The cousin looked at the friends sitting next to Lin Qiong and said, "So, these people are all real people, not Cos?"

"Huh? So you recognize it?"

"I still know Rivilia, Loki, Hephaestus, Jian Yulei and Mihe who are looking for encounters in the world in the dungeon."

"This should be Miss Nakiri and the secretary who eat the spirit of the halberd, right?"

"But I didn't recognize the other two."

"This is Suqing's Yoyo, and this one is also from the dungeon world. Astoria, the goddess of justice—is the main god of Liu Liang." Lin Qiong glanced at him in surprise, and said, "How did you recognize her?" ? I remember you are not a Two-dimensional house, right?"

My cousin shrugged his shoulders and said: "It was true that it wasn't before, but now it should be considered half an otaku—at least the daily programs such as the spirit of eating halberds, spring things, dragon maids and real teaching are filled, and the dungeon It’s personal interest.”

"Oh hoo~"

After Lin Qiong heard his cousin's words, he winked at him with joy, and said, "I didn't expect that! My Haohao has also started to make up? How about it, would you like me, a ten-year-old nerd, to recommend it to you?" How many classic masterpieces?"

Although the cousin really wanted to refuse, but looking at Lin Qiong's slightly expectant expression, the words of refusal were all in his throat, so he could only nod his head and said, "That's fine, let's talk about it."

"First of all, the first one is a masterpiece that has been touted by many animation zone UP masters, the attacking giant!"

"The giant is a god in both the plot and the foreshadowing - when I traveled through it, it happened to be updated until Allen started to cry! I really look forward to the follow-up development!"

The cousin twitched the corner of his mouth.

“The second one is the second one, Lovelive’s latest work, SuperStar!”

"When I time traveled, its first season had just ended, so the popularity exploded, okay? Hey, the five members of the star cluster are simply the best partners!"

The cousin looked at the ceiling speechlessly.

"Then comes the third one, but I guess you should have seen it, and that is One Piece."

"When I crossed, Luffy had just escaped from Big Mom, became the fifth emperor of the sea, and then came to Wano Country—tsk tsk, the subsequent collision of the two emperors against Kaido must be awesome!"

The cousin let out a long sigh.

"Then the fourth part, this is a love story - Miss Kaguya wants me to confess, have you heard?"

"When I left, Kaguya had just had sex with the president, and there must be a sweet and sour plot behind it, hehe——"

The cousin hung his head.

"There's a fifth one, although it's not an animation, but I recommend it—that's Triga, known as the new generation Tiga!"

"Although Teliga's early reviews were not very good, after the appearance of the Little Golden Man, he has shown signs of starting low and moving high. I believe the follow-up plot will be great!"

My cousin couldn't hold himself any longer.

"The last is the sixth part, also Tokusho-Kamen Rider Revice!"

"At the beginning, the bottle praised it as 'such a wonderful start', and its villain Aguilela, like Triga's Carmela, is the type that makes people want to surrender to the enemy-you tell me how it loses ?”

The cousin covered his face with his hands.

"what happened?"

Lin Qiong looked at his cousin's expression that he couldn't bear to look directly at, and couldn't help asking strangely: "What is your expression?"

"I'm just in a complicated mood..."

The cousin raised his head. Not only did he feel complicated, but his expression was also complicated: "Brother, are you serious about the movies you just recommended?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"Actually, I've also heard of the reputation of these films..."

"Oh? Sure enough, the masterpiece is the roar of the gods! Even a cute new house like you has heard of it! Hehe, so I say..."

"Wait a minute! Brother——"

The cousin raised his hand to stop Lin Qiong's boasting, and said calmly: "It's over."


"The six movies you just promoted have all collapsed and are completely ruined."

"What, what do you mean?"

"Giant, the giant that ate Allen's mother is controlled by Allen in the future..."

"Star cluster, for no apparent reason, a few newcomers who didn't appear in the first season..."

"Pirates, all sit-ups, licking and flattering Mita with no bottom line..."

"Kaguya, when the young miss is imprisoned, the president is discussing how to make fried noodles..."

"Teliga, when everyone thought they were going to drive low and go high, the plane ended up crashing..."

"Levis, all the staff were stunned in the later stage, and they brainlessly pushed Lily's stickers to collapse..."

After the cousin told how the six works failed, he picked up the water glass on the table and took a sip of water, then said to Lin Qiong who was already stunned: "Brother, what animation Medusa are you?" , the new series Poisonous Milk King - all the most famous and bad movies in recent years are released for you!"


Lin Qiong was stunned. His eyes were blank and he opened his mouth wide. After opening and closing a few times, he asked tremblingly, "All, all rotten?"

"It's all rotten."

The cousin shattered Lin Qiong's last illusion with cold and ruthless words - Lin Qiong really didn't understand how his cousin's body temperature was 37 ℃, how could he say -273.15 ℃.

cold, too cold.

"Why, why is this..."

Lin Qiong fell to his knees on the ground pale, exuding an aura of defeat.

"Xiao Linzi's cousin, can you explain to us why Xiao Linzi showed such a reaction?" Loki glanced at Lin Qiong who was in grief, and couldn't help asking.

My cousin pondered for a few seconds and said: "It's a very, very sad thing - probably the same as when you walk on the street and find that the girl you love is kissing someone else, and the person you're kissing is a 60-year-old man. "


All of a sudden, the eyes of everyone looking at Lin Qiong became extremely distressed - this is too miserable, right?

"Qiao, are you alright?"

The eldest lady asked worriedly.

"No, it's okay—"

Lin Qiong staggered up from the ground. He sat on the sofa again, then rubbed his face with his hands and said, "I just suffered a big shock suddenly, and I have already adjusted!"

After all, Lin Qiong is not the kind of hopelessly senior otaku who regards otaku culture as his only spiritual sustenance, but it is unacceptable for him to have six promising works rotten together.

Lin Qiong rubbed the bridge of his nose and said, "Well, it seems that I, an old otaku, have been abandoned by the times—the new era has no boat for me!"

"Oh! This line is a bit handsome——" Loki clapped his hands, and asked curiously: "Xiao Linzi, which drama is this? Can you recommend——"

"Pirate King, wait until I get the resources and let you replenish them slowly——"

Lin Qiong took a deep breath, and then looked at his cousin: "Let's put gossip aside for now, let's talk about the real business—Haohao, what's the situation with the new crown epidemic now? Has it been resolved?"

"Solved? Thanks to the poor performance of the West, the new crown has become a part of our life now." The cousin shrugged helplessly and said, "I was infected once last year, and then recovered."

"Yes, it seems that I really have to trouble you—" Lin Qiong looked at Mihe, and said helplessly: "Handsome guy, I will leave the matter of the new crown to you."

Mihe nodded lightly, and he said softly but confidently: "Leave it to me."

Chapter 0240 ready to go to captive world

Do you know what the value of the medical god is?

Three days!

It only took three days! !

From [-] to [-], the epidemic that plagued the world for eight years disappeared quietly in the hands of Mihe.

"It's that simple?"

My cousin stood on the balcony, looking blankly at Mihe's actions just now—this handsome little white-faced god who seems to be able to survive in this world with his face, was standing on the balcony just now, and then held a stick Take a test tube and sprinkle it outside.

Just, that's it?

"Hey, fat brother, just believe in Mihe's abilities."

Loki, who was sitting on the couch catching up, said without raising his head, "Mihe, this guy has even unleashed his divine power. Three days is considered too slow."

"I can't help it. Brother Qiong asked me not to make too much noise."

Mihe showed an embarrassed smile and said, "Otherwise, I can cure this pneumonia by just showing a miracle."

"If you really want to make a miracle, then this world is probably going to become a theological world—"

Lin Qiong, who was wearing a Gengar one-piece pajamas, walked up to Mihe, then hugged his shoulders with a smile and said: "Thank you, handsome man - what do you think about exempting part of your debt?" ?”

Cousin: 'I'm sorry, brother, what did you do? Why does he owe you money? '

"It's just a little effort." The handsome guy shook his head lightly, and said, "If I ask you to forgive your debts because of this, Jian and Luo Ji will laugh at me."

"That's right!"

Jian Yulei, who was sitting at the dining table, raised his head upon hearing this, and said in a loud voice: "Handsome guy, seeing you pay back the money is more uncomfortable than I owe money!"


Mihe, who was still smiling just now, froze immediately, he was silent for a few seconds, and said: "Brother Qiong, I don't need to reduce any debts, but you can help me increase Ah Jian's debts. "


'! ! ! '

Jian Yulei and his cousin showed expressions that shocked me for a whole year at the same time.

"No, handsome guy!"

Jian Yulei didn't even bother to watch One Piece. He hurriedly pressed pause and rushed to the balcony - during which his feet slipped twice and he ran on the spot for two seconds.

"Handsome guy, don't we have any grudges or grudges?"


"We are good brothers, right?"


"Then why did Kisama cheat me!!"

"Because, seeing you relaxed is more difficult and more uncomfortable than mine."


Jian Yulei took two steps back in pain, then fell to the wooden floor - and really twitched his thigh twice - and said hoarsely: "Kill, the person who killed me is..."

Without saying a word, the handsome guy knelt down and covered Jian Yulei's mouth.


In Jian Yulei's expression of "returning your mother to such an operation", Mihe smiled slightly and said, "Okay, you are dead."

The cousin covered his face—ah, Xibaer!Although I've seen it several times, the gods in the wrong world are really funny... no wonder!

'Do Mihe and Jian Yulei in the original work have this kind of character?No!Not at all -' My cousin Feng Zhong looked at his brother in confusion: 'Brother, how on earth did you make all these people laugh? '

"Okay, okay, Brother Jian, handsome guy, stop playing tricks -"

Lin Qiong squatted in front of the two, dumbfounded, and said, "I won't increase your debt, go get down to business!"


Jian Yulei got up from the ground, put his hands on his hips, and said, "Brother Qiong, open your mouth, and your brother Jian will start looking for information now!"

Mihe smiled and said: "My work is also done, let me check the information together to see if there is a suitable world."

Lin Qiong nodded towards Mihe: "Thank you, handsome guy."



A week later.

Orario, Astraea's family.

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