The eldest lady helplessly supported her chin and said: "I don't understand your men's romance, but anyway, it's useless for us to hold Farley, so just borrow it."

After all, there are two gods, and one is the god of medicine and the other is the god of war. It is a very cost-effective thing to get their favor.

"Hey, my Erina is really understanding, gentle and virtuous—"

Lin Qiong pulled the eldest lady into his arms, then buried his face in her hair, took a deep breath, and said, "By the way, it's getting late, let's go to bed early."


The eldest lady thought for a few seconds and said, "Is the sleep you are talking about serious?"

Lin Qiong twitched his eyes, and said helplessly: "Very serious! Sleeping very seriously - I was exhausted in the dungeon, so take a good rest."

I have to go to Hephaestus to repair equipment every day!The ghost knows that the monsters in the dungeon are so strong, even if the materials used are dragons, they will be damaged.

"Then go to sleep."

The eldest lady smiled, and after turning off the light with her magic power, she curled up in his arms with her back to Lin Qiong, then closed her eyes, feeling the security of Lin Qiong holding her from behind, and murmured : "Qion—"

"Huh? I'm here—"

"It's good to meet you."

"Me too!"

"I like you."

"Me too!"

"Oh, you're so annoying—"


Lin Qiong's laughter seemed extraordinarily joyful.

Chapter 0232

Family of Hephaestus.

Hephaestus looked at the gauntlets, swords, wands and staffs lined up on the table with an expressionless expression, as well as several sets of bids placed on the ground in front of him.

"This is really a tragic situation——"

The patriarch of the Hephaestus family, Tsubaki Kebrand with the title of "One-Eyed Master", was squatting on the ground at this time, rubbing the light armor that Lin Qiong passed through with his hands, and couldn't help but click his tongue: "This is the equipment that Lord Shangshen personally built, right? It's actually broken into such a virtue—how many floors did that guy go to?"

Hephaestus looked blankly at Tsubaki and the equipment on the ground, then turned his gaze back to the table.

"Wow, is the armor on the legs worn out like this?" Tsubaki looked at the wear and tear of other parts again, and muttered: "It needs to be repaired, I'm afraid it is equivalent to remodeling."

"No, it's okay—"

Hephaestus took a deep breath and said: "Just use raw materials to repair it - I have figured out the characteristics of these materials, but it won't take much time to repair it."


"Yes, but—"

Chun glanced at Hephaestus and showed an awkward yet polite expression: "Lin Qiong said that he brought over all the materials he obtained from the deep level for you to figure out..."


Hephaestus didn't speak anymore, she just raised her trembling left hand, then took off the air glasses on her face, and put them on the table: "Tsubaki, leave the equipment, you go out first Bar."

It seemed that he could see that Hephaestus was in a heavy mood, so Tsubaki didn't say anything more, but just glanced at Hephaestus distressedly, put the backpack left by Lin Qiong on the ground, and left the room.

"I'm so mad!"

"I just bought the equipment! I just made it!"

"One month, this is only one month!"


Today's Hephaestus is also extremely lively——



Loki's family.

After leaving (tao) away (chu) the Hephaestus family under the almost murderous gaze of Hephaestus, Lin Qiong and others happened to run into several members of the Loki family who were out shopping— — Finn, Dione, Diona, and Ace.

After the two sides exchanged a few words in daily life, Finn warmly invited Lin Qiong to visit the Loki family's family residence—obviously, being a guest is false, but something is true.

Coincidentally, Lin Qiong was also planning to release the god Loki, so he agreed to Finn's invitation and came to this Loki family who was called "one of the two strongest families of Olali" five years later.

"Ace Carbon—"

As soon as he pushed open the door of the family, Lin Qiong heard a sound that made people's hair stand on end coming from inside the door, followed immediately by the sound of rapid footsteps and a frightening gasp.


The young Ais turned her body expressionlessly and perfectly avoided Loki's flying attack in the form of a glancing bullet - why are you so skilled?How many times have you avoided Loki's swoops!

Lin Qiong took a look and landed on his face, then braked a few meters away, and finally his legs hung above his head like a two-tailed monster—it really made Lin Qiong feel a little moved by Loki's flexibility.

"What, Finn-"

Lin Qiong pondered for half a second and said, "God Loki, has this always been the case?"


Finn couldn't help covering his face, and then said with some embarrassment: "In fact, most of the time, Loki is quite serious."

'Why do I think, she is not serious most of the time...'

Lin Qiong twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "Just...take it like this."

'Why? '

Finn walked to Loki's side with a wry smile, pulled her up from the ground, and said, "Loki, this is the Lin Qiong of the Astria family you've been talking about."


Loki wiped the dust off his face with his hand, then approached Lin Qiong, looked him up and down with eyes full of interest, and said, "Are you the Lin Qiong that guy Hermes mentioned? Hum, It doesn’t look like anything special—”

Hermes... iron baa...

The corners of Lin Qiong's eyes twitched violently, and he took out a notebook from his pocket in front of Loki, then took out the ballpoint pen clipped on the spine of the book, and began to write in the notebook.

"Hermes sold me to Loki. I will bear this grudge!"

Hmph, starting today, this notebook is called Lin Qiong's Death Note!

Loki stared at Lin Qiong's operation in a daze, and said, "This, can it still be like this? Notes for revenge!?"

"Because the object is the god Hermes, you never know how many times he will cheat you—"

Lin Qiong calmly stuffed the notebook back into his pocket, and then said softly: "So if you are cheated once, record it, and one day you can settle the accounts later."

"Makes sense—"

Loki stroked his chin thoughtfully, and then said with great interest: "Then let's make a note of revenge - hehehe, there is a chance to get revenge one by one!"

"God Loki, you can't do this—"

Lin Qiong frowned slightly.

Loki was taken aback for a moment, then raised his eyebrows slightly, and said, "Boy, what do you mean?"

Lin Qiong crossed his arms and said in a deep voice: "Opportunities are things that are created, not waited for. How can we say 'come back with revenge when you have the chance'? It should be said, 'when you are in a bad mood, just find an excuse to retaliate. Just come back!"

Finn covered his face with a face that couldn't bear to look directly——Mr. Lin Qiong, what are you teaching?


Loki's eyes opened in surprise, she looked Lin Qiong up and down solemnly, then a smirk appeared on the corner of her mouth, and said, "Oh, oh, it seems that you are the same kind of person as us—we are a little I kind of like you!"

"No, we are decisively different."

Lin Qiong shook his fingers lightly, he raised his head proudly, then pointed his thumb to his face, and said with a DIO face: "KoNo Lin Qiong, you have a girlfriend!"


Loki's expression at this time was as if Seiya, who had been loaded with the Speed ​​Force plug-in and was running at full strength, hit the abdomen with a Pegasus Comet punch, and let out a miserable cry, then swayed and fell to Tione next to him. , Said: "Ti, Tione... I, I seem to be dying..."

"He's a lump! Long! It's—" Tione looked at Loki approaching him blankly, and raised his right hand indifferently—you can see it from the blue veins exposed on the surface , if Loki really dared to lean on her, she would definitely not mind pinching Loki's n...

Oh, I'm sorry God Loki, you don't have that thing at all!I was wrong, I shouldn't have brought it up, it made you ~sad~

Very good, very quirky!


Loki's "falling" movement froze, and she showed pain on her face, then forcibly turned a corner and crashed into Tiona's arms, making a crisp impact.


Lin Qiong had an expression of not being able to bear to look directly, and then muttered to himself: "What is this? Rock wall collision? Steel plate collision? Or the intersection of absolute planes? Or... a slap?"

Finn: "..."

He hates it, he hates it so much! !

He hates why he understands! ! !

Damn it, how will he look directly at God Loki and Tiona in the future! !

"It hurts..."

Loki and Tiona squatted down in unison, holding their chests. They both felt that their ribs seemed to be violently colliding with each other's ribs.

At that moment, they made eye contact - they confirmed the eyes, they are Friends who are walking on the road of Ping Tianxia!



Loki Familia, conference room.

After commotion for a while, Lin Qiong followed Loki, who was rubbing his chest, to the conference room—to his surprise, apart from Finn, Diona, and Dione, Grace, Riveria and even the puppy Bert appeared in the conference room.

"I said I said..."

Sitting on the sofa, Lin Qiong looked at the "Three Divine Pillars" and "New Generation Pillars" of the Loki Familia with dumbfounding, and said, "What's the situation? This is the gathering of the main force, right? Are you preparing to Ambush me and then throw a cup as a signal, give it to me, right?"

"Ahem, no, no, no—"

Finn coughed, and said in a dumbfounded voice: "Mr. Lin, you are thinking too much - let's not talk about whether we have this intention, but let's take a step back and say, even if we want to attack you, we can't defeat you. Bar?"

"Not necessarily! If you use Luo in a frenzied manner..." At this point, Lin Qiong glanced at Loki, then shifted his gaze to Diona, and continued: "Use Diona as a weapon, And if you use an alloy steel plate to hit me with a head attack, maybe even I will give up.”


A big question mark appeared on Diona's head. She looked at the others with a mournful face and said, "Hey, hey! Did you hear that? He's mocking me, mocking me!!"

Not only her, but also Loki's forehead was covered with a series of veins.

I will fight with you!

When you spoke just now, you obviously called out the word "Luo"! ?Then take a special look at me! ?

Boy Honorie!Are you mocking my small chest? ! !

"Cough cough cough-"

Finn let out a series of dry coughs to cover up his inner emotions. He desperately twisted his thighs with his hands, letting the severe pain suppress his smile: "Your Excellency Lin Qiong! Don't say such things anymore, Teona will be angry."


Lin Qiong nodded, and said: "Your Excellency Finn is right, after all, she has a heart~chest! Small!"

Before Finn could react, he heard Diona's screams like a cuckoo crying blood: "Captain, do you even think so!? Is it very small? Is it very small!!"

As if feeling the stinging eyes of Riveria, Tione and Loki, Finn exploded with desire to survive, and hurriedly shook his head and said, "It's not that I don't have one, don't talk nonsense!!"

Looking at Fenn who was in crisis, Lin Qiong couldn't help showing a peaceful smile, then picked up the tea in front of him, and took a shallow sip.

Lin Qiong: There is no such thing as quiet time, but someone is carrying the burden for you.

Finn: I #¥! *%&%

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