After the words fell, Lin Qiong couldn't help showing a blank expression.

what happened?Why do I feel that what I said just now seemed, like, probably echoed? ?

He turned his head and found that the eldest lady was covering her mouth with a snickering face, and immediately understood where the echo just now came from.

"Okay, you imitate me—"

"No! I spoke at the same time as you!"

The eldest lady looked at Lin Qiong confidently, and said with a smile: "I can only say that I know you too well, hehe!"

"Hiss, that means when I poke my butt, you will know what poop I'm going to do, right?"

"Wow, you're disgusting!"

"It's disgusting, it's disgusting, let you learn how to speak!"

"Then I will learn and learn!"

"No learning!"

"No learning!"

"Wow, no writing allowed!"

"Wow, I told you not to learn!"

"Hey, you forced me to open up!"

"Hey, you forced me to open up!"

"I like you."

"I... Goo! But, damn it! You are too baby hot!"

"Hey, how's it going, admit defeat?"

"Hmph, listen up - idiot! I like you too!"


Today's victory or defeat, Lin Qiong's defeat - you didn't expect it, right?The eldest lady will occasionally fight back~

Chapter 0231 Oh, what are you doing~

Astraea Familia, hall.


Lin Qiong lay on the chair without any image, then looked at Astoria who was sitting on the main seat, and said with a moaning voice: "Sister, if you want to ask about the claws, just ask, I just want to hug the painting now." Rina fell asleep."

Astoria put down the teacup in her hand, glanced at Lin Qiong helplessly, and said, "I'm also a goddess anyway, is it really okay for you to say this in front of me?"


Lin Qiong was silent for a few seconds, then he looked away erratically, and said, "It's just sleeping in your arms, and you don't do other things—could it be that you are thinking wrong, Mrs. Goddess?"


Astoria was also silent for a few seconds. After she shifted her gaze away, she said, "Actually, the purpose of calling you here this time is to ask about the situation of your expedition."

"Falled down on the 97th floor."

Lin Qiong rubbed the bridge of his nose, and said, "One thing to say, the monsters after the 95th floor are not for people to fight at all! Adventurers can deeply feel the maliciousness of the dungeon from this—"

Just like the fucking game planner, Lin Qiong could feel the deep malice of the planner from the monster settings in the dungeon - so it's not a problem at all to type out a planner Sima at this time.

"Floor 97..."

Astoria twitched the corners of her eyes imperceptibly, and said, "It seems that your strength is still beyond my imagination. You can reach that level with only a team of 19 people."

"Isn't it deflated?"

Lin Qiong blew on his bangs depressedly, and said in a moaning voice, "I was planning to break through the [-]th floor, but it turned out that the dungeon is really stupid!"

Astoria glanced at Lin Qiong, and then thought about it—Lin Qiong couldn't help cursing at the level of inhumanity. It seems that the depths of the dungeon are really inhumane?hiss……

"I'm a little curious."

She considered for a few seconds and said, "If you don't mind, tell me what the monsters on the 90th floor look like?"

"It's not impossible—"

Lin Qiong thought for a moment and said, "But according to fair trade, I have satisfied your curiosity, and you have to satisfy mine."

The goddess of justice nodded reservedly and said in one word: "Yes!"


Lin Qiong snapped his fingers and said, "From the fifth floor of No.90, the monsters are all of the same kind—that's a kind of monster that looks the same as..."



After dinner.


Lin Qiong lay lazily on the recliner, looked at the bright moon in the sky, and murmured: "Forgot to inform Brother Jian that we are back?"

"What a big deal..."

The eldest lady lazily moaned: "We just came back from the dungeon, what's the matter with resting for a few days?"

Lin Qiong shook his head: "It's not this! Brother Jian said that when I come back safely from the dungeon, he will treat me to dinner."


The eldest lady turned sideways, stared at Lin Qiong in a daze, and said, "Has he saved enough money?"


Lin Qiong suppressed a smile and said, "Well, no matter how you say it, it won't be short of the meal price, right? Right?"

The eldest lady nodded reservedly, and said, "That's true—"

Lin Qiong approached obsequiously, then rubbed the young lady's face affectionately, and said, "So, why don't I report it to you—oh, I'm going out to have a meal with my brother, okay?"

"You go... that's..."

The eldest lady felt Lin Qiong's intimacy with a black line on her face - no, my face was almost deformed by rubbing, you almost got it!



The next day, afternoon.


Jian Yulei hugged Lin Qiong, then patted him on the back affectionately, and said, "You kid! It took so long to go, I thought something happened to you!"

"how is this possible?"

Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows, and then said confidently: "Brother Jian, have you ever heard a word? The scourge has been known for thousands of years? I can see that it is not short-lived!"

"That's true -"

Jian Yulei came out with joy, he looked at Mihe beside him, and said: "This handsome guy, I just said Brother Qiong is fine! He is an old scourge!"

"Go! Go! Go--"

Lin Qiong drove Jian Yulei away in disgust: "Brother Jian, you have nothing good to say! I won't be with you—go, handsome guy, I'll treat you to fried chicken!"

Jian Yulei complained: "Ask the handsome guy to eat the fried chicken from our own store, right? And then charge it to my account, right? You got a bargain and didn't spend the money, did you?"


Lin Qiong smacked his lips and said, "Brother Jian, tell the truth, have you been fooling around with others this month? Otherwise, why would your heart become so dirty? It's not like you at all!"

Jian Yulei tilted his head, and then said with a smile on his face: "Brother Qiong, why don't you wipe your conscience and recall, who owns the fried chicken, milk tea, and small pastries on my account? "

"I can't!"

Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips and said, "I'm afraid you didn't eat it yourself, Brother Jian, and then turned around and forgot, right?"


Jian Yulei couldn't help showing a gentle smile towards Lin Qiong, and then complained: "Brother Qiong, sometimes you are really inappropriate."

"Thank you for the compliment."

"Am I complimenting you?"

"I can take it as it is."

"As expected of you."


Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips, and said to the two male gods: "Now I will give you a chance. Whoever reveals the real purpose of the two of you to find me this time will get my preferential treatment later!"

"Don't make trouble, Brother Qiong."

Jian Yulei waved his hand, and he said seriously: "The handsome guy and I are worried about you, so we are going to treat you to dinner—we just hope that this agreement can become that trace when you can't hold on." Insignificant help."

Lin Qiong was silent for a few seconds, and just as he was about to make a touching announcement, Mihe said calmly from the side: "Actually, Brother Jian has taken a fancy to a house, but the other party only accepts the full payment, so Brother Jian Ready to borrow money from you."

"handsome guy!!"

Jian Yulei looked at Mihe with tearing eyes, and made a desperate voice: "Why! Why did you betray me!!!"

Mihe pushed his glasses made of air on the bridge of his nose, then looked at Jian Yulei apologetically, and said, "Actually, I also fell in love with a shop on the main road. If I can take it, Tianqing The business of the pharmacy will definitely improve."

"Handsome Honorie!! kisamma!!"

Jianyu Lei was so angry that he wanted to roll on the ground, and then let out a cry of "woo woo woo"——I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it!Handsome guy, you little boy with bushy eyebrows and big eyes, actually stabbed me in the back! !

hateful! !

You are too baby hot!

I, Jian Yulei, have written down this grudge! !

"Brother Jian, this society is so cruel!"

Lin Qiong shook his head with a sigh, and said, "You have suffered fewer beatings!"

"Wuuuuu, Brother Qiong, you have to help me—"

Jian Yulei hugged Lin Qiong's thigh, and said, "That yard is really great! Not only are there ponds in the front yard and the back yard, but it's also connected! It also comes with a very large bathroom, Even if five people go in and take a bath together, it is more than enough! And..."

Jian Yulei chattered endlessly about the other courtyard he was looking for, and over and over again, he revealed a meaning - he likes that house so much, if he doesn't buy it, he will be unwilling for the rest of his life!

Lin Qiong poked out his ears expressionlessly, then breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "I did bring back a lot of deep-seated materials from this expedition, and I can probably get [-] million mana by selling them casually." about……"

Five hundred million!

The handsome guy and Jian Yulei's eyes turned green at that time. If it wasn't for their gender, they would have wished to marry Lin Qiong on the spot, and then divorce at the speed of light, splitting half of the family property.


Lin Qiong elongated his voice, and said with a smile: "You have to give me a reason to lend you money, right? You can't say that because we have a good relationship, if you ask me to borrow money, I will lend it to you unconditionally." You guys, right?"

"It makes sense..."

Jian Yulei and Mihe looked at each other, and the two gods squatted on the side of the road with bitter faces, and began to discuss how to borrow money from Lin Qiong.



That night, the Astoria family, bedroom.

"So, you lent them the money just for the sake of brother?"

"It's not a brother!"

Lin Qiong emphasized: "From the moment I borrowed money, I am no longer Brother Qiong, but Brother Qiong!"

Similarly, from the moment he borrowed money, Brother Jian's nickname fell to Jiandier!

What does this mean?This represents an increase in status, right?

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