
It must be said that the combined power of Kizaru's tone and Fei Yuqing's jokes is not a simple one plus one, nor a more terrifying one times one, but a more terrifying one to the power (heavy fog).

Obviously, Loki's anger at this time has been completely ignited.

She had a ferocious face, raised her hands with red eyes, danced her limbs like a demonized villager, and rushed towards Lin Qiong, screaming: "You evil beast! Give me to die! !!"

"Oh much, oh much—"

Lin Qiong flexibly avoided Loki's attack, then took out a pack of dried mangoes from his backpack, and said to Finn while eating: "I said, don't you care about your own goddess? She is now... like It's crazy... hey... attack me!"

Finn raised his head speechlessly, looked at Lin Qiong who was leisurely eating dried mangoes, and said, "Although, I feel that you, who have been provoking Loki, should at least bear 30.00% of the responsibility."

"Eh? Is it so severe?"

Lin Qiong twisted his waist to avoid Loki's attack, and bumped Loki with his butt, causing her to fall headfirst on the sofa, then swallowed the dried mango in his mouth, looked at the furious Loki and said: "How about I treat you to some dried fruit and let's stop the war?"

"Without Miss Sister, don't even think about it!"

"But I can't show Miss Sister for a while—" Lin Qiong scratched his head innocently, and said, "The main reason is that those photos of Miss Sister are all in my original world, how can I Take it out for you?"

This is really not Lin Qiong's shirk, but to tell the truth - when he traveled through time, he just brought out his 18T Seagate mechanical hard drive that stored all kinds of dramas, and packed all kinds of But he left Miss Sister’s NAS at home—no way, after all, even if all the anime, manga and light novels are packaged, it won’t take up much capacity, but Miss Sister’s NAS is often tens of megabytes or even tens of megabytes. For photos, not having a large enough NAS is really not enough.

"Then go back and get it!"

Loki hated iron and steel and said: "A beautiful young lady is a treasure in the world, do you know that she is a treasure?"

Lin Qiong scratched his face helplessly, and said, "I definitely have to go back, but it will be at least three months later——Asteria will go back with me by then, and help me Take care of some things.”


Suddenly, Loki stopped making trouble.

Lin Qiong looked over suspiciously, and found that her expression at this time was as if she had won 5000 million in the lottery, which made Lin Qiong a little worried that Loki would be too excited to draw it directly.

He couldn't help but said, "I know you're excited, but don't be excited..."

"Let's go back together!!!" Loki's voice rose eighty degrees, and her nostrils were so excited that they wanted to expand a bit. It really looked a bit like the Chaos Gudazi who was about to draw a card in the FGO promotional animation—— She rushed to Lin Qiong, held Lin Qiong's shoulders with both hands, and asked eagerly: "You mean, not only can you go to other worlds by yourself, but you can also take others with you!?"

Lin Qiong nodded as a matter of course, and said, "Didn't I say? My companions are gathered from different worlds."

"This important information should have been told from the very beginning—"

Loki threw himself to Lin Qiong's legs at that time, and then hugged his legs tightly, saying: "Boy! As long as you take me to play in other worlds, I will forgive you for your rudeness just now!! "

"Let me go, let me go!"

"No, I don't want it!"

"Then don't pull my pants!!!"

"Promise me, promise me I won't pull you!!"

"Can you be a human being!!"

"I am a god! I don't need to be a human!"

"Finn, Riveria, don't you care about her?"

Finn and Riveria looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders helplessly.

"Sorry, Lin Qiong! Loki is making a fuss, and we can't control it."

"Who made her the Lord God served by our family?"

Lin Qiong, who sought help in vain, lowered his head again, looked at Loki who was dripping eye drops into his eyes, sighed helplessly, and said, "If you can promise me to obey the arrangement, I will take you to another world There's nothing wrong with walking around."


Loki threw the eyedrops in his hand aside, then quickly got up from the ground, patted his breastbone and said loudly: "Don't worry! You told me to go east, I don't think I can go west!"


Lin Qiong sighed, a cow is driven, and a herd of cows is also driven, so just go.

Chapter 0237 Sorry——

more than three months later.

Astoria family.

Conference hall.

"Hurry up! I'm King Jiji!"

Rocky was carrying her beloved backpack, and then walked on the spot, as if ready to rush out at any time: "Xiao Linzi, when are we going! When are we going! Tell me!"

"I know you're in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry yet—"

Lin Qiong comforted Loki and said helplessly: "No matter what, we have to go back to Erina's world before we can go to my world, so there's no point in being anxious!"

"Is this the point? It's not!"

Loki picked up the banana on the table, peeled it, took a bite, and said confidently: "The most important thing now is the matter of 'going to another world'-this is an extremely important thing for us. thing! Right?"

Brother Jian crossed his arms and nodded, saying, "Mr. Que."

Mihe took a sip of the scented tea made by the secretary: "Indeed."

Hephaestus supported his chin: "It's not bad."

Lin Qiong, who was sitting on the sofa, rolled his eyes helplessly, and said, "Asteria is here to help me solve Erina's tongue problem, and Hephaestus is because he is curious about forging techniques in other worlds. The handsome guy is to help me solve the epidemic in my hometown—if it has survived tenaciously in the past four or five years."

"and then?"

"Then there are Jiandier and Luo Ji who want to follow, who are like plasters and can't be shaken off—"

Lin Qiong looked at Jiandier and Luo Ji expressionlessly, and said, "You two are the most outrageous."

Jian Yulei looked at Lin Qiong with a sad face, and said pitifully: "Brother Qiong, are you willing to leave me, brother? You brought everyone with you, but you want to keep me—you Can you be so cruel?"

Lin Qiong rolled his eyes, and he said unceremoniously: "You dog skin plaster No. [-] can be pulled down! You have followed me and said that there is nothing to do with it-look at Rocky, he started to follow up with a shameless face. Be good, it doesn't look like you have the nerve to talk back."

Jian Yulei glanced at Loki, who was looking cute.jpg, then put his hands on his chest, and said, "Huh! I'm not the same as Loki—I'm Brother Qiong's good brother, what is she, Loki?"


Loki sneered and said, "A Jian, don't forget, we are also goddesses after all! If you can be his wife, can you?"

"I'm super!"

Before Jian Yulei could speak, Lin Qiong was taken aback.

He hastily waved his hands and said, "Don't, don't, don't! God Loki, hold your hand high!"

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Jian Yulei laughed so hard that he almost twitched: "Loki, my Brother Qiong doesn't like you, hahaha——"


Loki looked at Lin Qiong angrily, and shouted, "Lin Qiong, what dissatisfaction do you have with us!!"

Lin Qiong pondered for a few seconds, and said, "The main thing is, we can't starve our children in the future."

"Hungry... child..."

Loki murmured these words, then seemed to realize something, lowered his head and looked towards his chest—very good, a perfect line...


"Wow ah ah-"

An exasperated Loki rushed towards Lin Qiong, screaming: "Evil! You dare to mock the place I care about the most, I will kill you, I will definitely kill you—"

Lin Qiong looked calmly at Loki who was pinching his own glass, and said, "You can strangle me to death, but then no one will take you to another world to play."

Loki's movements suddenly stopped, and it took her [-] seconds to switch the expression on her face from anger to flattery, and then quickly flashed from Lin Qiong's front to behind him, and her hands also pinched Lin Qiong's neck It was replaced by rubbing Lin Qiong's shoulder: "Who pinched you? Who pinched you! Whoever pinched you, I am in a hurry with whom! I am obviously giving you a massage, do you know how to massage?"

"Okay, okay—"

Lin Qiong waved his hands dumbfounded, and said, "Things are almost ready, let's get ready to go—but I'd like to say something up front, you must obey the command, understand?"

"Don't worry, Brother Qiong!"

 Jian Yulei raised his right hand with a serious face, made a strong gesture, and said, "Dare to make trouble? Did you ask me, the Valkyrie, for my opinion!"

"Okay! I guess you can still be of some use!"

"That is!"

Jian Yulei nodded happily.

"Then, let's go—"



Food Halberd World.

Yuanyue House.

After swallowing the quick-acting heart-rescuing pill in his mouth, Mr. Nakiri put the water glass in his hand on the table and said, "Xiao Lin, you boy, you always give me unexpected surprises!"

Yes, not a surprise, but a frightening fright!

If it was just the gods Hephaestus, Loki, Mihe and Astoria, the impact on Mr. Nakiri would not be so exaggerated, but this group of huskies got mixed into a wolf (only for Grandpa Nakiri)——When his mother Jian Yulei stepped forward, the old man almost passed by his mother, okay?

Don't think it's an exaggeration. Just imagine, if Brother Monkey suddenly appeared in front of you, would you be excited?You have to ask the other party to sign it, right?

"Oh, what a big deal."

Lin Qiong waved his hands with a smile and said, "Just treat them as ordinary tourists!"

The old man glanced at the gods who were discussing something in front of the TV——

"This thing is somewhat similar to the divine art 'Mirror of God'—"

"Indeed! You can see the enemy far away!"

"Well, but can't you control the direction of the camera at will?"

"After all, it is a prop for mortals... Oh! The camera moved, it's amazing!"

"Can mortal technology achieve this level? How did it do it?"

——Can't help showing a twitching expression at the corner of his mouth.

This is no ordinary tourist, this is caveman traveling through modern times, right?

"Well, there's no other way—"

Lin Qiong waved his hand and said, "After all, these gods all come from a fantasy world similar to the medieval background. Let alone TV, that world doesn't even have mobile phones and steam engines."

"I see--"

The old man stroked his beard, then nodded lightly, and said: "Don't worry, I will use all the strength of the Nakiri family to do my best to meet the requirements of the gods!"


Upon hearing this, Loki moved over with bright eyes, and said excitedly: "In that case, hurry up and prepare me a hundred and eighty beautiful girls... ummmm..."

Before Loki could finish his words, someone covered his mouth.

"Sorry, my Lord Shangshen is talking nonsense again, please don't pay attention."

Riveria bowed to the old man apologetically, and then dragged the struggling Loki to the sofa - next, it was Riveria's mother's lecture time!

Lin Qiong tugged at the corner of his mouth, shook his head helplessly, and said, "Loki, how dare you say it—"

Lin Qiong can swear on Luo Ji's Naiko, she is definitely going to want a hundred or eighty beautiful young models, right? !That guy, is he going to have a silver party? Hey!

"Haha, Loki is such a guy——"

Astoria said with a smile on her face: "She was like this when she was in the God Realm! In the past, when holding parties, she would wear men's clothing to attend, so that she could dance with the goddess, and then..."

Well, then when dancing, a little bit of physical contact is completely understandable, right?

"All I can say is that he is indeed Loki."

"Indeed, as expected of Loki."

Astoria smiled, and she waved to the eldest lady beside her, and said, "Dear Erina, have you been waiting for a long time? It's not too late, let's deal with the most important things first—"

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