will throw it, I will not throw it away', so did Xiao Ming do it?"

"No, the preceding 'I go' and 'I throw' are quasi-modal particles and have no actual meaning."

"Please read this sentence—"

"Do line by line line by line line by line--"


Lin Qiong took a breath, then kissed the eldest lady's forehead with some emotion, and said softly, "Thank you."

She can even pronounce this sentence, which shows that the eldest lady has really worked hard to learn Chinese - there is a saying, but if many Chinese people pronounce that sentence, they may have two wrong pronunciations.

To be honest, it is really not easy for the eldest lady to do this.

"It's not very hard——"

The eldest lady leaned in Lin Qiong's arms, squinted her eyes, and snorted softly: "Well, it was really difficult at the beginning, but after learning it, I realized that there are so many stalkers in China—to be honest, in the In terms of memes, Chinese netizens are indeed better than Japanese netizens.”

"Haha, that's true—"

Lin Qiong was overjoyed. He winked at the eldest lady and said, "Besides this joke, empty ears are also very interesting."

"Ah, for example, how many floors can a bag of rice carry?"


Lin Qiong said playfully to the eldest lady: "Why don't I test your empty ears to see if you can restore the original meaning through pronunciation?"

"Hmph, my current language level is not low—" the eldest lady suddenly became arrogant, and said, "Just let the horse come here!"

"The first question..."

The secretary sitting in the corner clasped his hands on his chest and murmured silently.

Thanks, I got it.

But, I was also full.




That night, the training ground.

"Oh oh oh-"

Jian Yulei crossed his arms and looked at the six guardians lined up in front of him. He couldn't help but nodded and said, "Everyone's interest is very high!"

"of course!"

Shivana raised her hands, fisted her chest, and said enthusiastically, "Your Excellency is... the master of the young master! Doesn't it mean that being able to accept your teaching means that we are equivalent to the young master's junior sisters?" gone?"

"Hey hey-"

Luo on the side couldn't help but complain: "I'm a man! I'm at least a junior brother."

Diana threw the dagger in her hand and said with a smile: "Actually, you can dress as a woman, we don't mind."

Gwen covered her mouth and snickered: "I can make beautiful clothes for you for free - maybe you can even wear bestie clothes with Xia?"

Luo's complexion changed drastically, and he took two steps back with a look of horror, and said, "Sisters and sisters, please forgive me! Xia and I love each other very much. We have couple outfits, and we don't need girlfriend outfits!"


The guardians made disappointing sounds at the same time, and Luo couldn't help staring at the sky speechlessly.

Who are these people!

Oh, it's not human, so it's okay.


Jian Yulei on the side put his hands down with a subtle expression. He thought that these guys were so happy because they could learn skills from him, a martial god. He didn't expect that they were so happy because they could become Lin Qiong's junior and junior sisters. of?


He tilted his head and couldn't help asking: "From what you said, you seem to respect Lin Qiong?"

"Without a doubt!"

Kyle nodded, and she said in a passionate tone: "Young master is the direction we are heading forward, the beacon of our life, and our light!"


Jian Yulei couldn't help smacking his tongue inwardly—these guys, couldn't they be dead soldiers raised by Brother Qiong?This is too fanatical.

Forget it, it doesn't matter if he is a dead man or not, he just needs to do his duty well!

"You guys should take out your usual weapons first." Jian Yulei crossed his arms again and said in a deep voice, "Let me see what you are good at!"

A few seconds later, Jian Yulei touched his chin and said, "I can understand a two-handed sword, a combination of two swords and shields, a dagger, and a fist, but what's going on with your scissors?"

Jian Yulei looked at Gwen delicately, and said, "Even in the God Realm, I have never seen such a strange weapon."


Gwen put the scissors on the ground and said with a proud look on her face: "This is the weapon the young master designed for me. Isn't it very powerful?"

"Uh... very powerful... huh..."

Jian Yulei scratched his face and said, "It doesn't matter, you all join forces to attack me first, let me see your fighting skills—oh, by the way, you know the rules, right?"

"Of course I do!"

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