Chapter 0233 Small Gifts


Finn sat on the sofa and looked at Lin Qiong with sad, desolate and tactful eyes, as if looking at his lover's little daughter-in-law who was making out with other women.


"Your Excellency Lin Qiong, you are going too far."

"I'm the victim of a wind review, a victim of a wind review!"

"He's slandering me! Don't you see that?"

Finn leaned on the sofa like a salted fish, complaining with blood and tears.

"Sorry, Finn, I misunderstood you."

Honest Grace touched his head and said, "How about I buy you a drink?"

"Mr. Grace—"

At this time, Lin Qiong silently took out a bottle of 52-degree Red Star Erguotou from his backpack, unscrewed the cap with a bang, put it on the table, and said with a smile: "I'm thinking, You may not have misunderstood Lord Finn, do you think?"

"This, this..."

Smelling the strong aroma of wine, Grace felt that the glutton in his stomach was about to transform into the third level of a super glutton.

Finn looked at his friend whom he had been with for many years, and said firmly, "Grace, you won't."


Grace nodded. He grabbed the wine bottle on the table with a speed that was completely different from the usual style of opening and closing, and then said seriously: "I won't misunderstand Finn! That's what he meant!"


Finn whined.

"I really can't see it."

Riveria sighed, glanced at Grace, and said softly: "As expected of a simple-minded and stupid dwarf, he was bribed by others like this."

Finn nodded, and he said sadly: "Riveria is right! Grace really let me down! You must not be like this, right?"

Alto (Levi) Liya nodded gracefully, and said, "I am an elf royal family, how could I be bribed? Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Cao Cao waving.jpg

Finn showed a very relieved expression. He glared at Grace, who was holding Red Star Erguotou as his baby, and then snorted coldly, and said, "Sure enough, reckless people can't be trusted!"

Lin Qiong glanced at the upright Riveria, and then pressed his chin. After thinking for a few seconds, he took out a bracelet from it and said, "Miss Riveria, this bracelet It can increase the recovery speed of mental power to a certain extent, although it is not as good as the magic potion, but it is better because it has no side effects, and there is no drug resistance..."

Looking at the bracelet, Finn's complexion changed drastically, and he hurriedly said, "Rivelia—"

"rest assured!"

Riveria waved her hand, and after she took the bracelet and played with it calmly for a few times, she said calmly: "Do you think that such a bracelet that is of great help to magic casters can make me change my mind? No, absolutely impossible!"

Finn clenched his fists and said excitedly: "That's right, it's indeed Riveria!"

Riveria closed her eyes, then quietly put the bracelet on her wrist, and said, "I feel from the beginning to the end that we didn't misunderstand Finn, that's what he meant!"

Finn: "Yeah...huh?"

What's the meaning?What do you mean?

Finn suddenly turned his head to look at Riveria, but when he saw Riveria who was resting with his eyes closed, he immediately understood what this friend meant—

I don’t care about Riveria, I’m just an ostrich!


Finn, who was stabbed in the back one after another, uttered a scream. He fell on the back of the chair, and then raised his right hand tremblingly, but finally put it down dejectedly.

Finn, down!

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Loki, who watched this scene, couldn't help laughing happily. She stamped her feet and clapped her hands, laughing and said: "Interesting, so interesting! Lin Qiong, you are also a wonderful person!"

"Thank you for the compliment, thank you for the compliment—"

Lin Qiong clasped his fists and raised his hands towards Loki, then said reservedly: "This is all thanks to the cooperation of Mr. Grace and Ms. Riveria! Otherwise, the effect of the show would not be so good!"

Of course, Grace and Riveria would not betray Finn so easily, but if it was a "joke", it would be harmless-didn't you see Loki smiling so happily?

"Your Excellency Lin Qiong, you really should have joined our family—"

Finn straightened up helplessly, and sighed, "You and Loki must have a lot in common."


Riveria opened her eyes, then chuckled and said, "It's rare for me to see Loki smiling so happily."

"That can't—"

Lin Qiong waved his hand and said, "I get along with the High God Loki now because we don't have a superior-subordinate relationship, but if I join the Loki Family, she will become the High God I serve. Naturally, I can't treat her so calmly."

This is a lie!

"This statement... also has some truth."

Finn exhaled, then shrugged his shoulders helplessly, and said, "However, Grace got the favorite spirit, Riveria got the precious magic item, and I only got the bad jokes?" ?”

Hint, hint madly.

Lin Qiong pondered for a few seconds, then hammered his palm and said, "Yes! I have a very suitable prop for Finn here, you will definitely like it!"


Finn was taken aback, and then looked at Lin Qiong with a little expectation: "Then I will look forward to the gift from His Excellency Lin Qiong!"


Lin Qiong took out two...uh...white cushions from his backpack?

"This is?"

"Heightening insoles."


"Heightening insoles! Just put this thing in your shoes, and then put them on, it can make you look taller than usual!"


"How are you? Are you very happy? After using this, your height will definitely exceed 120cm!"

"I, I thank you..."

Finn, who is only 119cm tall, clenched his fists.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha--"

Rocky was already lying on the table with his stomach covered, and then desperately hammered the table in front of him, letting out a frenzied laugh: "Zeng, increase the height of the insole, suddenly, break through 1 meters, good! Hahaha, good! Hahaha -"


Finn's forehead is already covered with black lines. Although he knows that his Lord God is a fun person, you are not hiding it too much! ?Anyway, I'm also your first family member, hello!

"Don't, don't worry, I, I laughed for a while, and then, I got over it——"

Loki waved his hands out of breath, and then forced a smile to say: "Finn, why don't you try wearing it now? It will definitely fit!"

"Indeed, hahaha——"

Grace, who was holding the wine bottle, let out an undisguised laugh: "Congratulations, Finn, your height has finally broken through 120cm—"


"Your Excellency Lin Qiong——"

Lin Qiong couldn't help shivering at Finn's plaintive voice—those who didn't know thought that Lin Qiong had lied to him.

"Okay, okay, don't look at me with that expression—"

Lin Qiong raised his hands dumbfounded, and said, "It was just a harmless joke, how could I just give you a pair of height-enhancing insoles?"

"I'll just say—"

"I have to give you a pair of height-increasing shoes——"


"Pfft haha-"

Loki had already slipped off the chair and fell to the ground. She hammered the floor desperately and laughed wildly: "The height stalk and Finn can't get through it, hahaha, I can laugh for a year—unless Finn's height breaks through 120cm!"

"That's probably out of the question." Grace sighed, then added, "Unless he wears a booster."


"Hahaha heh heh heh goose goose goose—"

Rocky was about to laugh out her 80 yuan abs, she never thought that such an interesting meme would appear on her hero.

Lin Qiong, you are so talented!

"Ahem, well, I'm not kidding anymore!"

Lin Qiong, who knew enough was enough, coughed dryly twice, and said, "Let me think about it, what magic props are suitable for Finn..."

"Hey, do you still have magic props?"

Now, Loki couldn't care less to continue laughing.

She got up from the ground, then leaned in front of Lin Qiong, squinted her eyes and asked, "Boy! Do you know the value of magic items? If you give Riveria a magic item, even if it can only be used Insignificant effect, it is worth at least several million fare..."

"No, Loki, you're wrong." Riveria interrupted Loki: "If I'm asked to pay for it, I'm willing to give out all my current property—even the ones like other members of the family. Anyone who borrows money will take it.”

"Hey Hey hey--"

Hearing Riveria's words, several other adventurers also showed uneasy expressions.

"Really? That mother Riveria who is always calm is actually so impulsive?"

"What's so great about this prop?"

Riveria wiped the bracelet on her wrist, and said softly: "I didn't feel it until I put it on. It can increase the strength of my magic power, and increase the power of the magic I release by about half—"

'Oh, do you feel it? '

Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows, the bracelet he gave to Riveria has another attribute that increases damage by 5.00% in addition to mana recovery - 5.00% increase is really nothing for game equipment, but for The world of the ground fault with almost no magic props is completely different.

"Boy, I'm a little curious about your identity." Loki looked at the smiling Lin Qiong, and said softly, "You can take out such unheard-of magic props, and you don't care about it at all... "

"This..." Lin Qiong raised his hands innocently, and said, "Is there a possibility, I don't know its value, and I think it only has the effect of accelerating the speed of mana recovery?"

'Who are you trying to fool?Did you look like you didn't know the effect of the bracelet just now?Is it really true that my ability to perceive words and emotions that I have accumulated through hundreds of millions of years of pranks is fake? '

Loki slandered from the bottom of his heart, but on the surface he showed a calm smile, and said, "Well, since you said so, then take it as it is—"

Chapter 0234 Cooperation

'You say yes, that's—'

After understanding the meaning expressed by Loki, Lin Qiong couldn't help but smile - just now Loki said that he is a wonderful person, but in fact Loki himself is also a wonderful person.

Unlike a certain Loki who also bears the name of Loki, who is known as the number one mage in the Nine Realms, but is always thinking about his dagger, and wants to rush up to melee at every turn, Loki in the wrong world has not lost himself at all. The title of "God of Mischief".

"Finn's weapon is a spear, right?"

Lin Qiong propped his chin, and said thoughtfully: "Finn, do you think the most important thing about a spear is the sharp point of the spear, or the tough enough body?"

"This one……"

Finn touched his head, and he heard the subtext of Lin Qiong's words—Lin Qiong would give corresponding props based on his answer.

The body of the gun, or the point of the gun?

Finn pondered for a moment, then chuckled and said, "I'd better choose the tip of the gun."

"it is good."

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