Lin Qiong nodded. With everyone watching, he put his hand into the magical "fourth-dimensional backpack" again, and after groping for a while, he took out a Dragon King's tooth and threw it to Finn. Said: "This is a beast's fang. Not only does it have unimaginable hardness, but its magic tolerance is also very high. You can find a forger with high enough skills to add 'immortality' to the tooth." Attributes."

"This is……"

Loki leaned in front of Finn, and then looked at the tooth that was lying flat in Finn's palm, shining with a cold luster, and murmured: "This is a dragon's tooth——you boy, you hunted a real tooth." dragon?"

It's not a dragon monster in the dungeon, but a giant dragon that really soars above the ground.

"No, no! Please don't misunderstand God Loki——"

Lin Qiong hurriedly waved his hands, and he said solemnly: "This tusk is the tusk of a particularly strong wild boar in the back mountain of the village where I used to live! How could it be the tooth of a giant dragon? No, no——"

'What a fool you are! '

Loki looked at the tooth in Finn's hand with a black line on his face. Do you think I'm not even close to the dragon's breath entwined on this tooth?

"Pig's fangs, it's just..." Thinking about what kind of "pig's gun" he would hold in his hands in the future, Finn felt helpless: "Even if it's the fangs of a tiger or a lion, it's fine." .”

Lin Qiong waved his hand indifferently and said, "That's because I remembered it wrong. These are probably tiger's teeth."


All of a sudden, everyone was speechless.

What are you trying to do?You don't want to act anymore, do you?It's okay to change the mouth at the speed of light.


Riveria said calmly, "Tiger's teeth won't be in this shape."

"That's the lion?"

"Neither are lions."


Lin Qiong scratched his head in distress and muttered: "I only remember the Queen of Protein biologically, and the rest is all in the past - forget it, you guys just watch and agree? Just say whatever is handsome."

Are you being a little bit casual...

'Forget it, as long as you are happy with the materials you provide. '

Finn took a deep breath, then solemnly put his teeth into his arms, and said, "Your Excellency Lin Qiong, please allow me to express my gratitude to you!"

Riveria also nodded and said, "Me too."

Grace looked at and touched his head, and said helplessly: "In this way, my gift is the worst one? Hahaha——"

Indeed, compared to Finn's "Beast's Tooth" and Riveria's "Scholar's Bracers", the Red Star Erguotou in Grace's hands is indeed a bit unappealing.

"Well, it's true—"

Lin Qiong thought for a while, then took out a red scale from his backpack, and said with a smile: "Then this scale of Palladium can be given to Mr. Grace, how about finding a blacksmith to make it into a shield?" ? It should have very good fire resistance."


After a brief silence, Loki, Finn, Riveria, Grace, and even Tiona and Tione behind them couldn't help but squeeze in front of Lin Qiong.

"This, this, what is this?"

"How can such a large scale be taken out of such a small backpack!?"

"how did you do it?"

"Is there any mystery in this backpack?"

'Hooked on—'

Facing the various inquiries from the Loki Familia, Lin Qiong raised his hands with a chuckle and said: "Everyone, everyone - calm down! If you have any questions, can you ask them one by one? You guys are coming up to ask questions like this. I don’t even know whose question to answer!”

Everyone looked at each other, and Tiona, Tione, and Bert, who were younger, returned to their seats obediently, leaving only Loki and the Big Three surrounding Lin Qiong.

"Boy, what the hell is going on with this backpack?"

Loki stepped on the coffee table, stared at the backpack in Lin Qiong's hand, and said, "How did you get that scale out?"

"That's it, swish—"

With an innocent look on his face, Lin Qiong took out another tent bag from his backpack, which was obviously much larger than the backpack, and said, "Then you can put it back in a snap."

The gazes of Loki and others returned to the top of the backpack along with the tent bag, and then maintained this posture, staring at Lin Qiong's backpack motionless.

"what happened?"

Lin Qiong said knowingly.

"What the hell is this ahhh!"

Loki was in a hurry, she stretched out her hand to grab the opening of Lin Qiong's backpack, and then tried to get her upper body into it, shouting: "Let me know what the hell this is!"

"Calm down, calm down!"

Lin Qiong hurriedly put his hand against Loki's abdomen, and then said to Finn and Grace: "What are you still doing in a daze? Pull Loki! This backpack can't hold living things! Something will happen!"


Hearing this reminder, Finn and Grace hurriedly pushed Loki on the chair from left to right, and then wiped the cold sweat from his forehead together with Lin Qiong—it was so dangerous!Who knows Loki would want to get in there!

Grandma, if Loki got in headlong just now, and then turned into a golden light and returned to the heaven like this, it would be a lot of fun-the entire Loki family and even Olalie would have to be stunned for a few minutes.

Where's Loki?What about a big Loki?Why did I return to my base camp?

"Let go of the nest!"

Loki struggled hard to get out of Finn and Grace's hands, then looked at Lin Qiong fiercely, and said, "Boy! What's your request? Tell me——"

In Loki's view, since Lin Qiong deliberately showed the mystery of this backpack, he must have his own purpose.

"Oh, I don't really have any special requirements—"

Lin Qiong touched his head, and said with some embarrassment: "I just want to ask the god Loki, would you like to cooperate with me?"

"and you】?"

Loki emphasized the pronunciation of the word "you".

Her hidden meaning is—is it you, not the Astria family?

"Yes, with [me]."

Lin Qiong nodded, he smiled and raised his finger, and said, "I can provide many convenient secret props to make the Loki family's dungeon exploration journey easier."

"It is indeed a very attractive proposal, but I have a question—"

Finn put his hands on the coffee table and said seriously: "With your strength, you can explore the dungeon by yourself with the help of these props! If that's the case, why should you cooperate with us?"

Lin Qiong crossed his arms, nodded and said, "Well, Mr. Finn's doubts are not unreasonable. In fact, the answer is very simple - I will leave Orario sooner or later, and I will not spend all my time exploring the dungeon. Up."


Finn was stunned. He wrinkled his eyebrows in confusion and said, "Excuse my stupidity! Your Excellency Lin Qiong, is there a bigger stage in this world than Orario?"

Lin Qiong shook his head. He glanced at the thoughtful Loki and said, "In [this world], of course there is no bigger and wider stage than Olalie."

"Then why..."

"It's because you're not from this world—"

Finn's words were interrupted by Loki - Loki, who was sitting on a chair, was staring at Lin Qiong with a twinkling gaze. His eyes were so complex that even a fan chart could not express them.

"Oh? Why did God Loki say that?"

"Because you don't hide your specialness at all, do you?"

"The scales of the cannon dragon and the tip of Finn's spear can be explained by the monster's drop, but Riveria's bracelet and Grace's wine are not things that I know at all—we But gods!"

"Plus this magical backpack, hum! Although I don't want to believe such an incredible thing, after eliminating all the impossibilities, the final answer, no matter how incredible it is, is correct!"

"Boy, you are from another world!"

As Loki spoke, her tone gradually became more excited, and she couldn't wait to get close to Lin Qiong, her eyes widened, and she said frantically, "Quickly answer me, is my guess correct? "

"Well, this is-"

Lin Qiong pretended to be serious and raised his hands, then clapped his hands lightly, and said, "Congratulations, God Loki, your guess is correct!"


The members of the Loki family are completely restless.

"A different world, is there really a different world?"

"Even gods exist, why doesn't there exist another world?"

"Eh? But haven't gods always existed?"

"But there is also a world where there are no gods at all, and only human beings move forward."

"Hey, is there such a world?"

"Of course! There's even a world where gods descend to earth and become human wives!"

"Hey! What kind of story is that?"

"Well, let's start with a man named Morisato Hotaichi..."

Chapter 0235 This Is Disrespectful

"In this way, Bell Dandy and Morisato Hotaru held a wedding, officially became husband and wife, and lived happily together..."

After finishing a shortened version of the "My Goddess" story, Lin Qiong picked up the cold tea on the table, drank half the cup in one go, and exhaled.

Oops, I'm so exhausted, baby!

I'm just a kid under 30 years old, so it's really hard for me to talk about the plot for nearly an hour!

Lin Qiong thought like this, rolling his eyes and sizing up the reactions of the audience around him.

The one who reacted the most should be the sister of the Amazon sisters, Tione, who has a relatively plump belly—she was clenching her fists in front of her chest, and said with envy: "That's great (glance at Finn), this kind of Concerted love (glances at Finn) is really enviable (glances at Finn)!"

Unfortunately, Finn doesn't seem to be interested in Tione.

Who made Finn's life goal to revitalize the little people?So he must choose a companion who can give birth to a pure-blood human race with him, not an Amazon who will leave a half-blood.


In comparison, Loki let out the incompetent fury of a defeated dog, shouting: "How can that dwarf who is only 160cm tall get the favor of Belldandy-chan! Damn it, how can it be fixed!"

Lin Qiong glanced at Finn and Grace incomprehensibly, and then said lightly: "God Loki, your Grace and Finn's heights don't even seem to be 160cm-"

Grace, who is 151 in height, and Finn, who is 119 in height, are suddenly cueed: "?"

Are you polite?

"It doesn't matter how tall they are—" Loki waved his small hand, completely ignoring Finn and Grace, whose faces were darkening, and said hurriedly: "Compared with that kind of thing, can you take me to Beihai?" Rudandi's world?"

"What do you want?"

"Of course it's cut off!" Rocky had the same wretched smile of Mori Kogoro on his face, and hiahiahia smiled: "If I call Belldandy first and let her stay with me... Hey~hehe...hehehe!"

To be honest, it's wretched!

You see, the three giants of Finn, Grace, and Riveria next to them all looked away with a look of unbearable gaze, as if they were looking at something unclean.

"I'm afraid you're thinking about farting—"

Lin Qiong looked at Loki with a speechless expression, and said, "Berudandi paid attention to Hotaruichi Mori when he was in the God Realm, otherwise you think that just a word from any mortal can make the goddess go down to earth." ?”

"Oh, damn it!"

Loki suddenly let out the mournful cry of a defeated dog, and she fell to the ground with a groan, pounding the ground sadly, and said, "Why! Why is such a good goddess not mine!"

Lin Qiong tugged at the corner of his mouth. He wanted to say something like, "With your character of a drunkard and a pervert [goddess version of Mouri Kogoro], how can any woman fall in love with you?" But considering Might irritate Loki's miserable ego, so...

Forget it!

"Okay, okay, the story is over, let's talk about some real topics——"

Lin Qiong raised his fingers with a smile and said, "For example, are you interested in secret props from another world?"

"Not interested in!"

Loki said without hesitation: "To the beautiful young lady in another world... ohhh!!"

Before she could finish her words, Riveria covered her mouth and dragged her behind the desk - Riveria's mother even showed an apologetic smile to Lin Qiong.

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