Look, look!

What is the Goddess of Hunting?Are you really a confident yuppie?

Ever since, the entire Lin Qiong team has found a suitable teacher who can teach him.

The era of national military training has begun (fog).

What a congratulation, what a congratulation—



The peaceful leveling routine was broken by a letter from Hephaestus.

There is only one line of scribbled and urgent words on it.

"Come quickly!"

After reading this letter, the four members of Lin Qiong's team came to the door of Hephaestus' forging workshop.

"Crooked, in mua?"

Lin Qiong knocked on the door lightly, and then pretended to be reserved and said, "We're looking for the god Hephaestus, who has a sledgehammer of eighty and a small hammer of forty—"

"Get in—"

Lin Qiong hadn't finished his slapstick words when Hephaestus' slightly irritable voice came from inside the door—how should I put it?It's probably the same as the woman whose aunt just found out that her idol was confused in the past few days.


Lin Qiong opened the door frantically, and was startled by the tragic scene in the room——

The originally bright "President's Office" is now extremely dark because the curtains are drawn tightly, and it is all illuminated by the chandelier on the ceiling and the fire in the workshop on the side of the office;

Not only that, the originally clean and tidy room was now full of crumpled waste paper, used bowls and chopsticks - even some bowls and plates had a light layer of dust on them, and in the corner of the room On the other hand, there is a bed that is messily crumpled up;

The rusty, cold and aggressive big sister Hephaestus's short red hair, which was originally shiny and smooth, is now on the top of her head like a bird's nest, dull and greasy, and she herself has her eyes closed, her face is pale, Sitting tiredly on the office chair, the thick dark circles under the eyes made one wonder if someone punched her in the eye sockets.

"I'm super!"

Lin Qiong collapsed directly, and he, the eldest lady, the secretary, and Yoyo hurried to Hephaestus's side, and then looked at her nervously.

"Fortunately, still breathing, no sudden death—"

Lin Qiong breathed a sigh of relief, he hastily stretched out his right hand towards the secretary, and said, "Two copies of panacea."


The secretary quickly took out two tubes of expensive (not) panacea (produced by the secretary) from the backpack, and handed them to Lin Qiong.

Lin Qiong was also unambiguous. He first disassembled one tube and poured it on Hephaestus' face in one breath. Then he unscrewed another bottle and stuffed it roughly into Hephaestus' mouth. .


Hephaestus suddenly opened her eyes wide, and then struggled subconsciously, but in front of Lin Qiong's absolute strength, she could only hold the stick in front of her in humiliation, and then rolled her throat up and down, draining the stick Swallow all the liquid that comes out.


Lin Qiong looked at Hephaestus who had regained his vitality and was holding his throat and coughing desperately. He couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, then pulled out the test tube from her mouth with a bang, and said angrily: " I said, Hephaestus, did you call us here on purpose so that we could see you sitting on the spot and leaving the relic, and then be regarded as the first criminal who murdered the gods?"

"Cough cough cough-"

After Hephaestus laughed out the foreign body sensation in his throat through coughing, he angrily wiped the panacea overflowing from the corner of his mouth, and said, "I'm just too tired and fell asleep by accident—— Besides, I am not from the lineage of the Buddha, even if I die, I will not sit down, let alone leave a relic!"

"Is this what you're complaining about?"

Lin Qiong looked at Hephaestus who recovered his face, turned his head and said to the secretary: "Secretary, please make a medicinal meal for the god Hephaestus - although she is a god, but now The physique is just an ordinary person, so it should be a little milder, but the effect must be good medicinal food."

"Wrap it on me!"

The secretary patted his chest confidently, and said, "During such a long journey, it's not just the young lady who has improved in her craft!"

Today's secretary's backpack is filled with various materials from various worlds, supplemented by her cooking skills, the dishes she makes can't be said to be panacea in the daily world, but at least they are a cure for all diseases .

"I say……"

Hephaestus rubbed his eyes, and said: "Two tubes of panacea are enough-really, you are too extravagant, right? Panacea is used by you as an ordinary healing potion, if If other adventurers find out, they will definitely cry."

"Didn't you just look at your exhausted look and think you were about to die?"

Lin Qiong said angrily: "In an emergency, who cares about analyzing the price/performance ratio, it must be the best thing to give first aid—"

"You guy..."

Hephaestus couldn't help showing a slight smile, she was indeed moved by Lin Qiong's words just now.

This kid has a conscience!It is not in vain that I have worked so hard to forge equipment for you all this time.

"Remember to reimburse the potion, it's a panacea, it's still two tubes!"

"You bastard!"

The smile on Hephaestus' face froze, she couldn't help pulling the corners of her eyes, and then clenched her fists.

I'm really fucking Lancelot in a dangerous beast suit with a piledriver!Give back my emotion!

"Hahaha, just kidding, kidding—"

Lin Qiong waved his hand. Now their team has more than 100 elixir reserves. Although it is not enough to take a bath with elixir, it is more than enough to use two tubes to save people: "By Speaking of this, you called us here in a hurry today, what is the matter? It’s not really that you are dying, call us here to leave your last words, right? "

"Can't you say something good?" Hephaestus was left speechless by Lin Qiong's reaction. She held her forehead and said, "How much do you want me to return to the heaven?"

"No, I don't even want to—"

Lin Qiong waved his hands seriously, and said, "Let's not say that our equipment may have to be updated in the future, but only the equipment of new members in the future. Without you, the craftsman, what should we do?"


Hephaestus took a deep breath, covered his face, and let out a mournful cry like a zombie: "Are you going to treat me like an animal?"

"How is it possible? You are a craftsman—"

Lin Qiong shook his head, and added from the bottom of his heart: "It's much better than animals. Animals don't know how to hit hammers." '

"Forget it--"

Hephaestus waved his hand helplessly. In fact, she has no objection to Lin Qiong's request. After all, her priesthood is forging. If you keep her from touching the hammer for a long time, it will make her feel uncomfortable. : "I called you over this time because all the equipment for the four of you has been prepared."


A huge exclamation mark suddenly appeared on Lin Qiong's head. He and the eldest lady rushed to the front of Hephaestus, and then said with surprise: "Really?"

"This rhetorical question is very stupid."

Hephaestus calmly complained: "Is it possible for me to lie to you on this topic?"

"Isn't this very fun—"

Lin Qiong performed a fly rubbing his hands on the spot, and then said with a smile: "Oh, God Hephaestus, quickly take out the equipment and let us have a look."


Hephaestus sneered, then raised his head and said, "You want me to take it out? Why don't you say something nice?"

Then she regretted it.

"Sounds good? Then I'm good at—"

"God Hephaestus——"

"Goddess Hephaestus—"

"Hefflez Sauce—"

"Huffy Carbon—"

"Huffy Sauce Carbon—"

"Stop! Stop!!"

Hephaestus shouted to stop with a livid face, "Okay, you wait, I'll go get the equipment right away!"

You can shut up!

So goofy!


Lin Qiong turned her head cheerfully, winked at Missy and Yoyo, then raised her head triumphantly, and said, "I'm amazing, right?"

The eldest lady twitched the corners of her mouth and said, "I don't know what you are proud of!"

People say goose heart!

"In a sense, my behavior just now can be regarded as..."

Lin Qiong pondered for a few seconds, and then said in a passionate tone: "As a mortal, I repelled the gods!"

The stunned eldest lady: "..."

The silent Yoyo: "..."

Hephaestus, who came out with a big box in his arms: "..."

She turned her head abruptly and said cursingly: "Don't do it, don't do it, this will burn the equipment!"

This day is over!

"Hey hey, don't!"

Lin Qiong quickly grabbed Hephaestus' wrist, and said with a sneer, "Oh, child... ah bah, things are innocent! If we have any conflicts, come to me, don't lose your temper with the equipment! "

"Why do I feel like you sound so weird?"

Hephaestus angrily pulled his wrist out of Lin Qiong's hand, then walked back to the office with the box in his arms, and said, "Don't worry! These equipments are made by me with painstaking efforts—even if I , in the case of sealing the divine power, it is not easy to deal with any materials!"

"Thanks for your hard work!"

Lin Qiong took out a few amulets from his pocket, handed them to Hephaestus, and said softly: "Be careful, take it."

Chapter 0226 What Do You Say?

"what is this?"

Hephaestus picked up the amulet on the table with a puzzled expression—it was a very ordinary shape, which looked like an inconspicuous wooden product on the side of the road.


Lin Qiong smiled and said, "Ten hours to recover one charge, and you can store up to two charges! Each charge can release a shield that can withstand the full attack of Lv.7 adventurers for 20 seconds."


When Hephaestus heard this sentence, his originally casual expression suddenly became serious.

She put the amulet back on the table with both hands, then lit the lamp on the table, then solemnly picked up the amulet on the table, moved closer to the light, and observed it carefully.

"Don't be so careful—"

Lin Qiong said dumbfoundedly: "Actually, the value of this thing is not high, it's just an intermediate magic item."

Indeed, a Lv.7 adventurer in the Bone King World is at most equivalent to a fully armed player of level [-] to level [-]-don't underestimate the unreasonable equipment in online games. !

In other words, this amulet can only defend against the attacks of players below level 50 for 20 seconds, and indeed it can only be called an "intermediate magic item".

"Value is not determined by one person's judgment——"

Hephaestus glanced at Lin Qiong, then re-examined the amulet in his hand, and said casually: "In my opinion, if I can figure out how to make this piece of equipment, my skills may go further—— "

Lin Qiong touched his chin and said, "Can it really be cracked? To tell you the truth, Hermes also traded an amulet from me. I reckon he is going to crack it too."


Hephaestus sneered with a "heh" and said, "It's okay to be a little clever, but he's still far from something that requires professional knowledge."

"Good guy—"

When Lin Qiong heard Hephaestos's "Madamada—" he almost blurted out Echizentos—are you also the prince of tennis?


Seeing that Hephaestus was focused on the amulet, Lin Qiong couldn't help but knocked on the table with black lines on his head and said: "Sister, eldest sister! Can you first introduce to us what you have created?" Equipment, and then slowly study this thing?"

"Oh yes--"

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