Hephaestus reacted. She put all the amulets in her hands into the drawer, then raised her eyebrows at Lin Qiong and said, "I am very satisfied with the thank you gift you gave me. Let's continue next time."


Lin Qiong patted his chest boldly, and said, "Don't worry, if I have a mouthful of food, I must have a plate brush for you!"


Just as Hephaestus was about to nod, she subtly noticed something was wrong—she squinted her eyes at Lin Qiong, and said, "I'll give you a chance to organize your words!"


Lin Qiong coughed dryly, and said, "What I mean is, if I treat you to dinner, you have to wash the dishes for me, right? With your spirit of Hephaestus, you definitely don't want to eat and drink for nothing, right? "

Hephaestus sneered and said, "No, I am very willing."


Lin Qiong's complexion changed, and he said, "Damn it! Which bastard did that honest, sassy and proud sister Hephaestus learn from!"

The eldest lady: "?"


Hephaestus: "?"

The secretary who came in with a bowl: "?"

The four of them said in their hearts: 'What do you think? '




Hephaestus was holding a bowl of seafood porridge and was drinking happily. In front of her, Lin Qiong, the eldest lady, the secretary, and Yoyo had all put on the equipment she made for them.

"First of all, Lin Qiong's equipment is based on dragon skin, reinforced with keel at the vital points, and according to your fighting style, secondary reinforcements have been carried out on the elbows, knees, legs and other areas, so that any A replacement can be turned into a weapon."

"Secondly, Erina's equipment. Compared with Lin Qiong's equipment, the key points are the dragon scales rather than the keel, and there is no secondary armament for joint replacement. Although the defense power is slightly reduced, it is much lighter. Easier to move around."

"Then Fei Shazi's equipment. Considering it is a priest, the defense was reinforced to the greatest extent. Not only is the whole body covered with dragon scales, but also the keel defense is added in key places. As a result, this set of equipment is the heaviest."

"The last is Yoyo's equipment. It only uses dragon skin, but uses dragon crystals as charging gems on its body, and is also equipped with a dragon tooth dagger for emergency treatment."


How can it be?

Lin Qiong swiftly raised his thumbs up to Heffeltoss, and said, "Sure! It fits perfectly and meets the requirements. I can only say [-] points. I'm not afraid of your pride!"

The eldest lady showed a satisfied expression: "And the shape also refers to my opinion, even if you wear it directly, you won't feel strange."

The secretary said with a bitter face, "Only mine is not suitable for spreading."

Lin Qiong complained, "And mine."

Youyou couldn't help laughing and said, "Sister Qiongnisang and Feishazi have very good equipment, adventurer style—"

Missy’s equipment and Yoyo’s equipment can be worn out even in the everyday world—at most, people will stare at them with strange expressions in summer.

But the equipment of Lin Qiong and the secretary is just like what Youyou said, very "adventurer style". Is playing CosPIay.

"It's impossible—"

Hephaestus said helplessly: "I have tried my best to make it according to your requirements, but you can't just want beauty without performance, right?"

Lin Qiong comforted: "It's okay, it's okay, we don't mean to be dissatisfied——"

The eldest lady also quickly explained: "We are very satisfied! Hephaestus, that's great!"

The secretary nodded hurriedly: "Yes, yes, this set of equipment is very safe!"

Hephaestus quickly waved his hand and said, "Okay, okay, I don't know how many times I've heard similar flattery! You guys hurry up, I'm going to sleep well for three days and three nights later!"

"Decree——" x4



Dungeon, layer.

"Tsk tsk, this is the first time we have come to the [-]th floor, right?"

Sitting on the edge of the cliff, the eldest lady swayed her legs and said with a smile: "By the way, it will be the Dragon Pot soon, right?"

"To be precise, from the second floor to the 58th floor, all are within the range of the Dragon Pot—"

Lin Qiong sat cross-legged next to the eldest lady, and said softly; "The 'Paolong' who is located on the eighth floor and can snipe at all the enemies on the upper floor regardless of class is really a troublesome guy."

In the original book, because of the topography of the Dragon's Pot, the Loki Familia failed several times on the road to explore a deeper level, which led to an unoptimistic financial situation within the Familia.

"We're probably fine, though."

The eldest lady showed a playful smile and said: "After all, all of us are fully armed——"

For his own people, Lin Qiong did not pick out some medium-quality amulets, but directly armed himself——

The configuration that increases the resistance of all attributes, the pendant that permanently fixes the flying magic, the bracelet of the advanced shield that can be passively triggered or actively used, etc.

It can be said that the members of Lin Qiong's team at this time are all dungeons with top-level weapons-even if they stand still and let the guns bombard them, it may not even count as scraping-even the damage caused by the scrub master in the northeast All taller than them!

At least the scrub master can make Lin Qiong yell, "Hold the grass and kill people!!"

"Okay, let's go back to camp."

Lin Qiong stood up on his knees, and then stretched out his right hand towards the eldest lady: "The secretary should have given them a popular science about the next terrain - although it is said that they are not afraid of the attack of the Paolong, but walking It’s still scary when someone suddenly disappears.”

The eldest lady said with a stern look: "Don't act like you're telling a horror story, okay? You were obviously attacked by a cannon dragon and fell into the 58th floor!"

Lin Qiong was taken aback for a moment, then looked left and right, and said, "Misstep? Where is the misstep?"


The eldest lady began to roll up her sleeves.

Misstep, right?I made you stumble!

"Don't, don't, just kidding—"

Lin Qiong grinned and rubbed the eldest lady's waist, and said, "Let's go, let's take a rest after dinner, and I'm going to go to the 51st floor."

"Be careful not to eat too much, or it will be bad for your stomach."

"Actually, I have always had a bad stomach."


"So the doctor advised me not to eat too hard food."

"So you decided to eat soft rice?"


"No problem, the Nakiri family can afford you."

"Wow, as expected of Erina, so handsome—"



When they returned to the camp, the fourteen guardians, non-staff disciple Antilin, and the secretary were all sitting neatly on their seats, waiting for the arrival of Lin Qiong and the eldest lady.

"The next class situation, the secretary has told everyone, right?"

Lin Qiong asked with his hands on his hips.

"Yes--" Nicole raised her right hand: "It's the Dragon Pot, right?"

Lin Qiong nodded: "In addition, since there should be no traces of fallen fairy spirits at this time, the 59th floor we are facing should be the normal 59th floor—well, according to the information revealed in the original book, nine There should be a section of glacial stratum at the beginning of the stratum."


After hearing the word "glacier", Nicole immediately showed a disgusted expression. She wrapped the clothes around her body and complained: "Master, Nicole doesn't like low temperatures!"

"Do not worry--"

The secretary patted his backpack and said with a smile: "We prepared the ice elf armor in advance to keep out the cold, and also prepared the warm fire elf leather armor inside."


Nicole immediately showed a satisfied expression, she nodded happily, and said, "Then Nicole is fine!"

"What about the rest?"

"no problem!"

"Me too--"

The guardians were able to fight with Lin Qiong, it was too late to be happy, why would there be complaints and problems?

No, it must not!

Even if we have to wade through the cesspit barefoot later, we are willing to ah ah ah——

CNM, fire up!

Chapter 0227 Secretary, you don't think this is very girly, do you?

Dungeon, second floor, entrance.

"Hmm, what—"

Standing at the entrance, Lin Qiong coughed dryly twice, and said, "With our current strength, we won't be afraid of the flames of the Paolong, so shall we proceed with the normal strategy, or 'skip class'?"

Skipping class is a part of the game speed pass, don't play if you are unhappy.

Secretary: "Skipping class?"

Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows and said: "Skipping refers to skipping certain bosses in soul-based games such as Sekiro and Dark Souls that will not affect the level even if they are not killed, in order to shorten the time. The time and difficulty of completing the level.”

The eldest lady nodded thoughtfully, and said, "Let's think about it, so what you mean by skipping class, isn't it that you are going to jump directly from the hole blasted by the cannon dragon to the 58th floor like in the original book?" Bar?"


Lin Qiong let out an exclamation with a rising tone, and he gave a thumbs up to the eldest lady happily, and said, "Those who know me, Erina! How about it, isn't this a great proposal?"


The eldest lady showed a hesitant expression, and said, "Fei Shazi, what do you think?"

The secretary thought for a while, and said: "Actually, with our strength, even if we take the normal route, it will only take an hour or two? Is it necessary to save this hour or two? And there are a lot of monsters on the 52nd to 57th floors It can be cleaned up—this is a bunch of tempting experience points, huh?"


Lin Qiong and the eldest lady looked at each other, and then said with green eyes: "Skipping class? What class are you skipping!? A real man is going to attack the Dragon Pot head-on! Everyone obeys the order—charge!!"


"Let me let a monster hold back!"


"Burn! Kill! Steal!"


After "boosting morale", Lin Qiong turned around first, and rushed towards the second floor, and behind him was the eldest lady who was the second vanguard, like the three protoss sisters, Ari And mages like Yoyo and shooters like Xia are protected in the middle of the team.



After entering the second floor, a faint tingling sensation came from the bottom of the dungeon, which seemed to remind Lin Qiong and others all the time——

"I've got my eye on you—"


"Tsk, how did Paolong perceive the enemies on the 52nd floor and strike them precisely?"

Lin Qiong casually stretched out his right hand, grabbed a spit-up spider thread in his hand, and then pulled hard, pulling the spider on the ceiling - the next moment, a fireball shot out from the top of Yoyo's staff, Burn spiders to spider charcoal.

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