Okay, very real.

"Ahem, we are very interested, very much!"

Finn coughed twice, then sat in front of Lin Qiong, and said solemnly: "I don't know what kind of magic props Lin Qiong can provide?"

"That's too much-"

Lin Qiong snapped his fingers and said: "For example, a mysterious prop with hundreds of thousands or millions of photos of beautiful young ladies..."


After hearing this sentence, Loki suddenly broke out of his own small universe - she broke free from Riveria's grasp as a "mortal", and then flew onto the sofa, her eyes shining Said: "This! I want this! Long live this!!"


Finn raised his hand to cover his face, and said helplessly, "That kind of thing..."

"What is that kind of thing!"

Loki glared at Finn, then waved his hands in an exaggerated way and said, "Didn't you hear what Xiao Linzi said? Hundreds of thousands, no, millions of photos of beautiful ladies!!"

"Can millions of photos help us conquer the dungeon?"

Finn tugged at the corners of his eyes, and then said expressionlessly: "Tiona, Tionne! Get Loki out of here!"

"Yes, Captain!"

The two Amazon girls quickly bowed, and then, during Loki's struggle, they clamped her arms on the left and right, and lifted her up from the sofa.

"Wait, let me go, let me go -"

Loki tried to struggle, but the person driving her at this time was no longer a "weak" mage like Riveria, but two pure martial Amazons, so her resistance was easily suppressed.

"I have worked hard for the family, I have shed blood for the family, you can't do this to me, you can't!"

Lin Qiong pondered for a few seconds, and then realized that Loki seemed to be right - in the world of Earth, updating an adventurer's ability value requires the blood of God, so...

"Let go of me, let me go, no! No!! Miss sister, my lady sister—" Loki made a voice like a cuckoo crying blood: "Lin Qiong! There is no righteousness in business! You must put Keep the photo of Miss Sister for me, no matter what, keep it for me—”

Under Lin Qiong's dumb gaze, Loki was dragged out of the conference room bit by bit by Tione and Tiona, and the last scene Lin Qiong saw before the door of the conference room closed was the two Amazons. The girl's indifferent expression.

As Loki's wailing faded away in the background, Finn took a deep breath and said, "Sorry! I made you laugh—in fact, Loki is not like this most of the time."

"it's okay no problem."

Lin Qiong showed a faint smile, and he said softly: "I understand you."

So heartwarming!

The three giants couldn't help crying when they heard this.

"Let's put Rocky's affairs aside first." Grace stroked his beard and said in a rough voice: "Let's discuss the business first—brother Lin Qiong, what can you offer us? What about the props?"

Lin Qiong smiled and said, "That's too much..."




Standing at the window of the conference room, watching Lin Qiong leave, Loki turned around and said to the Big Three behind him: "How is the situation?"

Finn smiled lightly, and said: "A very pleasant cooperation—Your Excellency Lin Qiong is very sincere."

"Hmph, that's good." Loki said with his hands on his hips, "It's not in vain that I deliberately acted stupid to dissuade him from vigilance."

What is face to Loki?She doesn't mind playing the clown at all if it can benefit the family members more. I believe no matter who it is, if they see that the top person in charge of the opposing force is a comedian, they will subconsciously relax their vigilance, right?

Rocky jumped onto the sofa, crossed his legs, and looked at Riveria with a questioning look (although others couldn't see it): "By the way, Riveria, what kind of person do you think that kid is?" ?”


Riveria pondered for a few seconds and said, "A very immature human boy."

"Hahahaha!" Hearing Riveria's comment, Loki slapped his knees happily: "Your statement is too euphemistic~"

In the eyes of "old monsters" such as Loki, Finn and Riveria, Lin Qiong's little thoughts are too immature-but, because he himself came with the sincerity of cooperation, so Finn and others also reciprocated their sincerity.

Grace: Guys?Have you been fooled? ?when? ?



Astraea Familia, conference room.

"In other words, another god knows your identity?"

Astraea rubbed her temples and said: "Lin Qiong, I feel like you are too unsuspecting? Don't you know that if your identity is exposed, there may be a second wave of gods in this world?" A random fight?"

"Ahem, is it too exaggerated for the gods to fight?"

"One! Point! It's not an exaggeration!" Astoria approached Lin Qiong, and said seriously: "You idiot, have you forgotten why the gods came to the earth? Isn't it? Is it because you are bored!? If you let those guys know about your abilities, they will definitely - definitely - fight for your ownership!"

"I know I know--"

Lin Qiong smiled to appease the emotional Astoria: "Actually, the gods I have revealed my identity to are trustworthy and helpful to me—for example, Hephaestus who can provide equipment, And Loki, who is at the top of the Exploration Family, plus the heroic and heroic goddess of justice, Astoria..."

"Even if you flatter me again, I won't feel happy!"

Astraea said with a tigerish face: "You just trust others too easily! Really, can't you be a little wary? You must know that most of the gods are the gods of fun in your mouth. If they know …”

Lin Qiong couldn't help laughing while listening to the educational thoughts in Astoria's mouth.

His laughter immediately made Astoria's face darken: "What are you laughing at?"

I'm telling you something serious, why are you laughing here?

"I just remembered an interesting thing -" Lin Qiong supported his chin and said: "Riveria of the Loki Familia is better at taking care of others, so she is called 'Li' by the newcomers of the Loki Familia. Mother Velia'——"

"and then?"

"And the way Astoria was thinking about it just now is exactly the same as the old mother who cares about her cub being cheated outside, haha——" Lin Qiong was so happy: "It makes me want to call you Mama Stella."


When Astraea heard this title, she immediately blushed and waved the long sword in her hand, saying: "What, what kind of title is that! It's so rude - it's disrespectful!"


The Dome of the Woods screamed and hid aside, then ran towards the door with a smile, saying: "Astralia's mother is angry, it's so scary~~"


Astoria stomped jiojio on the spot, gritted her teeth and said, "I don't even have a boyfriend!!!"

Chapter 0236 I know you are in a hurry, don't worry

"This is the travel backpack you never forget. Each backpack has a capacity of 3*3*3 cubic meters and cannot hold living things."

"This is the Ring of Destruction, the effect is a [-]% increase in all attributes."

"This is the necklace of protection. The effect is [-]% resistance to all attributes."

"This is the bracelet of recovery, the effect is 5.00% physical energy recovery."

The rarity of these three kinds of amulets in the Bone King World is the same as the bracelet Lin Qiong gave to Riveria. They belong to the kind of local tyrants who don’t bother to pick them up when they see them, but after picking them up, the brick-moving players will turn around and take them. Blue equipment that can be broken down into materials and sold for money—but these props are undoubtedly precious "artifacts" for the world of Earth Error.


Finn sighed from the bottom of his heart, caressing the ornaments on the table fondly, and murmured: "With these props, our exploration in the dungeon will be safer."

Lin Qiong smiled and said, "With the strength of the Loki family, even without these props, they will definitely be able to successfully explore the dungeon."

"Thank you for your blessings."

Finn smiled.


At this time, Grace touched her head in confusion and said, "Will I have to wear bracelets, necklaces and rings to fight in the future?"

"Hahaha, old man, just be patient—"

Tiona smiled and patted Grace on the shoulder and said, "Isn't this to become stronger?"

"Hmph, of course I understand this -"

Grace snorted coldly, then picked up the three-piece suit on the table in disgust but helplessly, and put it on herself.

That appearance, quite a feeling of "Although the weapon costume of the bunny doll that is given away for free at the festival does not match me as a hunk, but the attribute is too strong, so I can only pinch my nose and equip it on my body"—true It is to let Lin Qiong enjoy watching.

"Etc., etc!"

At this time, Loki on the side—just like Kibaou in SAO—jumped out, then walked up to Lin Qiong with a stern look on his face, and said fiercely: "Boy, you Have you forgotten something important!?"

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

Seeing Lin Qiong's incomprehensible look, Rocky jumped up angrily: "Miss sister! Miss sister's photo!! Didn't you tell me at the beginning that there are hundreds of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands? Thousands of pictures of young ladies!!"


Lin Qiong twitched the corner of his mouth, and then looked at Finn aside - Brave man, you don't care about your family's master god?

"This one……"

Finn showed a helpless expression towards Lin Qiong, and said: "Your Excellency Lin Qiong, although I really want to help you, we have already stopped Loki once, if we stop the second time, we will I'm afraid there will be no good days, so..."

He clasped his hands together in front of his chest, then bowed towards Lin Qiong, and said apologetically, "Come on?"

Add, add oil! ?

Finn, kisama!

The corner of Lin Qiong's mouth twitched and he turned his head to look at Fenn, who was looking at him with a thick red neck, then rubbed his head helplessly, and said, "This, I have it, but it's not on me right now——I might need a moment Time to prepare."

"How long is a period of time!?"

Loki widened his eyes and approached Lin Qiong, then raised his finger and pointed to his bloodshot eyes, and said, "Have you seen it? Since you told me you have millions of pictures of beauties, It can be said that I don't think about tea and food, I don't eat enough and I don't wear warm clothes, and I even have dark circles..."

"I didn't see the dark circles, I only saw bloodshot eyes——"

"...Even bloodshot!" Loki changed his words at the speed of light: "Wouldn't your conscience have such a slight pain? Your behavior that tantalizes people's appetite is immoral!"


Lin Qiong pondered for a moment, and said, "Okay, then I will..."

"At once?"

Loki's heart skipped a beat.

"At once……"

"At once?"

"Just to whet your appetite again~"


After a few seconds of silence, Loki flew towards Lin Qiong with a ferocious face, and Lin Qiong, who had been prepared for a long time, turned over dexterously, flipping from the sofa to the back of the sofa, leaving Loki in an empty space. .

"Hey, I'm in a hurry, but I won't say who—"

"Wow wow wow—"

Loki really showed what is called a king in a hurry. Without a word, she stood up from the sofa, then rushed towards Lin Qiong with a ferocious face, and said, "Damn brat, you dare to play with the pure goddess, I must I want you to be punished by heaven, heavenly punishment!"

Lin Qiong flexibly avoided Loki's attack in the spacious office, and joked: "I did see the goddess, but I didn't feel the innocence at all—the Demon King saw one."

"Dirty, dirty demon king?"

Relying on the wisdom of the "God of Mischief", Loki quickly understood the meaning of the evil demon king, and then said in a rage: "What is the evil demon king! I just love the beautiful young lady! This is pure and innocent. Love!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, you're just horny."

"Oh! You are really a motorcycle!"

Loki looked at Lin Qiong eagerly, and said, "Come here and let me punch you! One punch is enough! I won't be angry after punching!"

Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows, then looked at Loki with a face full of beatings, and said in an extremely yin and yang, pretentious tone: "God Loki is going to beat me, it's so scary~ But, can you hit me? Hey!" , you come to chase me~ you chase me~ I will let you~ hey~hey~hey~”

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