
As soon as these words came out, Lin Qiong, the eldest lady, the secretary, Yoyo, Mihe, Jian Yulei, the old man... even Loki, who was being educated by Riveria, all focused their attention.

After all, everyone has more or less understood the problems of the eldest lady, so they are still quite concerned about this "big event".

"it is good!"

The eldest lady sat on the sofa with a little nervousness, and then asked anxiously: "Do I need to do anything?"

"Nothing is needed."

Astoria shook her head. Standing in front of the eldest lady, she said, "Just let me check it out—ready, I'm going to release my divine power!"

Just as Astria finished speaking, a golden light erupted from her body and shot straight into the sky!That extremely sacred impact made Lin Qiong's brain go blank—he even had a subconscious feeling of wanting to worship.

Fortunately, this feeling comes and goes quickly.

Lin Qiong's brain had just been born with this feeling, and before his body had time to move, Astoria withdrew her escaping divine power, and the hair fluttering with the release of divine power also slowly fell down .


The Goddess of Justice let out a soft cry, she moved her body a little, and then let out a happy exclamation: "Sure enough, it's more comfortable like this!"

"This difference is too big!"

The eldest lady couldn't help sighing: "Before and after releasing the divine power, Astoria feels completely different!"

"Have it?"

Astoria looked at her body, said with a smile, "I am who I am, and it won't make any difference just because I release my divine power—well, open your mouth first and let me check."

The eldest lady nodded, she opened her mouth obediently, and then stuck out her pink tongue.

Astoria gently stretched out her right index finger, and tapped the tip of the finger on the tip of the young lady's tongue. The golden divine power spread along the fingers, and then quickly wrapped the young lady's body.

A few seconds later, under everyone's expectant gaze, Astoria slowly opened her eyes, and then said with a trace of apology: "Sorry, Erina, I don't seem to be able to solve your tongue problem."

Chapter 0238

"Sorry, I can't solve—"

After hearing Astoria's answer, Loki, Jian Yulei, Mihe, and Hephaestus who were sitting on the sofa all showed expressions of "it's true".

Lin Qiong took a step forward in disbelief, and asked, "Why, why can't it work? Have you released your divine power?"

Astoria withdrew her right hand, looked into the eyes of Lin Qiong and the eldest lady, and said helplessly: "Lin Qiong, Erina, even if the power of the gods is released, the gods are not omnipotent—if it is true There are all-knowing, omnipotent, omnipotent gods, so why are there so many gods born?"

Lin Qiong was speechless for a moment——

That's right, if there really is an all-knowing and omnipotent god, then his subordinates will only produce "angels" who work with the gods similar to Western mythology, and will not give birth to other gods who divide his priesthood.

"Actually, it's not that I have no way to deal with Erina's tongue, but my way of dealing with it is definitely not what you expect—"

Astelia added with a hint of guilt: "For example, I can destroy Erina's tongue painlessly and then restore it, but the result of that is that Erina's tongue will become the same as that of ordinary people. ..."


Lin Qiong shook his head lightly, and said, "If this is the plan, we would have carried it out a long time ago."

If it's just such a simple and rude way of dealing with it, Arceus in the Pokémon world can do it, so why do you need to ask the gods of the wrong world?

"Well, if Brother Qiong is not afraid of trouble, I should be able to concoct a potion that temporarily reduces the effect of Mrs. Nakiri's God's Tongue..." At this time, Mihe raised his hand and said softly: "Although it can only treat symptoms, but Make sure she eats three meals a day and it's perfectly fine."

Obviously, Mrs. Tiche mentioned here by Mihe refers to the eldest lady’s mother, Nagiri Nagi——Although Master Abbe’s cooking skills are terrifying, God’s Tongue is also gradually evolving, so sooner or later there will be Even Master Abbe's craftsmanship couldn't satisfy her god tongue for a day.

"This one……"

Lin Qiong glanced at the disappointed Nagiri Nagi, and said, "If Master Abe's skills have reached the limit and we haven't found a solution, let the handsome guy prepare the potion for now——Handsome guy, this potion Will there be drug resistance or something?"

"Not for this! But I have to be in other worlds to concoct—" Mihe scratched his face: "Because I need to use divine power to reconcile to achieve suppression at the level of life."

It is precisely because of that trace of divine power that Mihe's potion will not develop drug resistance at all.

"I see, thank you in advance."

Lin Qiong sighed.

Mihe shook his head and said, "Where is it! Whether it's Nazha's arm or the money lent me to buy a shop, I should be the one to say thank you."

"OK OK--"

Loki waved his hands angrily, and said, "Don't be too polite, both of you—Xiao Linzi, it seems that if you want to solve your girlfriend's problem, you need to think that the gods of the life department can do it, but... ..."

Hephaestus on the side whispered: "However, in my memory, it seems that no such god has come to the lower realm, so this method will not work for the time being."


Lin Qiong squeezed out a smile, squatted down in front of the eldest lady pretending to be relaxed, and said, "Although we didn't succeed this time, at least the gods gave us a good direction, right? Let's take Let's focus on finding a world where life exists and creatures are great at creation!"

The eldest lady also showed a shallow smile to Lin Qiong, and she said softly: "Well, it's okay! It will take a long time for my God Tongue to grow to the level of my mother! And even if it arrives The limit, there is also the potion of God Mihe..."

That is to say, but loss is unavoidable—whether it is Lin Qiong or the eldest lady, they all put their hopes on the gods before today, but at this moment they realized that the gods are not omnipotent .

"Let us help—" Loki sat on the sofa shaking his upper body, and said, "At least judging from the eyes of our gods whether there is a possible solution to the God's Tongue in a certain world should be better than your own. Guessing is much more reliable."

"You can also make up some comics by the way, right?"

"Hey, isn't this a win-win situation?" Loki stretched out his hands and made a V sign, saying, "WinWin~"

"It's okay, at least the eyes of the gods should be more reliable than ours."

Lin Qiong sighed and said, "Then I will trouble you."

"No trouble, no trouble, why would you find it troublesome?" Loki waved his hand, and she scratched her face and said, "After all, we can't help you in other ways, so we can only do it in this kind of way. I am curious, and I can help you again!"

"Then let me help too!"

The good old man Jiandi also rolled up his sleeves and said, "Rocky, if you come across any type of work you don't like, just throw it at me!"

Hephaestus sighed, and complained: "I'm obviously here to absorb the knowledge of forging in another world - I really can't help it, I'm here to help."

Astoria regained her divine power, then pursed her lips, and said, "Let me help too—after all, I didn't help as promised."

Mihe raised his hand gently and said, "Then I'll help too..."

"Wait for me!"

Lin Qiong quickly interrupted Mihe's speech, and he said dumbfoundedly: "Although I am very grateful to all the gods for your help, handsome guy, don't forget, you are a mouthpiece with other responsibilities!"

"Oh——" Mihe patted his forehead: "I almost forgot——I want to help Brother Qiong solve the epidemic in your hometown, right?"

"If it still survives." Lin Qiong added: "To be honest, when I left my world, it had lasted for about two and a half years, but there was no sign of it disappearing at all. Instead, it happened again and again. Repeated mutations are many times more troublesome than the original virus—now I have been away for almost five years, who knows whether it has been eliminated or further mutated.”

"Sounds like a really troublesome thing—"

Loki supported his chin, and couldn't help but said, "Won't that thing infect us?"

Lin Qiong glanced at Loki speechlessly, and said, "The supernatural power in your body can't even resist the virus? Are you so hip?"

"Yes, we still have divine power."

Loki showed a dazed expression, and she said with a smile: "Oh, it's not been a long time since I haven't used my divine power, have you forgotten it for a while--habit is really a terrible thing!"

Lin Qiong shook his head helplessly, and said, "Then let's have lunch first, and then go back to my world—it just so happens that many of the materials I saved are also in the original world, so you can easily read them."


Loki clenched his fists excitedly, and said, "Hurry up and act!"

"Yes Yes Yes--"

After Lin Qiong nodded perfunctorily, he squatted down in front of the eldest lady again, gently held her hand, and said, "Don't worry! Erina! We will definitely find a solution—it's really not possible, we Just venture to the world of Dragon Ball, find the Shenlong at the earliest stage of the plot, and make a wish!"

Lin Qiong's combat power at this time is not enough to face the first generation of Piccolo, but at the beginning of the plot, it should be enough to dominate.

The eldest lady held Lin Qiong's hand with her backhand, and said softly, "Well, I know."

Although she is a little disappointed, she will definitely not feel hopeless because of it—as Lin Qiong said, there are so many unexplored two-dimensional worlds, how can she easily draw conclusions?



native world.

Earth, China, Beihu, Hanwu.

a certain neighborhood.

After Lin Qiong walked out of the world-transmitting gate, he looked around the room curiously, and then said with a strange expression: "Absolutely, how come it hasn't changed much when I left more than four years ago?"

It's not completely unchanged, such as the shoes on the shoe cabinet at the door, the extra low stools on the table in the living room, the brand new widescreen TV and the host computer in the living room...

But other than that, the tables and chairs in the dining room are the same set, the sofa and coffee table in the living room are also the same set, the shape of the shoe cabinet at the door, the locker facing the door, and even the side of the sofa is used as garbage The big cardboard box of the barrel hasn’t changed—Guigui, that cardboard box Lin Qiong has been used for a year and a half, and it’s still in service? ?

"Is this Qiong's home?"

The eldest lady who came out after him looked around curiously, and said, "But it seems that someone is using this house?"

"Well, I don't know what's going on." Lin Qiong scratched his head and said, "Maybe it's a relative? Or maybe the house was sold to a stranger?"

At this time, Loki, Riveria, Jian Yulei, Mihe, Hephaestus and others came out of the world-transmitting gate one after another, and Loki yelled loudly as soon as he came out: "Little Linzi!" Xiao Linzi! Quickly let me congratulate those young ladies in your collection! We have been looking forward to it for a long time!"

Lin Qiong couldn't help covering his face, and said, "The most important thing now is to find out who is using this house—in case we happen to bump into each other..."

At this moment, the smart lock on the door made a "squeak" sound, and then accompanied by the voice prompt of "Welcome home", the door was pulled open from the outside.

"...The moment someone comes back, I'm going to kill you!"

Lin Qiong only had time to let out an exclamation before meeting the eyes of the little fat man standing at the door.

After a few seconds-

"Luo Hao!?"


Chapter 0239

"That is to say..." Sitting on the chair moved from the restaurant, Luo Hao took off his glasses with numb claws, then rubbed the bridge of his nose and said with a pained face: "Brother, you have been missing these years, Did you travel to the Two-dimensional world through that world-traveling gate?"

Luo Hao, 23 years old this year, is 1.8 meters tall and weighs more than [-]. He is an out-and-out heavyweight fat-he is the son of Lin Qiong's mother's younger sister, and he is a very close relationship with Lin Qiong since he was a child. Good for a cousin.

Lin Qiong took a sip of the scented tea made by the secretary, nodded lightly, and said, "That's right—by the way, are you using my house now?"

"Can't let this room be empty all the time?" The cousin sighed, and then said speechlessly: "To be honest, brother! I really want to believe your words, but so many years of materialistic education have made me even more I would like to believe that you were single for a long time and couldn't resist dating a girl on the software, but was beaten by someone, sold to mine, and escaped recently..."


Lin Qiong twitched the corner of his mouth, pointed to Riveria, Loki, Hephaestus, Astria, Mihe and Jian Yulei who were sitting on the couch, and said, "You Have you ever seen a refugee who escaped from a mining area with a rosy complexion and a healthy body like mine, with a large group of people behind him?"

"That's the truth." The cousin was silent for a few seconds, and then asked, "So it's true?"

"Nonsense, what am I lying to you for?" Lin Qiong rolled his eyes angrily, snapped his fingers very simply, grinned and said, "Geng Gui, come out and show my brother—"


The purple little fat man who hadn't appeared for a long time appeared from the shadow with a "whoosh", and then he stretched out his big belly and looked at his cousin sitting on the sofa with a smile.

"Ah... ah... ah!!"

The cousin opened his mouth wide in astonishment the first time Geng Gui qualified. He stood up from the chair abruptly, rushed to Geng Gui in a hurry, raised his right hand with a look that he wanted to touch but didn't dare to touch. look.

"Hehe, are you still shy?" Lin Qiong winked at his cousin with a smile on his face, and said, "Why don't you let Geng Gui shake hands with you?"

"is it okay?!"

The cousin subconsciously stretched out his right hand, but quickly took it back, and stammered, "I, I'm going to wash my hands first!!"


Lin Qiong looked at the back of his cousin running to the toilet, couldn't help but shook his head with a smile.



After shaking hands with Geng Gui and confirming Geng Gui's authenticity, the cousin completely believed Lin Qiong's words.

"I'm Zhuo, brother, awesome!"

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