


On the other side, deep inside the guild.

"Ouranos, what do you think?"

Sage Fiers held up the crystal ball in his hand and said in a sighing voice: "What a shocking force - neither the Zeus Familia nor the Hera Familia had such strong warriors back then, right?"


Uranus pondered for a few seconds, and said: "If those two families continue to develop, maybe there will be fighters who are comparable to or even surpass them. It's a pity..."

Unfortunately, due to excessive expansion, the main forces of the two clans were all destroyed by the claws of the one-eyed black dragon. The remaining members also voluntarily transformed into the new generation of Orario during the dark age a few years ago. Nutrients—for example, the current Level 6s of the Loki Familia and the Level 7s of Ota were all raised by them.

"How many layers do you think they can go deep into with their strength?"

"At least not worse than the Zeus Familia and the Hera Familia -"

Kronos said firmly: "Also, Fels, try to let the heretics get in touch with them—"

Fels was taken aback for a moment, and then asked: "Are you trying to get people from another world to help you solve the problem of heresy?"

Uranus remained silent, but his silence just answered Fels' guess.

Fels focused his attention on the crystal ball again: "Will they accept heretics?"

Ouranos leaned back in his chair and murmured: "I don't know! But if it succeeds, the problem will be much simpler."



After spending more than ten minutes destroying the dragons on the entire eighth floor, the members reunited.

"Oh, unfortunately—"

Lin Qiong squatted in front of the entrance of the ninth floor with some disinterestedness, feeling the cool wind blowing from the entrance of the cave, and muttered: "Why don't you lose meat? This dungeon is so stingy. I said, just lose it." What kind of drop is it if the dragon scales don’t drop the dragon meat? I said, I still expect to be able to eat dragon meat again—”

Miss Zu also squatted beside him helplessly, and said, "I don't think materials like meat should be counted among the drops of the dungeon, right? Otherwise, the Rocky Family Expedition would not have to worry about supplies. "

The biggest problem with expeditions is always the issue of supplies. Water resources can still be obtained in dungeons, but food and equipment wear and tear can only be prepared by yourself—this is why the expedition of the Loki family needs to bring logistics troops and even blacksmith troops. The reason is gone.

"Hiss, if you say that..."

Lin Qiong touched his chin, and then smiled as a profiteer with a philistine face, and said, "If we sell the travel backpacks in the Pokémon world to the Loki family, wouldn't we be able to make a lot of money?"

The travel backpack in the Pokémon world only needs the size of an ordinary school bag, and it can hold materials the size of a room without affecting its own weight-this means that the logistics supplies that can be carried are ten times that of the previous ones. Even twenty times.

The eldest lady looked at Lin Qiong, and then asked with a chuckle: "Although it can be done, it seems that we do not need to cooperate with the Loki Familia - if it is the original timeline, Orario is the strongest The Loki Familia does have the value of cooperation, but cooperation with Astraea is enough now, right?"


Lin Qiong pondered for a moment, and said, "It seems to be true now, but what about the future?"

"Oh? Please tell me in detail——"

"Now we can obtain the resources of this world by going deep into the dungeon, but what happens when we leave this world? You must know that the Astria family is not an exploratory family, and they will not go deep into the dungeon to explore too much—— "


"So I think it's quite meaningful to reach a certain level of cooperation with the Loki Familia—at least through the Loki Familia, we can obtain a large amount of materials produced in the dungeon! Right?"

"You're right."

The eldest lady nodded lightly, she showed a gratified expression towards Lin Qiong, and said, "Qiong has now considered the things I neglected, it's really amazing——"

"Don't make trouble——" Lin Qiong waved his hand, and said angrily: "You think I can't see it? You obviously asked the question just now with the intention of testing me—hmph, you're still 'yelling~'? Come on, you're a smart guy!"

"There's no roar!"

The eldest lady threw herself on Lin Qiong's back with a smile, and said, "Qiong has really grown a lot! It's amazing~"

"Wow, I was praised by my girlfriend who is eight years younger than me for growing up..." Lin Qiong showed a complicated expression, and said, "This is really a complicated thing, I don't even know what expression to use Let's face it."

The secretary came over and said from the side: "Master, at this time, just smile."

Lin Qiong handed the secretary a hand knife, and then said angrily, "What kind of Rei Ayanami of the new era am I? Go play in the mud!"


The secretary snorted, then muttered "I don't know good people", squatted in the corner, and sang a song: "Ah, it's so cold, I play mud in the northeast, although the northeast is not big, I'm in Dalian no home—”


Lin Qiong was silent and covered his face.

You're promising, secretary, you've learned how to work, right?

Chapter 0229 Nicole Big Failure

Dungeon, nine floors.

This is a class that was not shown in the original work - after all, in the plot, the only Loki family members who have gone deep into the 59th floor encountered the "abnormal" 59th floor.

"Phew, it's really strong—"

Lin Qiong was froze by the cold air that penetrated his neck, and then he couldn't help complaining: "We haven't reached the 59th floor yet, but it's so cold just in the passage? Guigui, this 59th floor is really not a place for people to stay. .”


The eldest lady couldn't help but nodded: "Fortunately, we have prepared double protection, otherwise I'm afraid I'll get frostbite just getting close."


Nicole hugged her tail aggrievedly and said pitifully: "Master, Nicole doesn't like it here!"

"I don't really like—"

Luo sucked his nose, then looked at Xia beside him with distress, and said affectionately: "Honey, if we are in trouble..."

Before Luo's affectionate confession could be said, Lin Qiong said quietly: "I will take off your feathers as fuel first, and then make you into McDonald's—"

The bold Niao Luo actually dared to spread dog food in front of the Supreme Being!It’s the opposite!


Xia couldn't help but let out a gloating laugh: "Honey, I said a long time ago that the young master can't eat dog food."

"Oh alright--"

Luo shrugged his shoulders: "After all, the young master and miss are the largest dog food manufacturers in the world, we can't compete with him for business—"

Xia smiled and put her arms on Luo's shoulders, teasingly said: "My treasure, your words are so funny——"

"Oh, is it?"

Luo couldn't help raising his eyebrows. He straightened his clothes, then brushed his hair, and said, "Actually, I can be more stylish..."

"Shield position, give me the first shot——"

Lin Qiong's cold voice sounded in the team, "Prevent killing at first sight."


Leona immediately held up her shield and walked towards the front of the team, holding back her smile. When passing by the petrified Luo, she had the heart to pat him on the shoulder as a sign of silence.

"Oh, it's so sad..."

Lux on the side said in a painful (xi) not (wen) desire (le) life (jian) tone: "Obviously they are in love, but they have to be separated by the war before showing their love. Wait until the man returns to his hometown. When I was here, I found out that the woman was already married as a woman... Hey, so pitiful!"

Morgana on the side also raised her hands in a learned way, and cried: "Hey, I gave birth to eighteen children for the other party, it's so pitiful!"

"The more you talk, the more outrageous it is, hey——"

Luo's whole bird is not well. He pulled the corner of his mouth and said, "Am I the hero of some tragic drama!? Anyway, I'm just a colleague. Is it really okay for you to hurt me like this?"

Lux put down her hands and sneered: "You didn't ask us if we had any questions when you were spreading the dog food!"

Morgana put down her hands and snorted coldly: "You never asked us if we had any questions when you were showing off your affection!"


Luo shrugged his shoulders, then patted the shoulder of Xia who was trembling with laughter, and finally walked to the front of the line with a sigh, muttering: "Only women and villains are hard to raise, the young master sincerely does not deceive me." .”


The eldest lady looked at Lin Qiong and said, "Qiong, what do you mean by teaching him this?"


Unexpectedly, Lin Qiong, who was on fire, said with a question mark on his face: "I am not me without you, don't listen to his nonsense! I have always been a feminist!"

(Beautiful) Feminists!

No problem.

The eldest lady snorted and said, "Just play tricks!"



After a brief rest, the team started to advance again, and when they officially passed through the cave entrance and reached the ninth floor, they took a deep breath.

"Tuigui, isn't that what the so-called Ice Age was like?"

Lin Qiong looked at the endless ice field around him, and couldn't help but said, "Damn, is the Ice Field DLC sold in the dungeon? The eighth floor is still a hot Dragon's Pot, but the ninth floor is so cold?"

This unscientific!

What responded to Lin Qiong was not other people's words, but ice cones shot out from the distant forest like raindrops.


Luo stood in the front with a shield in his hand, and said loudly, "You can always trust Luo! Grand debut—"

The hexagonal magic shield spread out from Luo's shield, and then enveloped the entire team, stopping the overwhelming rain of ice cones.

Lin Qiong couldn't help but clicked his tongue and said loudly: "This is really the first time I've seen someone kill me - if I hadn't been prepared in advance, when I was shocked by the scenery on the 59th floor, I might have been attacked by a sneak attack, right?"

"How dare you sneak up on the young master—"

There was a hint of coldness in Syndra's eyes. She raised her right hand and said in a cold voice, "Stand back—the weak will disperse!"


The dark magic spreads forward in an arc. On the way, everything that blocks it - whether it is the protruding ice rocks on the ground, the trees covered with frost, or the bushes covered with ice and snow - are all blocked. Crushed without mercy.

The icicles that were covering the sky just now suddenly stopped, and everyone also saw clearly the enemy who launched the attack just now amidst the flying snowflakes and ice shards——

It is a humanoid creature with a height of about two meters and covered with white fur. It looks like a gorilla and a savage.

Lin Qiong touched his chin and said, "It feels a bit like a snow monster in a science fiction novel."

The eldest lady nodded her head: "From the shape, it looks a bit like a silver-backed ape, but it's just similar."

Even if there were twenty... no, fifty silverback apes, they would all be easily torn apart by a snow monster.


Immediately afterwards, the snow monsters that fell from the sky climbed up again, they roared angrily, and raised their hands to beat their chests.

"Boom boom boom——"

Accompanied by the sound of hammering, Lin Qiong and the others couldn't help but show an irritable expression—it's like when you lay down on the bed and prepare to have a good sleep after staying up all night, but you suddenly hear a sound coming from outside the window. Asking you to go downstairs to make nucleic acid is like a radio broadcast.


In mid-air, the icicles that were being looked at began to condense, and then "suddenly" volleyed towards Lin Qiong and others-the density of the icicles could completely make the archer phalanx feel ashamed and indignant.

"It's useless to say-"

Luo unfolded the shield function again with a nonchalant face, and said to Syndra behind him: "I said, can't you just destroy them all? The magic just now didn't destroy even one of them— —”


Syndra glared at Luo: "I didn't use all my strength just now! It was just to clear the obstacles and let the young master and young lady see clearly what monster is attacking us!"

"Yes Yes Yes--"

Luo Ji nodded perfunctorily: "Then can you do it quickly? It's rare that the young master is willing to give you a chance to show yourself. You won't stretch your hips, will you?"

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