"Maybe it's perception? Or is it linked with the dungeon?"

The eldest lady threw out a burst of sword energy and cut a big spider that fell from the sky in half, but unexpectedly, the spider monster that was split in half did not die, but split into five. Just a smaller spider.


The eldest lady immediately let out a voice of disgust. Sure enough, no matter how strong a person is, they will subconsciously blow their hair when they see something like a spider.

"Bound of Light—"

At this moment, a beam of light emerged from the team, imprisoning all five little spiders in midair.


Lux then clenched her fists tightly, and the ball-shaped light of restraint began to shrink gradually.

"Da da da--"

Although the little spiders tried to use their sharp legs to attack the shackles of light to break free, their attacks were ineffective in front of the barrier of light, and they were annihilated in the air together with the ball of light in just half a second.

"Looks like it can only split once."

Lin Qiong withdrew his gaze, and then said to the eldest lady: "Of course, it is also possible that the death was too complete, making it impossible to continue the split."

The eldest lady twitched the corners of her mouth in disgust, and then said to the back: "Ari, Syndra, Lacus, Zoe, Yoyo, these spider monsters will be handed over to you! No one will be left!"

"Yes!!" x4


It can also be seen from the tone of voice, who are the people who answered.



Since the monsters from the second floor to the 58th floor were all spider-type monsters, the eldest lady never made a move afterwards—Lin Qiong even suspected that she was about to suffer from spider ptsd.

Finally, amid the eldest lady's eager anticipation, the team confirmed that they had reached the eighth floor - the bottom of the Dragon Pot.

"There are two main types of monsters on the 18th floor, namely the Cannon Dragon that is specialized in ultra-long-range sniping, and the Flying Dragon that protects the Cannon Dragon..."

The secretary blinked his eyes and said, "In other words, the eldest lady and the young master can finally take action."

"Compared to the two of us, secretary, aren't you going to do it?"

Lin Qiong moved his shoulders, obviously ready to make a big fuss, "Although you are a priest by profession, isn't it suitable for you to be a berserk healer?"

"Well, what the young master said makes sense—"

The secretary thought for a while, and then under Lin Qiong's gaze, he took out a one-handed hammer that looked like Thor's Hammer (enlarged version) in Marvel, and then showed an embarrassed smile and said, "Then I Let's do it together too."

Lin Qiong saw that the handle of the hammer in the secretary's hand was [-] centimeters long, and the hammer head was a giant one-handed hammer with a length of one meter. After all, the violent healer also uses a rapier. Why did it turn into a hammer when it came to you?

"I said, secretary—"

Lin Qiong swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and then whispered: "What! Weapons like hammers can be used occasionally! Your main weapon is still a wand, you know? A wand can increase the intensity of auxiliary magic, and a one-handed hammer can It’s not allowed!”

The secretary looked at Lin Qiong in confusion, and said, "Of course I know! The hammer is only for self-defense——Master, is there any problem?"

"Ahem, no problem, let's go—"

Lin Qiong looked away guiltily, mainly because he was a little worried that the secretary would take out a hammer in the future, and said to him: "Master, stick your head here, I will give you a buff!"

Damn, Lin Qiong couldn't help shivering at the thought of the heavy hammer coming towards his head, okay?

"Jiban·Comprehensive improvement——"

"Vibrant·Strength Boost——"

"Vibrant Stamina Improvement——"

"Jiban·Agility improvement——"

"Jiban·Magic Power Increase——"


A dozen BUFF skills were released from the secretary's hand. Then with Lin Qiong's blank expression, the secretary put the wand back into the package, and then raised the one-handed hammer in his hand.

"Holy Hammer!"

The surface of the hammer is shrouded in a layer of golden light, which can greatly increase the secretary's attack damage.

"Chain Lightning!"

When dealing damage, a lightning attack with dual attributes of light and thunder will be added to the enemy.

"Revenge of Light!"

Surround yourself with lightning, and counterattack when you are attacked.

Lin Qiong looked at the secretary who was covered in golden light and surrounded by various buffs, and couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth again.

Therefore, it is okay to bully healing professions in the game, but do not try to bully healing professions with output capabilities! !Because you will never know whether the other party will rush towards you with golden light after giving themselves a BUFF.

"Master, you look at me very strangely."

"Well, how should I put it? I just didn't expect the secretary to use such a brutal weapon—"

Lin Qiong told the truth, after all, this 1*0.5*0.5 cubic meter hammer head is still very intimidating.

"It's disgusting, it's not there!"

The secretary raised his right hand with a blushing face, then showed Lin Qiong the top of the hammer handle, and said, "Look, young master, look here—"

Lin Qiong looked over and was shocked.


The secretary actually tied a bow on the hammer handle with a pink tie! ?

Lin Qiong's whole body was messy in the wind. He looked at the pink bow and said, "Secretary, don't you think this is very girlish?"

"No... no?"

The secretary showed a tangled expression, she looked down at the hammer in her hand, and muttered: "Do you want to dye it pink? But after blessing the sacred hammer, its original color will be covered up... ..."

Lin Qiong couldn't stand it any longer. He especially wanted to ask the secretary what kind of mentality she was in to think that dyeing this 0.25 cubic meter rectangular hammer pink would make it look particularly girlish! ?

Could it be that the chainsaw is painted pink, and if you use it to saw people, it will look particularly girly?

Lin Qiong made up his mind: a magical girl wearing a pink Lolita costume with fluffy ribbons and gorgeous lace, and holding a pink chainsaw, "hahahaha" sawing the enemy...

Fuck, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a girl or not, but I feel like this setting is quite emotional!

The eldest lady on the side couldn't stand it anymore. She pointed at Leona and Luo who were using their shields to resist the flames of the cannon dragon. She said to Lin Qiong and the secretary: "I said, you two are almost done! I didn't see it. Are Leona and Luo struggling to block the attack?"

"It's not hard, it's not hard!"

Luo quickly turned his head, showed a warm smile towards the eldest lady, and said: "It is my honor to create a chat space for the young master and the secretary!"

Leona also turned around with a smile on her face and said with full force: "As long as the young master wants to stand here and chat, even if it takes ten or 20 days, I will defend him without leakage!"


Hearing what these two people said, Lin Qiong couldn't help but feel a little guilty. He quickly turned his head to look at the secretary and said, "Let's do it quickly!"

"I feel so too--"

"Then, here we go!"

The next moment, Lin Qiong, the eldest lady, and the secretary jumped out from behind Leona and Luo's defensive line like three fired shells, and rushed towards the Paolong in front.

Die!Cannon Dragon!

Chapter 0228 promising ah secretary son!


Lin Qiong's right fist hit the head of a Cannon Dragon from top to bottom. With a shock wave visible to the naked eye, the entire body of the Cannon Dragon expanded rapidly, and then turned into black ash with a "bang" and disappeared from everyone's sight. , leaving only a huge pattern "dong" falling to the ground.


The eldest lady appeared under a flying dragon in a dodge, holding the handle of the knife tightly with her right hand, and slashed with the sword swiftly, offering a sword aura to the ignorant flying dragon, dividing it neatly into left and right. The two halves also turned into fly ash and disappeared without a trace, leaving only one magic stone.


The secretary, on the other hand, seemed to have just landed on the ground, and landed on the head of Paolong with a "bang". Then, before she could raise her hammer to attack, Paolong's head was directly hit by the impact of her landing. Turned into a pulp, he disappeared into the underground city without even having time to utter a scream.

"I know-"

Lin Qiong couldn't help shrinking his neck, and said: "The secretary is a little exaggerated now, right? This ordinary person really can't stand it—"

Leaving aside the attack power, defense power and so on, her whole body plate armor is covered with dragon scales and keel bones, and mixed with high-grade metals, and the handle in her hand is heavy at first glance. Can the size really be called a one-handed hammer?Could it be that the secretary held it with one hand, that's why it's called a one-handed hammer. The impact of the bull's impact alone is enough to send people to another world, right?

Hey, so the secretary can also work part-time as a dump truck, right?Make those troublesome people who are hiding on the 26th floor and don't want to cross over to become beautiful girls in another world.


The secretary looked at the magic stone in front of him with a little dissatisfaction, and muttered: "I haven't attacked yet, why did you fall down?"

What do you say?I was hit in the head by that thing just now (referring to the speeding secretary) falling from the sky, not to mention the cannon dragon on the 58th floor, I am afraid that even the one-eyed black dragon on land can't handle it-at least the whole brain concussion ?

"Dah, I need to cheer up!"

The secretary clenched his hammer tightly, and then set his sights on another Paolong—a dramatic sentence discovered that the originally ignorant Paolong actually showed a humane face after being targeted by the secretary. Terrified, he even took half a step back.

"I have a..."

Lin Qiong was not calm anymore, he couldn't help but said: "No, the secretary shouldn't scare out a heretic, right?"

"It's not that it's not—"

The eldest lady shook her head and said, "It should be just a biological instinct—you see, the tauren in the original book was frightened by Ota?"

Lin Qiong said quietly: "So that tauren was reincarnated as a heretic."


The eldest lady rubbed her head and said, "It shouldn't be... right?"


Before Lin Qiong and the eldest lady could discuss the outcome, the secretary jumped into the air again, then grasped the handle of the "Hammer of the Courageous Girl's Heart" with both hands, and said: "Hammer of the Holy Spirit!!"

Accompanied by the gathering of the holy light, the hammer in the secretary's hand was magnified several times with the naked eye, and became a giant hammer forged by the holy light that was more than ten meters long.


The next moment, the secretary slammed down the hammer in his hand—it hit the Paolong's head with unstoppable momentum, and then smashed it and the ground under it to pieces.


Lin Qiong was almost dumbfounded.

He put his elbow on the young lady's waist and said, "Pirina, what do you think?"

Secretary, are you too proud?

The eldest lady said blankly: "I see with my eyes——"

Fei Shazi, you're too good, aren't you?


The secretary landed lightly on the ground (the finger made a muffled "boom"), and put the hammer "boom" beside him, then patted the dust on his body, quickly picked up the hammer, and trotted to Lin Qiong and the eldest lady were left.

"The secretary's fighting ability is really beyond my imagination..."

Lin Qiong twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "One thing to say, this is the first time I've seen her in actual combat."

The eldest lady also nodded with a dull expression, and said, "I am the same."

There are two reasons -

The first reason is to ensure the efficiency of spawning monsters. After Lin Qiong and others go deep into the dungeon, each person occupies a floor and spawns monsters alone;

The second reason is that the plate armor on the secretary was only put in place today, so Lin Qiong never thought that the secretary would turn into a heavy truck.

Anyway, she's very fierce, a top-notch fierce girl.

"Forget it, that's fine, at least no one dares to bully her—"

Lin Qiong couldn't help rubbing his face, and then said: "Everyone, hurry up and clean up the monsters! We are about to break into the truly unknown 59th floor!"

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