"You fart!"

Syndra raised her right hand with dark eyes, and the dark magic power like a black hole gathered in mid-air, forming a deep purple-black ball for a moment.

Dark magic ball!

"You can remove the defense—"

Syndra held a dark magic ball with a diameter of one meter high, and floated into the air with a face of indifference, and said proudly: "From now on, there is only one kind of magic in this space, and that is - dark star magic! "

The darkness visible to the naked eye began to spread, and Lin Qiong couldn't help shivering with the sense of oppression as if Gatanjae had been resurrected.

Yes, scary.

After the ice cone magic released by the snow monsters shot into the black mist, it immediately melted into nothingness visible to the naked eye, like moths flying to a flame, without leaving even a trace of wreckage.


Syndra lazily waved her right hand, and after absorbing the ice pick, the even bigger dark magic ball immediately flew into the air, and then smashed towards the center of the snow monster.

Drive the power of thought!

The impact force that distorted the air spread, and the snow monsters turned into black debris and disappeared from everyone's sight without even the strength to resist.


Syndra slowly landed on the ground surrounded by three dark magic spheres, then raised her head with a "hum", and said, "With the dark star magic bestowed by the young master and young lady, I am the strongest!"

"oh oh--"

Lin Qiong couldn't help clapping his hands, and said, "As expected of Syndra, she has the feeling of a dark leader! Handsome—"

After receiving Lin Qiong's compliment, Syndra became even more proud - that feeling was like highlighting the opponent's mid laner fancy drop hammer in the World Championship.


Nicole on the side was not happy.

She stomped her feet angrily, and said, "If it's not too cold! It should be that Nicole was offended by the praise!"

"Who told you to be a reptile? Jie Jie, let's just hibernate honestly - when I am praised by the young master later, I will carry you behind my back, hee hee -" floating head down beside Nicole Zoe covered her mouth with her hands, and said with a smile: "The young master will definitely praise me—Zoe is really amazing, and Nicole, who is carried on her back, is also amazing, haha—"

Is this a compliment?This is laughing at me!

Nicole jumped up angrily.

She looked around angrily, and when she saw Leona, her eyes suddenly lit up, and then quickly climbed onto Leona's body, and said curiously: "Leona, aren't you cold?"

"I am the embodiment of the sun."

A smile appeared on the corner of Leona's mouth, and she said, "It's just that the low temperature is so low that I don't even need to add clothes."

"oh oh!"

Nicole made an exclamation sound, she turned into another Leona with a "swish", and then happily jumped on the spot, saying: "It's really not cold anymore! Yehaha, Neeko's resurrection caused trouble!! Heh heh, it's time for Nicole to show off her talents!"

Just as Nicole was gearing up for a fight, Zoe, who was hanging upside down, slowly floated past Nicole, and said, "But, Leona is a shield guard—"

Lin Qiong: "Ah, Neeko is petrified."

Chapter 0230 You are too baby!

The team is advancing steadily, and Neeko is also steadily EMO.

After Lin Qiong was happy enough, he quietly leaned into Nico's ear and whispered: "Niko! Think about it, Leona is the incarnation of the sun, but what about Diana? Isn't she the incarnation of the moon? The sun represents light and heat, and what does the moon represent?"


Mouth open!

Nicole immediately ran to Diana's side, and after a few words of bb in a low voice, she transformed into Diana's appearance.

"not cold!"

"It's output!"


Nicole happily jumped up and down on the spot, and shouted: "The next thing is Nicole's showtime trouble! Wuhu!"

What she didn't see was that Diana's face was all black.

After all, Nicole is now bouncing around and talking with her big tongue under Diana's appearance, can Diana bear it?That must be unbearable!

"You give me peace!"

She glared at Nico and said, "When using my image, you must remain cold! Don't speak if you can!"

"It's too spicy!"

Nicole shook her head, and she said confidently: "Nico has to show off her talents, and then she will be praised by the young master!"


Diana looked at Nicole in astonishment—wait a minute, I've never been patted on the head, how dare you think that! ?

"Da da da--"

Nicole didn't care about Diana's complex heart, she opened her hands, ran up to Lin Qiong with her long legs (after all, it was Diana's body), and said happily: "Master, Master! Nicole is not cold! "

"Ooh! Awesome!"

Lin Qiong gave a thumbs up, then touched Nicole's head with a smile, and said, "Then let's see Nicole's performance!"

"Wrap it on Nicole!"

After being touched on the head, Nicole felt as if she had been beaten with the blood of the Phoenix King, and her whole body became energetic. However, Diana, who was in the center of the team, suddenly fell into confusion after witnessing the scene where Nicole transformed into herself being touched on the head. The state of mind of the sufferer.

She is like a twin sister tied up in a closet, and then she can only helplessly watch her sister pretend to be herself and applaud the boy she likes.

Goo, you beat me up!



In the next half month, Lin Qiong and others did their best to penetrate to the limit depth that can be reached so far - it has to be said that the "water depth" of Olali Dungeon surpassed that of Lin Qiong expected.

Even if he is already a full-level player in the Bone King World;

Even if he improved his martial arts with Jian Yu Lei;

Even if he died, he was wearing custom-made equipment carefully crafted by Hephaestus.

He still failed to clear the dungeon, and he had reached the limit just by going deep into the 90th floor.

layer, safe zone.


Lin Qiong leaned on the belly of the wind speed dog behind him, and then lay down softly. Feeling the soft touch behind him, he couldn't help complaining: "It's too exaggerated! Monsters with more than 90 floors are all Monster?"

Starting from the third floor of No. 90, the only monsters Lin Qiong's team encountered were gargoyle-like monsters - they were human-shaped, about two meters tall, with wings on their backs, and their bodies were so thin that they seemed to be wrapped in only a layer of skin. Live like a skeleton.

The generation efficiency of this kind of monster is very high. When Lin Qiong and others step into the monster refresh area, they can see that the surrounding dungeon walls are like rabbits shitting, "squeezing" monsters out one by one, As soon as these monsters hit the ground, they would open their teeth and claws and fly towards the adventurer.

If it were just that the monsters were refreshed very quickly, Lin Qiong wouldn't have scolded them, but the key point was that these monsters were like elite monsters in the dark, each of them had a different "entry".

Some have exaggerated physical defense, some have exaggerated magic resistance, some have extremely fast movement speed, and some have infinite strength!Moreover, these monsters with "different entries" have no difference in appearance, so Lin Qiong and others have no way to target them in advance.

"It's not a big problem—"

The eldest lady comforted: "Anyway, our main purpose is to improve the level of Monster Hunter!"

The secretary also nodded: "That's right! According to the current progress, after a few more expeditions, Monster Hunter will almost catch up with our current progress."

"That's true—"

Lin Qiong clenched his fist and said, "Hey, after Monster Hunter grows up, our strength can almost be improved a bit, and then we can go deeper and further improve the level of Monster Hunter..."

Just thinking about it makes me a little excited!Beautiful!

The eldest lady put her hands on her face, and said with some depression: "It's just that after we reach that level, it won't be so easy for us to make rapid progress like we are now—"

It's like playing a game. In the early stage, you may be able to raise more than a dozen levels a day, but in the later stage, you may not be able to rise to a level in more than ten days. It can be said to be very real.

Lin Qiong waved his hand and said, "Don't care about such details! For us players, as long as the progress bar is increasing, it's completely fine, okay?"

Why bother chasing girls?Because the fuck doesn't even give me a progress bar!As long as you give me a progress bar so that I can see it is slowly rising, then I have to chase after a Bai Sifu loli to feed me soft food!

Whoops, off topic.

As long as you can see the progress bar rising, even if it rises by a percentage a day, what's the difficulty?Isn’t it just a matter of a hundred days?How simple!

The eldest lady couldn't help giving a thumbs up and said, "You're really awesome!"

"That is--"

Lin Qiong raised his head, and he said confidently: "You don't know, I used to play a game called FlayForFun (Feifei) in the pig farm when I was in elementary school or junior high school. At that time, Feifei was really conscientious, unless It is an RMT transaction between players, otherwise there is no place to recharge, and there are regular events, and..."

Listening to Lin Qiong chattering about his memories of Feifei, the secretary at the side couldn't help but said: "Master, Master, the topic is getting too far! Shall we talk about the main point?"


Lin Qiong came to his senses, he sorted out his thoughts, and said, "Hmm! The full level of Feifei at the beginning was 80, but the most advanced monster at that time was only 74. Under the penalty of level difference, you can swipe Only a dozen monsters can see a 0.01 experience jump, haven't I brought my priests to level 80?"

The eldest lady was silent for a few seconds: "You were a primary school student at that time, right?"

Lin Qiong nodded: "Yes——"

The eldest lady covered her forehead: "You are a primary school student, why do you have so much time to farm monsters and improve your level?"

Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips, confidently: "Because there are few homework in elementary school, I finished it at school! Plus I don't need to go to class on Saturdays and Sundays, so I naturally have plenty of time!"

The eldest lady complained: "You are a primary school student, don't you study hard and play video games all day long?"

Lin Qiong nodded proudly and said: "I am not only the first few players in our district to reach level 80, but when the Tarot Summoning expansion pack is launched, I am also the first player in our district to reach level 105 - —Of course, subsequent upgrades will become more and more painful.”

In the Summoning of Tarot expansion pack, the level limit has been theoretically increased to 121.

Why is it theoretical?Because the expansion pack was also castrated by the pig farm at that time, the highest monster at that time was only level 104—the tortoise, under the penalty of level experience, it was almost impossible to rely on a level 104 monster to rise to level 121 matter.

By the way, in the end, the pig farm opened its ferocious fangs, reshaped all Feifei, and transformed it into a game called "Xin Feifei"-so far, this game has become a complete kryptonite. The golden game also led to Lin Qiong's retreat.

The eldest lady covered her head and said, "Okay, I already understand your player's soul very well! You don't need to introduce that game to us anymore."


Lin Qiong put his arms around the young lady's shoulders, and said with a smile: "By the way, if Erina thinks it's too hard to bury her head in leveling up like that, you can wait for me to raise my strength to the level where I can suppress 150 floors with one hand, and then take Wouldn't it be much easier for you to farm monsters on the 150th floor?"

Do you understand the value of the experience book that the boss can help you with? ?


Unexpectedly, the eldest lady refused.

She squinted at Lin Qiong, and said, "I won't just sit back and enjoy what I get—idiot Qiong, I will always, always be by your side! Don't think of me as a lazy woman!"

"oh oh--"

Lin Qiong couldn't help applauding, and said, "As expected of Erina!"

"of course--"

The guardians behind him: "Hic—"

Secretary: "Write it down and write it down—"

Antiline: "I have learned, you are indeed a master!"



When Lin Qiong returned to the ground after a month, he actually felt a kind of trance-like the feeling he had after working on Liver Resident Evil 8 day and night for all achievements, and finally finished his liver. Same.

By the way, after Lin Qiong finished his liver, he became extremely empty. Finally, he found that Resident Evil 8 can be played with MOD, which can turn Mrs. Bachi into a fair-skinned and beautiful swimsuit beauty. Lingyueying admired Lord Bachi all afternoon.



Lin Qiong stretched, and then sighed: "Ah, I just want to go back and lie on the bed to sleep with him for three days and three nights--"


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