Shivana raised her hands, made a gesture somewhat similar to Lin Qiong, and said, "We will suppress our physical fitness just like the young master, and fight only with skills!"

"very good--"

Jian Yulei nodded lightly. He was really afraid of running into a stupid adventurer—grandmother. , then who do I go to?

The point is, if my handsome face is hurt, wouldn't that be a loss to the entire God Realm?

Thinking of this, Jianyu Lei nodded seriously.

So, Mr. Jian Yulei, the innocent male god who is so simple and honest that Hermes teases him all day long, who did you learn to become like this?

Chapter 0224 Even the goddess of justice has a heart that eats melons

Although I had a meeting with Le Zishen due to some accident, the blond Le Zishen did not come to Lin Qiong for a period of time after that—= this made Lin Qiong, who was originally very confident in amulets, also Some are uncertain.

It's broken, won't it be cracked for him?After all, he is also a god who has lived for hundreds of millions of years...

You've got to brace yourself, amulet!

Lin Qiong prayed in his heart, then forgot about the amulet, and continued to dig monsters in the dungeon with his head buried, raising the level of the monster hunter.

In this way, another month passed.



This afternoon.


Lin Qiong walked into the hall, and saw Astoria sitting on the seat, drinking flower tea elegantly: "Isn't this Astoria? Are you back?"


Astoria smiled slightly, she put down the teacup in her hand, then looked up and down at Lin Qiong and the girls behind him, and said, "I haven't seen you for a month, you seem to be stronger."

"Have it?"

Lin Qiong scratched the back of his head and said with a smile, "Maybe it's because I've worked harder recently."

In fact, it is a very simple thing that the speed of improvement is so fast - Lin Qiong and others will go deep into the area after the fortieth floor every time to kill monsters. Regardless of the density, strength or generation speed of monsters, the level is still low. The monster hunter is well fed.

"I don't know what kind of monster you will become—"

Astoria shook her head. After she drank the last tea in the cup, she looked at the eldest lady with a chuckle and said, "Guess what I'm going to do when I leave Olalie this time." gone?"


Lin Qiong pondered for a moment, and said: "Fuyuki City, the heavy spirit land in the Far East, is holding the Holy Grail War once in a thousand years, but one of the masters summoned the strongest avenger Ultraman Beria, so the Holy Grail is for To check and balance the Avenger, I summoned you as the adjudicator—”


Astraea hurriedly shouted stop, and then deeply regretted what she just said in her heart - it's not like you don't know who this guy is, how dare you ask this question?


Lin Qiong looked at Astoria with innocent and aggrieved eyes—why did you stop me?Obviously you asked the question yourself!

"Well, I'm very interested in your story..."

Astraea twitched her lips and said helplessly: "But I'd better wait until I have the chance to listen to you."

"Just a mouthful."

Lin Qiong nodded, and the eldest lady on the side asked smoothly: "So, Astralia, what on earth did you do?"

"I went to find a friend outside Olalie." When Astoria said this, she pointed to the sky, and Lin Qiong and others immediately understood that the friend she was talking about should be a certain god.

"and then?"

"And then invited her over."

Astoria showed a proud smile at the eldest lady, and said, "Her name is Artemis, and she is called the goddess of the moon and the goddess of hunting in the God Realm."

"I go--"

Lin Qiong was shocked at that time.

Artemis, isn't that the heroine of the theatrical version of Orion's Arrow?At the same time, it was also the first goddess to be devoured by a monster—but it was outrageous that the monster who devoured the goddess and gained the power to destroy the world was given by Bell, who was only Lv.2.

I can only say that the protagonist's aura is terrifying.

Oh, I’m also the protagonist, so that’s okay.

"No, wait a minute—"

Lin Qiong came to his senses, then looked at Astoria with a surprised face, and said, "Why are you going to see Artemis when you have nothing to do? You even invited her over..."

"Of course it's for you—"

Astoria crossed her arms and snorted, "Not only did you save me, but you also helped Alyse and the others twice. If I don't do anything, I'm really sorry—"


Lin Qiong tilted his head in distress and said: "But is there any direct connection between Artemis and your intention to repay us? Hiss, you are not planning to be a matchmaker, are you? That is not possible, I am right Rina is wholehearted!”

"Bah, bah, you're thinking of peaches!"

Astoria looked at Lin Qiong with contempt on her face. How much thought did this person have to think that he was going to match him and Artemis? ?

Lin Qiong smiled and said, "I am a lifetime member of!"

"Wake up! Artemis is one of the three famous virgin goddesses in the heavens, how could I try to match her with you?" Astoria said angrily, "If I really plan to do this, I'm afraid Before I could finish speaking, she kicked me out."

"Asteria, you may not know that two of the three goddesses in the heaven fell on the same man—" Lin Qiong tugged at the corner of his mouth, "If the last of the three goddesses is Athens If Na is also in the lower realms, I'm afraid that Bell can get together a platinum achievement [Virgin Killer]—"


The eldest lady blinked her glasses, and asked curiously: "Asteria, why did you decide to look for Artemis?"

"Hmph, of course it's because of you—"

Astoria stood up, with her left hand on her hips, raised her chin, and said, "Artemis is known as the goddess of hunting, and she has been living outside Olalie—this means she knows a lot of wild animals. Delicious ingredients, you know what I mean?"


Sure enough, the eldest lady's eyes lit up in a flash, and she excitedly jumped in front of Astralia and said, "When are we going to find her?"

"Now you can--"

Astraea looked at the excited look on the eldest lady's face, and the corners of her mouth could not help but curl up slightly - it could be seen from the eldest lady's reaction that the eldest lady was very satisfied with her "gratitude" action.

Then, she succeeded!



When Astelia found Artemis with Lin Qiong and the eldest lady, she was practicing archery skills in the training ground of Astelia's family.

When Lin Qiong and the others approached, they could see Artemis standing a hundred meters away and easily hit the target.

"It's an exaggeration..."

Lin Qiong clicked his tongue.

If it was just an ordinary target, Lin Qiong might not have made such an exclamation, but the "target" of Artemis is a ring the size of a one-dollar coin at the end of a rope hanging from a tree trunk—she If the shot arrow is even slightly crooked, the arrow will cut through the rope loop.

ah?What if you ask crookedly?

Uh, have you ever shot a basket?Three do not stick to know how to cut?


Artemis let out a breath, then turned around, looked at Astoria, and said coldly, "Are you here?"


Astoria smiled, pointed to the eldest lady behind her, and said, "She is Nakiri Erina, the child I told you about earlier."


Artemis nodded, she put the bow on the shelf next to her, then walked up to the eldest lady, and said softly, "What type of ingredients do you need?"

"This is too simple and rude, and it is completely different from the character of Artemis in the drama version——"

Lin Qiong muttered in his heart: "However, considering that when Artemis appeared in the theater version, he was already in the state of a missing body, so he has a different personality from the main body, so it can be understood... right?" '

Forget it, why is he bothering about this?

Lin Qiong glanced at Artemis who was sharing the "delicious prey knowledge" with the eldest lady, and couldn't help touching her chin and walked to the place where she placed the longbow, looking at the bow with a trace of curiosity.

Astoria came over: "What are you looking at?"

Lin Qiong glanced at her and said, "I was wondering if this long bow could be an artifact or something like that - such as Artemis' hunting long bow, or the Moon God's Mercy, haha .”

Astoria showed a subtle expression, and she said dumbfoundedly: "Could it be that in your world, such a naming method is very popular?"

"Well, at least in online games, this naming method is still very common."

Lin Qiong thought for a while and said, "However, in fairy tales, such naming methods are rarely seen."

"Oh? Are there any fairy tales in your world?"

"It's not just my world, there are almost all kinds of myths in every world, but some of the content is somewhat different." Lin Qiong said with his hands on his hips, "For example, the myths in most worlds Here, Hephaestus is a male god with an ugly face and a crippled leg..."


Astoria's eyes widened immediately, and she repeated in disbelief: "Hephaestus is a male god? And he's limping a leg?"



Lin Qiong looked at the shining light in Altria's eyes, and couldn't help thinking in his heart: "As expected of the gods of the world, even a goddess of justice like Astria is also a god of fun—"

Complaining like this from the bottom of his heart, Lin Qiong continued to narrate.

"Hephaestus's wife is Aphrodite..."


"It's just that Aphrodite didn't love the ugly Hephaestus at all. Instead, she admired Ares and had several children with him..."


On the left side of the training ground, Artemis and Missy are sharing the knowledge of delicious prey;

On the right side of the training ground, Astraea was listening to Lin Qiong's story about the chaos of the noble circle in Greek mythology, looking like a gobbler, and then shouted, "Wochao, it's too much!"

Of course, to Astoria, these stories are just fun to listen to.

She can clearly distinguish between reality and stories—after all, in this world, Hephaestus is not only a goddess, but also a precious virgin goddess because of the ugly scar under the eyepatch.

Lin Qiong: "Wait a minute, if you say that, Rocky shouldn't be a virgin?"Hey, who is so brave to have sex with Loki?Faced with such a flat figure, don't you have the illusion that the other party is a man? '


You like this one?

Chapter 0225 repelled the gods as a mortal

Although the six guardians are learning martial arts from Jian Yulei;

Although Artemis was invited by Astoria to Orari;

However, for the members of the Astria family and the members of the Lin Qiong team, the daily life does not seem to have changed much.

During the day, he still spent time in the dungeon, using the level difference to quickly spawn monsters to increase the level of the monster hunter. At night, he studied martial arts with Jian Yulei and Astralia...

Oh, if there is any difference, it is probably that after Artemis tasted the culinary skills of the eldest lady and received the amulet presented by Lin Qiong, in order to give back to Lin Qiong and the eldest lady, Artemis took on the responsibility of Xia and the young lady. Master of a mage.



In the words of Artemis——

"Although the output methods of archers and mages are different, they are essentially long-range output players. In some respects, they can be compared by analogy—"

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